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Chapter 634 The Emperor Beats Slaanesh to His Knees

Chapter 634 The Emperor beat Slaanesh to his knees...

"So, you can see the Emperor beating Slaanesh to his knees, and then taking him back as a... Oh my! The Emperor is sorry!"

Wang Ming looked at the Emperor who was constantly beating Slaanesh. He looked at this scene, and then his imagination began to become gradually outrageous. All kinds of strange ideas came out of his mind, but he didn't know whether it was the corruption of Slaanesh.

On the other hand, after Wang Ming was beaten badly, the Emperor continued to beat Slaanesh. While the Emperor was beating and torturing him, Wang Ming was idle and had nothing to do. He looked at the Chaos God Realm that was being destroyed by the Cursed Legion, and then sat down on the ground. For some reason, the Emperor did not take him away, but it didn't matter. After all, he was idle anyway, so he might as well watch how the Emperor beat the Chaos God.

"Wang Ming, why do you have such a good imagination!"

Just as Wang Ming was constantly thinking about the fan works of the Emperor and Slaanesh that he had seen on Earth, the voice of Ferrus suddenly came from behind him. After Wang Ming turned his head to look at Ferrus, he continued to imagine those fan works on Earth. Ferrus was unable to stop Wang Ming's blasphemous thoughts, and he could only helplessly knock Wang Ming away with a hammer.

After all, this kid is really not serious at times. Wang Ming, flying in the air, flew directly to the battlefield of the two gods above the sky. When Wang Ming watched himself gradually flying towards the cold big ball of light and the disgusting monster that could distinguish between left and right, his mind went through the whole process from confusion to shock, and then to despair.

After he flew above the battlefield of the two gods, he didn't make a sound. How could he make a sound? The powerful energy turned him into ashes in an instant. He couldn't even scream. He didn't even feel the pain before he was turned into ashes.

These two terrifying beings, when they fight, it is completely impossible for normal creatures to participate. After Wang Ming was turned into ashes by their power, he directly returned to the real universe. Although he did not know what the final outcome of this battle would be, he definitely knew that this battle would be an extremely disgusting raid for Slaanesh.

Wang Ming was very happy about this situation, but when he looked at the worlds purified by the power of the God-Emperor, he shook his head helplessly. In order to win the war in this world, they released a large number of nuclear weapons on this world. Although this world is no longer affected by chaos, its ecological environment has been destroyed beyond all possibility.

The terrible radioactive dust filled the atmosphere, and it spread to every corner of the planet along with the atmosphere. The natural ecological environment of the planet has been completely polluted. All kinds of creatures in the world have turned into pus under the radiation. The amount of radiation in this world is already too huge.

As for this world, the 21st Legion would never give up on it. There is no chaos pollution in this world. There is only some nuclear radiation pollution, which is acceptable to the Empire.

Moreover, theoretically speaking, everything in this world is very clean. Of course, in terms of metaphysical cleanliness, the holiness of this world is enough to allow it to ascend the throne of a shrine world. After all, the miracles of the Emperor of God have really been manifested in it.

"This is the current situation. Although we don't know the outcome of that battle, we can be sure that the Chaos God's domain was definitely severely damaged after that battle. This is a very good start for us. Oh, no, forgive me for what I said. This is not a start, but a good tactical action. After all, we have raided Nurgle's Chaos God's domain before. Our next goal is..."

On the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming looked at the time travelers in the conference room. He explained the next battle plan to them. The next battle plan was very simple, which was to use the entire galaxy as the base and continue the task of recovering and consolidating the territory of the human empire in the entire galaxy. This task could be handed over to several other regiments and other legions, while the main force of the 21st Legion would focus their strategic focus on the subspace.

The previous two actions have proved one thing, or it could be the third action. Although the action in the Khorne Realm was not too smooth, the tactics of Khorne have been researched, so it can barely be counted as the third action. And they are about to use these three actions as a basis to start their invasion into the subspace.

In fact, they had invaded the warp twice before. The first time was when they went up to the divine realm of Vashtor, where they killed countless demons along the way. The second time was when they entered the warp and deliberately killed those demons. These two actions have made their reputation known in the warp. In the warp, there is now a legend that demons from the real universe will invade the warp.

However, Wang Ming didn't know these things, but even if he knew, he would probably just think that the legend of the devil was so simple to come about.

After Wang Ming spoke out this plan, all the time travelers were excited. They watched Wang Ming constantly shouting to go back into the subspace to kill the demons and kick the heads of those subspace evil gods like balls. Their anger towards the subspace demons had reached a certain point. During the hundred years of fighting in this desperate universe, they had seen many joys and sorrows. The planets slaughtered by demons left a permanent mark in their hearts.

They have only one goal, which is to kill all demons, so that the subspace will no longer affect the normal development of human civilization, so that humans will no longer be bound by the subspace, and so that humans will no longer be disturbed by the four evil gods in the subspace.

