Chapter 662 Dorne
"Flying so high..., come, send an anti-psychic missile to this young man flying so high!"

Wang Ming looked at Angron flying in the sky, he looked at the time travelers around him, then raised the communication terminal in his hand and spoke directly to the Thunder Eagle gunboats hovering in the sky. Those Thunder Eagle gunboats in the sky were also brought by him before, and there could be a very useful treasure on them, a soul-destroying bomb.

A special big treasure modified by the First Engineer Corps, which contains Wang Ming's blood and a large amount of body tissues of untouchables. The explosion of this thing will definitely be a fatal blow to those demons, and it can disgust those demons to the point of committing suicide.

This thing is definitely the biggest disgusting thing for those demons, and under Wang Ming's order, this thing was also used. After a Thunderhawk gunboat flew and aimed at Angron, the soul-destroying bomb directly separated from the launch pad after preheating. This thing may not have high physical damage, but for those metaphysical things in the subspace, the damage of this thing is no less than that of a nuclear bomb.

The explosion of the soul-killing bomb is very interesting, since most of the technology used in this thing is actually from the 21st Legion, and there is not much of its original technology left after several modifications. The explosion of this thing is completely different from its original explosion mode. Originally, its explosion mode should be normal kinetic energy, and after the explosion, the ashes of those untouchables will be scattered into space.

But after being modified by the First Engineer Corps, the explosion effect of this thing is almost the same as that of a nuclear bomb. The kinetic energy and heat energy are released in an instant. In an instant, it is as if a golden sun appears in the hive city. The light of this thing is all-encompassing, illuminating the dome and buildings of the hive city, and illuminating the entire hive city battlefield.

As Wang Ming looked at the golden sun that suddenly appeared in the sky, he should not have believed in the stability of the First Engineer Corps when they modified these explosives. No matter what kind of explosives fell into their hands, even an ordinary gunpowder or an explosive pack could be turned into a nuclear bomb by them. The fear of insufficient firepower has almost become their terminal illness. It is completely incurable, no matter how much firepower they are given.

In fact, he didn't know how many weird things those time travelers from the First Engineer Corps had come up with. The First Engineer Corps had never stopped researching various high-powered weapons. They were even planning to make some extremely bizarre things, such as a miniature nuclear bomb the size of a grenade. Wang Ming didn't even know what the purpose of this thing was. Was it to kill the enemy together with the enemy?

You have to know that even the distance that the Astartes can throw grenades cannot be compared with the explosion distance of that thing. The explosion range of a nuclear grenade is one kilometer. When it is thrown out, you will be buried with the enemy, right? They lose 800 of their own lives and injure 1000 enemies. The thing of your First Engineer Corps injures 1000 enemies and loses 1000 of its own lives. It is a job that will be completely destroyed together.

"Who put the nuclear material in there?"

Wang Ming looked at the golden fireball in the sky. He saw the radiation value on his tactical eyepiece getting higher and higher. He was a little confused. He didn't expect that these guys would turn this soul-killing bomb into a nuclear weapon. How did they do it? There were no nuclear atomic excitation devices in the internal structure of the soul-killing bomb.

In other words, the nuclear weapon equipment on this thing was added by those guys later. God knows whether they converted the kinetic bomb into a nuclear weapon. What on earth are these guys doing?

But just when Wang Ming was confused, the demons were destroyed by the explosion of the nuclear weapon. The golden light in the subspace tore the essence of the demons into pieces. The annihilation from the metaphysical aspect was an attack that the demons could not resist. They wailed and screamed in pain, but they had no resistance to the light of the nuclear weapon at all.

"This thing has nuclear weapons, and Angron is still alive. The blessing of Khorne is really terrifying."

Wang Ming saw the nuclear explosion fireball slowly dissipating in the sky, and the radiation index on his tactical eyepiece quickly weakened. This nuclear weapon had undergone special treatment by the First Engineer Corps. After the nuclear explosion, the half-life of the radioactive substances was very short. The shortened half-life of the radioactive substances would allow this area to quickly return to its original state after the nuclear explosion. After all, the radioactive substances that actually caused the pollution would disappear, and the entire area would return to its original state.

It's just that after the huge nuclear fireball dissipated, all the demons in this area disappeared, but Angron of the Sky City still did not disappear. It was still hovering in the sky, as if the destructive spirit bomb just now had no effect on it. But this is absolutely impossible. This thing even has an effect on ordinary people. It will put ordinary people in a state of unconsciousness for a long time. In simple terms, it is similar to the situation in the Exorcist Dead Zone.

They all temporarily isolate ordinary people's souls from the subspace to a certain extent, turning humans into a group of soulless zombies. This is why these weapons cannot be used on a large scale on the battlefield.

You know, on the battlefield, there are not only Chaos cultists and Chaos demons, but also countless Imperial soldiers. It would be very bad if these Imperial soldiers turned into zombies. You know, in that situation, human troops would not have much reaction ability.

Everyone entered a very confused state because of the effect, and in that state, no one could fight their own battles. If the cultists or the big demons had reacted immediately, then this plan would never have succeeded, and the only ones who would be hurt would be the soldiers of the empire.

"The soul-killing bomb is useless against this guy."

Wang Ming looked at Angron in the sky, and he spoke to Clarks of Life, while Clarks beside him nodded to Wang Ming, as if he had anticipated this matter. He actually knew all this a long time ago, knew the fate he would face next on Terra, and also knew the fate Wang Ming would face on Terra.

