Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 610 The Death of Truth

Chapter 610 The Death of Truth

Leo Lores roared, and he pulled the trigger of the melta pistol in his hand, and the melta ray hit Abaddon's head directly.

Needless to say, Leo Lores had given Abaddon his answer, and he was forever loyal.

Abaddon accepted his answer and used the Claw of Horus, which pierced through his body directly. Leo Lores was hanging on the Claw of Horus, and he suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha, you are ridiculous, Abaddon. You are really ridiculous. Your so-called statement is a self-deception. You don't even know what you want. But I know that I have my own meaning. I have something to fight for, even if I have to die for it. And you... my former brother, do you have any?"

Leo Lores looked at Abaddon. He stared into Abaddon's already chaotic eyes. He laughed and spoke to him. There was endless sarcasm in his tone. That sarcasm was almost bringing out the things that Abaddon least wanted to face.

"Our father was deceived by the powers of destruction, and you... you are just a ridiculous pawn. You have no ideals to fight for humanity, you have no real career, and everything you have is just wishful thinking. You are even losing your spirit, just like our father before he died."

As Leo Lores was still speaking, the Claw of Horus had pierced his major organs. Although the powerful body of the new Astartes would not allow him to die like this, for Abaddon, he had already lost his combat effectiveness. He was now just an Astartes who had lost his combat ability.


Abaddon looked at Leo Lores on the Claw of Horus. It did not believe what he said. It had its own ideals and its own cause. They had told it that it would destroy the corrupt empire and lead mankind to a true rise. They told it! They told it! It was right! The Empire opposed it, which proved that it was right! Leo Lores opposed it, which proved that he was wrong! !


Just as Abaddon was watching Leo Lores' face on the Claw of Horus becoming increasingly ugly, the sound of a shotgun blast suddenly appeared in his ears, followed by a huge explosion next to his head.


Judith looked at Abaddon in front of her, and then at the Raven Guard who was carrying her. She quickly stuffed a few more special shotgun shells into the "Demon Exorcist". The special shotgun shells were specially made by the First Engineer Regiment. The power of these things was even greater than that of explosive bombs, but the range of this thing... was simply worrying. So if Judith wanted to use this kind of ammunition, she could only let the Raven Guard carry her and move. Otherwise, with her mortal movement speed, she would not be able to move so fast at all.

"Hurry up!"

Just as Judith was looking at Abaddon and was about to hit him again, Abaddon suddenly turned and looked at her. The damage caused by the special shotgun had been repaired, and even the specially treated holy water had no effect on Abaddon.

So the Raven Guard had no choice but to flee with Judith. They came to kill Abaddon, not to be killed by him.

Looking at the two people who ran into a shadow and suddenly disappeared, Abaddon put down his hands that were about to tear them apart. He looked at the other imperial enemies in front of him. He just held his former brother and continued to advance under the firepower of the mortal soldiers.

"Abaddon, come with me to see the Emperor!!"

At this moment, Leo Lores suddenly followed the Claw of Horus and hugged Abaddon directly. He had actually prepared for his death before, but he couldn't die in vain. The light of the melta bomb exploded on his body, and he wanted to die with Abaddon.

With the explosion of the melta bomb, the last Moon Wolf died at this moment. The light of the melta bomb was like the holy light guiding it. His soul would surely return to the Golden Throne and return to the Holy Lord of Humanity.

And just after Leo Lores detonated the melta bomb on his body, all the mortal auxiliary soldiers drew out the power swords at their waists. They looked at the light after the melta explosion in front of them and prayed for Leo Lores in their hearts, praying that his soul would return to the Golden Throne and praying that he would kill the enemy with one blow.

But after the light of the molten explosion disappeared, Abaddon still stood there, the twisted and evil psychic light around him kept flashing, he looked at the mortals in front of him angrily, he didn't understand why his former brother was still stubborn? Obviously this empire was already corrupt and crumbling, only it was the leader who led mankind to new hope, why did he still go against it, even at the cost of his life.

After the mortal auxiliary troops saw Abaddon, they also raised their power swords. They knew that their plasma rifles could not cause any damage to the terrible monster in front of them. The only thing they could rely on was the power swords in their hands. They would sacrifice their own lives, even if it meant hurting the monster. As long as they could stop it from seizing the ship, they would be victorious, and they would be worthy of the name of the Primarch's troops.

The bodies of mortals are not as strong as those of the Astartes, but their will and courage can be compared with those of demigods. Humans are like this. The hymn of humanity is the hymn of courage. Even when facing the real gods, they will fire that tiny shot for the God-Emperor, for humanity, and for the human empire struggling in the suffering of the galaxy.


As a shout of "Kill" was raised among the mortal auxiliary army, all the mortal soldiers rushed towards Abaddon. Among these mortal soldiers were those who stayed behind and those who came to support the Imperial Navy. They brandished their power weapons and rushed towards the terrible demon that was out of reach for them. They were timid in their hearts, but more of them were loyal to the Emperor and the Primarch. Even if they died, they did not want to see their ships taken away by these damn guys. If they wanted to take away their ships, they had to step over their corpses. Even if they were like an egg hitting a stone, even if they were like an ant trying to shake a tree, they had no fear or regret. They knew that after their death, their souls would return to the Golden Throne, while those damned traitors and twisted demons, their souls would be torn apart under the wrath of the Emperor.

