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Chapter 664: Handing over the defense mission

Chapter 664: Handing over the defense mission
After Dorn's return, he would definitely be responsible for the defense of Holy Terra. No one disagreed with this decision. After all, there was no more suitable candidate than Dorn. The walls of the empire were about to be rebuilt, and they would keep all enemies of the empire outside the walls.

As for the news of Dorn's return, Wang Ming has not yet announced it to the entire empire. He only told his brothers who brought Holy Terra. After Nimanrus and Lion arrived 24 hours later, they would directly hand over the defense of Terra to Dorn.

After all, Dorn needs some adjustment now. He needs to adapt to everything in this era as soon as possible. At the same time, his arm needs to be reattached. Cloning limbs is actually very simple. All you need is some human stem cells and use genetic engineering to guide them to develop into the required organs or limbs. Of course, only Clayrose knows some of the specific principles.

"This is the defense map of Holy Terra. Our current deployment is all on it. This is the palace area. We have set up a battle line here that stretches across the entire plateau, and..."

On top of the Sun Fortress, Wang Ming was explaining their battle line arrangement to Dorn, but the more Dorn listened to Wang Ming's battle line arrangement, the more his brows furrowed. However, he still listened to Wang Ming patiently, and Wang Ming also noticed his expression. It seems that his battle line arrangement was indeed not very good.

"My brother, your defenses are too scattered. From what you just described, there are indeed many fortresses on Holy Terra, but most of our troops are encircling the enemy. Although this is not a problem, if the enemy launches another sneak attack, the troops in this area will be seriously insufficient."

After Wang Ming finished speaking, Dorn began to modify and instruct Wang Ming's tactics. Various tactics and strategies began to be spoken from Dorn's mouth, and various tactics were also formulated. A large number of defense points that had not been noticed before and some places that were more easily overlooked also re-established defensive positions.

The gap between the Primarchs was revealed at this moment. Wang Ming's combat effectiveness is now considered relatively strong, but his command ability is still only at the standard level of a Primarch. It is better to leave these things to Guilliman and Dorn. He can just be a logistics personnel and a great demon beheader.

He no longer needs to do so many things and can just leave them to his brothers. All his brothers have no objection to Wang Ming's behavior. After all, they know that Wang Ming actually does more than them. After all, among the several legions today, the weapons and equipment manufactured by the 21st Legion have now become the mainstream.

The technology of resurrection power armor and neo-Astartes transformation has been fully popularized. All resources are provided by the 21st Legion. Wang Ming also opened his own industrial worlds to several other legions. The gross domestic product of those industrial worlds is actually in excess. In addition to manufacturing large quantities of equipment for the new Star Army for the Empire, they also manufacture large quantities of weapons and equipment used by the new Astartes.

Actually, the 21st Legion has no use for these things. The 21st Legion does not need the gross domestic product of these industrial worlds. They only need those worlds to produce things to supply the mortal troops. The 21st Legion actually has its own production line above the Sun Fortress, which can produce all kinds of weapons and equipment.

As for why those industrial worlds have production lines for Astartes equipment, that is of course because they have taken into account in advance that other legions will have equipment gaps and insufficient equipment, such as those chapters struggling on the edge of the galaxy, or those chapters that are already penniless. These things are actually provided for them. Now, the chapters whose primarchs have returned have been reorganized into legions.

The resources for providing weapons and equipment naturally fell into the hands of those legions. As for the 21st Legion providing them with weapons and equipment, as well as the modified organs of the New Astartes, all the legions except the Sons of Phoenix and the Ultramarines were relatively resistant at the beginning, but now, most of the legions have accepted all these things.

After all, after the 21st Legion provided various weapons and equipment and even warships, other legions also opened their hearts to the 21st Legion. The loyalty of a legion that can even provide its own industrial world to other legions has been proven. The 21st Legion garrison on Holy Terra even guards the imperial palace together with the Imperial Guards. With the tacit consent of some people, in fact, the 21st Legion garrison and the Imperial Guards have the same rights.

Of course, the person who condones this is probably the saint on the Golden Throne. He condones all actions of the 21st Legion in the Galaxy, including the 21st Legion's use of the banned artificial intelligence technology. The God-Emperor has never been dissatisfied with the 21st Legion, and His attitude towards the 21st Legion has always been to allow all its actions.

As long as the 21st Legion did nothing wrong, He would never interfere in any matter of the 21st Legion, because He knew that the 21st Legion actually understood everything about the universe. They knew what could be done and what could not be done, what should be done and what should not be done. They would never touch upon anything that would threaten the entire human civilization.

"I will leave the defense mission to you, my brother. You are still the high wall of the Empire, but your legion... your legion needs to be rebuilt, and I will provide all the help, whether it is fleets, weapons and equipment, or even candidates. I can provide them... Let Guilliman provide the candidates."

Back to the topic, while Wang Ming was listening to Dorn's evaluation and modification of Terra's current defense, he arranged people to make the modifications and told Dorn that he would hand over the defense task to Dorn. At the same time, the re-established 21st Legion of the Imperial Fists would also provide assistance.

Dorn looked at Wang Ming beside him. He listened to Wang Ming's words. He wanted to say something, but after holding it in for a long time, he couldn't utter a word. In the end, he just nodded and said thank you to Wang Ming. Wang Ming had expected Dorn's situation. Dorn was like a high wall of silence. This was his character.

