Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 565: The hive world targeted by two threats

Chapter 565: The hive world targeted by two threats
"Kill me, kill me..."

On top of the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming looked at the immortal in the isolation cabin. He listened to his constant talking to himself and felt his head grow bigger. This guy is a time traveler and an immortal, but at the same time he is also a complete and utter According to the mental examination given to him by the medical nuns on the fleet, this guy has at least fifty types of PTSD, as well as schizophrenia, memory confusion, and various mental illnesses. This guy It is already a thorough history book of human mental illness.

"What should I do? Is there any help?"

Wang Ming looked at Clay Rosse beside him, and he asked her if this guy could still be saved.

"How should I put it? This guy has the most mental illnesses I have ever seen among humans. In short, he can't be saved and is waiting to die."

Clairosse looked at the data pad in his hand. On it was Chen Xu's mental diagnosis. It was densely packed with names of various mental illnesses. It was simply a living catalog of human mental illnesses.

"Is there really nothing we can do?"

Wang Ming looked at Clay Rosse. He still wanted to save his fellow countryman, but his situation was too special. It wasn't that he didn't want to save him, but that he didn't have the ability to save him.

"There is really no other way. His mental state is too bad. He is like a lump of porridge mixed with various things. He can't even tell who he is and where he is. You see. Look, he started chewing on the wall again, and said to himself, "Death to Chaos," what's going on? "

Clairosse looked at Wang Ming. She really had no choice. She claimed to be an expert in human biotechnology, but she really couldn't deal with this situation. She had cured many mental illnesses, but She was really powerless in such an extreme case.

"That's okay..."

After seeing off Clairosse, Wang Ming looked at this fellow quietly. This fellow's mental state was really problematic, but through some previous communications and some fragmentary verbal summaries, this fellow My friend's time travel was actually on the Holy Terra of the Era of Strife. He has actually spent such a long time. Moreover, Wang Ming also used the golden flame to help him escape, but the golden flame was completely ineffective for him. He The body will still be resurrected.

"Hahaha, I've already blown the heads off four disgusting things!!"

Just when Wang Ming looked at him, he suddenly used his psychic power, but fortunately, he wore a psychic suppressor around his neck and he did not use any psychic spells.

"What's going on..."

Wang Ming looked at the fellow in the isolation cabin. He didn't know how to deal with this guy. It would be troublesome to let him out, and it would be troublesome to lock him up. One day his spiritual power would go out of control, and the entire area would be blown to pieces. , and this guy is still alive.

"It's really troublesome."

Wang Ming looked at the immortal, and finally chose to let a few untouchables take care of him. After all, this guy was a powerful psychic after all, so he couldn't let this guy lose control.

After Wang Ming arranged for that guy, he was ready to go directly to the surface of the planet. He still had to deal with a lot of things.

When Wang Ming left, Chen began to get sick again. He looked at Wang Ming's back and yelled at the God Emperor, don't give up on me. His mood also became very excited, and his spiritual power continued. The energy was surging, and the psychic suppressor around his neck could no longer suppress him.


Wang Ming looked at him. In desperation, he had to take him with him. It was better to keep such a dangerous thing with him. When Wang Ming took him with him, his mental state seemed to be better. At least he can speak normally and communicate with Wang Ming normally. At least he can communicate with Wang Ming.

"Are you a time traveler? You are actually a time traveler, hahaha, fellow countryman, fellow countryman, I finally meet my fellow countryman."

Wang Ming looked at Chen Xu beside him. After thinking for a while, he took him directly to Isa. As the goddess of life, she should be able to cure some mental diseases.

Wang Ming knocked on Isha's door. He looked at the god and asked if he could cure Chen Xu. Isha looked at Chen Xu. He looked at the poor human kindly and tried to cure him. he.

"Fellow, what is this? Spirit Clan, why are you with these guys? I..."

Chen Xu looked at Isha. He just wanted to ask Wang Ming why he was with the Spirit Clan, but just after he asked, Isha directly used his ability to heal his body and spirit.

At this moment, Chen Xu fainted and fell to the ground with a bang. His head even bounced on the metal ground. Wang Ming looked at Chen Xu on the ground speechlessly. He picked him up helplessly, and after expressing his gratitude to Isa, Wang Ming took him to the ground. The effect of the cure would not be known until he woke up, but Wang Ming did not dare to risk this. of psykers remained on the Citadel of the Sun.

After Wang Ming went to the ground, he went to the Governor's Mansion of this world. He needed to know the specific situation of this world.

"So, this is how you manage the world. Are you a bunch of trash with only garbage in your head! The production has clearly exceeded the planned production, but you still squeeze the civilians and use gene stealers as labor for the excess production! !”

In the Governor's Mansion, Wang Ming looked at the planetary nobles under the high platform. After he learned the detailed information of such a world, he was completely speechless. He was really speechless. This was completely to suppress the planet's production capacity, and The use of Genestealers is also a completely negative example of mismanagement of cultists. Their inaction and use of Genestealers have put the world in the eye of two terrible threats at the same time.

Chaos was the first to arrive. Khorne took a look at the world amid the endless killings in the hive. Then, under the sacrifice of those Khorne cultists, Angron and the demons tore reality and the warp apart. The curtain came to the world of the real universe.

The Tyranid fleet coming later is the most difficult to deal with. The chaos problem in this world cannot be solved quickly. Even the tens of billions of cultists and even a Legion of Astartes cannot be solved quickly. When I think of the next step He was really angry to the extreme about the Tyranid Zerg that would arrive in this world. He was already extremely angry towards these insects. "Your Highness the Protector, we..."