This is the mission of the traversers. They have been fighting for this mission all along, to protect mankind and expel the enemies of mankind. This is their goal, a great and difficult goal. Now, their goal has begun a milestone progress. They can finally take revenge, taking their swords to avenge the demons in the subspace, and kill those demons forever with their swords, so that they can no longer be resurrected from the subspace like a reading bar.

"The stars are immortal! Humanity lasts forever!" The time travelers shouted the battle cry of the 21st Legion. They looked at their Primarch, the boss who had led them in battle for a hundred years. Today, their thoughts finally returned to the day when they traveled through time. On that fearful but exciting day, they felt the way they felt after learning about their immortality.

It was like the feeling in those game novels they read, using their immortal bodies to kill those terrible NPCs, but they knew that they were not those players, they were living people, and this universe was a living universe, and everything in this universe was real, so they completely eliminated this idea in the final battles.

Because they know that they are not those players, it is impossible for them to treat the people in this world as non-humans like those players do.

Compared to the so-called players in those player-flow novels, they are actually more like an army, an army just like the army of their own country before they traveled through time. They will never give up on any human being, and as long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will go to save the smallest people even at the cost of sacrificing themselves. In fact, they are trained by the soldiers of the army before they traveled through time.

They are now completely professional militarized. A hundred years of war have taught them a lot. They have completely recognized their identities. They are warriors, they are soldiers. They have responsibilities on their shoulders and missions in their hearts. Their duty is to protect mankind, and their mission is to expand territory for mankind. They are the sword of the God-Emperor and the shield of the Human Empire. Everything is for mankind.

"It's too risky. It's just two large-scale battles, with the forces of five legions, five Astartes legions! What do those primarchs want to do? Do they want to repeat the Horus Heresy again? Such a big move, without any discussion with us in advance! Isn't this betrayal? Do they want to be independent from the Empire?"

And just as the fleet was triumphantly winning the battle and preparing to head to another battlefield to kill Angron, the standard wild monster that refreshes in the Warp, in the Solar Star Region, on the sacred Holy Terra, in a dark basement, a man dressed in the uniform of the Inquisition was looking at a demon host in front of him, constantly expressing his dissatisfaction to it.

The demon host was also speechless about this man. He had originally wanted to incite this guy to rebel, but judging from the current situation, there was no point in inciting this guy to rebel. This guy was just a waste. Although he kept asking whether those Primarchs wanted to start a big rebellion, he actually knew in his heart that the situation was actually very urgent, and it was understandable for the Primarchs to do so.

However, those Primarchs directly skipped the Council of High Lords and all the high-ranking officials of the Empire to carry out this task directly. This situation still made the high-ranking officials of the Empire very angry. At the same time, it also made them feel deeply afraid. After all, to these demigods, the lives of mortals like them were actually not worth mentioning. What if after the war, those Primarchs felt that they were too inefficient? No one could tell what the consequences would be.

"Don't complain to me anymore. I can't do anything about this situation. But as your informant in the warp, I can tell you a piece of news. One of your Primarchs has been corrupted. I can't tell you which one it is, but I can give you a number, twenty-one. You should understand what it means. If you are so stupid that you can't even recognize this, then I think you are completely useless."

The demon host looked at the judge in front of it. Although it was quite unreasonable to the big fool in front of it, it decided to try to fool this guy after thinking about it. This guy can't do anything else, but at least he can do something for that guy, right? Seeing Wang Ming's high morale, the whole subspace is now tense.

After all, if these guys really entered the warp, then in order to stop them, except for the Chaos God himself to take action and throw them all out of the warp one by one, it would not be possible for ordinary demons to stop them. After all, those guys' resurrection ability is even more terrifying than that of these demons, and it is completely unreasonable. Even if their souls are completely burned, they can still be resurrected.

The demons don't know why they have such terrible power. The only thing that can limit them is probably their loyalty to human civilization in the real universe. Otherwise, the demon host really can't imagine what kind of outrageous things these guys will do if they let themselves go completely, with their loyalty to humans and hatred for chaos.

You have to know that these guys actually have in their hands all the technologies of the human civilization that was once called the Human Federation. As a demon, it is very clear how powerful the technology of the Human Federation is. It has also witnessed the war in the past. At that time, the entire real universe was turned into a mess by the human war, and even some subspace areas were the same.

At that time, humans even turned entire areas of the subspace into nothingness. Now there are still battlefield relics of these void zones in the subspace. Although the demons do not know how those things were turned into nothingness by humans, the only thing they know is that the former human federation had the ability to destroy part of the subspace.

If their psychic technology had not been so well developed, they would have probably discovered the existence of demons at that time.

"Twenty-one... Damn it! It turns out that guy is corrupted! That damn guy! That Primarch who suddenly appeared, I knew he was not simple, I knew he was definitely one of those destructive powers..."

After hearing the words of the demon host, the Inquisitor felt like he had grabbed a life-saving straw that could stabilize his mind, and began to neurotically abuse Wang Ming. While he was abusing, there was a sudden knock on his door. This knock on the door perked up the spirits of the Inquisitor and the demon host, and they knew they had been discovered.

"Open the door, the Holy Terra Civil Affairs Department community is sending warmth!"

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