Chapter 608 Invasion
"Yes, yes, yes, I'm from the First Command on the front line. What's your situation? Artillery support? Immediately!"

"This is the 872nd Regiment of the Mortal Auxiliary Army, requesting ammunition replenishment. We don't have much ammunition left!"

"My position's defense system has been destroyed. Requesting firepower, requesting firepower, firepower towards my position!"

In the command center, a large amount of information was constantly being transmitted among the civilian officers. They looked at the intelligence in their hands and continuously passed the intelligence to the commanders. The war situation was now too intense, and the imperial troops on various battlefields were struggling with the demons.

The military forces on the battlefield in this star zone are already stretched to the limit. Although the Imperial troops are more numerous than the Zerg Sea on some battlefields, the mobilization of troops takes time. Although the Webway can quickly transport a large number of troops, their mobilization and adaptation training, as well as large-scale mobilization of troops, will take about a month.

Guilliman mobilized hundreds of millions of mortal troops, as well as a large number of Ultramarines and the Emperor's Children. The mobilization of these troops was completed within a month, which was already very fast. This was achieved by sacrificing the livers of those traversers who were working on Holy Terra. After all, they have now started to work intensively and without rest. For them, even things like eating and drinking can be omitted.

After all, the power backpack behind them has been modified into a vitamin system that can directly inject nutrients. For them, the main task now is to work in a methodical manner. As long as they are not killed, they will work hard to death. Anyway, they can be resurrected after death and continue working after resurrection.

It can be said that the traversers now on Holy Terra have almost evolved into something similar to servitors. They finally understand the pain of those officials of the Ministry of the Interior. They have mountains and seas of information and various reports that need to be processed by them, and then they have to report to the Regent step by step after processing them. This kind of work is really too terrible.

You know, the Human Empire, a huge interstellar empire, has a lot of things to deal with every day, especially now that humans have mastered the Webway technology. Those data and reports on various events will arrive at Holy Terra after 3 to 4 Terra days, and because of this high-efficiency operation, they have even more things to deal with.

Now the Minister of the Interior is almost exhausted to death, but after undergoing the fleet's biological enhancement surgery, he is now in a state where he cannot die even if he wants to. Being exhausted to death is just a feeling he has. As for the specific situation, he is now desperately doing various tasks. After all, his current physical fitness is fully guaranteed. He can work without sleep, and his work efficiency can even surpass that of some robot servants.

While various battles were constantly going on on various battlefields, Wang Ming did not stop his work. He now felt like the boss. As long as there was some big demon descending on a battlefield, he would go directly to that battlefield and deal with the big demon on that battlefield personally.

For him, the current situation is already very tiring. After all, the fleet's troops have basically been dispatched, and he now needs to act as a high-end combat force to deal with those big demons on various battlefields.

"Haha, as expected, that guy's plan succeeded. Now is the time when the 21st Legion is at its weakest. We can take advantage of this time to seize all their fleets and severely damage them."

Just as the battle in this star zone was constantly raging, in a dark corner of this star zone, a fleet was leaping out of the warp. In that fleet, on the terrible flagship, the evil thing that had existed for ten thousand years, the Spirit of Vengeance, Abaddon looked at the intelligence in front of him and laughed out loud.

Beside it, Carlos was shaking its two twisted heads and constantly saying some strange words, such as Abaddon, this operation will definitely fail, or Abaddon, this operation will definitely succeed. Anyway, Abaddon didn't know which of its mouths was telling the truth.

"Your action this time is bound to fail, because according to past experience, you don't have much chance of winning against the 21st Legion."

"This operation will surely succeed, because the 21st Legion does not have much defensive power, and it is above the fleet."

Carlos looked at Abaddon. He kept saying some words about whether Abaddon would fail or succeed. However, Abaddon was not interested in these words because he knew that if he failed under such circumstances, then there would be no point for him to be the Chaos Warmaster.

Now, the situation of the 21st Legion is that their internal defenses are almost empty, and there are not many troops left in the fleet for defense. Now their fleet only has those mortal troops and those sailors of the Imperial Navy. If it can lose in this situation, then there is really no point in playing.

If it loses in this situation, then it really doesn't need to be a Chaos Warlord anymore, just go to the Warp and find a place to bury itself. In this situation, why is it still a Chaos Warlord? People are basically defenseless against it, and it still can't win! ?

Abaddon ignored Carlos' words and started his own action with his fleet. He was determined to succeed in this operation. When Abaddon started his action, Wang Ming had no idea. He was still fighting against a big demon on a world.

"This thing... why does this thing exist? It's almost the same size as a Titan!?"

Wang Ming looked at the huge Khorne in front of him. He held the Eternal tightly in his hand. The air around him was twisted by golden flames. He actually didn't have much fear of this thing. It was just a little troublesome to deal with it. With such a huge body, it must be very difficult to kill it.

"Demon, listen to me, Khorne is a ****!!"

Wang Ming looked at the demon, raised his middle finger to it, and spoke to it in a very sarcastic tone. To the demon, this was a naked provocation. It angrily swung the giant axe in its hand. The huge size of the axe was enough to blow Wang Ming away due to the wind pressure it brought.

