Chapter 659: Tzeentch
"I am..., requesting artillery fire..."

Xslow slowly opened his eyes from the ground. He looked at the lasers and artillery fire flying over the dome. He listened to the noise in the communication system. It was an armored unit requesting support, but the artillery unit he was in could no longer provide him with artillery support.

"All dead! All dead! Hahaha!"

Kerslo looked at the broken limbs and the wreckage of the self-propelled artillery on the ground. He suddenly knelt on the ground nervously, and then yelled like a madman. He was the only one who survived out of the entire artillery regiment with more than 2500 people. How could he not collapse? They didn't even know how they died.

They were destroyed by a great demon, a terrible Tzeentch demon, who used psychic magic to destroy their entire artillery regiment. The armored regiment that was fighting the demon head-on has suffered heavy casualties. The few remaining super heavy tanks can only fight back, but their attacks have no effect on the damn demon. The psychic magic turned all these attacks into nothing.

Its eyes were full of mockery as it looked at those mortals who knew they could do nothing but continued to charge towards it. It raised the staff in its hand high, and large patches of psychic flames appeared on the battlefield. This pale fire burned the armor plates of the super heavy tanks, and those Emperor Poison Blades were gradually turned into molten iron under this pale flame.

The crews of the super-heavy tanks frantically wanted to continue attacking the Chaos Demon, but their bodies could no longer support it. The pale flames had already burned through the vehicle body and began to burn their flesh. Their bodies quickly turned into ashes under the pale flames, and their last action was still to try to stuff a rocket-propelled ammunition into the barrel.


But at this moment, a loud bang suddenly came from the position of the gradually collapsing Emperor's Bane Blade. The gun barrel that had been hanging down suddenly lifted up and quickly aimed at the Tzeentch Demon. Then a rocket-propelled ammunition was fired, followed by the second, third, and fourth. This did not match the loading speed of the Emperor's Bane Blade, and he had no loader now. This was a completely unscientific thing.

But I've already started fighting demons and you're telling me this is science? Are you kidding me!?

Obviously, the machine soul of this Emperor Poison Blade has become extremely angry. He will use the last period of his life to launch a counterattack against his enemies. The Emperor Poison Blade is roaring and roaring, dedicating his last swan song to his enemies.

Just as the Emperor's Poison Blade continued to roar, several Thunder Eagle gunboats suddenly appeared in the sky. At the same time, a huge figure also appeared in the sky. It was an air frigate. It broke through the clouds and slowly descended with the Thunder Eagles.

The Great Demon Tzeentch also saw what was in the sky. He used psychic flames to turn the rocket-propelled ammunition of the Emperor's Bane Blade into nothingness, then spread his wings, jumped directly into the sky, but things did not go as smoothly as he thought.

All kinds of firepower from the aerial frigates were aimed directly at it. Lasers, live ammunition, and even some gravity weapons were fired directly at it. In an instant, the dome of the hive city, which had been covered by clouds, was illuminated again. At the same time, large patches of clouds were also pushed away by the firing of the aerial frigates.

So the large patches of clouds were pushed aside, and the dome of the hive city hidden in the thick industrial cloud appeared in front of everyone. The grandeur of the hive city on Terra was unimaginable for the time travelers who had been on Earth. Unless they saw it with their own eyes, they would never believe that there would be such a large man-made building. Compared with the hive cities on other worlds, the hive city on Holy Terra was simply so large that it was terrifying.

In the hive city of Holy Terra, a real ecological system has been formed. Some places even experience local weather changes. Of course, that weather change is not the weather of Holy Terra, but the weather inside the hive city, with wind, rain, thunder, and even some places experiencing some seasonal changes.

"Oh my god, if these clouds hadn't been cleared away, I would have thought there was a real sky above our heads."

A time traveler in golden power armor looked at the clouds that were being pushed aside, and he joked to his companion. However, the time traveler next to him did not respond to him. He just looked at the great demon Tzeentch who was constantly being fired upon by the aerial frigates. This guy was now completely covered by all kinds of firepower, like a ball of light connected by various luminous chains.

Although some of these firepowers look very terrifying, the time travelers know that when dealing with demons, it is safest to use swords to chop them into pieces. The damage caused by hot weapons to these metaphysical things is not so scientific.

"Prepare for action. Get your flight packs ready. In five minutes, when we engage the enemy, the air frigate will stop providing fire support."

The squad leader of the time travelers looked at his comrades, he turned on the team's internal communicator and spoke to everyone, then everyone began to prepare their flying backpacks. Their plan was very simple, they would carry their Thunder Eagle gunboats as close to the target enemy as possible, and then after arriving at the predetermined location, they would directly use the flying backpacks to injure its wings, forcing it to fall to the ground, they wanted to strangle this Tzeentch demon on the ground.

However, plans cannot keep up with changes. The great demon Tzeentch seemed to be a little impatient with the fire attack. It waved its hand, and then a large area of ​​psychic flames appeared beside it. Those psychic flames instantly melted the live ammunition attacks, while the laser attacks and those special attacks were deflected by an invisible force. This scene that violated physical common sense appeared in front of everyone.

"Pretty arrogant! Take that thing out and shoot it." The time traveler squad leader looked at the extremely arrogant Tzeentch. He touched his beard and said to the time traveler who was holding a sniper-type grenade launcher beside him. After hearing what his squad leader said, the time traveler also nodded to his squad leader. He opened the barrel of the grenade launcher and then stuffed a special bomb into it.

