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Chapter 563 Subspace Wild Monster Angron

Chapter 563 Subspace Wild Monster Angron
After sending Jose away, Wang Ming sat in the Hall of Valor above the Sun Fortress and kept thinking. The powerful thinking speed of the Primarch allowed him to see many things clearly, but this was the first time he had experienced this. Something happened, his old friend left him and returned to the golden throne.

"Are you getting sentimental? After all, I am not the real Primarch. I am a time traveler, and I am an Earthling."

Wang Ming stood up from the throne in the Hall of Heroes. He looked at the inscriptions and military flags surrounding the mortal auxiliary troops who sacrificed their lives in the 21st Legion. They came from various periods of the 21st Legion, from the Battle of Meers So far, they have fought against the Sea of ​​Insects, against Chaos, against the Necrons, against the Dark Eldar, against aliens, against countless enemies, and countless mortals have dyed the flag of the 21st Legion with their own blood. It was extremely bright red, but the time travelers could only watch the death of mortals.

Wang Ming looked at a military flag. It was the military flag of the 541st Regiment of the Mortal Auxiliary Army. This was the battle that impressed Wang Ming the most. The Battle of Koledo, a battle that made Wang Ming feel absolutely powerless. In the battle, together with the mortal auxiliary army, they blocked a huge tendril of the Tyranid Zerg. The mortal auxiliary army used their own deaths to delay the offensive of hundreds of millions of Zerg, while the time travelers were facing the Zerg. Haishi also felt a huge sense of powerlessness.

"Everything is war, everything is despair. In this dark universe, there are only countless wars. There are only countless despairs in countless worlds. In the dark 42nd millennium, there are only endless wars. "

Wang Ming looked at the military flag, said some incomprehensible words, and then left the Hall of Valor directly. They had been in Cadia for a month, and now it was time to leave.

"Ciatro, the empire's hive world, we received their star message for help. In this star message, there is an unexpected name, Angron, the devil's original body on that world."

In the conference room of the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming looked at the various group leaders. He told them about a star message they had recently received. In a world, a demonic primarch appeared on a hive world. Although Angron's situation is similar to that of subspace wild monsters, why does it appear in this world?

"Angron appeared in that world. It shouldn't have happened. According to the intelligence, the situation in that world should not allow the demon primarch to appear in it, at least it shouldn't be Angron."

Xu Feng, the leader of the fourth regiment, said to Wang Ming with a puzzled look on his face. They had done some research on the situation in that hive world in advance, and the information came from the black ship fleet. The situation of psykers in that world was very abnormal. If there were no real signs of the influence of Chaos, it would have been ordered to be exterminated by the judges of the Tribunal. If the world thinks so, it shouldn't be the place where Angron appeared.

"No matter what, it has indeed appeared in that world, and we cannot leave it alone."

Wang Ming looked at Xu Feng. He opened a holographic projection map and pointed at some things on it.

"At that time, the fourth regiment will be responsible for the defense of this area. The environment in that world is very complex, with hundreds of large and small nests. If there are large-scale cultists in each nest, then It’s very troublesome, so the main task of the fourth regiment is to guard the largest Clark nest.”

Wang Ming looked at the map on the holographic projection screen. He said to Xu Feng that the environment in this world is very complex. They must protect the hive with the largest population and at the same time destroy all the cultists. This can be regarded as This was the first time they had encountered such a troublesome cleanup battle. None of the previous hive worlds were as complicated as this hive world.

There are hundreds of large and small hives, and the smallest hive has a population of tens of billions. The number of cultists among them can be imagined, and this world will definitely attract a large number of Chaos Astartes and demons, and its battles The intensity can also be imagined.

The colonial history of this world is very complicated. From the era of the Human Federation to the era of the Empire, its colonists have never stopped building hive cities. The largest hive cities were all created by the Federation, and those later imperial hive cities were The masterpiece of the Great Crusade Fleet during the Great Crusade era, and in the subsequent eras, a large number of humans established their own homes on this world, and these homes also became the breeding ground for cults, gene stealers, and chaos cults. They are all frequent visitors to this world.

If this world wasn't one of the important sources of Star Torch fuel for Holy Terra, this world would probably have been cleaned up by the Inquisition.

After discussing the tactical arrangements for going to that world, the fleet left Cadia and began to go to that world. To be honest, now that the empire has the webway, everything has become different, although some Places still use subspace navigation because there is no webway, but the places where the webway can be used are very lively. A large number of human fleets and Eldar fleets are constantly traveling through it, heading to various worlds in the galaxy, transporting materials With the troops, the operation efficiency of the empire is unprecedentedly fast, but this speed has caused the operation of the internal affairs department of the empire on Holy Terra to collapse. It could not be managed before, but now it can be managed quickly, but this speed Management requires more managers and information processing.

Those mortal officials have almost collapsed from exhaustion, and as the Primarch, Guilliman... he has now completely become the empire's internal affairs tool, and his hair is almost turning white, but this kind of thing has nothing to do with Wang Ming has nothing to do with it. After all, Wang Ming is not a Primarch who is good at internal affairs. The empire's current processing power can only barely run the empire, but at least the empire has begun to thrive, right?
After the fleet passed through the webway, they came directly to the orbit of that world. When they saw the situation in this world, they all felt the intensity of the war in this world. There was already an army in this world. The Imperial Fleet is a force that came to support this world, but now this fleet is also fighting sustainably with the Chaos Fleet in the galaxy. They are constantly chasing the Chaos Fleet, but the Chaos Fleet is But the speed is faster than the Imperial Fleet.

