Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 666 "Justice"

Chapter 666 "Justice"

The Titan God Machine strolled on the earth, its mountain-like body advancing on the purgatory-like battlefield, rays of light falling from it. After falling into the purgatory, it added more colors to the purgatory, various wails, and the devastating explosions on the battlefield as its accompaniment. Its appearance brought countless deaths to the battlefield, and each of its attacks would cause hundreds or thousands of deaths.

It is the embodiment of war on the battlefield, the best embodiment of the word death in the world, it is the most terrifying weapon created by mankind, it is the steel giant, the incarnation of the Ohm Messiah, the terrible Titan Legion.

The moment the Dark Mechanicus' Titans appeared on Terra, the Titan Corps of the 21st Legion immediately attacked. Several Wrath of the Emperor-class Titans were activated. Under the protection of a Titan battle group consisting of Star-class and Protector-class Titans and several other Titans of various models, they directly stepped into the purgatory-like battlefield. Their appearance also completely represented that the Third Battle of Terra had entered its climax.

They used their flames to turn the entire battlefield into hell. Both the enemy and themselves were trapped in this hell. The temperatures caused by the firing of various weapons had even caused some areas of Terra to begin to heat up. That temperature was completely unbearable for normal humans.

In this terrible environment, large numbers of troops can only serve as appendages on high-end battlefields. Whether it is the Empire or Chaos, their troops are evacuating to relatively safe places, because the battlefield has now completely turned into a purgatory where demons are dancing wildly. Demons are roaring on the earth, and Astartes are also roaring on the battlefield.

The Titans of both sides continued to fight on the battlefield, killing the Astartes and demons like ants. There were also some terrible situations, that is, those dangerous psykers, whether they were the wizards on the Chaos side or the 21st Legion think tanks on the Empire side, they were all very terrifying.

The 21st Legion also has several Alpha-class think tanks, who are now constantly strolling on the battlefield. As long as they find an opportunity, they will immediately find a way to destroy those Titans. It is not difficult for them to destroy the Titans. The only difficulty is that the big demons they need to face in the disaster have already become endless demons in the mountains and seas. It can be said that both sides have now brought out all their high-end combat forces.

Titans, Astartes, Demons, Archdemons, all kinds of psykers, and even the terrible Demon Primarchs, constantly attacked the Imperial Titans on the battlefield. The Imperial side now had only four Primarchs who could go to the front to fight, while those Archdemons on the battlefield were endless, not to mention those Demon Primarchs.

Fulgrim, Perturabo, Magnus, Angron, these guys led their Chaos Space Marines to set foot on the land of Terra again. The Chaos Space Marines and Demons they led continued to kill on Terra.

As for these guys, the Primarchs can only find ways to find them and kill them, but that is so difficult. For the four Primarchs who can fight now, it is still difficult to fight against the Demon Primarchs. But Angron is an exception. This guy is the easiest to deal with among the four Primarchs of the Empire. This guy can be exiled with a little brains.

What made them feel difficult were actually the other three Demon Primarchs, Fulgrim, Perturabo, and Magnus. The individual combat capabilities of these three Demon Primarchs were extremely terrifying, especially Magnus. The terrifying psychic powers he possessed could even easily extinguish a star, and his terrifying spells were completely crushing on the battlefield.

Wang Ming is very troubled by this guy. This guy's ability on the battlefield is too terrifying. If he wants to suppress this guy, unless those high-level untouchables join the battle, there are simply not many means to suppress him. Perhaps the golden flame can also be regarded as a means to suppress him, but as for the specific effect, Wang Ming is not too sure.

He had fought with Magnus before, and used golden flames to block many of Magnus' spells, but if Magnus used his psychic spells with all his strength, Wang Ming might not be able to really suppress it. You know, it only took Wang Ming a few hundred years to obtain his own warp essence and those psychic powers, while it took Magnus tens of thousands of years to obtain and improve its power. There is not much to compare between the two.

"So, the current situation is very unfavorable for us. The demon primarchs are gathering on Terra, and all kinds of demons are fighting our warriors endlessly. There is also the Titan Legion of the Dark Mechanicus. I just got the news that not only we have been attacked, but Mars and several other worlds in the solar system have also been attacked by the Chaos forces. Fortunately, the main force of the Chaos forces is concentrated on Holy Terra, and we have made sufficient preparations in the early stage. At present, except for..."

Above Holy Terra, in the palace area, Wang Ming looked at the holographic projection map in front of him. He kept explaining to everyone the various situations in the solar system, the problems they had to face, and the problems they had to solve. Every world in the solar system was now under attack, but fortunately, the Empire had an absolute advantage in fleet warfare in the void.

After all, with the First Engineer Corps' insane construction capabilities, they had almost filled the void of the entire solar system before the Third Battle of Terra began. There was a terrifying void artillery every few astronomical units, which made it impossible for the Chaos fleet to move once it entered the solar system.

This greatly restricted the combat effectiveness of the Chaos Fleet in the void. The Chaos Fleet could not deploy troops from the void to the battlefield, nor could it use the fleet in the void to provide support to the troops on various worlds. They could only use the blasphemous spells to perform various teleportation rituals to transport the troops and supplies of each unit to the battlefields of various worlds.