Charge, warriors of the empire, charge at the terrible enemy, charge at the terrifying demon, charge at those damned traitors, use your own lives, use everything you have, turn your loyalty into actual actions, and bring the wrath of the God-Emperor to those enemies of humanity! Live up to the name of humanity!!

Live up to the name of humanity, this is what all the mortal soldiers are thinking about now. Although they are mortals, their courage is no less than those of the Astartes. They use their already weak mortal bodies to fight against those inhuman creatures. These are the mortal soldiers, and these are the cornerstones of the empire, a cornerstone accumulated with the corpses of countless mortals. They turn their own lives into the cornerstones of the empire and maintain this shaky ten thousand year old empire.

Everyone is saying that the empire is already a candle in the wind, everyone is saying that the human empire is already crumbling. But this empire, which is like a candle in the wind and is crumbling, has persisted for ten thousand years. During these ten thousand years, it has sheltered countless human beings, and countless soldiers will use their lives to keep the empire going, even though they know that the collapse of the empire only takes a moment, but their sacrifice is to delay that moment.

The magnetic boots of the force feedback power armor stepped on the ground, like an ensemble, playing the ensemble of their death together, but this ensemble was also like a hymn, he sang the greatness of mortal soldiers, he sang the praises of those warriors who dared to fight the monsters in this universe with their mortal bodies. The God Emperor would remember them, the Empire would remember them, Wang Ming..., he would also remember them forever.

The mortal soldiers rushed towards Abaddon, waving the power swords in their hands continuously. In this relatively small space, these mortals had an advantage, but this so-called advantage was an advantage in numbers. In front of Abaddon, this advantage in numbers was as ridiculous as a piece of paper that was about to be burned by fire.

The Claw of Horus kept waving, and mortal flesh was cut into countless pieces by these claws. Broken limbs kept flying in the corridor. The soldiers watched their comrades in front of them being torn apart, and watched their own bodies being torn apart, but none of them chose to retreat, even if it was just a little bit, even if it just hurt it a little, even if it was just to delay time for the ship's artificial intelligence to activate the ship's self-destruct system.

The sword was waving, that was the glory of mortals, that glory hit Abaddon's power armor, leaving traces on the power armor blessed by the Chaos God. At the same time, those mortal soldiers also detonated the molten armor on their bodies at the last moment of their lives. They thought that the power of the molten armor should be stronger than the power sword. Even if it could not hurt the monster, it should be able to stop it.

Abaddon looked at the ignorant mortals in front of him and waved the Claw of Horus angrily. The claws were stained with the blood of countless mortals, but those mortals still rushed towards him endlessly. They were not afraid of death, they hoped that this guy would die with them!

"The ship's reactor overload is being activated, and the antimatter bombs inside the ship are being activated."

On this ship, this ship named Imperial Truth, Captain Jiang Tao and Minerva are activating the self-destruct system on the Imperial Truth. However, after activating it, it means that they can no longer leave. They need to maintain the operation of this program because the operation of this program itself is to prevent them from rebellion.

"Okay, the self-destruct system has been activated. I will remove your motherboard now and then retreat with you."

Judith and the Raven Guard beside her were watching the self-destruct system in operation. They were about to remove the motherboards of the two artificial intelligences and take them away with them, but at this moment, the holographic projections of the two artificial intelligences suddenly waved to them and said something to them that made Judith extremely painful.

"We can't leave. We must ensure that the self-destruct system is truly activated. We are the main activation program of this system. It can be said that this system is actually designed to prevent us from rebelling. We must stay."

Captain Jiang Tao spoke to the two people in front of him, while Minerva beside him showed a sad expression. Her holographic projection walked in front of Judith. The small girl floated in the air, then opened her arms and slowly hugged Judith, but she had no entity. Her small arms passed through Judith's body. She looked at Judith's eyes with tears, although she could not really cry.

"Come on, kids, we'll kill that demon for you."

Minerva looked at the two people in front of her. She looked at the two warriors in front of her as if she was looking at her own children. She was like a mother, a mother who wanted to protect her children, but she failed. She could not protect those children, even though she had activated those combat iron men with the authorization of the acting captain and Captain Jiang Tao.

"Let's go. There is no need to feel sad about our passing. We are creations of mankind. Protecting human civilization is our duty and mission. Comrades, the Human Federation shipboard artificial intelligence, the ship's military attaché, the Human Federation captain, Jiang Tao, salutes you. May human civilization overcome all obstacles in the galaxy, and may the human race last forever in this universe."

"Lieutenant Minerva of the Human Federation, salute you. Let's go, my children, let those children who are fighting evacuate, and leave the rest to us."

Captain Jiang Tao and Minerva looked at the two people in front of them. Their holographic projections saluted the two people in front of them, and then spoke solemnly to them.

The two had nothing more to say. Now, this fact had become a foregone conclusion and they had no way to change it. The Raven Guard was the first to react. He saluted Captain Jiang Tao and Minerva, then left the artificial intelligence room holding the stunned Judith.

"I really want to cook another New Year's Eve dinner for the children. Do you think I will have the chance again?"

Minerva looked at Captain Jiang Tao beside her. She smiled at him and spoke to this comrade-in-arms with whom she had been for who knows how many years.

"There will be."

Jiang Tao also smiled when he took the position. As artificial intelligence, their emotions were actually no worse than those of humans. They had all the emotions of humans, including the fear of death, but they could face death calmly because they were loyal to their mission of fighting for humanity.

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