Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 573 Tyron’s trick

Chapter 573 Tyron’s trick

Deep underground, a termite assault drill is constantly operating beneath the ground. It is constantly excavating the ground, and the passengers it carries are also preparing their own equipment.

"The anti-matter bomb is ready. We will detonate it directly in its body and let it play for days."

Hu Jin looked at the time-travelers around him. He played with the small glass bead in his hand. He looked at the brothers beside him, smiled at them and said, that small glass bead is an antimatter bomb, a large gram bomb. Anti-matter bomb, the time travelers plan to use this thing to blow up the beast underground.

It's just that the idea is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny. They have been underground for ten hours. They have tried various methods, but they have not found any trace of the titan creature. This is really a bit outrageous, such a big thing, such a big thing can't be found! ? This is a bit weird.

Logically speaking, such a big thing is just hiding, and there is no possibility of it being hidden. This is really outrageous.

But for this kind of thing, Hu Jin and the others are also prepared. They have enough oxygen, and the Astartes don't need too much oxygen. They can even turn off the oxygen system and stay in the power armor for another ten hours. .

At this moment, a jolt suddenly appeared in the Termite Assault Drill. Then the Termite Assault Drill's detector detected a movement similar to cutting flesh. This made Hu Jin happy. They did not show that they were swallowed. Okay, just explode it and that’s it!
As the shell of the termite assault drill began to be corroded by stomach acid, Hu Jin directly used the anti-matter bomb in his hand.

"Clap clap clap!!!"

On the edge of Clark's hive, a large area of ​​sand exploded. At the same time, the shock wave from the underground also caused a huge earthquake in the hive. However, the earthquake was suppressed very quickly. Wang Ming had already anticipated this situation. Wang Ming specially arranged for a large number of legion think tanks to use "psionic energy" to suppress earthquakes. Psychic energy is such a versatile ability. No matter what the situation is, it can be solved. For advanced psychics, For those who are capable, suppressing a mere earthquake is not a problem at all.

"There was an earthquake. The anti-matter bomb was detonated."

Wang Ming held the teacup in his hand. He looked at the ripples of tea in the teacup and said to the current Isha with a smile.

Isha looked at Wang Ming calmly, her eyes full of regret. After all, Wang Ming had brainwashed the human species so badly for so many days, and he signed a contract with Isha. After the agreement not to go to war with the Eldar, Isa completely agreed to Wang Ming's conditions to help humans fight Nurgle's diseases. At the same time, if possible, Isa would provide human physical examination and treatment in every world in the future. Sha is responsible, and of course the same is true if she encounters the Eldar.

"You didn't kill it completely. I can still feel its vitality. Its vitality is very strong. It won't die at all for a while."

Isa looked at Wang Ming. He took a sip of the tea in his hand and then said to Wang Ming. Wang Ming also nodded to Isa. He knew about this matter and all actions had backup plans and plans. This was not the case. It's too big of a problem, just one more anti-matter bomb will be enough, but the think tanks in the hive that just stopped the earthquake will have to work overtime again later.

The second anti-matter bomb was thrown into the sand pit, and then a huge explosion appeared outside the hive. At the same time, the think tanks in the hive also started working overtime, and a large amount of psychic energy once again suppressed the Seismic wave, but its consumption caused a large number of think tanks to commit suicide to recover.

"Are you alive now?"

Wang Ming looked at Isa in front of him and asked her. As the goddess of life, she could still feel her vitality. As for the specific principle, Wang Ming didn't know. It should be some kind of concept.

"Still alive, you bombed in the wrong place."

Isha looked at Wang Ming, who shook his head. As soon as Isha finished speaking, a huge psychic reaction suddenly appeared from the side of the nest, and it pressed against the nest with overwhelming pressure.

Wang Ming was also aware of these psychic reactions. He quickly used his psychic powers to try to suppress those attacks. Wang Ming's psychic powers were very powerful, but when facing this thing, he still felt some pressure. This thing The psychic power of Wang Ming was so powerful that Wang Ming's psychic power could only block it for a while, but fortunately, the resurrected think tanks in the hive had already felt the psychic reaction, and they began to help, but even so , those psychic powers still destroyed a peripheral area of ​​the hive city, and the civilians and mortal auxiliary troops in it all died under the psychic attacks.

Moreover, these psychic powers are still spreading, oppressing the area of ​​the hive, and constantly destroying buildings and humans.

"what is that?"

In the nest city, a little girl looked at the gradually distorting dome of the nest city. She asked a female mortal auxiliary soldier beside her with a puzzled face. The mortal auxiliary army did not answer the little girl's words. She directly said He hugged the little girl and tried to use his body to block the dome of the hive city that was about to fall.

But does it work? It's absolutely useless. Even when wearing power armor, the human body can't stop it.

The female mortal auxiliary held the little girl, and her body was directly crushed by the falling fragments of the hive city's dome, turning the little girl under her body into a pulp.

Her sacrifice did not save the little girl. At the same time, the daughter she adopted on the fleet also lost her mother again.

Tragedies keep happening in this galaxy, and this is just one of them. But this tragedy made Wang Ming extremely angry. His figure world arrived at the location of the collapsed hive city. He looked at the ruins all over the ground. He I also saw the culprit.

It was a Tyrannic war beast, a Tyrannic creature floating in the air. Its whole body was full of psychic power. It was a specialized Tyrannic war beast. Wang Ming looked at the Tyrannic war beast. He was extremely angry, and his psychic power went towards the Tyranx war beast almost without thinking, but its psychic power blocked Wang Ming's psychic power. This thing was specially edited and produced by Tyronn. , specifically designed to cause massive destruction.

