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Chapter 559: The Tau who are poaching

Chapter 559: The Tau who are poaching

"Oh, hey, it flew away with just one slap, even the sparks."

Wang Ming looked at the Martian oil guy who was shot away. He walked to the fleet oil guy with a look of gloating on his misfortune. Only then did everyone notice that the Lord Protector had already arrived.

"Sir, you are humiliating Mars."

The oil guys from Mars looked at Wang Ming. They were very dissatisfied with what Wang Ming just said. Wang Ming was publicly humiliating Mars.

"I'm not, I'm just stating the facts. If everyone on Mars is trash like you, then Mars will be like this, unable to accept new affairs and more advanced technology, without the spirit of exploration and enterprising spirit. , you are no different from trash, you will only rely on traditions that you can't explain, and continue to be stubborn. This is not the idea of ​​the God of All Machines. "

Wang Ming looked at the Mars oil guys. He stared at these stubborn guys and spoke to them.

The Martian oil guys were speechless. They could not refute Wang Ming. In their understanding, Wang Ming was the Primarch. The Primarch had experienced the Great Crusade. They had seen the ancient Mechanicum in its most glorious form. .

"I..., we are not useless, sir, we are not."

The oil guys on Mars were speechless. They could only helplessly refute, but as to whether these refutations were of any use... I don't know.

So under this situation, after getting the help of the Tau, they started a betrayal called the Light Uprising. They wanted the Tau to get this world and let those damn imperial nobles escape from this world. Get out of here.

The Eldar were obviously aware of this matter. They looked at Isa's short hair and understood what humans wanted to do, but they had no choice. They could not make an enemy of the son of God they were facing, who was the biological son of a god. , no matter what they say, they are just mortals.

"I promise you that I will protect your Life Goddess. As long as my legion is not dead, nothing will happen to your Life Goddess. At the same time, the Eldar must also express their sincerity and use the webway. aspect…"

After Wang Ming learned this information, he gave Isha a short haircut that day. He was going to use these things to continue bargaining with the spirit tribe. On the one hand, this thing has the function of allowing people to return to Isha's arms and protect their souls. On the one hand, he can also use this thing to prove that your gods are in the hands of humans, so it is best not to mess around, otherwise humans have the final say on what will happen.

Three days later, in Wang Ming's office, Hu Jin was drinking Mers tea made by Wang Ming. He looked at Wang Ming, who was dealing with something, and saw that the fleet outside the window had entered the space distortion of curvature navigation.

Wang Ming didn't care about them. He took the mortal auxiliary army and the time travelers and dispersed directly, each going to do their own thing.

"Oh, you have the nerve to talk about this, because you are fighting with your colleagues because you cannot accept advanced technology. This kind of mentality... And you haven't read that book, or do you mean you don't understand it at all?"

Wang Ming looked at the document in his hand and looked at Hu Jin. He had already asked the fleet's oil guys to keep an eye on them. Nothing would happen to those guys.

Wang Ming looked at the oil guys, he sneered, and then walked up to the oil guys. He stared at the oil guys condescendingly and said to them with a sneer.

Wang Ming looked at the spirit tribe in front of him. They were confirming the safety of Isa with Wang Ming. Although they could not bring their goddess of life back, they still wanted to ensure that their gods would not be harmed as much as possible when they were in the hands of humans. Human beings are treated badly.

The Mars oil guys looked at Wang Ming, their inner defenses collapsed, and they stood motionless, as if the circuit board had been flooded with water.

"No, I'll let the fleet's engine oil guys keep an eye on me. I'm alive and well."

The oil guys in the fleet looked at them and finally chose to put some engine oil on them and let them lubricate the metal parts.

But now the Eldar have found other ways to protect their souls besides the Soul Stone. After Isha learned about the current state of the Eldar, Isha cut off some of her hair and gave it to For those Eldar, these Isha's hair can be regarded as a medium. After death, the Eldar can return to Isha's arms through these hairs, without having to worry about Slaanesh prying.

But Wang Ming didn't know that those Mars oil guys had fallen into deep doubts about themselves. Their current circuit boards kept repeating one thing, that is, the original body scolded them. They really Waste, really big waste.

The fleet is now heading to a world that is located in the extreme star field. It is a standard imperial hive world. The masters in the hive do not regard the civilians in the hive as human beings. At the same time, the civilians in the hive do not He doesn't live like a human being.

"It's been three days, it's been three days, those guys won't be dead, right?"

"Great Son of God, we choose to believe in you. As the Son of God, you have divinity. Please..."

So when the governor of this world could no longer bear it, he finally sent a star message to the empire. What Wang Ming needed to deal with this time was not the rebellion provoked by the Tau, but the nobles of this world. He had obviously already I have made repeated orders, but there are still many people who do not listen. I just take this opportunity to scare the monkeys!
The fleet moved forward rapidly. They first came to a galaxy with a webway, and then entered the webway under the leadership of the Eldar fleet, and began to move long distances in the galaxy without using the subspace. At the same time, Wang Ming also I showed Isha to several members of the Eldar Tribe. Seeing their gods in the hands of humans, they all wanted to bring Isha back to the Eldar Tribe. However, after Wang Ming told them about bringing Isha back to the Eldar Tribe, they After returning, they reluctantly gave up after Slaanesh threatened to devour Isa directly.

"Put some engine oil on."

They stood there quietly waiting for their waste to become rusty scrap metal. They had lost the meaning of their existence.

Wang Ming also took the opportunity to blackmail the Spirit Clan. The Spirit Clan looked at Wang Ming's smile and knew what Wang Ming was thinking. In desperation, they had no choice but to agree. After they reported it to the senior leaders of the Spirit Clan, After that, all humans have the right to use the Internet Channel.

