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Chapter 681 Abaddon's Assassination Plan

Chapter 681 Abaddon's Assassination Plan
In this dark galaxy, sometimes metaphysical hedging is actually the best way to deal with chaos. After all, the metaphysical aspects of those chaos things are very outrageous. Sometimes these outrageous metaphysical forces will instantly make those mortals on the battlefield become the source of chaotic power, and those unstable factors will even cause the entire front line to collapse directly.

Therefore, this kind of metaphysical hedge is still very necessary. On the battlefield of this metaphysical hedge, two mortal auxiliary soldiers looked at the twisted monsters in front of them. They kept shooting at them with plasma rifles in their hands, but the plasma rifles did not cause much damage to them. Because of the blessing of chaos, their bodies have reached a very incredible level. They can even block the continuous shooting of several explosive bombs.

As for the plasma rifles used by the mortal auxiliary army, they are completely useless unless they are fired at high power, because the damage caused by the plasma rifles is slower than their healing speed. In the blink of an eye, their wounds will heal immediately. These things are a very difficult group of enemies to deal with for the individual mortal auxiliary army on the battlefield.

However, the equipment configuration of the Mortal Auxiliary Army is not limited to plasma rifles, which are individual light weapons. Sometimes, the individual configuration of the Mortal Auxiliary Army may even be more terrifying than a time traveler. This is also a manifestation of the 21st Legion's fear of insufficient firepower. After all, compared to the firepower teams of other corps with standard configurations, the firepower teams of the Mortal Auxiliary Army are completely configured according to the firepower requirements of each Mortal Auxiliary Army team. This need is not a standard need, but is purely based on the feelings of those Mortal Auxiliary Army.

Anyway, every mortal auxiliary army is equipped with individual power armor, and the weight of various equipment is not a concern for them at all. They can carry any heavy equipment. Moreover, in the mortal auxiliary army, there are some special troops, such as those from federal planets, those mixed-race troops of humans and elves, and those from some special worlds. Their equipment configuration is completely based on their feelings. Many troops are even equipped with weapons that are mass-printed in the printing room according to their own traditions. Although they all carry the logo of the 21st Legion, many legions have their own characteristics.

"Can you knock it off?"

"No, if the plasma rifle is adjusted to high power, the firepower will be too long and we may not be able to suppress them. There are too many of them. Take that thing out!"

The two mortal auxiliary soldiers kept shooting at the monsters in front of them, and plasma balls kept flying in the air. Although those plasma balls could not kill the monsters directly, they could still carry out some suppressive shooting, but this still could not stop the monsters from charging.

As the two mortal auxiliary soldiers were talking, they took off their huge backpacks. One of them continued to shoot at the monsters to suppress them, while the other opened his backpack and took out many accessories. These accessories were quickly assembled in his hands, and after being assembled, they gradually took the shape of a gun.

When the mortal auxiliary soldier who assembled the weapon installed the magazine of the weapon, he threw away the plasma rifle in his hand, picked up the weapon and placed it directly on their temporary position. This weapon did not require their active aiming. In fact, it was a heavy weapon, similar to a heavy machine gun, but the lightweight of this thing was done very well. It looked like a light weapon, but the technology in it could not be more.

The most standard function of this weapon is automatic aiming. Through the software installed in it, the user only needs to pull the trigger forward, and the weapon can take care of the aiming. This weapon is actually not a standard weapon configuration of the Federation, because although this thing is actually very lightweight, it can be obviously seen that its workmanship is very rough. Of course, this roughness is compared with those weapons of the Federation.

"Is this another experimental weapon that the captain got from the adults? Will there be any problems?"

The mortal auxiliary soldier who was conducting fire suppression looked at the weapon held by the mortal auxiliary soldier next to him and asked his comrade.

"Yes, there won't be any safety issues. This is a weapon that the adults have already completed experiments on. All safety issues have been completely resolved. It will be equipped to all regiments in the future. Our regiment commander just got the right to use this weapon in advance. Don't worry."

His comrade glanced at him, then adjusted the power of the weapon and explained to him without turning his head. He looked at the weapon in his comrade's hand and nodded. At this moment, the plasma rifle in his hand suddenly made a beeping sound. This was the sound of the ammunition running out. The amount of ammunition of a plasma rifle is uncertain, and its ammunition depends on the power of the plasma rifle.

"The number of shots at high power is ridiculously low."

The mortal auxiliary soldier removed the energy battery of the plasma rifle in his hand, and while speaking, he was about to replace the ammunition of his plasma rifle. While he was changing the ammunition for his weapon, his comrade-in-arms pulled the trigger of the weapon in his hand.

A beam of light suddenly appeared in front of the two mortal auxiliary soldiers. It was a dazzling light. Their fully enclosed helmets instantly adjusted their tactical eyepieces. The light was so dazzling that the mortal auxiliary soldier who was holding a plasma rifle and preparing to change ammunition looked at his comrade in confusion. He looked at the weapon in his hand that shot out a dazzling laser and felt that this thing was simply a generator of light pollution.

Although the light of this thing is a bit dazzling, it is very effective. The power of each laser is very huge. Any monster hit by these lasers will be directly turned into a red steam. The power of this thing is simply outrageous. If the magazine of this thing was not so huge, it would have been fully equipped to the troops long ago.

