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Chapter 548 Development of the Great Nebula Area

Chapter 548 Development of the Great Nebula Area

"So, the souls of other worlds still have an impact on this universe, but I hope this is the final plan. I don't want to see this plan start."

Wang Ming looked at the time-travelers in front of him. All the time-travelers had received Wang Ming's answer to the emperor's question. The answer that could destroy the Chaos Evil God and kill the Chaos Evil God was to use the souls of the time-travelers from other worlds. Use these souls from other worlds as weapons to ignite the subspace and turn those subspace evil gods into ashes. But this time, it is real death, and the activation method is also very difficult.

"Hey, hey, boss, there's no need to be so heavy. I don't have any problem with it for human beings."

Hu Jin looked at Wang Ming. He patted his chest and said firmly to Wang Ming that he had no problem with this plan. Sacrificing his life and soul was just a real death. They were destined not to return to their own. Home, it is better to deal with those evil gods of chaos for the humans in this universe.

"I don't have a problem. I just sacrificed myself. Those Astra Militarum soldiers were not sacrificed in the galaxy. The value of my sacrifice is only to create higher things."

A time traveler also said to Wang Ming that he had no problem with sacrifice. The sacrifice of the Astra Militarum was a sacrifice, and their sacrifice was also a sacrifice. There was no difference between the two.

"I'm OK!"

"I don't have any questions!"

"I have no problem, as long as the boss gives the order!"

"I have no regrets about sacrificing myself for humanity!"

"For the sake of human civilization, I am willing to dedicate everything I have!"

"Humanity's courage will be engraved under the stars. I am willing to sacrifice for humanity!"

"Boss, I have no problem. Light up that damn subspace and make those Chaos Evil Gods regret using humans as their playthings!"

After the time travelers learned about this matter, they did not hesitate at all and expressed their willingness to sacrifice for mankind to Wang Ming. They did not have any resistance in their hearts to sacrificing for human civilization. They were willing Dedicating themselves to humanity, those mortals can sacrifice themselves for the empire, so why can't they, the time-travelers?

"I know that everyone can sacrifice for human civilization, but this is a last resort. Brothers, we have left our hometown. I don't want all of you brothers to die together in this universe."

Wang Ming looked at the time travellers, and he said to them that he could sacrifice himself for mankind, but... he still couldn't accept this price. If the souls of time travelers were used to ignite the subspace, then there would really be nothing. The hope of returning home is gone, even though I know that the hope of returning home is gone.

But everyone still has certain thoughts in their hearts. They still want to see their parents and relatives, even if they just have a look, but they can no longer go back.

The 21st Legion took a long vacation in Holy Terra, and the traversers could finally start what they had always wanted to do. They collectively began a pilgrimage, doing various tours and visits to various places on Holy Terra. This could be considered as their rest.

Wang Ming was arrested by Guilliman to deal with the affairs of the empire. Wang Ming actually had this idea, but he only needed to deal with matters in the Great Nebula area. After all, it was impossible for the empire not to develop such a large area of ​​land. .

Wang Ming is now planning the development of the Great Nebula area. For the development of this location, Wang Ming mainly leaves it to the Rogue Traders. For this area far away from the Emperor's Light, it is the Rogue Traders who dare to explore. However, compared to the Kronos expansion area, Wang Ming still has a lot of information in the Great Nebula area. In that huge underground city, the 21st Legion found a lot of information about the Great Nebula area. This information is in After that, it can be used by those rogue traders.

After confirming these things, Wang Ming was completely pulled by Guilliman to do things. The speed of the two Primarchs was really fast, and a large number of imperial affairs were quickly handled in their hands.

"He already knows..."

In the subspace, four consciousnesses were communicating, and one of them told the other consciousness that Wang Ming already knew the way to destroy chaos.

"So what if you know, that coward doesn't dare to do anything!"

A consciousness replied angrily.

"Let him think about it, that despair will make his emotions filled with countless extreme emotions..."

said a joyful consciousness.

Only three consciousnesses spoke in this space. As for the last consciousness that did not speak, it had been severely injured once before. He did not dare to continue to harass the man, at least until his divine realm was restored.

Wang Ming didn't know about the disturbances in the subspace. He was just dealing with large and small empire affairs, and he already felt that his hair was about to turn gray.

He looked at Guilliman beside him, and now he really admired this brother who was good at internal affairs. He was almost numbed by these internal affairs, but Guilliman was still working non-stop. He was working too hard.

Wang Ming stayed in Holy Terra for a month, and during this period, Wang Ming also issued many orders. These orders were very different from the previous orders. They were all orders that changed people's livelihood. After all, they were strict. In a sense, the empire's greatest enemy is not Chaos or aliens, but those corrupt official institutions.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Wang Ming even discovered some departments that have existed for thousands of years but not many people know about them. These departments are still calculating the losses of the empire after the Horus Heresy. It is really outrageous. . Wang Ming has been cleaning up these irrelevant departments these days, and then increasing the work efficiency of some other departments. The Ministry of Internal Affairs on Holy Terra can be said to be a key component in the operation of the human empire in this desperate galaxy. This component is really Without lubrication, it runs too slowly.

Wang Ming also went to see the current Minister of the Interior. He looked at the old and extremely tired old man in front of him. His life span was not long. Just like the situation of previous ministers of the Interior, he also He is about to die in his position.

This old man was personally selected by Wang Ming. He was also a person who could understand the "Imperial Truth" of the 21st Legion. He knew exactly what Wang Ming needed him to do.

