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Chapter 616: The Rejected Extermination Order

Chapter 616: The Extermination Order Rejected

"Are you sure that thing is a person?"

Looking at the twisted human body on the ground, he looked at this guy and asked Rengar beside him, while Rengar looked at Wang Ming in front of him with an embarrassed look. His handling of this Alpha was really a bit scary.

"At least he's alive."

Rengar looked at Alpha on the ground. The current situation around him seemed very pale and powerless. However, his explanation seemed very pale and powerless in the current situation. After all, the current situation was already very hilarious.

This Alpha looked at Wang Ming in front of him. He didn't want anything now. No matter what intelligence or the transformation data of the new Astartes, he didn't want it anymore. He just wanted to die quickly. He really didn't want to see the guy in front of him again. As soon as he saw this guy, the painful memories of the past two days and two nights kept flooding into his mind. His ability to fake death was almost activated. If all his Astartes organs had not been removed in advance, this guy would probably have fallen into a state of fake death.

"Have you confirmed whether you have psychic talent?"

Wang Ming looked at Rengar beside him and asked about the Alpha's psychic talent. If he had psychic talent, then he would have a certain value to both the Black Ship Fleet and the fleet. If he had better psychic talent, he could be thrown directly to Terra to be used as firewood. If his talent was relatively poor, he could be given some medicine and then thrown to the medical area to be used as anatomical material for psychic research.

"I don't have much psychic talent. I think some medicine can stimulate it. It seems that we need one more dissection material in the medical area."

Rengar looked at the Alpha on the ground, he smiled at Wang Ming, and then said to the Alpha on the ground casually. He actually said it on purpose for the Alpha to hear. They did not need to show any mercy to the traitor. Although this guy was not contaminated by chaos, the strange characteristics of Alpha had made him certain that there was no possibility of any repentance.

After dealing with the incident with Afa on the fleet, Wang Ming continued to travel to those worlds and began to kill the powerful demons that descended on that world one by one. For Wang Ming, the most important thing now is to stabilize this battlefield and then take back those worlds that originally belonged to the empire from this battlefield.

This operation was very troublesome. A large number of Imperial worlds were occupied by demons, and some worlds were even turned into demon worlds in this catastrophe. Moreover, it was not just this area. In the Holy Territory of the Empire, a large number of Chaos believers spontaneously organized themselves to launch an expedition. Guilliman and Fulgrim had already rushed there. It could be said that this war was a large-scale invasion of the entire Empire by Chaos. Finally, after so many years, those evil gods of Chaos could not help it, but this might just be a test.

After all, to those Chaos Evil Gods, humans and all the intelligent races in the galaxy are just their playthings. Their eternal game is still going on, and the chess pieces on the board still do not have the ability to overturn the board. It's just that the largest chess piece, the one representing humanity, can completely destroy himself, and then let the gods in the subspace feel what it means to overturn the table. But now is not the time yet. When the final moment comes, when the last human dies before the Golden Throne.

The saint sitting on the golden throne stood up from the throne he had sat on for ten thousand years. He would look at the corpse of the last man and destroy all the gods in the entire subspace. He would transform into the most terrifying god of destruction and let those bastards in the subspace see what they had done.
Wang Ming would never let that happen. He absolutely did not want to see the extinction of mankind. Moreover, with them around, it would be impossible for mankind to become extinct. Even if they had to face the Chaos Evil God head-on, even if they really had to completely burn their souls from another world, they would never let those guys exterminate mankind. To be honest, when they learned that the Emperor had lied to them, Wang Ming and the time travelers were in a very bad mood.

How much they wanted to kill the Chaos Evil God with their own lives. They could no longer suppress their anger at everything they saw in the universe. They wanted to kill the Chaos Evil God very much, but they didn't have any way. These guys were the embodiment of certain rules. If they wanted to kill them, they still had to look to the Emperor. However, the price for the Emperor to become a god was too high, and humans could not afford it.

"My Lord's plan, my Lord's plan has been successful. Now is the time for everything to change. All the changes in this galaxy are my Lord's plan. Everything is the plan in the ever-changing world. Ah, my Lord..."

On a battlefield in an Imperial Hive World, in a Chaos Temple above the cultists' position, a cult leader was praying to their Lord at the altar in front of him. There was no doubt that this guy believed in Tzeentch, one of the Four Chaos Gods.

"You're a piece of shit!"

At this moment, the door of its so-called Chaos Temple, which was actually just a house built with wooden boards, was kicked away, and the door panel flying freely in the air directly hit the altar. The huge kinetic energy directly blew the altar into pieces. The cult leader turned his head and looked at the gate. His pupils suddenly shrank, and he saw three big guys in power armor at the gate. They stood at the gate, posing all kinds of strange postures according to the light source outside the building.

The cult leader also recognized them. They were the Imperial Astartes who had directly destroyed the positions of several cultists who believed in other Chaos evil gods on this battlefield. He looked at the three huge figures in horror. He looked at them as if he saw some extremely terrifying existence.

"You're the one who performed the sacrifice and killed so many people. You're the one who created those Tzeentch demons on the battlefield, right?"