The fleet of the 21st Legion also joined the battle after arriving on this world, and they also placed their troops on this world.

Yellow sand, endless yellow sand, just like Tallan, except that the yellow sand in Tallan is caused by virus bombs, while the deserts in this world are caused by continuous colonization and various industrial pollution. Travelers walking in On the yellow sand, they looked at the hives that were constantly firing lasers and cannonballs, and started their work.

In the bottom nest of Clark Hive, groups of cultists were constantly fighting against the local planetary defense forces and the Astra Militarum. Their battle was very difficult, there were too many cultists, too many, overwhelming and endless. The entire hive was their enemy. Those gene stealers were fighting against the Chaos Cultists, and the Chaos Cultists were fighting against the Imperial forces. The whole of Jinxi... no, the bottom layer of the hive was a mess. Just in front of one of the elevators leading to the Lower Nest, a large number of Imperial troops and Genestealer cults were protecting this elevator to the Lower Nest. Speaking of which, the Genestealers were truly loyal believers of the "God-Emperor" before the arrival of the Tyranid fleet. They roared for the Emperor and the Empire, and fought fearlessly with those Chaos cultists. They held the only cold weapons in their hands that could be called weapons, and charged at those Chaos cultists holding homemade firearms. Their fearlessness and loyalty to the God-Emperor even made the Astra Militarum feel inferior. However, the Astra Militarum knew that those guys definitely did not believe in the God-Emperor, they believed in an extremely twisted existence. The mortal troop manuals produced by the 21st Legion all introduced the situation of the Genestealers, and the so-called God-Emperor they believed in was a horrible and twisted thing.

However, the Astra Militarum were very happy to see the internal strife among the cultists. Just as the Imperial troops were guarding the elevator, several Thunderhawk gunships suddenly appeared on the ceiling of the bottom nest. The Skyhawk gunships saw the elevator entrance. After the battlefield, they flew directly to the battlefield. They hovered above the battlefield, and the weapons on them kept shooting at the cultists' troops. While the Astra Militarum looked at the Thunderhawk gunship, a A huge figure suddenly jumped down from the Thunderhawk gunboat.

These huge figures landed on the ground. As they landed on the ground, the Imperial troops suddenly heard the sound of a chain sword turning.

"For the God Emperor, kill those traitors!"

The Astra Militarum soldiers heard a huge sound, which was a roar. They finally saw clearly what those huge figures were. The appearance of the power armor would definitely not be unfamiliar to the Astra Militarum Army. They were all in the National Religion I have seen them on the church square. They are the emperor's angels, the great monks Astartes. They are the swords of the God Emperor and they are superhuman warriors.

After seeing these Astartes monks, the morale of the Astra Militarum instantly rose. They looked at the angels of the God Emperor, shouted for the Emperor, and began to fight fiercely with the cultists.

"Angel, the angel of the God Emperor!"

"That's not right. Angels are not like this, are they?"

The Astra Militarum saw the Astartes, and at the same time the Genestealers also saw the Astartes. They looked at the Astartes and heard what the Astra Militarum said. They were concerned about these angels. Very curious, in their understanding, angels should not be like this, angels should have sharp claws, but these angels do not have sharp claws.

At this moment, an Astartes directly smashed a group of Genestealers into pieces. The Genestealers only saw all this, and they did not attack the Astartes. They think this is just some misunderstanding. As believers of the God Emperor, they still need to kill all the real heretics first.

"The minds of these Genestealers are really distorted, but if they are not all Tyranids' tableware, then they are probably the Emperor's most loyal followers."

Ye Fan looked at the gene stealer cultists. He smiled and said to Hu Jin, while Hu Jin was speechless.

"If the gene stealers hadn't influenced their thinking, they wouldn't be like this."

Hu Jin looked at the gene stealers and said to Ye Fan that these gene stealers were actually very pitiful. They had been lying all their lives and their purpose of birth was to provide the Tyranids with the knowledge of the entire world. Biomass, but they don't know about it their entire lives.

Just like a very ironic play, in the last period of their lives, these gene stealers will see the truth of their lives. They will see the redemption they have been pursuing all their lives. That redemption is to be digested piece by piece. The giant tentacles of the pool.

What an irony, they have been living their whole lives in lies told by aliens, and the salvation they think is just what the aliens want them to see.

After Hu Jin finished answering Ye Fan's words, he immediately began to fight the Chaos cultists and Genestealer cultists. The time-travelers fought very quickly, and their figures kept flashing on the battlefield, with power swords and chains. The saw sword kept slashing at the nuclear bomb cultists and gene stealer cultists.

The cultists who believed in Khorne looked at the time-travelers, they looked at the giants, they were not afraid of the Astartes monks, they shouted in the name of the Blood God, holding their cold weapons They kept rushing towards the Astartes, but could they get close to the Astartes?
The moment the cultists of Khorne rushed towards the Astartes, they were shattered into pieces by explosive bombs. The time travelers knew what Khorne liked, and they would not let the cultists of Khorne engage in such a battle. .

Stepping on the corpses of the cultists, the traversers began the cleaning operation of the bottom nest. After the second group of traversers entered the Clark's Nest, there were also traversers in other nests. They were distributed in He entered various hives in this world and began an operation to clean up the cultists.

At the same time as the operation started, Wang Ming also went to the outskirts of the Krak Hive, where Angron was madly slaughtering the local Planetary Defense Forces and Astra Militarum. This damn demon primarch must be killed, even if he killed If it doesn't die, it will definitely be exiled. Its impact on the war situation in this world will be too great.

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