Chapter 582 Regret
The bodies of the aliens were carried to the analysis room by the mortal auxiliary army. They looked at the aliens who revealed their true colors. These aliens killed their brothers after sneaking into the fleet. They simply hated these alien frames. .

They looked at the alien corpses and wanted to kick them, but for Lord Clairosse's research, they still did not touch the alien corpses.

"That is to say, their home star is right in front."

Wang Ming looked at the information in his hand. He held the data pad and asked Zhou Heng in front of him.

"Yes, their home star is five light years ahead. According to the intelligence, this alien civilization should be a relatively large alien civilization. It has the ability to use psychic power to travel at super-light speeds in subspace. Again They enter the fleet to take advantage of this capability.”

Zhou Heng told Wang Ming about the information about the aliens. These were obtained through a large number of aliens and then using the big memory recovery technique. The information was absolutely true. After all, the aliens on the fleet had collectively suffered from Zhou Heng's PTSD. , they collapsed now when they saw Zhou Heng. Zhou Heng’s interrogation of aliens was too terrifying. Even aliens would not interrogate humans like this. They would pluck out all the tissues in an alien’s body except the internal organs, and then question them again. The problem is, the alien at that time just wanted to have fun.

"Hmm... Then we will destroy the alien civilization's home planet, and then destroy all their colonial worlds."

Wang Ming listened to Zhou Heng's words and said lightly that this alien civilization is too threatening to human civilization. Its psychic technology has developed very quickly. They can affect machines and humans. This alien civilization The race must be destroyed.

The clean-up operation of the fleet was completed in a few days, and the aliens were caught one by one. They were either a seat in the Inquisition or a seat in the Anatomy Room. Anyway, none of these aliens could end well.

The fleet was advancing like this, and on the alien's home star, the alien's top management had turned into a mess. How could these humans have such powerful psychic powers? The last time those humans came over, they didn’t have this kind of psychic level. It’s only been ten thousand years, and humans have become like this. How could they have such powerful psychic powers? Moreover, these humans are even more powerful than before. The interrogation method was so cruel that even those races that believed in great gods were frightened.

"Don't worry, humans haven't arrived yet, we still have a fleet, and the fleet can definitely resist human attacks."

And just when the alien top brass were making a mess, the psychic projection of the alien emperor suddenly appeared in front of them. It comforted the alien top brass, but in fact it had now escaped to a remote world colonized by the alien race. above.

It is the most powerful psyker of the alien race. Of course, it can predict what is about to happen through its spiritual power. It knows that the defensive forces of its home planet cannot stop those terrible humans at all, so its home star is just It's just a bait. Now I hope humans won't come looking for it after killing all the individuals on its home planet.

Thinking of this, the Alien Emperor regrets a lot. Why did it want to provoke those humans when it was so busy? It should have taken away all the individuals from the entire home planet, then destroyed all traces of their existence, and let those humans change directions. Let's go, but it's too late to say anything now. It should have made a prediction in the first place. It still regarded these humans as those guys from thousands of years ago.

"It was a miscalculation..., but the great god of trickery will bless me. This is all part of the great plan..."

The alien emperor looked at his civil and military officials. He prayed to them, asking the great god of trickery to bless them, and then he cut off the psychic projection.

Look, it is still a very kind person. It has prayed for them. How kind. Now it just needs to wait. The territory of their race is very large. Humans can’t kill here anymore... ……,Maybe.

It's just that they have been targeted by humans. It is absolutely impossible for humans to let them go. Moreover, they actively attack humans, so it is logical for humans to attack them, but humans actually don't care about these. .

The fleet has now entered the alien galaxy, and they have also been attacked by the alien fleet. However, for these alien fleets, apart from their strange psychic technology tree weapons, which are a bit troublesome, under the protection of the void shield, the fleet Turns out it was just a scratch on the paint.

Wang Ming looked at the wreckage of the alien fleet floating in the space. He looked at the wreckage and realized that the void combat capability of this alien civilization was ridiculously low. Even the Titanium fleet was better than them. Apart from their weird psychic technology, they had nothing to show for it.

"Get ready, just blow up their home planet with a cyclone torpedo."

Wang Ming looked at the wreckage and issued an order to the fleet. They no longer wanted to log into this world. They just blew it up and then checked to see if there were any other alien worlds around them, so they could blow them up too.

"Preparations are being made to launch the cyclone torpedo. The torpedo has been loaded and is being launched."

After determining the mission process, the cyclone torpedo rushed towards the alien's home planet. In an instant, the cyclone torpedo passed through the atmosphere and landed directly on the surface of the planet. Wang Ming looked at the cyclone torpedo that fell on the surface of the planet. Compared to Wang Ming prefers to call this thing Neutron Killer.

After all, this thing is also a good thing that passed through the hands of the First Engineer Regiment. After it explodes, it will produce a plasma torrent. Under the influence of the planet's gravity, this plasma torrent will plow the entire world along the planet's surface.

"The effect is good. Okay, the test is over. Take out the cyclone torpedo and blow up the star core of this world. Then we will go to the next world."

Wang Ming watched the world being plowed by plasma, and he laughed. It seemed that the craftsmanship of the First Engineer Regiment was pretty good, and in the future, they could deal with those alien and demonic things in the orbit of the planet.