Wang Ming looked at this old man who was dying and was about to die. He took him directly to the Sun Fortress and asked the biological sages to perform a major operation on him so that he could wait for a long time and let the Ministry of Interior The operation is more continuous.

The Minister of the Interior was very grateful that the Primarch personally gave him the opportunity to live forever, but he also had a very conflicting mood about continuing to work. When he recalled the work at the Ministry of Interior, he only felt that he The fate of the future is bumpy.

"Work hard, kid, for the survival of the empire, we are all honored."

Wang Ming patted the Minister of the Interior on the shoulder and spoke to him earnestly. While the Minister of the Interior was filled with honor in his heart, he also felt that he was even more tired.

"I will definitely complete your mission, Your Highness. This is my honor. For the sake of the Emperor and the Empire, I will definitely fulfill my responsibilities."

The Minister of the Interior, looking at Wang Ming, his heart was full of darkness about his future. The mountains and seas of documents and the various tasks of the Ministry of Interior made him feel numb.

After Wang Ming completed some things, the fleet of the 21st Legion headed for the Great Nebula area. The Rogue Traders who were loyal to Wang Ming had already set off. The fleet of the 21st Legion could not be left behind. They must regain it. The Great Nebula area allows the light of humanity to shine into the dark corners of the galaxy again.

The fleet headed to the dark corner of the galaxy, and in that dark corner, a civilization also noticed all this.

"Your Excellency Shanmute, this is the recently monitored subspace navigation record. It is human navigation technology. They are back."

In the Great Nebula area, on a gray world, in a city belonging to an alien civilization, an alien walked into an office, holding a crystal stick, and placed it in front of the alien officer in the office.

"Humanity is back... and the end is coming for us all..."

The alien officer looked at the crystal stick in front of him. Its body suddenly shook, and then he spoke to the alien in front of him in a desperate tone.

"It's not that desperate. Humanity has disappeared for thousands of years. Our technology has also advanced a lot. We have fully understood the remaining technologies of the Human Federation. When we face those humans, we should also have huge combat effectiveness. ”

The alien looked at the alien officer in front of it, and it knew that the officer in front of it was a powerful psyker, a Shanmu Te who used psionic energy to survive to this day with the souls of the defeated soldiers of the human federation. He is a highly respected old man in the clan, and even he is so afraid of humans. So what kind of civilization is the devil in the legend?
"Child, do you know why our civilization can exist until now?"

The alien officer looked at the young alien in front of him. It picked up a cigarette-like thing. It was made from a plant in the local world and was similar to a human cigarette. However, if its ingredients were given to humans, If used, it would definitely kill a healthy average person within a few minutes.

"Our civilization was originally an extremely low-level civilization. We all didn't even have clothes. We were just a group of primitive people. But then humans came and they brought "civilization" with them. They did not destroy us at that time, but wanted to fight with us. We live in peace."

"They gave us some technologies they didn't need at that time, allowing us to transform from primitive humans into one of the affiliated civilizations of the Human Federation. However, we fell into trouble when the Human Federation was at its weakest. It was precisely because of that opportunity that we got The technology of the Human Federation.”

While handling the cigarette in his hand, the alien officer said to the young alien in front of him. It recalled the things it had experienced ten thousand years ago. At that time, it was still a child who had just awakened its psychic powers and believed in their gods. At that time, humans After the landing ship fell from the sky, they immediately thought it was the arrival of gods.

They are grateful to humans. They are grateful to humans for the technology and civilization they have brought to them, and for the sacrificial materials of all psykers, which have allowed them, powerful psykers, to live until now.

"Child, you only know that our technology is progressing, but humans are definitely progressing too. They were an extremely powerful civilization ten thousand years ago, and they will only become more terrifying ten thousand years later."

The alien looked at the young alien in front of it. It patted the young alien in front of it on the shoulder, and then walked out of the office. It now needs to report the situation to the emperor, and at least leave a seed for their civilization, right?

"I don't agree with your statement..., Asisei, my Shanmut, your statement is too pessimistic."

In the alien palace, the alien emperor looked at the alien officers under the throne. It dismissed the alien officers' words. They were already very powerful. They had colonized twenty nearby human worlds and had countless resources in their hands. With the powerful technological heritage of the Human Federation, they also have an ability that humans do not have. How can they be defeated by humans? If humans really come over, they will only add some slaves.

The alien officer looked at the alien emperor. This alien emperor was very young. He was not a psyker who had experienced the war. He was just a member of the royal bloodline who was selected. However, due to the suppression of the class within the clan, he did not It couldn't put forward too many opinions to the Alien Emperor. After telling the Alien Emperor something about the Human Federation, it left the Alien Palace.

"Backwardness and ignorance are not the biggest obstacles to the survival of civilization, arrogance is. I cannot let my civilization become one of the countless civilizations destroyed by mankind. At least..., I want to leave a fire for my civilization. Those damn royal families have already They became a bunch of trash who were carried away by their arrogance.”

After the alien officer left the palace, he began to plan how he should leave a spark for his civilization. It was impossible for him to watch his civilization be destroyed by humans.

At the same time, in the galaxy that is the only way to the Great Nebula area, above the void city, Wang Ming is planning a recovery plan for the Great Nebula area with the Rogue Traders. According to the plan, the fleet of the Rong Merchant Dynasty is in the Great Nebula area. spread in the nebula area, and then discover those former human colonies. After confirming whether human civilization still exists on them, they will decide whether to recover peacefully according to the state of human civilization on them. If they encounter something that cannot be solved, they can call the second With the help of the Eleventh Legion, each fleet of the Rong Merchant Dynasty has a time traveler's messenger, and they will serve as messengers in this area where star communication is unstable.

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