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Chapter 656: The Third Battle of Terra Begins

Chapter 656: The Third Battle of Terra Begins

"The Human Empire..., the Human Federation..., these are all human forces, but they have all failed. Only I! Can save humanity and liberate them from the hands of the false emperor!!"

On the Spirit of Vengeance, Abaddon yelled madly at his followers, and how did his followers listen to his words? There were all kinds of expressions, some pretending to be respectful, some pretending to agree, some looked indifferent, and some looked mocking.

But none of this matters, because in Abaddon's eyes, these expressions are unified into one sentence. Yes, the expressions have become words, and how vivid they are. Those words agree with its thoughts and its statements. It has seen the future of the human empire that it has saved. That future is full of light and hope, and it will go further than any military strategist in the history of the empire.

It will lead humanity to break out of today's galaxy through the power of Chaos, to recapture those territories that were once possible for humanity, and to launch an expedition even larger than the Great Crusade.

Abaddon looked at the hallucinations in front of him, and he believed in them without a doubt. He thought that they were not hallucinations, but prophecies, revelations, and the revelations he got with the help of the power of those four guys. He could do all this, he could save mankind, and he was the only savior of mankind.

"For the Warmaster! To save humanity!"

At this moment, among the group of guys in front of Abaddon, there might be a friend who appeared in fantasy, or it might be a real existence, a demon, a distorted but close to human demon. It opened the nine big mouths on its face and kept roaring at Abaddon, and its roar seemed to ignite a fuse. In front of Abaddon, whether it was those imaginary friends or those real distorted things, they all began to roar at Abaddon.

They praised Abaddon as the savior of mankind, saying that only Abaddon could save mankind. Listening to the words of those imaginary friends and real friends, Abaddon felt very happy and very relieved. What a group of like-minded friends, what an excellent group of warriors. He would work with them to save the human race and save mankind from the lies of the human empire.

Abaddon activated his own spell amidst words of praise. This was a spell that used the power of the Four Chaos Gods to forcibly tear open a portal in the real universe. If this spell was used in the solar system, it would be a head-on confrontation between the power of the Four Chaos Gods and the yellow-skinned man on the golden throne. If it went well, the portal could appear, but if it went badly, the portal would never appear.

But it seems that the false emperor today definitely did not notice them, or the power of the false emperor has become very unbearable. The portal appeared just like that, and the Chaos fleet quickly passed through the portal to the Earth-Moon orbit. They planned to sacrifice this fleet and send a large number of troops to Holy Terra, causing the empire to fall into chaos again.

Abaddon's Spirit of Vengeance and its main fleet did not participate in this operation. It could use its own spells and the cooperation of Chaos Wizards to carry out small-scale troop deployment, and then directly teleport to Holy Terra when the attack began. Now it is a Demon Prince, and it does not need to fight the first landing battle with those guys.

Just as the Chaos Fleet was passing through the portal to the Earth-Moon orbit, Wang Ming on the Sun Fortress also felt the powerful subspace fluctuations. He walked to the observation window of his office and looked out of the window. He could just see a large part of the Earth-Moon orbit. Just as Wang Ming was looking out the window, a huge subspace portal suddenly appeared between the Earth-Moon orbit.

It was as if the real universe was a broken mirror. The mirror shattered and countless fleets emerged from the mirror. The moment they appeared in the Earth-Moon orbit, Holy Terra, Phalanx, Solar Fortress and the entire fleet of the 21st Legion all aimed their firepower at the Chaos fleet.

And just when the Empire's firepower was about to open fire, in those fleets, the Chaos Wizards who had already prepared various teleportation arrays began to chant those blasphemous spells and activated those teleportation arrays. At the moment those teleportation arrays were activated, the Empire's firepower strikes instantly hit those fleets.

In an instant, countless lights appeared in space, beams of light, bombardments, plasma balls, countless attacks hit the fleet, and the fleet didn't even have time to react. The void shields were instantly overloaded, and the hulls of those Chaos warships were instantly turned into steam by those attacks.

Wang Ming looked at the scene. The whole incident happened not long ago, but he was not happy about the destruction of the Chaos fleet. Wang Ming's brows were frowned as he stared at the wreckage of the Chaos warships. The Primarch's vision plus a little psychic magic allowed him to see that there were no dead creatures in the wreckage. This was very abnormal. Even with such a high-intensity attack, it was impossible for there to be no dead bodies at all.

You have to know that with the size of the Empire's warships, plus what those Chaos believers have done, if the population of these warships were all added up, the number of people would definitely reach tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions. After all, most of them are civilian transport ships, and only a small number are actually real combat warships.

So with so many people, there was not even a trace left, not even a finger. This was enough to prove some problems. The data board in Wang Ming's hand also transmitted to him the scanning data of the Sun Fortress that scanned a piece of wreckage. There was no trace of any biological tissue, not even a little bit. You know, even now, if the entire fleet opened fire together, there would be some things left, such as organic matter after the organisms were evaporated, but there was nothing in the wreckage.

"Let the troops on Holy Terra prepare for battle. The enemy may appear anywhere, on the streets and alleys, and even in the homes of civilians. Let everyone be prepared." Wang Ming looked at the data tablet in his hand. He walked to his desk, picked up the long sword he had placed on his desk, and then walked towards the device for wearing power armor. As he walked, he spoke to the fleet's artificial intelligence, speaking his orders, and the fleet's artificial intelligence also sent his orders to the communication systems of various imperial forces.