Wang Ming felt the huge wind pressure, and now he could only use his psychic power to fix himself in place. "This power... This thing must have been blessed by Khorne countless times."

Wang Ming looked at the huge Khorne demon, and he began to use his psychic power and the essence of the warp. As for this thing, he just said that it was a bit troublesome for him to deal with, but the pressure it actually brought him was not too great.

While Wang Ming was fighting the demon, the mortal sailors in the fleet had already begun to inspect and maintain the ships. Although the fleet had now been dispersed to various locations in this star region, the main fleet was still the one led by the Sun Fortress.

"Xikangli, do you have this month's supply? We're out of cigarettes."

On the Sun Fortress, several mortal auxiliary soldiers were carrying out routine patrols in the corridors of the Sun Fortress. One of the mortal auxiliary soldiers asked his comrade beside him for cigarettes. He had already used up his supply for this month, and the fleet would not distribute tobacco until they finished their mission.

"Okay, okay, I know what you want, just go ahead and smoke it, no one can beat you."

His comrade was very disgusted with this old smoker. Most of his usual supplies were not used by himself, but were all smoked by this old guy.

"Isn't this just to help out in an emergency? Don't worry, if you smoke this cigarette for me now, I can block bullets for you when we get to the battlefield, hahahaha."

The mortal auxiliary soldier was joking with his comrades, but just as he touched the cigarette, a wall in front of them suddenly exploded, and metal fragments and smoke flew everywhere. As a group of battle-hardened mortal auxiliary soldiers, they immediately got into battle formation. They looked at the smoke in front of them vigilantly and raised their plasma rifles.

"Clap clap clap..."

And just when they were on guard, a very familiar sound suddenly came from the smoke ahead. It was the footsteps of Astartes, and the magnetic boots kept colliding with the metal ground. When this sound was heard, a very bad idea came into everyone's mind. There were no more traversers on the fleet now, and those adults had all gone to those worlds to fight.

Although there are still time travelers from the First Engineer Corps on the fleet today, it is basically impossible for them to appear in this place. You know, this place is the arsenal of the fleet, and it is absolutely impossible for the time travelers from the First Engineer Corps to produce weapons of mass destruction here.

"Turn on penetrating imaging!"

At this moment, the squad leader of the mortal auxiliary army suddenly yelled at them, asking them to turn on the optical observation systems on their power armor tactical eyepieces. Those optical observation systems could penetrate the thick fog.

And just after they heard what their squad leader said, they quickly opened the system on their tactical goggles, and then they saw a scene that made their hearts stop. They saw a familiar enemy, the twisted power armor, the blasphemous runes on the power armor, the Chaos Astartes, this was an enemy they were very familiar with, and these ghost things actually got into the Sun Bastion!

Following an order from the squad leader of the Mortal Auxiliary Army, all the Mortal Auxiliary Army opened fire into the thick fog. They could see the Chaos Astartes in the thick fog. They aimed their plasma rifles at the Chaos Astartes and then pulled the trigger directly.

Blue plasma balls kept flying into the thick fog. These things passed through the thick dust and hit the Chaos Astartes directly. The Chaos Astartes did not expect that those mortals could hit it directly. After a brief surprise for a nanosecond, it pulled the trigger of the grenade in its hand directly at those mortals.

Bombs were flying in the narrow space, and when these bombs hit the mortal auxiliary soldiers, ripples suddenly broke out on their bodies. It was the defensive stance of the mortal auxiliary soldiers that took effect. During the third military reform of the mortal auxiliary soldiers, Wang Ming equipped each of the mortal auxiliary soldiers with a defensive stance. These defensive stances can greatly increase the survival probability of the mortal auxiliary soldiers on the battlefield, and also enable the mortal auxiliary soldiers to compete with Astartes.

After all, although everyone got one after the third military reform, it is also possible to get more defensive stance generators by just writing an application report. Wang Ming has always been very tolerant towards the military, and he will give them everything he can as long as they have it.

"Brothers, it's not like we haven't dealt with those damn Chaos Astartes before. Kill them all!"

The mortal auxiliary troops looked at the Chaos Astartes in front of them, and their squad leader yelled at them, it's not that they haven't fought against the Astartes before. During the previous tactical simulation, they fought against the time travelers in the virtual world. And who among them hasn't fought against the Chaos Astartes and demons in the previous battles? These things can scare those mortals who have never experienced a big battlefield, but for them, it is a common thing.

Moreover, under the leadership of various commanders, the mortal auxiliary army now has a sense of pride. They are the army of the Protector of the Country, they are the most powerful mortal troops in this galaxy, they are the sword of mankind, the sword against those evil gods, they will use their mortal bodies to do the work of the Astartes, for the God-Emperor, for the Empire, for the great Protector of the Country, they will destroy those damn traitors!
The battle in this area has been known to the artificial intelligence on the fleet. There are no time travelers defending the fleet, but there are still iron men on the fleet, and Zhou Heng is above the fleet.

"I understand. I'll take care of it."

Zhou Heng looked at the holographic projection screen in front of him. He spoke to the fleet's artificial intelligence, then he put on his military uniform and headed for the battlefield. You know, Zhou Heng is also a high-end combat force.

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