Chapter 551 Yalidar No.
In the real universe, the stars are quiet, they cannot think, they have no intelligence, and there are countless lives among them, but there is no civilization that can conduct super-light spaceflight, but among the stars at 40K, the stars are not quiet, there are countless Human beings live in each world. They are the people of the empire and the cornerstone of the entire cruel civilization of the human empire.

Yalidar No. 5, this is a beautiful world in the hazy star field. This world is not the beauty of the empire, but the real beauty. The beautiful natural scenery on it is too beautiful to behold. Although people's lives are a bit difficult, they are still beautiful. Live a very comfortable life.

This is an agricultural world like a fairy tale. Under the benevolent policies of the planetary governor, people in this world do not have much fear about the galaxy and war. The only thing they need to worry about is how to deal with insect infestations in their fields.

The Renaissance Expedition Fleet has been here before. This world is very lucky. They encountered the Renaissance Expedition Fleet led by Wang Xiaofa. Under the policies of the 21st Army, the people's livelihood in this world has once again been greatly improved. The planetary government We have begun to provide farmers with various agricultural facilities and job opportunities on a large scale. Young people finally no longer need to worry about their fields losing harvest.

But just when this pastoral world is living so comfortably, a fleet is rushing towards this world. It is a fleet belonging to Chaos. A large number of blasphemous symbols and songs praising the gods of Chaos are in this fleet. It’s everywhere above.

They sang blasphemous songs and rushed towards this beautiful world. They were a Chaos warband under Abaddon. They were very supportive of the supplies that Abaddon gave them. After all, they only needed By destroying the population of several worlds, you can get a large amount of resources rewarded by the Chaos Warmaster. This kind of good thing can't be found even with a lantern.

But they didn't know that while they were coveting those weapons and equipment, a more terrifying monster had already set its sights on them.

The fleet of the 21st Legion continued to advance in the void of the universe. After they returned to the territory of the Empire, they began their journey to find the Webway through their Eldar allies.

"Yalidar No. 5, a world as beautiful as a pearl."

On the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming was quietly waiting for the fleet to pass through the webway. At the same time, he was also looking through the information about the world they were about to arrive. The world they were about to arrive was a beautiful imperial world, pastoral, that was how it was described. The best word in the world.

It is just like the propaganda about the immigration of agricultural worlds above hive worlds. Beautiful natural scenery and pastoral life are life that people in those hive cities dare not imagine, but because most of this star region The world has been frightened by the propaganda of various "beautiful" agricultural worlds, so there are not many immigrants in this world.

"The population of seven million is too small. For a world, this population is too small."

Wang Ming looked at the information about this world and found that the population of this world was indeed too small. The people in this world were completely sparsely populated. A mere seven million people were scattered across this sacred Terra. On a world that is one and a half times larger, it can be seen how scarce the land is on this world.

As for why the land in this world is scarce in front of seven million people, it is because most of the land is planted with a lot of food, and there is actually not much place for people to live.

However, the people in this world are also lucky. Their world does not use agricultural drugs too much. Although there are fewer residential areas, the humans on it are still living well.

Wang Ming is very much looking forward to the world he is about to arrive. Such an agricultural world is rare. Even the agricultural world transformed by the time travelers cannot be such a pastoral pastoral. The world of the time travelers is just The output is high and the population is living relatively well, but it is far from being able to achieve such an idyllic pastoral. If there is no problem with this information, then Wang Ming really needs to ask the Planetary Governor for advice.

In fact, the information in Wang Ming's hand is indeed good. On Yalidar No. 5, the golden wheat fields are fluttering in the wind, like an ocean composed of gold. Its beauty seems to be like a sea in this desperate galaxy. It's the same thing that only appears in a fairy tale.

In a golden wheat field, a girl is walking, holding a few ears of wheat. This year's harvest is very good, and the work pressure of her father and mother can be slightly reduced.

"Walter, what are you doing here?"

The girl was walking through the wheat field when she suddenly saw a figure busy working in the field. It was her neighbor's child, Walter Sommeret, a very good boy.

"I'm getting deworming, these damn bugs."

The boy looked back at the girl. He took the sprayer and continued to spray insect repellent. Pests, this thing has always been a theme problem that troubles farmers on Yalidar No. 5, no matter how farmers clean up the insects. , these things seem to appear out of thin air and cannot be killed at all.

"Have you heard? Grandpa from the Astropath Tower said that those angels are coming back again."

The girl looked at the boy. She told the boy the news she had recently received from the adults. After hearing these things, the boy's eyes suddenly lit up.

"You still want to be an angel so much, but I heard adults say that becoming an angel requires a lot of effort, and it will also leave the world and never come back."

The girl looked at the boy's bright eyes, she sighed helplessly, and then patted the boy's head. She was very speechless for this friend who wanted to become an angel. Is it really that easy to become an angel? I heard Grandpa Astropath say that there are countless worlds in this galaxy, and there are so many people in those countless worlds. How could the angels take a fancy to him?

While the two were talking, a huge fleet suddenly appeared in the sky, and just as the fleet appeared, the local orbital defense alarm suddenly sounded, and the 21st Legion's Renaissance Expedition Fleet left behind The orbital defense firepower fired directly into the sky, countless high-orbit missiles flew into the sky, the huge light spear system in the city also opened fire, and the automatic macro cannons also roared, and the whole world began to roar. The local people have never seen this kind of situation. They have never seen the planetary defense firepower open in full force. Only some of the mortal auxiliary troops of the 21st Legion who retired from this world know that the situation in this world is definitely not the same. Okay, with such a huge fleet and orbital defense firepower at full blast, this world will definitely face a huge war.