After the fleet dropped another cyclone torpedo, it left the orbit of that world. Like a big firework, the world was blown to pieces after the cyclone torpedo fell, and all the aliens on it Individuals are extremely dead. At the moment of their death, they do not know how they died or why the fleet in the sky does not belong to them but to humans.

Why haven't human troops landed in this world? Why do they want to destroy this world? Aren’t they here to rob this living world?
These aliens died without thinking that humans don't want this world at all, all they want is their lives. This is the empire's attitude towards the aliens. The empire doesn't want much from the aliens. They just want the aliens' lives. Is there any problem with this?

There is no problem with this. The lives of humans belong to humans, and the lives of aliens belong to aliens. It is not the same species at all. How can we have empathy?

The fleet is moving forward like this. Every world they go to must be carefully inspected. In order to prevent aliens from using underground bunkers, the imperial fleet will now check every time it passes by a world where alien civilization may exist. Throw down a cyclone torpedo and blow it up first, regardless of whether there is an alien civilization on it. Anyway, even if these worlds are destroyed, you can use Jingwei-class engineering ships to pull them back and destroy some worlds without any problem at all.

The alien civilization is now completely terrified. Their fear of humans has reached its peak. They don’t know when the human fleet will come to their world. They are afraid of the arrival of humans. They don’t know the human fleet. When the time comes, they can only hug their relatives and children and hide in underground bunkers shivering.

But even if they are so scared, the cyclone torpedoes in the sky will still fall as scheduled, destroying everything they have in the sea of ​​fire.

"The extermination operation has been completed and is heading to the next world."

The fleet has now been separated. In order to increase the progress of destroying the alien world, the fleet has now been divided into ten squadrons. These squadrons are constantly destroying those alien worlds in units of two hundred light years. They are constantly destroying. Those worlds with alien shapes are also constantly exploring this star field.

"That's almost it. Ten alien worlds. Fortunately, the orbital defenses of the alien worlds are the same as those. Their fleets can't even stop our fleet for an hour."

Wang Ming looked at the information from the astropaths. Fortunately, this alien civilization did not have too much void technology. Otherwise, they would really be in trouble. The void technology of those guys was like a piece of shit. Unless those aliens use weird psychic spells to attack the fleet, they really may not be able to discover this alien civilization.

Wang Ming was actually happy about this matter. If the alien civilization hadn't taken the initiative to attack, they might not have been able to discover the alien civilization.

"This is the thing, this is the situation. Ministers, please think of a solution. Human beings have destroyed ten of our worlds, including our home planet."

The alien emperor looked at his new ministers and asked them. He regretted his actions now. Why did he mess with humans? Can't you just let those people pass? Gotta mess with them...

"Your Highness, I think we should surrender. We can no longer resist the human offensive. For the human fleet, our fleet is like a group of children encountering a real army. We are completely unable to fight against those humans."

"You coward! There's nothing special about those humans. What does it have to do with your psychic troops trying to get in touch with us Marines? We can definitely fight humans!!"

"Fuck your mother's generator, look at you Marine guys, your limbs are just bigger than ours, you can't even touch human hair without the help of the fleet, you are still a coward You are a bunch of brainless people, no wonder the God of Trickery doesn’t bless you very much.”


The alien emperor looked at his new ministers. He was completely helpless. They were all arguing. He looked at them helplessly, and then completely gave up the idea of ​​letting them come up with ideas. These guys could probably do it directly. Let them find a way to fight, which will undoubtedly lead to a civil war.

"Forget it, let's not ask anyone, we will figure it out ourselves."

The Alien Emperor looked at the ministers and silently activated a sacrificial circle. While the ministers looked surprised and frightened, the Alien Emperor sacrificed them.

"O great God of Trickery, please tell me the movements of humans and how to defeat them."

The Alien Emperor prayed to the great God of Trickery, praying for how to defeat mankind, but after only a few minutes, he completely gave up the idea, because in the prophecy of the Great Lord of Trickery, no matter which ending it is, as long as It will definitely be destroyed by humans as long as it stays in the civilized world. Now it is better to take some tribesmen and escape directly. How many can survive.

But just when it was about to escape, a huge fleet suddenly appeared above the world it was in. It walked out of its new palace, it looked at the ships in the sky, it smiled bitterly, and then It called its own children and several children who were playing near the new palace to its side. After telling its eldest son some things, it began to use all its psychic powers to protect them. It already knew the fate of its own race. It's destiny, but it still wants to let its race exist. It has nothing now, and there is nothing else except huge psychic energy.

It will try to use spiritual energy to protect the palace. If it is lucky, the palace will float in the void, and the individuals in the palace can survive. If it is not lucky, it will die directly, but at that time it will still have the power to protect itself. Children, and children who don’t know who they are.

These children are the hope for the continuation of their race. It is very smart and understands the overall situation. As a believer of the God of Trickery, it knows many things. It even knows that even if its own race is not discovered by humans, it will be because of Belief in the God of Trickery leads to destruction because it has no choice. Their technology has been completely bound to the God of Trickery, and even it has been blessed by the God of Trickery to become a powerful spirit. Those who are capable.

"If I had known earlier, why would I be like this..."

The Alien Emperor looked at the children beside him, smiled gently, and then looked at the cyclone torpedo falling from the sky. This sentence was only for his original behavior, but also for his ancestors.

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