Chapter 642 Human Weapons
"Report, report, why is there no signal from this damn thing?"

Siberia in winter is the coldest hell. Endless ice and snow fall from the sky, leaving the color of death on the pale earth. And on this eternal land, a huge war is breaking out.

Artillery pieces of various calibers were laid flat, and the muzzles of 155 and Tulip guns continuously fired shells. After these artillery pieces were laid flat, their power was extremely terrifying. Shells of 155 and 240 mm caliber continued to explode on the ground, and the lethality of human firearms was constantly demonstrated by them.

The smell of gunpowder filled the battlefield, and the time travelers did not take any further action. They just squatted in the trenches dug by MDK3, constantly listening to the vibrations of the artillery exploding on the ground.

The time waiting for the attack is painful. The time travelers have to endure the shock that can shake out everything in the human stomach, as well as the freezing weather in Siberia. These are tortures that make anyone feel extremely painful. I don’t know if it is a setting of Tzeentch, but they feel that the cold wind now is even colder.

"Isn't it time to attack yet? If this continues, everyone will be frozen to death again..."

In the command vehicle, Wang Ming looked at the ice and snow outside the door and continued to receive various intelligence from the front line. Due to the weather and inexplicable electromagnetic interference, a large amount of intelligence was transmitted by manpower. In order to transmit the intelligence quickly at all times, the door of the command vehicle was not closed at all. The cold wind rushed in from the door to the interior of the command vehicle. Wang Ming and his men could only continue to command the battle in the cold wind.

"No, there are too many demons. Small-caliber weapons are still too ineffective against these demons. We have obtained a large amount of weapons and equipment from the Russians and our family. The right way is to use firepower to clear out a large number of demons first."

Wang Ming looked at Hu Jin beside him, he spoke to Hu Jin, and then opened a map. It was a map of this area, which was found in a destroyed city along the way. This was the city government's plan for urban expansion in this area, but now it has been marked with various tactical terms, the locations of trenches were drawn on it, and the locations of each company were marked on it.

Looking at the positions of the trenches, Wang Ming put down the watch in his hand. He walked out of the command vehicle and looked at the flying snow. The white snow falling from the sky was so beautiful, symbolizing silence and death. People were extremely shocked when facing this extreme natural environment. The primitive memory engraved in human genes made humans feel very scared.

But the time travelers were not afraid of this scene. They had seen countless scenes that would drive humans crazy in an instant. These scenes were no longer scary to them. They just wanted to conquer this eternal frozen land, break out of this illusion, and go to Tzeentch's palace to grind Tzeentch and his demons to ashes.

"Alright, after firing a base amount of ammunition, we'll be ready to charge. Make sure the brothers charge along Xu Jin's barrage. Hu Jin, pay attention. Don't let them get too excited. Opening a gap is our top priority."

Wang Ming pointed at the marked points on the map, took a breath of cold air, then threw away the watch in his hand and spoke directly to Hu Jin and Wang Xiaofa who had been following him.

After receiving the order, Wang Xiaofa and Hu Jin immediately nodded to Wang Ming and went directly to the front line with the messengers. The order was quickly conveyed to each trench by the messengers. All the time travelers who learned of the order began their preparations. They put bayonets on their rifles and took out all the melee weapons they carried with them.

The cold wind blew past them, and the extreme cold brushed their faces, but their determined eyes seemed to be able to melt all the ice and snow. They stared straight at the artillery fire in front of them. As long as the artillery fire stopped, they would blow their own charge, and along with that loud charge, a red flag would be raised. That was the flag of the 21st Legion that the time travelers had made themselves during this time.

And when the flag is raised, they will rush out of their trenches, holding their rifles and charging towards those terrible demons with their lives. Even though they are just mortal bodies, the greedy Chaos God does not want to let go of their souls, and this also gives them the power to fight those demons.

Rockets flew overhead. They were Katyusha rocket launchers pulled out from military warehouses in Siberia. These weapons and equipment had been sealed in the Russian war reserve warehouses for who knows how many years, but in today's environment, they have regained their role. After all, the fate of these weapons is not to be corroded by time in the warehouse, but to still play their role on the battlefield.

It's just that those things are still just things built on the basis of memory. Although there are huge amounts of data to support them, in reality, there are still certain gaps in the specific parameters of these things. However, their specific performance is still similar. After all, this huge data system built on memory, its self-compensation system is still very abstract. This may also be a form of consciousness, just like the human brain will deceive itself.

Having said that, let's get back to the main topic. Katyusha's organ roared in the ice and snow, playing a elegy of death, but it was not played on the battlefield of World War II against other human enemies, but it played the true purpose of a human weapon.

Weapons are not necessarily tools for killing one's own kind. They can also be the only barrier against external enemies, like a sharp spear.

The organ is playing, tulips and 155 are roaring, and the east wind will blow through the poplar trees, clearing away the filth on the eternal frozen ground. Even if the animated picture itself is part of the filth, it does not change the feelings of those time travelers towards the blue planet that now exists only in their memories.

