Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 672 Chaos Titan Walks on Terra

Chapter 672 Chaos Titan Walks on Terra
On a battlefield that was like purgatory, a giant made of steel kept moving forward. Its twisted body was full of blasphemous symbols. Its existence had become something completely twisted and blasphemous. Any normal human would feel that their spirit was being affected just by looking at it.

This thing just walks on the battlefield. It once had glory and a great history, but now it has stood on the opposite side of mankind. Now, all it has left are the countless human lives under its feet and the worlds it once destroyed.

With all its achievements ruined and its reputation spread across the galaxy, this damned creature has now returned to Holy Terra, using its blasphemous transformations and the countless demonic members it rides on to destroy the Empire's Knights and Titans one after another.

"I can see it here. It's very big. Although it has grown a lot of flesh and blood tissue and some unknown structures, its general shape shows that it should be a Warlord-class. Let the Titans of the Eldar cooperate with me so that I can kill it. Are there any friendly units nearby?"

Zhou Heng looked at the huge Chaos Titan. He had now activated his extremely terrifying individual weapon. He just looked at the huge Chaos Titan in the distance and kept asking on the communication channel if there were any friendly units around who could cooperate with his actions.

This Chaos Titan was really too outrageous. It destroyed two Star-class Titans and a standard 21st Legion Titan Guard formation in a row. The combat power of this thing was really too outrageous. It almost wiped out the Imperial Titan force in this area. At present, the only friendly Titan available in this area was an Eldar Titan that came to support.

Speaking of which, the Eldar also provided a lot of support for this battle. After all, the existence of humans is now tied to them. Under Wang Ming's various plans, he has completely tied the Eldar to the chariot of human interests. The hybridization of humans and Eldar, the unique natural reproduction, is the hope of the Eldar race to get rid of Slaanesh. The Eldar gods are also in the hands of humans. They must fight for humans and protect these things.

"Zizizizi... Reporting to the Carlosno family, there are still two knights that can be put back into battle."

Just when Zhou Heng used full-band communication to inquire about the entire battlefield, two knights from the Kanosno Knight Family responded to his words. Although they said that they could return to the battle, their current situation was actually very bad. None of the two knight mechas were intact, and they had all suffered considerable damage to varying degrees.

Half of the body of a knight mecha was even destroyed by the aftermath of the Titan weapon attack, and the knight's cockpit was even exposed, but they still did not give up fighting. They knew where they were. This was Holy Terra, the home planet of mankind. They would never give up fighting in this place. They were knights, knights of the Empire, and knights of mankind.

Their loyalty and tenacity are their best response to those chaotic demons. They use their lives and their knight mechas to defend everything of the human species in the galaxy.

"I understand. Pay attention to coordinate with friendly units in the attack."

Zhou Heng listened to the words of the two knights in the communication frequency band, and he looked at a corner on the battlefield. In that corner, two tattered knight mechas were trying hard to stand up again. They had suffered considerable damage in the previous battle. In fact, they no longer had any combat capability.

Moreover, to the Chaos Warrior-class Titan, their threat was no match for the Eldar Titan. However, Zhou Heng did not let them evacuate directly. He knew that asking these knights to evacuate would be more painful than taking their lives. These guys were completely brainwashed by the medieval chivalry in fantasy novels. Zhou Heng had already anticipated that they did not have the ability to continue fighting, and now they were struggling to get up with all their strength. He was just giving them some dignity.

"My ally, you can start attacking. I will take advantage of you attracting its attention and jump directly onto it."

Zhou Heng raised the Skyfire Suicide in his hand. He had adjusted it to the destruction mode. However, after turning on this mode, if he did not release his attack within ten minutes, it would begin to melt under the continuous heating of its internal reactor. Moreover, this melting would not destroy the Skyfire Suicide itself, but would cause this directional nuclear explosion weapon to explode directly.

If this thing explodes, the power will be almost the same as any small hydrogen bomb detonating in front of it. Although it will definitely not kill Zhou Heng, it will at least give Zhou Heng a serious injury buff. Therefore, this battle must be resolved quickly. At least within ten minutes, Zhou Heng must be at a sufficient distance to attack the cockpit of the Warlord-class Titan.

After hearing Zhou Heng's words, in addition to the two knight mechas that accelerated their struggle, the Titan from the Eldar also moved. His figure appeared on the battlefield, and then quickly rushed towards the Chaos Warrior-class Titan. His steps were so fast and his figure was so elegant. Compared with those Titans and Knights of the Empire, his movements were more flexible, and his humanoid body allowed him to do many things that Titan-class units could not do.

You have to know how flexible this guy is. He can even slide up and down. It is outrageous for such a big thing to slide up and down. Just when he rushed towards the Chaos General-class Titan, the Chaos General-class Titan also discovered him.

This Chaos Warrior-class Titan, originally named Emperor's Edge, also discovered him. It immediately turned towards the direction of the Eldar Titan and launched its own attack on that Eldar Titan. All kinds of firepower continued to fly towards the Lord Titan, but the Eldar Titan's flexible body could dodge its attacks every time. Flexible, elegant, and fast. This was Zhou Heng's evaluation of the Eldar Titan, but he had seen better ones before.