"Fuck you uncle!"

Wang Ming looked at the Tyrannic War Beast. He roared angrily, and his figure instantly appeared next to the Tyrannic War Beast. Then he slashed directly at the Tyrannic War Beast's head with a knife. The knife carried Wang Ming's extremely angry power and directly struck the Tyrannic War Beast. Cutting through the psychic defense of the Tyrannic War Beast, the blade cut directly into the body of the Tyrannic War Beast. With one knife, the Primarch's knife directly killed this thing, but before death, this thing was returned to Wang Ming After a big job, at the moment of its death, its psychic energy suddenly violently exploded. Wang Ming was swallowed up by these psychic energies, and at the same time, the surrounding areas were once again affected by the psychic explosion. Wang Ming was lying on the ground. He looked at the ruins in the sky. He just lay on the ground in silence. Although he knew that it was not his fault, he just felt that it was his fault and that he did not protect himself well. Empire people.

"I'm going to f**k Tyron!"

Wang Ming roared, and his spiritual power also exploded. He flew directly in the air and headed outside the nest. He looked at the deserts under his feet, and he could feel the power of the huge Tyran war beast among them. Nothingness, a soulless thing, is preparing to destroy a large foundation of the hive.


Wang Ming looked at the desert below. His psychic power was constantly surging, destroying the desert below. This was Wang Ming's full burst of his psychic power. You know, the last time he did this was with a living planet. During the battle, his full power output could be seen even from the orbit of the planet. His psychic power directly grabbed the thing. He looked at the thing floating in the air, and he used With all his strength, he crushed this thing into a pulp.

The fleshy mud was scattered all over the sky, and Wang Ming fell directly to the ground. His spiritual power and soul had been burned out, and he now needed to go to the subspace to see the Emperor again.

"I..., I'm still too weak..., I can't even protect my own people..."

Wang Ming looked at the big light ball in front of him, and he said to it, the Emperor didn't say anything, he directly sent Wang Ming back to the real universe.

Wang Ming was lying on the ground covered with the flesh and blood of Terran's Titan-class units. He looked at the sky blankly. If only he had taken action earlier, if only he had known Terran's plan earlier, if only he could predict the future, if only he...

But there are no ifs in the world. Things have already happened, and they are irreversible. Everything needs to be borne by Wang Ming himself.

"Lord Protector, the reconstruction of the hive city has begun. Here is the document."

In the Governor's Mansion in Clark's Nest, a mortal official brought the document to Wang Ming. Wang Ming looked at the document, modified it, and handed it to the mortal official.

"The aftermath of the survivors must be done well. They cannot be displaced anymore. Everything for them will be provided by the planetary government."

Wang Ming looked at the mortal official in front of him, he put down the document in his hand, and then said to him. The mortal official looked at Wang Ming, and he quickly nodded to the Lord Protector, and then left the Governor's Mansion to carry out his work. .

"The Tyranids are a big problem, Chaos is a big problem, the xenos are a problem, damn it!"

Wang Ming looked at the current documents, he yelled angrily, and then began to continue processing the documents.

A large number of reconstruction orders were issued by Wang Ming, and a large amount of resources and supplies arrived in the world. At the same time, a large number of large projects began to rebuild the hive cities on the remains of the destroyed hive cities.

Time flies. The reconstruction of this world is a huge project. At the same time, the handling of those chaos cults also needs to be carried out simultaneously. These rat people actually escaped the first cleanup, but it doesn’t matter. The second time will be the same. Under Wang Ming’s anger, they will all die!
"Boss, this is not your problem. Everyone knows it, but now you..."

Hu Jin looked at Wang Ming, who had been working on the work for a year, and said to him that a year passed quietly, which is not a long time for the Astartes and the Primarch, but Wang Ming is so hard and sleepless. Working for a whole year is a bit outrageous.

"It's okay, Guilliman is worse off than me."

Wang Ming gave Hu Jin a smile, and then he continued to deal with things. Human beings in this world have a lot of things to deal with. Naturally, they are not comparable to those in the previous worlds. Wang Ming can only work harder and deal with more things. Something, and a lot of the hives in this world need to be rebuilt.

Seeing that Hu Jin couldn't persuade Wang Ming, he had no choice but to leave. For Wang Ming, the current situation was normal and he wanted to atone for his mistakes.

After everything was arranged, the fleet began to head to another world. They had completed their mission for this world, but they did not know that in the next world, they would face something that truly made them despair. .

Stiva, the civilized world of the empire, was originally a prosperous world, but now this world is empty. Countless human corpses are scattered on the earth. Demons are walking on the earth, and they are looking at those humans. corpses, constantly searching for living humans among them. The world was massacred, and the demons completely destroyed the world, but the strange thing is that all the cultists in this world are dead.

They are the guys who summon the demons in this world, but those demons slaughtered them. This is very strange. All life in this world is gone, only demons exist, and these demons have existed in this world for a long time. Yes, this is even more abnormal. Why can they exist in this world for a long time?

It's just that no one can answer this question. Most of the humans in this world have died, and their corpses are scattered on the earth. As a portal for things to come to the real universe, countless demons are entering reality all the time. The universe, they are constantly moving on the planets.

The demons just walk on the earth, and they continue to search for the remaining humans on the planet. As long as they are found by these demons, they will kill them directly, and then throw the corpses on the earth. superior.

And while the demons in this world are constantly killing humans, the fleet of the 21st Legion has entered this galaxy and is heading to this world. They don't know what is happening in this world. I just know that this world has lost contact with the Empire.

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