Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 65 Preparing to Go to Mers

Chapter 65 Preparing to Go to Mers

Over the next few days, the Star Trekkers conscripted a total of 50 mortal auxiliaries on Terra.

These new recruits will complete their training during the subspace voyage in the next few months, and strive to be able to enter the battle after arriving in Mers.

In the past few days, Wang Ming has also started the "deworming" project that he talked with Guilliman before.

Guilliman hoped that during his time in Wollers, Wang Ming could use the Court of Assassins to clean up those imperial dignitaries who might hinder the Indomitable Expedition.

Among them, the conservative group headed by the current Minister of the Interior is the first to bear the brunt. These people disappeared almost overnight, and a group of new officials will replace them the next day.

"Clean them all up, how can the empire be governed well with these insects!" These were the exact words Wang Ming said to the assassins at that time.

Regarding the chaos and the gene stealer cult in the Hive Capital of Terra, Wang Ming also sent the traverser to follow the judge to solve it.

During these days, a large number of imperial insects who wanted to keep their power were brainstormed by the assassins of the Assassin Court.

The cult of chaos and gene stealers entrenched in the lower nest of the hive capital was uprooted by the traversers under the leadership of the judge.

In the process of clearing out the cultists in the Hive City, the Astra Militarum troops who were forcibly drawn into the mortal auxiliaries of the "Star Trekkers" also joined in.

All of them were equipped with the standard equipment of the "Star Traveler" mortal auxiliary army.

The "star traveler" mortal auxiliary army wearing individual power armor left a psychological shadow on all the cultists at the moment before their death.

Those mortal auxiliaries wore the "Golden Age" human federation individual power armor, armed with QBZM21 laser rifles, and started fighting with the gene stealer cult directly in the lower nest.

The performance of this standard laser gun of the member states of the early human federation has surpassed the laser rifles equipped by the 30K and 40K mortal armies.

The massive firepower provided by its 100-round power box left a deep impression on the cultists in the last moments of their lives.

But even so, the auxiliary army still suffered some sporadic casualties, although the individual power armor of the Human Federation can resist most of the damage for them.

But in the face of some heavy firepower such as heavy explosive shells, the defensive power of the power armor is still a bit weak.

Moreover, their individual power armor is force feedback armor, and the reaction power of mortals is completely unable to avoid the attack of thermal weapons.

Due to time constraints, Wang Ming did not equip them with power armor that required neural connections, but directly equipped them with mass-produced force feedback armor.

After this cleansing, all kinds of chaos cults and gene stealer cults on Terra were almost wiped out.

However, the population of all the nests has also dropped wildly in the past few days. As for the reason, everyone understands it.

The time for departure is almost here, and now we only need to wait for Guilliman to return to Terra after finishing Wollers' questions, and then we can officially set off.

In the Lion's Gate spaceport, the "Imperial Truth" and two transport ships are moored on it.

Teams of "star traversers" mortal auxiliary army, under the mobilization of the traversers, lined up orderly and neatly into the transport ship.

"Attention everyone, pay attention to your equipment and items, don't confuse them, report to your squad leader after boarding the ship, tell your squad leader what you need, and deal with it uniformly."

A traverser in the crowd was holding a loudspeaker to inform these recruits of precautions after boarding the ship.

After these recruits board the ship, they will go to the area of ​​​​their squad to report to the squad leader to facilitate the counting of the number of people.

"It's like a scene from the time of the Great Crusade."

Standing beside Wang Ming, Guilliman and Fulgrim watched the orderly mortal auxiliary team mobilized by the traversers, and couldn't help sighing.

By the way, Fulgrim also went to meet the Emperor once during this period, but his mental state after the meeting was similar to that of Guilliman, and both of them looked like they had seen Cthulhu.

Wang Ming also thought about why, the Emperor he met had a human personality, and Wang Ming even felt that the Emperor was deliberately showing him his human side, although he didn't know why the Emperor would treat him like this.

However, after Fulgrim met the Emperor, his body changed a bit.

For example, his height is higher and his strength is stronger. Wang Ming even suspected that Fulgrim was blessed by the emperor.

"After solving the matter of Mers, I will build an industrial world group centered on Mers to help the Indomitable Expedition."

Wang Ming told Guilliman beside him that when he talked with Guilliman, he mentioned his plan.

Guilliman thought the plan was good at the time, but he still raised a question.

"The establishment of an industrial world requires the support of the Mechanicus. How do you plan to obtain the support of the Mechanicus?" Guilliman asked Wang Ming.

"I will cooperate with Belisarius Kaul. As for the current Mechanicus, they don't have any aggressive intentions anymore." Wang Ming replied to Guilliman.

Belisarius Kaur is one of the few people in the Mechanicus who still has an enterprising heart.

Moreover, if what Wang Ming is going to do in Moores is discovered by the Martian Mechanicus Cult, he will definitely be judged as heresy.

The boarding operation of 50 people lasted for 3 hours before all boarded the ship, after the squad leaders counted the number of people.

The three ships of the "Star Traveler" Legion at the Lion's Gate Spaceport began to slowly leave the Lion's Gate Spaceport, preparing to go to the Gate of Elysium near Uranus for a subspace leap to Mers.

Three ships of the golden age sailed from the Lion's Gate, breaking through the eternal night of human beings in the starry sky, and crossing the stars through the other side of the soul to another world.

The soul lighthouse on Terra, the sacred throne world, guides them to the direction of home so that they will not get lost on the other side of the soul.

"one two three four!"

In the cabin of the transport ship, a traverser and an astral officer chanted, and let the recruits hold laser rifles and mount bayonets, training bayonet skills.

The training of recruits will be completed within a few months of subspace voyage, and they will be able to fight when they reach Moers.

There are a total of daily training, bayonet, laser rifle shooting, tactical actions, basic physical training and other regular training.

In addition, Wang Ming also deliberately found a group of educated priests of the state religion in Terra, and gave them courses on the belief in the emperor and basic culture.

For these former civilians of the Middle Nest Empire, these basic cultural courses are still very useful, and no one will have any objections to these cumbersome courses.

After all, those angels in their hearts, the mighty Astartes, were teaching with them.

Travelers need to be familiar with other things in the 40K universe besides combat, among which is their unique culture.

Author: I had a dream last night, and I felt as if the Emperor had drawn a psychic contest, so I will add another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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