This undoubtedly increased the logistics cost of the Chaos Fleet. After all, every sacrifice requires a sacrifice. The Chaos main force is absolutely impossible to be sacrificed. Only the trillions of cultists are sacrificed. These cultists were at the bottom of the world before they joined the cult. They joined the school just to have a meal. But now, their past choices are like a bullet they shot, hitting them now. No matter how unwilling, regretful, and angry they are, their fate has been determined from the moment they joined Chaos. Although the Empire is not a human being, Chaos is not a human being at all!
It is impossible for them to retain all the human qualities in the hands of Chaos. Even in death, they do not die like human beings. Look at the companions on the sacrificial platform. Those guys have not even closed their eyes yet...

But they did not dare to resist at all. The psychological pressure caused by those demigod-like Chaos Astartes was enormous. They had seen those cultists who dared to resist. They were a group of cultists who believed in Khorne. They waved their chainsaw axes at their former masters, but it was of no use. They could not fight against those Astartes.

No matter how many cultists there are, they are just mortals, and are completely different species from the Chaos Space Marines who have already transcended mortal nature. After all the cult maps saw a Chaos Space Marine killing 2000 Chaos Cultists with his bare hands, no one felt like resisting. They accepted it all numbly because they knew that even resistance would be useless.

Now, in the Chaos fleet, except for those Tzeentch cultists who can still cause trouble from time to time, the other cultists can't do anything at all, because they have accepted their fate, just like a group of livestock in a slaughterhouse, they have completely lost any idea of ​​resistance. The gap between Chaos Space Marines and mortals is too big.

As for those cultists who have the ability to prevent themselves from being sacrificed, they don't care about their companions at all. They are superior beings, blessed by the Power of Destruction. They don't think that those companions with them are equal to them, especially those Khorne cultists. They have been blessed by Khorne, although they look down on those cowards who have not been blessed.

But they still wanted to maintain the so-called fairness in their hearts. Yes, the cultists were here to maintain fairness, so a very interesting situation was created. That was that the Khorne cultists rebelled every day. They denounced the Chaos Astartes as cowards who bullied the weak, and then were killed in large numbers by those Chaos Astartes.

However, Khorne seemed to like them very much and bestowed the most blessings on them. Several of them were even upgraded to demons. Those cultists who were upgraded to demons continued to carry out the so-called justice in their hearts and continued to fight against those Chaos Space Marines. The Chaos Space Marines were also annoyed by these guys, so they could only let the wizards find ways to stuff those upgraded Daemon Princes back into the Warp with various spells.

The cultists of Khorne are like this. Although they are cruel and bloodthirsty, true believers of Khorne will not swing their axes at the weak, because they feel from the bottom of their hearts that they are unworthy. They believe in the Blood God, who is also the god of courage, victory and war. It can even be said that he represents justice in certain aspects. Of course, this concept of justice is also very extreme.

The Chaos Gods actually represent some positive and negative concepts, but they are all very extreme. There is no anti-situation. Extreme justice and extreme evil both exist in them. For example, the so-called justice of Khorne, is it really justice?

Of course, it is also a manifestation of justice, but it is very extreme. For example, those Khorne cultists who dared to swing their axes at the Chaos Space Marines, they were all oppressed by the Imperial nobles in their own world and thrown into Chaos. They have seen the quagmire at the bottom of the Empire, and their hearts yearn for order and justice.

From their perspective, they even believe that they are not cultists. They feel that they believe in the God-Emperor, the God-Emperor who represents order, and the reason they came to Terra to wage this war is simply because they feel they are on a pilgrimage. The four reigning God-Emperors cleaned out those irrelevant high-ranking officials of the Empire, and they needed to re-establish order, just as their Warmaster Abaddon said, to overthrow the corrupt empire and lead mankind to greatness again.

What they don't know is that many of these Khorne cultists are actually deceived. They yearn for justice in their hearts, but Abaddon only wants to use them as cannon fodder.

And just when everyone in the Chaos fleet was in panic, the troublemaker was about to appear. Through the sacrifices of those dormant Khorne cultists, they successfully summoned back their companions who had ascended to demons, ready to re-enforce the justice in their hearts. But among the summoned back Daemon Princes, there was a Khorne Chosen who had lost all hope in life, and he was the traverser who was snatched away by Chaos.

"Listen to me, we will kill our way through here, seize the command of this battleship, release those people, and then drive this battleship directly to ram that battleship, and then we will continue..."

Wang Qing looked at the large group of Khorne cultists and those Daemon Princes in front of him who were discussing how to kill the Chaos Astartes. He stared at those Khorne cultists and Daemon Princes and felt that his worldview was a little collapsed. It was the first time he saw such horrible cultists and Daemon Princes. Wang Qing could also hear from their words that they were pursuing their twisted justice.

This was the first time he had seen such Khorne cultists. They were completely different from the Khorne cultists he had met before. Compared to those bloodthirsty lunatics, Wang Qing did not hate these guys who longed for the twisted justice in their hearts so much. He could even help them for a while when he learned their location from their few words.

Wang Qing thoroughly implemented the idea of ​​helping them. He is now in the solar system, and those guys’ goal is to besiege Holy Terra. The Third Battle of Terra has already broken out. If he doesn’t do something to the Chaos rear, he would be unworthy of his identity as a time traveler.

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