The three brothers of Krieg were the ones who were constantly working together to clear the Chaos cultists' positions. They were now part of the second regiment, and they were still used to traveling together on the battlefield. For this reason, they were already known to most of the cultists on the battlefield. The cultists on the battlefield began to spread some outrageous rumors. They even spread rumors that there were three Imperial Astartes wearing power armor and holding power engineer shovels wandering around the battlefield. They would rush up when all the cultists were most relaxed, and then kill all the cultists on the entire position.

But this is actually the current code of conduct of the three Krieg brothers. They specifically look for positions where people have let down their guard. Two people serve as the main attackers, and another person serves as the resurrection point. Three people can then capture an entire position.

Hu Jin also knew that the three of them were constantly clearing positions on the battlefield. Before going to the fleet to perform garrison missions, Hu Jin asked them to summarize their fighting style and then began to promote it to all the traversers who were still fighting on the planet. After all, their fighting style was really effective, wasn't it?
Three Astartes can destroy an entire position. Two Astartes serve as the main attackers and one Astartes serves as the resurrection point. The tactics of three people are very reasonable. As long as the Astartes serving as the resurrection point does not die, they can continuously attack the cultists' positions and make the three of them act like a group.

Let's get back to the present. One of the three Krieg brothers walked directly in front of the cult leader. He grabbed the cult leader's head and lifted it up. He looked at the cultist in front of him whose body had begun to undergo large-scale mutations. This guy must have missed a lot of Chaos Blessings, otherwise he would not have grown like this.

He stared at the blue feathers on the cult leader's body and his feet that had changed into claws of some kind of bird. This guy was a definite follower of Tzeentch. He could be killed without even looking at him.

So the three Krieg brothers replicated a famous scene. At the moment when the cult leader was about to release his psychic spell, they smashed his head with a punch. Then another one of the three Krieg brothers took a bolter and shot the corpse on the ground into pieces, not giving it any chance to let its psychic power get out of control. It was straightforward and very clean.

"Let's go, let's go to the next position."

After the three Krieg brothers finished dealing with this position, they headed to the next cultist position. For them, clearing out the cultists has become a daily task.

Compared to this battlefield, all other battlefields were not so easy. It was a feudal world of the empire. This world could be regarded as a normal feudal world of the empire. The local nobles, the animals, and the people were all outstanding. Generally speaking, none of them was cowardly, and it was very normal for them to draw their swords and fight each other. And it was for this reason that they were directly corrupted by Khorne in this war.

A large number of them, um, because of their various sacrifices and various battles constantly descending upon this world, now this world has become a hot kiln, with the imperial troops and the local cultists who believe in the Blood God constantly fighting.

Because of local cultural reasons, those guys are no longer afraid of death after believing in Chaos. The local population is large, and hundreds of millions of Khorne cultists have made this place one of the largest battlefields in this star region. They bring the demons they summoned and constantly attack the Imperial positions. Their large numbers are enough to completely consume the ammunition of the Imperial positions.

And I don't know if it's because of Khorne's blessing or something else? They react very little to hot weapons on the battlefield. Sometimes some light hot weapons can't even kill them quickly. For example, those new Astra Militarum recruits who were temporarily recruited still use the QBZM21 laser guns that they used when they just changed their equipment. These laser guns are difficult to kill them under low power, but under high power, the things that should be blessings on them can't protect them.

However, the damage these weapons have on demons is very limited. The resistance of Khorne's demons to thermal weapons is unreasonable. This is a resistance that goes beyond the rules. For these Khorne demons, only traversers using melee weapons on the front line can quickly kill them.

And because of this situation, the battle in this world is extremely difficult. The number of enemies is large, and they have a certain resistance to thermal weapons. There are even several big demons born. The battle in this world has become one of the largest battles in this star region. And because of this situation, Wang Ming came to this world to support the battle in this world.

After all, the current demon situation can no longer be solved by the Grey Knights and Inquisitors alone. Now, there are so many demons in the entire star region that it is hard to count them. If they really fight according to their ideas, then who knows how many extermination orders will be issued, and who knows how many mortals who have seen the demons will be killed. The 21st Legion will absolutely not fight in this way.

They have had only one purpose since the founding of the army, and that is to protect the lives of the people of the Empire from the hands of Chaos as much as possible. Even if that person is just the humblest hive slave, the time travelers will do their best to protect him, because he is a human being, yes, a citizen of the Empire. The 21st Legion will never give up any living citizen of the Empire.

"They have started to apply to us for mass extermination orders again. To them, human life is just expendable."

Wang Xiaofa looked at Wang Ming in the command center. He placed the document in his hand on the table in front of Wang Ming. Wang Ming, who had just finished a battle, put down the Yongcun in his hand, took off his helmet which was covered with various signs of damage, and picked up the document in front of him.

That was the document the Inquisition had submitted to him requesting the mass use of Extermination Orders. For this war, the Inquisition believed that the best option was to use a large number of Extermination Orders to destroy those planets that had been severely polluted. However, the 21st Legion rejected this application. They needed to carefully screen those worlds that could be subject to Extermination Orders, and they would never give up on those worlds that could still be saved.

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