Chapter 592 Angry Khorne
The fleet sailed at super-light speed in the real universe through the webway, and it only took two days to reach its destination. Although the webway extends in all directions, some small nodes still need to readjust the entry position of the webway. After all, not every There are webway gates in every galaxy. Occasionally, the webway gates still need to be transited.

After the fleet arrived in this world, they quickly established contact with the Space Wolves. After understanding the general situation, the fleet began to directly land on this world on a large scale. Originally, this world was fighting with the Space Wolves. The cultists who played the wolf game were also quickly eliminated due to the arrival of the fleet.

After all, the entire world is now filled with fleet troops, and those heretics have no place to hide. After completing this matter, Wang Ming immediately began to search for Leman Russ.

Just as the Emperor said to him before, the Emperor also gave him a revelation to guide him towards the place where Leman Russ disappeared. It was a huge valley in which various native plants grew abnormally. Lush, and it is worth mentioning that this world is a hive world, with huge forests all over the world. The unique ecological environment is close to Catachan, but it is not as deadly as Catachan, but the local plants are large Most of them are carnivorous. After all, in this world, its ecological environment already requires the creatures in this world to hunt any animal to maintain their lives.

The same is true for the plants on it, but travelers who have already faced an environment like Catachan don't care about the carnivorous plants in this world at all. Although the plants in this world are carnivorous, compared to Catachan, their attack power is really too low. No matter how wide they open their big teeth, they can't bite through the most basic bulletproof armor, and they can only scratch some paint.

And Leman Russ disappeared in the valley, and these plants were growing rapidly at a very strange speed. In response to this situation, Wang Ming directly bought a lot of flamethrowers and set fire to the mountain. .

And after they burned the plants and entered the valley, they saw a strange subspace portal standing in front of them. Wang Ming looked at the portal. According to the revelation given to him by the emperor, Leman Russ In this portal.

Feeling the energy in this portal, Wang Ming suddenly felt a sense of familiarity in his heart. He seemed to have encountered similar situations before, and that was the power of Khorne.

"Call Feng Fan over here."

Wang Ming looked at the portal in front of him, and he called Feng Fan directly because he had considered some things, some matters related to facing Khorne.

When Feng Fan arrived, Wang Ming took him directly into the portal. He did not choose to bring troops because he seemed to know the current situation of Leman Russ.

At the same time, Leman Russ, who was in the wasteland, was still using his Fenrisian curse words to curse the subspace whispers around him. For him, in this space, Everything is an illusion created by those evil things. He will never give in like those evil things, and he will never be like his fallen brothers.

At this moment, a portal suddenly appeared next to Leman Russ, and in that portal, Wang Ming and Feng Fan suddenly appeared next to Leman Russ. Leman Russ looked at The two people who suddenly appeared next to him, after some thought, he immediately put his arms around Wang Ming's shoulders.

"Come on, brother, help me chop them together."

Leman Russ said to Wang Ming carelessly, but Wang Ming saw a trace of murderous intent in his eyes. He knew Leman Russ's thoughts and felt that he and Feng Fan should be an illusion.

"My brother, don't think about killing me too. We came right here after we received the news that you were missing."

Wang Ming looked at Leman Russ. Although this guy sometimes looks like a husky, he is still very smart at other times. The cunning and wisdom of the wolf are fully reflected in him. He is a wild wolf, a cunning one. wild wolf.

After Wang Ming finished saying these words to Leman Russ, he began to use his psychic powers to continuously kill the demons with psychic spells.

He has already felt the rejection of psychic spells in this space. This space was created by Khorne. This guy wanted to bewitch Leman Russ the same way he bewitched Dorne, but Dorne was not attracted by this thing back then. How could it be possible for Leman Russ to be affected by his son? With Leman Russ’s out-of-the-box character, he has definitely been swearing in this space for an unknown amount of time. Back then, Dorn even repeated his own name. How could Leman Russ, who had a more flexible mind in 800, be affected by this thing?

And just when Wang Ming used his spiritual power, the demons were instantly cut into pieces by these spiritual powers. Those fragments continued to fall to the ground and turned into pieces of red sand, and then the red sand on the ground returned to the ground again. Transformed into many other demons, it is obvious that Khorne should want Nemanrus to continue killing in this wilderness, and then let him fall into the depravity of endless killing, and let him fall into his arms.

Moreover, Wang Ming also heard a whisper of subspace. He had already expected this situation. He glanced at Feng Fan beside him, and then Feng Fan beside him started his own output. There was no need for it at all. Prepared in advance, all kinds of humiliation and arrangement of Khorne were uttered continuously in Feng Fan's mouth. The curse words were so unpleasant and the vocabulary was so rich that he could curse him for a long time without repeating it. Moreover, Feng Fan also brought a huge speaker with him, which was installed on his power backpack. After he turned on the speaker, his voice was amplified countless times, and he played the Emperor's Proverbs when he background sound, in the face of this kind of abuse with BGM, it is a real miracle that Khorne can hold back.

The red sand on the ground suddenly turned into countless big demons. Those big demons rushed towards Feng Fan immediately, but under the protection of Leman Russ and Wang Ming, these big demons could not even reach Feng Fan. He was killed directly in front of the two of them without even touching his toes.