The Mortal Auxiliary Army, who had gone from being a colonel of the Mortal Auxiliary Army to becoming the commander of the Planetary Defense Forces of this world, gave full play to his subjective initiative at this moment. He assembled all the actionable troops and the young and middle-aged people. He followed the instructions from the beginning. What the 21st Legion learned began to prepare for the subsequent war.

As for the local aristocratic planetary general... forget it, he is currently hugging the commander of the planetary defense force's trousers.

For most people in this world, war is a very unfamiliar word. In the hazy star field where talents are abundant, this world is also quite special.

A large number of troops were mobilized, and working fortifications were built in the wheat fields. The local farmers watched their wheat fields being knocked down, and watched the fortresses being erected on those lands. They all had a feeling in their hearts. The feeling of distress.

For a Yalidar No. 5 person, land and wheat fields are his life. Now that they see fortresses being built on the land and wheat fields, they feel very uncomfortable.

However, no one dared to complain. After all, they had great trust in the retired mortal auxiliaries of the 21st Legion. They had never seen a war in the galaxy. These people had experienced war in the galaxy. As for the war that was like a myth and legend, they could only choose to believe them unconditionally.

The orbital defense system is roaring, countless firepower is flying from the ground to the sky, and the fleet in the sky is also attacking the ground. Huge light spears are flying towards the ground, and countless fields are under the light. The spears were reduced to ashes, and the orbital defense systems in the city were also reduced to ruins under the firepower from the sky. Fortunately, the civilians had retreated from the city before, and it did not cause too much damage to the civilians. casualties.

"These guys are here for this star region. As long as this agricultural world is gone, a large number of worlds in this star region will starve to death."

The Commander of the Planetary Defense Force looked at the light spears falling from the sky. He said to the adjutant beside him. His adjutant was also a comrade who would follow him during the Mortal Auxiliary Army. After hearing the words of the Commander of the Planetary Defense Force, he also agreed. The nodded.

"A Mordian Iron Guard has responded to our call for help, as well as the Vostonian Firstborn Regiment, as well as a nearby Krieg Death Corps. We have a lot of support."

The aide-de-camp to the Commander of the Planetary Defense Forces took out a document and handed it to the Commander of the Planetary Defense Forces.

"Well, we're not alone."

The commander of the Planetary Defense Force looked at the document in his hand. For this world with poor military strength, these supports are very important. With these military supports, they should be able to survive this war, but the post-war reconstruction tasks are a little bit... Trouble, subsequent production may not be able to keep up.

“It’s better to protect the world first and then talk about it.”

The commander of the Planetary Defense Force looked at the fleet in the sky, and then took out a medal and looked at it. This is the medal of the 21st Legion, the "Light of the Earth" medal. This medal has a lot of gold content, and it is also A walking holy object. According to the urban legend of the 21st Legion, this medal contains a drop of the blood of the original body. He will never let this medal down.

One fleet after another is now heading to Yalidar 5 through the network channel. They are faster than Wang Ming's fleet. They are relatively close to Yalidar 5, and their support speed is so fast that they can fly.

After these supports arrived in the galaxy, they placed all the supports on the ground under the cover of ground orbital defense firepower. A large number of troops arrived in this world, and at the same time, those chaos in the sky The Astartes have landed in this world again. They praise the faith of the Chaos Gods and prepare to massacre all humans in this world.

In order to complete Vashtor's transaction, Vashtor gave Abaddon a large amount of a device that could sacrifice human souls to Vashtor's domain. After all, the takeaway was already bought, and the entire Isn't it the shipping address?
They walked on the ground that was reduced to ashes, watching this beautiful wheat field reduced to ashes. They were very happy in their hearts, and the excitement of destruction made them extremely excited.

But at this moment, the sound of a charging whistle suddenly sounded from their sides and rear. After the charging whistle sounded, a sound of huge horse hooves stepping on the ground suddenly sounded.

Krieg Death Troopers, these brave warriors held hunting spears. They silently charged towards the landing Chaos Astartes. Although the Chaos Astartes reacted and shot at the Krieg, However, its attacks did not produce very good results when faced with those Kriegs who were not afraid of death.

Under the bombs of the Chaos Astartes, more than a dozen Kriegs were blown to pieces together with their mounts. The death of their comrades did not make the Kriegs change in any way. They were still charging silently. .

The advantage of the cavalry was fully demonstrated at this moment, they silently rushed to the Chaos Astartes with their mounts, and then pierced the Chaos Astartes directly with their hunting spears. The spearheads of those hunting spears directly hit the weak points of the Chaos Astartes' power armor, such as the neck, joints, and even the tactical eyepieces.

When the Krieg Death Troopers completed their attack, there were only Chaos Astartes corpses left on the ground. This raid caused the Krieg Death Troopers to suffer heavy losses, but their results were It was also very large. Almost all the first batch of Chaos Astartes who landed were dragged down by the Kriegs, and then the other two Astral Legions were killed directly with heavy weapons.

The combat power of the three Astral Legions is very powerful, but no matter how powerful they are, they are only mortals. The Lord of the Chaos Warband watched the first batch of troops that landed were all killed by the mortal troops, and it started its own psychic magic operation. No matter how powerful mortals are, they are just mortals. It is absolutely impossible for them to confront the Supreme Heaven, the lord of the Chaos Warband thought so.

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