The planetary governor looked at Wang Ming. He wanted to quibble about something, but his words were knocked back by Wang Ming.

"What else do you want to quibble with!!"

Wang Ming looked at the planetary governor. He looked at this guy who weighed at least 400 pounds and yelled at him angrily.

This suddenly frightened the planetary governor to the point of incontinence. Yellow liquid flowed out from his gorgeous pants. Wang Ming looked at this scene and was completely speechless.

These nobles must be purged. After letting the mortal auxiliary army deal with these nobles, Wang Ming began to change the internal affairs of the planet again. At the same time, the management talents on the fleet also went down to the ground and began to take over the internal affairs of the planet. , after taking care of the internal affairs of the planet, Wang Ming also took Chen Xu, who was still in a coma, to the second group fighting the Chaos Space Warriors. Now he needs to deal with the Chaos Space Warriors in this world. .

"It's the 21st Legion, those reckless men who don't care about their lives."

In Clark's Nest, deep in the bottom nest, a Chaos Astartes looked at his companions in front of him. He told him about their enemies. His companions were not too surprised by this news. Looking at the piled human corpses and the silent ones in the sacrificial circle.

"No problem, the population of this world will be sacrificed to the great Chaos Gods, and we will be upgraded to eternal existence under the great power of the Chaos Gods."

After a long time, its companion said these words. It opened its arms and the spiritual light flashed in its hands. One of its chaos wizards wanted to use the entire population of this world to complete the promotion of the entire warband. great cause.

"Turaxas, our ultimate goal is not to ascend to the devil, but to help our chapter leader..."

The companion of the Chaos Sorcerer looked at it, it frowned, and then emphasized their ultimate purpose to it.

The Chaos Wizard did not pay too much attention to the emphasis of his companions. He was a blessed person blessed by the Lord of Changes. Although everything was planned for the Chapter Leader, the process of this plan required the changes of the Lord of Changes. To be honest, no one in the entire warband except the Chaos Wizard knew that his plan was in progress.

"I know, you don't need to mention this matter to me again. The Lord of All Changes has already pointed out the direction for me. We just need to follow the direction of the Lord of All Changes."

The Chaos Wizard said this, and then began to offer sacrifices to the Lord of Changes. The human corpses in the magic circle instantly disappeared in the spiritual light, and at the same time, the blessings of the Lord of Changes also came to their battle group. On everyone's body, the bodies of the mortal cultists became more mutated and distorted. At the same time, some strange limbs grew on the bodies of the Chaos Space Marines, and at the same time, their spiritual powers were all awakened. These dangerous The psykers felt their own power, and they began to slaughter the civilians of the hive more quickly. They wanted to sacrifice more souls to the Lord of Changes, and they wanted to receive more blessings.

"This is not what the Chapter Master wants."

The Chaos Astartes who spoke to the Chaos Wizard felt his own spiritual power. It did not like this power. At first, they just wanted to keep the Chapter Master alive, but now they have become like this The twisted appearance, is this really what the Chapter Leader wants? The Chapter Master was condemned as a traitor for disobeying the Inquisition's order to massacre the civilians of the Empire, but wasn't that what they did? They have become further and further away from their original selves.

"Has the location of the Chaos Astartes been determined?"

In the headquarters of Dichao, Wang Ming looked at Hu Jin and Ye Fan, and he asked Hu Jin.

"The general location has been determined, the A5 scrap dump. They are hidden among the garbage mountains, but the area is too large and the specific location is still being searched."

Hu Jin looked at Wang Ming. He pointed to the holographic map on the table, and then brought up the location of the holographic map of a scrap dump.

"Chaos Astartes?! What Chaos Astartes? I'm going to kill them!"

And just when Wang Ming was discussing the next plan with Hu Jin, thinking about how to surround the Chaos Astartes war gang and then clean them all, a voice suddenly came from behind Wang Ming, and all three of them looked towards After finding the source of the sound, a man was standing up from a chair in the headquarters. He looked at the three giants in front of him, with a strange madness on his face, a kind of self-destructive madness.

"How's your mental state?"

Wang Ming looked at Chen Xu and asked about his mental state. He was very curious about whether Isa could heal the spirit.

"My mental state, my mental state has never been so good, fellow man, I'm really high right now. I'm going to kill a few chaotic offenders to celebrate."

Chen Xu smiled at Wang Ming. His smile was very strange, like a madman laughing, although he was indeed a madman.

"Okay, A5 Scrapyard, Chaos Astartes is there, I will take you there."

Wang Ming looked at Chen Xu and said helplessly to him, this guy's mental state is still good, at least he no longer has schizophrenia and all kinds of crazy behavior, right? At least he can speak and communicate with others normally, right? Although his mental state is still a little crazy, it is not a bit better than the pure lunacy before.

After continuing to discuss some plans, Wang Ming took the travelers directly to the A5 scrap dump. The A5 scrap dump is a large garbage dump where all kinds of garbage are piled up in the upper nest, middle nest and lower nest. This garbage dump After thousands of years of continuous accumulation, it has become a huge garbage mountain composed of garbage. How to describe it? The height of those garbage mountains is almost comparable to the mountains above the earth, and the size of the hive determines its height.

The Clark Hive is not a hive built by the Empire. It is a hive built by the Federation. Its hugeness is incomparable to the hives built by the Empire. Its highest point has even passed through the atmosphere. It is huge. The size has caused an interesting phenomenon. The Krak Hive has its own ecosystem. In some places, there are even some "hive creatures" that can only survive in the Krak Hive. Find a Chaos Astartes battle in this huge hive. The group is really a bit troublesome.

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