This is something that can never be changed, and it is impossible to change. This is the case with Dorne and the walls of the Empire. Now that the walls of the Empire have been rebuilt, all Chaos demons will be kept outside the Empire.

Although Wang Ming has handed over the defense task of Holy Terra to Dorn, there are still many things that need to be handed over, such as the defense deployment of each position, the real-time position of each army, etc., as well as the supply lines jointly organized by Wang Ming and Guilliman. Wang Ming is responsible for providing supplies, while Guilliman is responsible for planning those supply lines.

These are all things that Dorn needs to take over from Wang Ming. The handover of work is very complicated, but for the two Primarchs, it only takes a few hours. The focus is not on the handover of work, but Dorn's problem with the tactics and strategy of this era. When Dorn first learned about the tactics and strategy of this era, his idea was actually the same as Guilliman's. The tactics and strategy have not changed much, which makes him feel a little sad, but the tactics and strategy have not changed much, which means that the previous tactics still have a certain effect. According to the tactics and strategies of the Great Crusade era, he will turn Holy Terra into a fortress within a fortress again, and with the help of the 21st Legion, build those fortresses and dense orbital defense systems on Holy Terra.

He can leave behind all the invaded areas, and he also has the Sun Fortress and the entire 21st Legion fleet as his deployable forces. Overall, the Empire's advantage is very large, it's almost 800,000 versus 300,000, that advantage is so huge in my situation that I can win even if I fight with a flat AA.

But just when Dorn wanted to say something similar, Wang Ming immediately stopped Dorn from saying it, saying, "You can't say that. The last person who said that..."

Their advantage is huge, but they still need to avoid being overconfident and take it step by step. In this regard, Dorn seems to be better than him. Although Dorn doesn't know why Wang Ming doesn't let him tell a fact, he didn't delve into it. The current key task is to improve the defense of Holy Terra.

Just when Dorn returned to the entire Holy Terra, Wang Ming suddenly remembered a very important thing, that is, where did Angron go on Holy Terra. He had gone with Clarks to deal with Angron's affairs before. Where did Angron go? This was a big problem, and he seemed to have forgotten to ask Clarks for news. He just remembered it now.

When he went to inquire about the information, he suddenly found that Clarks had appeared in the command room of the Sun Fortress. As for the handling of Angron, Clarks told Wang Ming about the follow-up matters. After Wang Ming disappeared, Clarks received orders from his father. The emperor told Clarks about Wang Ming's mission, and then Clarks went to kill Angron alone.

Clarks was a complete crushing defeat to Angron. There is a gap between the Primarchs, but the size of the gap is that for a Primarch as powerful as Clarks who had awakened the essence of the Warp, it was easy for him to deal with the brainless ones. Angron was killed in just a few rounds.

"What a pity, if we could kill it completely."

Wang Ming listened to Clarks' description of the battle. It was so easy for him to deal with Angron. First, he attracted Angron's attention. Then, with the help of his ability to penetrate into the darkness, he quickly restrained Angron's movement and killed him instantly. However, this was not a real kill, just a simple exile.

"I couldn't help it. You just disappeared at that time. I could only exile it."

Clarks looked at Wang Ming and nodded to Dorn who was beside Wang Ming. When Dorn saw this familiar brother, he felt that he had finally met a familiar brother. After he returned to the real universe, he felt that everything had changed. He had unfamiliar brothers, unfamiliar legions, and even the equipment of the Astartes was not recognized by him. When he knew that he had been away from the empire for ten thousand years, he fell into deep self-blame.

He had seen everything that had happened to the Empire over the past ten thousand years in the database of the 21st Legion. The half-dead state of the Empire now was like a dying giant, about to die, but it was still alive, relying on its huge size to move forward in this desperate universe.

"Everything in the Human Empire seems to be about to collapse, but it will never collapse. It still needs to move forward, even if it is dying, even if it is half dead, it must move forward, because it protects all human beings in this entire galaxy. It is the only safe haven for mankind in this desperate galaxy and the only force that can protect mankind."

Wang Ming looked at the brothers in front of him. He suddenly said to them the words he had said countless times. There was actually no need to say more, but Wang Ming said it anyway. It was very simple, emphasizing their mission and responsibility, and at the same time enlightening Dorne. Dorne was a bit stubborn, and he felt very uncomfortable about the empire becoming what it is now after he left for ten thousand years. If he could...

However, Wang Ming could not match the Empire's King of Stress Resistance's ability to withstand stress. Dorn was not as uncomfortable as Wang Ming imagined, but Wang Ming still made a move that stunned Dorn for a moment.

"Welcome back to the empire. What a pity that we don't have time to celebrate for you. Wait for this time... No, this is also a curse!

Wang Ming looked at Dorn in front of him and gave him a big hug, just like when Vulkan gave Dorn a big hug during the first Siege of Terra ten thousand years ago. This greatly relieved Dorn, who was already tired from the Siege of Terra. Although the Primarchs were called demigods, they still had human emotions, no matter how hard they tried to control themselves.

"My brother..., thank you..."

Dorn wanted to say something, but just like before, he didn't have much to say, just a thank you. In that space of tens of thousands of years, he was too far away from his brothers and the empire. Now, Wang Ming's hug was like Wokan's hug at the beginning, which eased his emotions a little.

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