"Take all those anti-armor weapons with you. Our enemies may not only be those heretic traitors, but there may also be some that we cannot deal with. Take those anti-armor weapons with you. At least we can..."

On a street in the hive city, a team of militiamen were sorting their equipment. They kept carrying large-caliber weapons on their bodies. Because most of the militiamen were hive city workers, these heavy weapons were not too heavy for them to carry. They just carried these heavy weapons on their backs and kept using various materials to consolidate their positions.

They are a group of militia stationed in this area. They have the organization of only one company, and one hundred and fifty people form a reinforced company. Their weapons and equipment are very good. After all, they are also the army of Holy Terra. They are given all kinds of weapons, of course, very good ones, not to mention light weapons, and heavy weapons. In fact, as a militia company, their firepower is even more terrible than those of the Astra Militarum companies.

Ever since the Empire learned of the possible siege of Terra, all kinds of weapons have been distributed to them. Moreover, these can only be regarded as the Empire's filling-in troops. They are actually used by the Empire as second-line troops. The Imperial officials do not expect them to be able to fight, but this still cannot slow down the enthusiasm of these militia forces.

Compared to those imperial civilians who bring their own weapons, their identities are more official. They have their own organization, unlimited heavy weapons and light weapons ammunition, and a certain degree of armored strength. Moreover, as the army of Holy Terra, they also have the right to call for air support, and they are commanded by the commanders of the regular troops of the empire.

While they were constantly reinforcing their positions and waiting for the order that should not come, a broken space suddenly appeared in front of them, as if the space was shattered like glass, and out of the broken space walked a huge figure. The figure was wearing a red armor, staring at the militiamen in front of it, and the two chain saw axes in its hands made a loud roar.

It was ready to sacrifice all these mortal heads to the great Blood God. In an instant, this Chaos Space Marine rushed directly into the positions of those militias. The reaction speed of mortals could never keep up with the reaction speed of Chaos Space Marines, but they still had a certain amount of time to counterattack, because the weapon in the hand of this Chaos Space Marine was a melee weapon. Although it was like mowing grass in the trenches, chopping the bodies of soldiers into pieces, but some people still reacted.

Laser guns were aimed at the heads of the Chaos Space Marines. No matter how fast a Chaos Space Marine was, it could not be faster than the speed of light. However, it could still dodge the laser gun's shooting in advance by using the aiming direction of the gun's muzzle. However, the Space Marines of Khorne did not want to dodge at all. It looked at those mortals, whom it regarded as ants, and began to aim at it with laser guns and prepare to shoot.

It didn't care about the attacks of those mortals at all. In its eyes, the attacks of these mortals were like a group of ants gnawing at a giant beast. The firepower of the laser gun had no effect at all in front of its power armor. It only needed a few minutes to kill everyone on this position.

But just as the Chaos Space Marine was thinking this, a neat volley of lasers suddenly hit its helmet. The equipment of Terra's militia was not very good. They were all equipped with the weapons and equipment retired from the first batch of the 21st Legion's mortal auxiliary army. Some of their troops were even equipped with power armor. If it weren't for the maintenance and upkeep of these things (actually some concerns of Terra's senior officials)
If it weren't for this, the entire Terran militia would have been equipped like this. However, all the troops' weapons are the same. The QBZM21 laser gun was once the standard equipment of the st Legion's Mortal Auxiliary Corps. The power of this laser gun had been thoroughly proven by the st Legion's Mortal Auxiliary Corps in the early days of the st Legion. It can pose an effective threat to Chaos Space Marines, especially when carrying out volley tactics.

Back to the present, after the Chaos Space Marine of Khorne was hit by a volley of lasers, a huge hole was immediately evaporated in its helmet, and its head, wrapped in the helmet, was directly evaporated into steam under the laser volley.

A Chaos Space Marine was killed by a group of militiamen, although it took this militia company more than fifty people to react. So the counterattack time was created by the lives of more than fifty people. This is actually a disadvantage of mortals when facing Astartes. They cannot adapt to the terrible reaction ability of Astartes.

Just as the militiamen breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the bodies of the Chaos Space Marines slowly fall to the ground, bursts of gunfire and explosions suddenly rang out in various areas of the capital, as if the entire hive was engulfed in war in an instant. And it was not just their hive, but also various hives on Terra, and even in the palace area. Fights were breaking out.

Not many people knew where the enemy came from. They only knew that the enemy had come and their battle had begun. A large number of troops were thrown into this battle, and a very large number of Chaos troops were thrown in, just as Wang Ming had expected before. Tens of millions of Chaos troops were cast to Terra by teleportation spells. There was no doubt that this was the work of those four damn things.

Most of these Chaos forces were made up of mortal cultists, and there were a large number of mutated mutants. These guys formed the basic strength of the Chaos Forces, and they were led and commanded in battle by the Chaos Space Marines and those extremely blasphemous demons. The Third Battle of Terra was still fought in this way, but this time the Chaos Space Marines and those demons would not be facing panicked people.

What they will face is a situation where everyone in Holy Terra has a weapon and everyone is a soldier. In terms of actual military strength, the Empire is not inferior to those Chaos creatures at all.

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