This was not his own ability to predict. In fact, he could not do this. This was a prophecy given to him by his father, a huge language. Holy Terra was attacked, and the entire human empire began to return to its home planet. He would also return to his home planet and fight side by side with his brothers. After nodding to Wang Ming, Clarks disappeared directly from the spot. Obviously, he went to catch Angron again. However, at such a high altitude, Wang Ming did not know how the Crow King should catch Angron.

However, Wang Ming did not need to worry about what happened next, because Clarks' figure instantly flashed to Angron's side, waving the sharp claws in his hands, and the claws transformed from pure darkness directly hit Angron's body, tearing open his flesh and blood, and also tearing open the wings behind him.

In an instant, it fell from the sky like a fallen angel. While falling, it also attacked Clarks who was lying behind it. However, its attack was so ridiculous. Clarks had now turned into a shadow. It would be really surprising if it could hit Clarks.

Clarks was now hiding in his own pure darkness, quietly looking at Angron, furious at his own incompetence. The guy was completely crazy now. The blow Clarks had just given him made him completely furious. It was not a glorious duel, nor a glorious decapitation operation. It was just a sneak attack, and a very successful one at that. It was also a shame for Angron to be hurt by such a sneak attack.

Angron roared as he fell, and finally, when his body collided closely with the earth and produced a large mushroom cloud of explosion, a golden light suddenly flashed in the position of the mushroom cloud, and then the whole world became completely quiet, all sounds stopped, Angron's roar and the devil's wailing all stopped.

Wang Ming was also stopped now, as if time had been frozen. The only two people who could retain their own thinking consciousness were Wang Ming and Clarks. While they were thinking about what happened, a big golden man suddenly appeared in front of them. He stared at Wang Ming and Clarks, and pressed Wang Ming's head with his big hand. In an instant, Wang Ming understood what happened.

Just when Wang Ming was ready to refuse, a psychic bidou suddenly hit his soul, and Wang Ming could only feel a sudden tearing sensation in his soul, as if his soul had left his body and was taken away by something. Until he regained consciousness, he discovered something very important, that is, he had come to the realm of Khorne again.

But this area of ​​Khorne is different from other areas of Khorne. There is no war here, and no creatures are fighting. There is only a red wasteland, an endless red wasteland. When Wang Ming stood up and looked around the wasteland, he suddenly saw a figure from the bright red wasteland. The figure was wearing a golden gravity armor. Although the figure was wearing a power armor, it was obvious that the power armor had not been maintained for many years.

The dazzling golden color on it was also covered with a layer of gray, and he actually had one hand broken. After seeing his broken hand, Wang Ming immediately became excited. He knew who the person in front of him was. It was Rogdorn, the greatest defensive military strategist in the history of the empire!

Wang Ming looked at Dorn's figure, and he rushed to Dorn in one step. Just when he wanted to say something to Dorn, he was suddenly stunned, and just stood there, looking at Dorn in front of him. He was just curious why this figure had a broken hand, but now, his identity has been revealed. It was Rogal Dorn, the Primarch of the Empire.

"My brother..."

When Wang Ming just saw Rogal Dorn and wanted to communicate with him, he suddenly discovered something very unbelievable, that is, Rogal Dorn's current mental state problem. As a Primarch, his mental state is even like a very tired mortal. His eyes are bloodshot, his throat is very dry, and his hair and beard on his head are growing randomly, just like a very haggard mortal.

There is a Primarch here who doesn't look like him at all, but what you cannot deny is the fact that the one in front of you is indeed a Primarch. The facial features that look like marble sculptures cannot be deceiving, not to mention the connection with Dorn in Wang Ming's genes. Rogal Dorn, the Primarch of the Imperial Fists, has been here for who knows how many years.

"Another hallucination... I am Rogal Dorn..."

Rogdorn looked at Wang Ming in front of him. After his bloodshot eyes swept over Wang Ming's body, they immediately became sharp again. He looked at Wang Ming in front of him and the things on Wang Ming's body. He felt that this illusion was too real, as if there was a real brother he had never seen before standing in front of him.

"This is not easy to deal with... It's obvious that he has been here for a very long time, maybe even ten thousand or twenty thousand years. And Dorne is... It's not easy to deal with. How about knocking him out and bringing him back to the Empire... Is this what you are thinking, Your Majesty?"

After Wang Ming heard Rog Dorn's words, his brain quickly began to think about how to bring Rog Dorn back to the empire? If he was brought back to the empire, he wouldn't have to worry about anything. As long as Dorn was there, the whole of Terra would be a chaotic Jedi.

"I am not hallucinating. Look, if that damned bastard Khorne wants to corrupt you through me, then what are these things in my hand?"

Wang Ming thought about it and finally chose to use the most direct method to prove his identity. He looked at Dorn in front of him, ignited the golden flame on his body, and spoke to Rog Dorn.

After seeing what Wang Ming did, Rogdorn, who was in front of Wang Ming, wanted to turn around and ignore Wang Ming, just like he did with other illusions. But the moment the golden flame was ignited, it was impossible for him to ignore Wang Ming anymore. That kind of warm feeling was something he had not experienced in this space for ten thousand years. There was definitely something wrong with the guy in front of him.

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