After discussing the matter of the gods and the webway, the Imperial fleet headed directly to that world through the webway, leaving behind a group of Eldar who watched the human ships leave with sad and angry faces. They did not protect their gods. How ridiculous is the ability of believers to protect gods.

Just when the fleet was heading to that world, a fierce war was breaking out in that world. The humans on the planet listened to the lies of the aliens and waved weapons against their empire. They shouted the Greater Good and prepared to let this The world became a Tau world, and the planetary defense forces of this world could only struggle to support themselves. They faced billions of traitors armed by the Tau, and a force sent by the Tau to support the rebellion. The Planetary Defense Force could no longer hold up under this kind of war, and the Planetary Governor and the imperial nobles began to prepare to run away collectively.

At this moment, all the Tau warships in the void suddenly turned into ashes, and a huge fleet suddenly parked in the orbit of the planet.

"It is entering the planet's atmosphere and is expected to land on the ground in two minutes."

Wang Ming was sitting in the transport ship. He listened to the report of the transport ship pilot and asked the time travelers to get ready. The first thing to do when going down was to stabilize the battle situation and kill all the Tau people. Then Wang Ming would find them wherever he wanted. For a reason that was not handled well and was treacherous, all the local nobles in the world who were related to this matter were killed.

The management of this world will be handed over to the first batch of children in the fleet to come out of the Fleet Tadashi Academy. These children are professionals in this field. They will sort out the situation of this world and then use it. Rule the world in the manner of the 21st Legion.

The transport ship appeared above the battlefield. It stared at the battlefield below and casually blew up all the Tau ships and battle suits flying in the sky.

The transport ship slowly anchored on the ground, and the time travelers also joined the battlefield at this moment. After the soldiers of the Planetary Defense Force saw the sudden appearance of the Astartes, their already low morale was directly restored. , they carried the Aquila flag and rushed towards the troops composed of traitors and Tau together with the angels. This was a one-sided massacre. After the Astartes entered the position, these mortal traitors and Tau were Facing a massacre.

The close combat capabilities of the Astartes are beyond the comprehension of mortals. They can instantly kill a dozen mortals rushing up in one second, just like trench harvesters. In five minutes, it only takes Within five minutes, there was no living creature left in the traitor's position.

"Clean the trenches, build defense lines, and stabilize the position."

Hu Jin looked at the Planetary Defense Force soldiers who had followed them to charge here. He gave them orders. The Planetary Defense Force did not dare to disobey Lord Angel's order and immediately began to establish a position.

At the same time, in the Governor's Mansion in the nest capital, all the nobles related to this matter have been captured. Wang Ming stood on the high platform of the Governor's throne. He looked at the captured nobles. These The ghosts are all fat and strong, looking like big moving balls of flesh. It is these ghosts who have pushed the civilians of this world into the higher good of the Tau because they violated their own orders.

"The Karmat family is no longer suitable to continue to manage planets in this world. Planetary Governor, you should know what that means, right? I am very disappointed in you."

Wang Ming looked at the planetary governor of this world, and he said to the planetary governor in a low voice.

"My lord..., my lord..., I, I..."

The planetary governor also said something like this, but he did not come out in the end. The time travelers killed all these nobles in a few times. The power in this world has been controlled by the fleet.

The Tau people in this world were confused. They were just here to quietly dig a corner, but the Empire's fleet arrived so quickly, and they were those scary guys. How could they fight them? They had to hit them with their heads!
The Tau people looked at the humans who fought with them, and they did not give up on these comrades. These humans had accepted the Greater Good, and they could not give up on these comrades.

"Rebels in the hive, listen up. I'll give you two hours to surrender quickly, otherwise the Empire's Death Angel will enter the hive and kill all the rebels in the hive."

Everyone in the hive heard these words, and the rebels, who were already a little shaken, directly aimed their weapons at the Tau. They wanted a certificate of surrender.

Within an hour of the announcement of the surrender declaration, the hive capital was filled with firecrackers, singing and dancing. Various weapons were fired one after another, and various explosions occurred in the hive capital.

The time travelers and the mortal auxiliaries were eating together while watching the battle in the nest, and they would comment from time to time.

"Oh, move the machine gun position five meters forward. This is the best shooting position."

A mortal auxiliary from the Federation world watched the battle in the hive. He excitedly commented on the human rebels' machine gun layout. They couldn't hit the Tau.

"Well, buddy, what's your last name?"

A time traveler saw this scene and asked the mortal auxiliary army with a strange look on his face. He always felt that this mortal auxiliary army was a bit familiar.

"Sir, my surname is Jiang and my name is Chang."

The mortal auxiliary army looked at the time traveler and replied with a strange look on his face.

"That's no problem. Just keep watching. The rice is ready. I'll bring it to you. Just watch it while you eat."

The time traveler handed the lunch box in his hand to the mortal auxiliary army, and then made up his mind that he must not let this guy become the commander, otherwise the micro operator will definitely be a micro operator.

The battle in the hive lasted for a while, and then a huge force came out of the hive and surrendered. They brought thousands of Tau heads with them, which were their certificates of surrender.

"The problem of the rebels has almost been solved. There are still some small troops still resisting in the nest. These guys still need to be cleaned up. As for those who surrendered... Let's kill them at eleven and give away the rest. Throw the Legion of Atonement onto the battlefields of the galaxy, and the Empire will not spare any traitor."

Wang Ming looked at the intelligence on the terminal. He is now helping the management talents who came to this world to deal with the affairs of this world. His handling of the rebellion in this world should be the first time in his history that he has used severe punishment to deal with so many things. You know, there are hundreds of millions of people who surrendered. Although these people are not contaminated by Chaos, the names of traitors have been engraved on their bodies.

(End of this chapter)

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