Wang Ming also took this opportunity to release his subspace essence directly in this area. The golden flames continued to sweep across the entire desert. Wang Ming looked at the demons engulfed by the golden flames, and his heart He was so happy, but he was worried that he wouldn't have many opportunities to enter the subspace to kill those demons, and this opportunity just gave him.

A large number of demons had their essence burned out and died completely. They were no longer immortal in this golden flame. Their essence was directly burned out, and there was no possibility of them returning to the subspace and resurrecting.

Moreover, the golden flames burned not only the devil, but also the entire space. After those golden flames touched the red sand on the ground, they started to burn quickly and quickly just like touching the flames of fuel. As it spreads, the entire space is made up of the power of chaos, which is like adding fuel to the golden flame.

Moreover, in the subspace, two beings are constantly confronting each other. It is precisely because one being blocked Khorne's large-scale intervention in this space that Wang Ming and Leman Russ were not blocked. Pulled directly into the realm of Khorne.

The golden flame kept burning, and it burned through the entire desert. Now, the entire desert is like the surface of a star, with the golden flame constantly burning on it. Countless demons and the entire space have been burned. The golden flame burned, this space was collapsing, and countless subspace powers were completely burned by it.

And just when those flames burned this space, a blood-red light suddenly appeared in the sky of this space, and then a huge hand suddenly stretched out from the sky. Wang Ming had seen that With one hand, in Holy Terra, during the Second Battle of Terra, the time-travelers scolded Khorne out of nowhere. Hongwen came and wanted to personally deal with the time-travelers, but At that time, the Emperor stopped him forcefully.

But now that he saw this hand again, Wang Ming suddenly felt like using golden flames to hit it. He really wanted to see if he had the ability to hurt those chaotic evil gods, but when he appeared like this While he was thinking about it, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Don't think about it, you can't do it yet."

That was the voice of the Emperor, and just after this voice appeared, Wang Ming and the others suddenly blurred for a moment, and then they appeared directly in the valley where they had entered the portal before. They looked at the environment in front of them. , everyone knows what happened, they were rescued, rescued by the Emperor, and when they left that space, a golden light suddenly enveloped the space, and then a figure suddenly appeared in In the space over there, his whole body seemed to be made of golden light. He held a big sword made of golden light in his hand. He raised the long sword towards the giant hand above the sky, and then countless golden flames appeared in it. In this space, those golden flames rushed directly towards the giant hand in the sky. It was like a sword strike, leaving a huge wound directly on the giant hand, and the giant hand was injured. After arriving, an angry roar also resounded throughout the space.

At the same time, in the subspace, two terrifying beings are constantly fighting. Their battle makes the entire subspace become turbulent, and countless subspace storms are formed during their battles. The energy in Zhigao Heaven also surged because of the fierce battle between the two terrifying entities. While those two entities were fighting, there were three equally terrifying entities that were paying attention to them. They were watching. In this battle, they are all very interested in the outcome of this battle.

For them, this battle was the best time to observe the man's true power, and while they were paying attention to this battle, the man suddenly chose not to fight and was about to leave directly, and he wanted to Without the existence that was hostile to Him, there was no way to completely stop Him. Although the man couldn't kill the thing, he had more than enough power to escape from the thing's hands.

After the man left, the waves in the subspace slowly began to calm down, but the existence he was fighting with was obviously not so calm. He roared angrily, and his followers and the demons under his hands also Feeling His wrath, they will kill more and sacrifice more of themselves, sacrificing endless heads to the great Blood God.

After talking about the turbulent waves in the subspace, let us now turn our perspective to the real universe. Wang Ming now looked at Leman Russ in front of him. He looked at Leman Russ who was chattering in front of him and explaining the situation to him. I just feel that my head is a bit big now. This guy actually rushed in just because the portal looked weird. Then he lost contact with his legion for so long. It was because of this that he suffered so much. Rushing back from Kronos Expansion, this guy has some brain problems. Wang Ming even wants to slap the huge husky in front of him to death.

But thinking about the things Neman Russ had done before and judging from his character, well, this is indeed something that Russ can do. Wang Ming was also speechless for this guy, and told him again not to be too After the overly excited action, Wang Ming took over the reconstruction work of the planet from the Space Wolves. The Renaissance Expedition was not like the empire's previous expeditions. Every time the Renaissance Expedition regained a world, they would be there. The establishment of a planetary government that can truly stabilize this world will allow the empire's beliefs and the great ideals of mankind to return to this world.

This kind of thing is also something that the empire has not completely considered in its past expeditions. This may be the case in the early days of the Great Crusade, but what about the middle and later stages of the Great Crusade? At that time, the Emperor's Great Crusade was too hasty, but there was nothing that could be done about it. At that time, the Emperor was competing for time with the four evil gods of subspace, and now, the Renaissance Crusade is still competing for time. Time, but Wang Ming hopes that the results of the Renaissance Expedition will be better than the Great Expedition, at least allowing those recovered worlds to truly stabilize.

At least, Wang Ming hopes that the revival expedition's butt will be wiped clean, and it will not leave a lot of unresolved problems like the Markarian expedition. Each revival expedition fleet has several Jingwei class ships. Engineering ships, these engineering ships are tools for rebuilding these worlds, allowing each recovered world to settle down.

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