"This thing...wait, is this a live ammunition weapon?!" The mortal auxiliary soldier looked at the weapon in his comrade's hand that was not firing lasers. At first, he thought that the weapon in his comrade's hand was an energy weapon, but he quickly noticed the shells scattered around the weapon. This thing turned out to be a live ammunition weapon. But if it was a live ammunition weapon, then where did those lasers come from? What is the working principle of this thing?
As children born in the fleet, the education they received was actually very comprehensive. They learned everything from mathematics, physics and chemistry. They even learned Chinese in addition to High Gothic due to the culture of the 21st Legion itself. After the education of the 21st Legion, these children actually had their own opinions on many things. This mortal auxiliary soldier wanted to study the principle of this weapon. After all, it was incredible that a live ammunition weapon could actually fire lasers.

"This thing is not a live ammunition weapon!"

His comrades looked at him, and he said to them in confusion that this weapon was not a live ammunition weapon, but an energy weapon, but its battery consumption was very huge. Basically, after one shot, the micro laser gun battery in it would instantly lose all its energy. Those so-called bullet shells were actually those consumed energy batteries. The energy storage of these things could actually reach the storage capacity of a magazine of an ordinary laser gun.

From this, we can see how powerful this weapon is. It only takes one shot to drain the energy battery of an entire laser gun. While the two mortal auxiliary soldiers were constantly slaughtering those monsters, they did not notice that a subspace rift suddenly opened behind them, and a huge figure walked out silently from the subspace training.

The figure walked silently, as if it was a ghost that did not exist in this world. Its scarlet eyes stared at the two mortal auxiliary soldiers who kept shooting, and then raised the huge power claw in his hand. At this moment, a mortal auxiliary soldier suddenly turned around to change the ammunition of the plasma rifle in his hand. He suddenly saw the figure behind him, and it was too late to dodge. It was too late. The limit of mortal reaction speed made him immediately kick the comrade next to him away. At least it was possible to save his comrade's life, right?

The power claw pierced the chest of the mortal auxiliary soldier and directly lifted him up. The power armor of the anti-human auxiliary soldier did not protect him. The decomposition point of the power claw directly pierced through the protection of the power armor. The comrade who was kicked away by him looked at his comrade who was pierced by the claw tip of the power claw. He immediately aimed all the weapons in his hands at the huge figure, but just as he was about to pull the trigger, his head suddenly exploded without any warning.

"Ah..., Ba..."

The mortal auxiliary soldier who was pierced by the power claws looked at the twisted monster in front of him. He immediately recognized the monster's identity through the huge pigtails on the top of the monster's head. There were courses on learning about it in all the legions' tactical courses. It was the Warmaster of Chaos, one of the most dangerous traitors of mankind, the destroyer of countless worlds, Abaddon, the Warmaster of Chaos.

Abaddon stared at the mortal auxiliary soldier on his power claws. He could not see any fear in this mortal's eyes. There was only hatred and anger towards himself in his eyes, which he had never seen in the eyes of a mortal. The tenacity of these mortal auxiliary soldiers of the 21st Legion had already surprised him a little.

However, it was only a little surprise. The mortal auxiliary soldier was immediately quantified into a piece of meat paste by his psychic power. Abaddon casually threw the remains of the mortal auxiliary soldier on the power claws to the ground, and then he looked at the battlefield in front of him. The monsters that had originally rushed over like the two mortal auxiliary soldiers stopped immediately after seeing Abaddon, and then lowered their heads like Abaddon.

These guys are not a group of completely unconscious monsters, they are conscious too, but their consciousness has been twisted to the extreme by four extremely twisted desires. Except for seeing Abaddon, the Chaos Warmaster, they have some independent consciousness, and they just want to tear apart anything else they see.

Abaddon glanced at these monsters. He was very satisfied with the large number of high-level cannon fodder he had produced. The number of these guys was not a problem at all. He could continuously deploy them to the battlefield of Holy Terra and let these guys serve as the main offensive force. He could also let the Chaos Astartes troops in his legion conduct infiltration operations. Abaddon believed that he could definitely attack the palace and kill the false emperor sitting on the golden throne.

But why did it want to kill the false emperor? This is the question that Abaddon has been thinking about recently. Why is it so obsessed with killing the false emperor, or why does it want to kill the false emperor? It can't remember many things now. It's not that it has forgotten those things. It's that under the blessing of chaos, its consciousness has become more and more confused.

Sometimes it could no longer recognize all the Chaos Astartes in its legion, and some hallucinations would appear around it from time to time. Sometimes it even took it a long time to distinguish whether it was an illusion, the Chaos Astartes in its legion, or the great demons and demon princes who cooperated with it. It now felt that its state was becoming more and more like someone it knew, but who was it? It could no longer remember.

"No matter what, no matter what, I will kill the false emperor on the throne and save the human empire and humanity from its hands. Only I, and only I, am the savior of mankind. Only I can lead mankind to greatness again!"

Abaddon looked at the battlefield in front of him, it seemed as if it had forgotten about being beaten by the four Primarchs before, and started its own plan again. It has now arranged an infiltration force at the Terra Palace, which is an assassination force composed of Daemons and Chaos Astartes. It wants to use this force to assassinate the Emperor and the Primarchs.

At the same time, in the Palace of Terra, Wang Ming was still dealing with various problems on the battlefield. After all, Guilliman was almost overwhelmed by the internal affairs of the Empire, and Dorn was in charge of the entire Terra's defense strategy. His other brothers were still fighting in the troops on those battlefields, so dealing with such matters on the battlefield had to be left to him.

(End of this chapter)

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