After the Eldar Titan successfully attracted the attention of the Chaos Titan, Zhou Heng began his own actions. The anti-gravity engines equipped on him took him up, and then other thrusters directly pushed him towards the direction of the Chaos Titan. His speed was very fast, like a sharp sword, rushing directly across the battlefield and rushing directly towards the Chaos Titan. His figure was not noticeable in the air. After all, on this battlefield where battles were constantly taking place, his conspicuousness was not as good as a laser shot by a Titan, or a rocket-propelled ammunition fired by a super-heavy tank.

Just like that, when the Chaos Warrior-class Titan and the Eldar Titan were exchanging fire, Zhou Heng very cleverly jumped onto the body of this Titan. He looked at the flesh and blood tissues on the body of the Chaos Warrior-class Titan. These things were growing randomly on the shell of the Titan. It seemed that they had no effect at all, but in fact they were also a means of defense for the Titan.

These things are like the human immune system. As long as an enemy boards a Titan, these things will launch the most terrifying attack on the enemy. You must know that these flesh and blood tissues are alive.

As soon as Zhou Heng boarded the Titan, he was warmly welcomed by these things. The flesh buds grown on these things stabbed at him like tentacles, and the spikes at the end were obviously very dangerous. However, these things did not pose much threat to Zhou Heng. Zhou Heng could no longer be considered a human being, and these organic matter were not too dangerous to him.

He swung the Skyfire Self-Destruction Sword in his hand directly, and the blade with high temperature and decomposition properties easily cut off all the tentacles. These tentacles would be immediately cut and burned as soon as they touched the blade. At present, the temperature of this weapon is already ridiculously high. If the person holding it is not Zhou Heng but a normal human being, then this thing will burn its holder to death directly.

Faced with the twisted flesh and blood tissues on the shells of these Titans, Zhou Heng came up with a very simple solution. He directly directed the Skyfire Self-Suicide at those flesh and blood tissues, and then launched a wave of directional nuclear explosion attacks on them. The explosion was like a sun appearing above the Chaos General-class Titan. Not only those flesh and blood tissues, but even some of the armored shells of the Chaos General-class Titans were melted.

This also made the members of the Dark Mechanicus in the Chaos Warrior-class Titans notice Zhou Heng who had boarded their Titans. The Titan Guards transformed by the Dark Mechanicus set up their own defenses in various parts of the Titan. They were ready to deal with this dangerous existence who had boarded their Titans.

However, this is what they think. You have to know that as a relic of the dark technological era and a modified soldier among the Jin people, Zhou Heng is not someone these guys can deal with. Even if there are some Dark Mechanicus Crusaders who have been modified to an unknown degree of inhumanity, these things are still just a bunch of distorted products pieced together by machines in front of Zou Heng. He only needs to get close to the Titan and he will definitely have the ability to deal with it from the inside.

After dealing with those tentacles, Zhou Heng rushed directly to the hole he had blown out before without saying a word. With the help of the hole, he successfully entered the interior of the Titan. Darkness. This was his first feeling when he entered the Titan. There was not much light inside this Chaos Titan. In the corridor inside the Titan, the flesh and blood tissues were constantly wriggling on the walls. These things were alive, and the flesh and blood tissues were constantly growing inside them.

Those things were the internal structure of the corrupted Titan. When Zhou Heng entered the Chaos Titan, the flesh and blood tissues around him suddenly opened countless eyes. Those eyes emitted a faint green light in the darkness and kept staring at him. The degree of mental pollution had reached a level that was completely unacceptable to humans.

Imagine that in the pitch black darkness, a bunch of distorted and indescribable eyes suddenly appear around you. When you look at those things, your spirit will be polluted by them. Crazy and twisted thoughts will appear in your mind uncontrollably. Under this kind of spiritual corruption, a normal human being will directly degenerate into a twisted and crazy chaos believer.

However, this thing does not cause much problem for Zhou Heng. He is not a normal human being. His internal structure and physiological structure cannot make him suffer from any mental illness. His internal physiological structure is completely different from that of humans. Mental illness is completely impossible for him to suffer from. Even mixed pollution cannot have any mental impact on him.

The heat energy emitted by the directed nuclear explosion weapons was expressed in the form of light and heat, which illuminated the dark corridor and the flesh and blood tissues on the corridor. Those things twisted and felt the heat of the light when they were exposed to it. They actually actively moved towards Zhou Heng.

Zhou Heng looked at these twisted things approaching him, and he did not make any unnecessary movements. The activation of the directional nuclear explosion weapon took only a moment, and a sun appeared above the Chaos Titan again. The light of each nuclear bomb explosion was like the fall of a sun, which did not require too many artistic words to describe. The incomparably beautiful light and heat represented destruction and symbolized death. All things would turn into steam in this light and heat.

"It's simpler than I thought, but this thing is too big. Where is the cab?"

Zhou Heng looked at the holes he had blown up around him. A large corridor area in front of him was basically destroyed by him. He had now adjusted the power of the directed nuclear weapon to the normal attack level. It did not have that kind of extremely outrageous destructive power. Compared with his previous nuclear explosion-like attack on the Titan's shell, the power of this weapon used inside the Titan was too small.

Zhou Heng continued walking, heading towards the interior of Titan, heading towards the depths of Titan, and the Titan guards obviously already knew his location. They kept dispatching various forces to Zhou Heng's location to encircle and suppress him.

But is this useful? It has absolutely no effect. When facing these guys, Zhou Heng is just cutting melons and vegetables. Even those Dark Mechanicus Skitarii who have been transformed into complete killing machines will be torn apart by Zhou Heng in an instant. The fall of this Chaos Titan has become a foregone conclusion.

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