As the artillery fire gradually stopped, the symphony-like fire coverage also stopped, and the loud charge horn sounded from the ice field, and a large number of traversers rushed out of the trenches, holding high their rifles that had been sealed for who knows how many years. No matter whether these things could fire or not, the bayonets on them could still be used normally. They didn't need to care whether those poorly maintained guns could fire or not, or whether these old things that had been in use for who knows how many years would explode. They only needed to look in the direction of their enemies, rush to them, and then use their bayonets to cut them open, and pave their bodies as their way forward, so that they could leave this blasphemous place.

And when they stepped over the ice field that was like the surface of the moon and was filled with artillery fire, their inhuman enemies had regrouped. They laughed at the weakness of mortals and mocked their backward weapons, but these things were no big deal for the time travelers.

They felt that these weapons were not actually backward, and their excellent design could be found on automatic guns 40,000 years later. And most importantly, no matter how backward these firearms were, the bayonets on them were definitely a symbol of death. Even if they were not as sharp as the single-molecule bayonets 40,000 years later, the lethality they caused with the accumulation of countless lives was definitely no less than the charge of the Star Army 40,000 years later.

And even as they continued to charge towards those non-human enemies, in the sky, the iron eagles that once soared in the sky of ancient Terra also stretched out their wings above this cold ice field. The loud noise made by the jet fighters was like a roar that tore through the sky. The Flanker flew through the sky, and the white swan also spread out its own wings in this extremely cold land.

All kinds of explosives were dropped by the rookie pilots who were manning these Iron Eagles. These drivers, who were driving these most difficult-to-control steel behemoths on Ancient Terra by looking at the operating manual, were completely forced to do so.

But after all, these guys have driven Thunderhawk gunboats before, and they have certain driving experience for these flying vehicles. Although these driving experiences are like a group of Soviet fighter pilots who are accustomed to direct driving operations and durable equipment, they suddenly learn to fly American fighters on the spot for these fighters of this era.

The awkwardness and unskillfulness can be seen from the way they fly. Several Su-27s are now wobbling in the sky, and their shaky appearance makes them look like they are drunk. However, only the pilots know that they are now in a panic and don't know how to operate the aircraft. All systems are reporting errors.

Moreover, even for those extremely excellent pilots, it would be very difficult to carry out such extreme flight operations in such blizzard weather. Unlike them, who are not afraid of death, they dare to fly these fighter jets that have not been maintained for who knows how long into the sky with just a flight manual. If the Russian pilots saw this, they would probably become brothers with them. The former dare to fly with just a flight manual, while the latter drink two kilograms of vodka before flying.

The left couplet reads, "Holding the manual without risking life", and the right couplet reads, "Drinking two kilograms of wine and then going to heaven", and the horizontal banner reads, "Both are without risking life".

It can be said that when I sit in the cockpit, my fate is in my own hands. All the experience accumulated from flying Thunderhawks has given Astartes a strong learning ability and terrifying reaction speed. I also pray that the avionics systems of these fighters, which have not been maintained for who knows how long, can last until they complete their flight missions.

"We have completed a round of attacks and are preparing... What the hell is this! A Hell Dragon! How did the Demon Engine appear here? Damn it!"

Just as those half-baked pilots had finally completed the first round of attacks with their fighter planes and were preparing to head to the rear to restock their ammunition at the airport that had been built day and night at the cost of a large number of traversers' lives, a group of huge red figures suddenly appeared beside the fighter planes. When those pilots finally saw the appearance of those things clearly, they immediately began to curse.

Because that thing was none other than the terrifying demon engine, the Hell Dragon. Its appearance in the sky had almost sentenced all the traversers who were performing flight missions in the sky to death. The terrifying demon engine was not something that could be dealt with by the technology of today’s era. It could be destroyed forcibly, but among the aircraft of this era, how many could truly keep up with this flexible demon engine?

Having said this, you should all know what will happen in the sky. It will be a brutal massacre. All kinds of fighter planes have used up all their missiles, and now only have the fragile resistance of aircraft cannons. Facing the demon engine made with the highest technology, these fighter planes have no resistance at all. Countless flames and smoke from the explosions painted a picture of death in the sky, and the red of the explosions dyed the entire sky red like blood.

It was a strange scene, with some beauty and some desperate atmosphere. It was difficult to describe the feeling. It was like a kind of broken art. Sometimes, the destruction of a thing seemed to show its beauty on the artistic level, but in the sky today, it was created with the blood of the victims.

If the collector Taraxin were here at this moment, he would definitely pay a huge price to collect this desperate sky as one of his great collections. As for its name, someone has already thought of it. It is a desperate name, but also a tragic name.

"The blue sky painted with blood, no one would have thought that those things would appear here."

Wang Ming looked at Hu Jin beside him. He put down the telescope in his hand and watched with his naked eyes. The desperate scene was already very visible. The originally huge fleet of aircraft had disappeared, and now all that was left was the wreckage that kept falling from the sky. The eagles that had been soaring in the sky were at this moment like a group of sparrows flying in the sky, being torn to pieces in the sky by the real birds of prey.

However, the raptor overlooked one thing. Not only in the sky, but also on the ground, human anti-aircraft firepower was aimed at the sky. When a pilot sacrificed himself to lead a group of Hell Dragons into the ambush range, the firepower of LD2000, S400, 1130, and countless anti-aircraft weapons continued to fly towards those Hell Dragons, tearing the metal flesh and blood of those terrible creations from the High Heavens in the guise of human weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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