That was not an ordinary bomb, but an anti-psychic bomb made of black stone and the ashes of the Untouchables. Although the power of this thing is not much greater than that of an ordinary bomb, its role can be reflected when facing psychics or demons. As long as it is hit in a vital part, it can exile a demon instantly.

"Let's see if this thing can exile the big demon."

The time traveler sniper holding a sniper-type bolt gun looked at the great demon Tzeentch, put the scope on its head and pulled the trigger directly. He did not need to make much adjustments. He was very confident in his ideas. You know, the time traveler's shooting skills were all trained with bolt guns. They have been traveling for so long, and apart from going on missions, they spend time on ships. During the time spent on ships, their favorite thing to do is to go to the shooting range to practice their shooting skills with various weapons.

Anyway, all kinds of weapons and ammunition in the Fleet are provided in unlimited quantities. Everyone now has explosive bombs, which can probably make a standard Space Marine regiment envious. You know, compared with some Space Marines, the regiment has to use explosive bombs sparingly when fighting. The behavior of the time travelers using explosive bombs to practice their marksmanship is enough to make many people envious.


The bomb flew across the office and quickly came to the head of Tzeentch. Tzeentch also noticed the bomb, and his expression was full of shock. This was not the expression that should appear on a demon's face, but it did appear on his face now, because he was horrified to find that he could not control the bomb with his psychic power.

Moreover, this thing did not exist in its eyes. If it was not too close to it, it would not be able to see it at all. There was definitely something wrong with this thing. It could not be taken head-on, absolutely not head-on. But now it had no other choice. It was too late to change direction. Even if it used psychic magic to stop time for a few seconds, it could not avoid this special bomb.

As the bomb pierced through Tzeentch's head, his body instantly became limp and fell from the air like those humans hit by bullets, as if he had been killed by that bomb. But the time travelers knew that although this thing was very useful against psychics and demons, it was the first time they had used it against the demon, so they did not dare to be careless.

After the time travelers saw the Great Tzeentch falling from the sky, they quickly took action, jumping out of the Thunderhawk gunships one by one, and then operating their flying backpacks, rushing towards the Great Tzeentch who was falling to the ground.

"I caught it, now I start to wing it..."

There was a time traveler who was very fast. He quickly landed on the body of the Tzeentch Demon and prepared to start cutting its wings. If possible, he could also chop off its head, but the Tzeentch Demon would not give the time traveler this opportunity. The time traveler only had time to hit the Tzeentch Demon's wings with a sword, and then the Tzeentch Demon directly grabbed his head.

After Tzeentch grabbed the time traveler's head, he immediately gave him a good show. You know, although Tzeentch is famous for his psychic magic, he is first a great demon, and secondly a master of psychic magic. The two are not in conflict. After the time traveler was given a good show by Tzeentch, the time travelers immediately adjusted their tactics based on Tzeentch's current situation. They originally thought that the ammunition would cause considerable damage to Tzeentch.

But looking at the current situation, the combat effectiveness of Tzeentch has not been reduced too much, and it still has the ability to tear a Space Marine apart with its bare hands. However, if it were not in the air, it would probably be Tzeentch that was torn apart with its bare hands. After all, the combat skills of the air travelers are of little use at all.

After adjusting the tactics, the traversers adjusted the flying direction of their flying backpacks and rushed directly towards the Tzeentch. However, in the air, the traversers' combat effectiveness was not as good as that of the Tzeentch. You have to know that thing has wings. Its flexibility in the sky is much stronger than that of the traversers. The traversers carrying flying backpacks could not fight it normally in the sky.

It was like they were sending themselves to their deaths, and the bodies of the traversers fell from the sky one by one. However, their number did not decrease, because on a Thunder Eagle gunboat, the dead traversers were constantly resurrecting and returning to the battlefield.

The traverser squad leader grabbed the edge of the hatch of the Thunderhawk gunboat. He looked at the traversers who kept rushing towards the Tzeentch Demon. Although they would be killed by the Tzeentch Demon's psychic power and strength, each of their attacks would still cause some damage to the Tzeentch Demon. Their main attack positions, besides the head, were the two big wings of the Tzeentch Demon. They had to drag this thing off the ground.

Otherwise, no one can do anything to this guy in the sky. He has powerful psychic power, a strong body, and the ability to fly. It would be too troublesome to kill him in the sky.

Finally, after consuming countless batches of traversers, the wings of the Great Demon Tzeentch were finally chopped off, but it still used psychic power to crush that batch of traversers into pieces. This is how disgusting psychic power is. It is powerful and does not conform to the laws of physics. A powerful psychic can even kill a dozen Astartes instantly, not to mention this Great Demon Tzeentch.

But now they can finally pull this guy down from the sky, and in order to prevent him from using psychic power to stop himself in mid-air, the time travelers even thoughtfully installed a super-melta bomb on the body of Tzeentch. Although it is not clear whether this thing can cause fatal damage to a Tzeentch who uses psychic spells to perfection, this thing can definitely knock it down from the sky completely.

Just when the travelers thought they could start dragging it down, the super-melta bombs on it were detonated, but the effect was not very good. This thing actually used psychic energy to corrode most of the internal components of the super-melta bombs, and only one was successfully detonated. However, this was harmless, one was enough! Enough to pull this guy down from the sky, and then let the travelers on the ground chop it into pieces.

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