Chapter 686 Special Soul

In the throne room, there is now one more chair. Wang Ming sits in the position facing the golden throne. He looks up at the emperor on the golden throne and remains silent as he looks at the dry bones. Beside him, the imperial guards stand beside him. None of the imperial guards look at Wang Ming, but they are always ready to protect the golden throne.

Because Wang Ming's state when he just came in was very strange, he walked directly into the throne room, then took out a huge chair out of thin air and sat opposite the Golden Throne. After he sat down, he just looked at the Emperor and the Golden Throne quietly, as quietly as those primarch statues in the palace area.

He remained silent and did not move at all, as if he was a statue. He just looked at the golden throne. He did not communicate with the emperor, but just looked at the golden throne.

"What are you thinking?"

The Emperor's voice sounded in Wang Ming's mind. He asked Wang Ming, but Wang Ming did not answer. He still looked at the golden throne, as calm as ever. The Emperor looked at Wang Ming's state and did not disturb Wang Ming again. He understood Wang Ming, at least Wang Ming of the past few hundred years. He knew everything about Wang Ming, and Wang Ming and all the time travelers also knew everything about him.

They all understand each other, and understand the cruelty and despair of this galaxy. They know everything about humanity. The Emperor has gone through the entire history of human civilization, and the time travelers know the entire history of humanity in this universe.

"Will you become a god?"

After an unknown amount of time, Wang Ming suddenly asked the emperor a question that the emperor had not thought of. Wang Ming asked the question directly in Chinese. After thinking for a second, the imperial guards reacted. They translated the ancient language within this second and understood the meaning of the sentence.

As imperial guards who know some things, they all have their own ideas about Wang Ming's problem, but they will not take any action. Their mission is to protect His Majesty, and they will definitely not have any other ideas.

"will not."

The Emperor looked at Wang Ming. He answered Wang Ming’s question very straightforwardly and quickly. Even though he already had everything to become a god, even though he had to sit on the golden throne and accept eternal pain to protect the human race, he would not become a damned god. All the gods of the subspace were extreme. They were the collection of the most extreme emotions and concepts. They were a group of “gods” with great power.

"My soul... or the souls of the travelers, can the special nature of our souls resist the extremes of the subspace, so that..."

This was Wang Ming’s next question, but Wang Ming did not say it all. He did not want to tell the whole story. This was his most extreme method, a method that could allow humanity... no, even the entire galaxy and other worlds that were being watched by the Chaos Evil God to be completely free from the pollution of the Chaos Evil God.


Silence, as silent as death. There was no answer, no words. The imperial guards held their weapons in their hands. They looked at Wang Ming. They also heard what Wang Ming said. How could they not figure out the meaning of Wang Ming's words? They wanted to kill Wang Ming's idea as soon as possible because of this extremely dangerous thing.

Silence is everything in the throne room now. There is no movement, just like the final tranquility before destruction, as quiet as death itself.

"I see."

After a long time, Wang Ming looked at the Emperor and the Golden Throne, he stood up, and at the same time, the Imperial Guards also moved. They looked at Wang Ming who stood up and quickly surrounded Wang Ming. In thousands of years of training, they had imagined countless threats to the Emperor and the Golden Throne, including the threat of the Primarch to the Emperor and the Golden Throne. The Emperor had been betrayed by His son, so they naturally had to imagine this situation.

Wang Ming looked at the imperial guards surrounding him, his expression did not change at all. He just looked at every imperial guard around him, and then walked directly towards the direction of the Gate of Eternity.

"Go ahead, your question..., I can't answer it, I can't answer it..."

Just as Wang Ming approached the imperial guards who had stopped him and were about to take action against him, the Emperor's voice suddenly appeared in the throne room. In a direct communication, the Emperor's voice appeared again on Holy Terra, and this made the chaotic creatures on Holy Terra feel something, something that made them afraid.

"I know it, I understand, I... will do something... for the eternal existence of mankind..."

When Wang Ming heard the voice, his voice trembled a little, and his figure suddenly became weak, like a mortal, like an ordinary human being. All of a sudden, it seemed as if Wang Ming had aged a lot. As a gene primarch, as an extremely young gene primarch who was only a few hundred years old, he suddenly became lonely. He already knew the answer to this question.

He had clearly found a solution to everything, but he was not happy or overjoyed. He was only lonely and afraid of the future. It was too abnormal for a time traveler who had become a Primarch and fought against those indescribable demons for a hundred years and even seen the existence of the Chaos God to feel fear. The Subspace, also known as the High Heaven, contained a number of thrones, five of which already had owners, and the rest were still waiting for their owners.

Wang Ming was walking in a corridor inside the palace. As he walked, his heavy footsteps made every collision of his magnetic boots with the ground seem like a Titan was walking. The imperial guards in the palace looked at the Duke of Protector of the Empire walking past them. They keenly noticed the changes in Wang Ming. In fact, Wang Ming has now expressed his inner thoughts very clearly, loneliness, fear, and even some despair, these things can even make a mortal soldier feel some of them.


Just as Wang Ming was doing this, the voices of those four disgusting things suddenly appeared in his ears. The voices were the same as before, bewitching, corrupting and tempting, but this time it ignited Wang Ming's anger. He roared angrily, and golden flames ignited on his body. The golden flames burned and wrapped around Wang Ming's body.

The imperial guards looked at Wang Ming. They didn't know what had happened to Wang Ming, but it didn't prevent them from preparing for battle. The golden flames only burned for a while and then disappeared. With the disappearance of the golden flames, Wang Ming seemed to have regained his consciousness. This man suddenly became energetic again. He walked and cursed all the way to his residence in the palace.

Originally, he felt depressed and desperate, and even felt fear because his plan was too outrageous. However, as soon as he went out, he was bewitched by those four ghosts, which instantly aroused Wang Ming's rebellious psychology. Although that plan was indeed the worst plan and the plan that would be used as the last resort, it was at least a solution, a solution that seemed absolutely feasible and relatively easy to achieve at the moment. However, although that solution was the easiest to implement among all the solutions, it was also very dangerous. However, compared to directly making the emperor a god, this plan was better.

At least Wang Ming is very clear that their souls are different from the souls of humans in this universe. They have souls and subspace projections. In some cases, their souls will also be affected by the subspace, but those effects are very small. Their relationship with the sea of ​​souls is not as close as that of humans in this universe. So can we use this characteristic to offset the extreme emotions in the subspace and create a...

"Controllable God..."

As Wang Ming was thinking, he suddenly said this to himself: A controllable god, a god that is truly under the control of humans, he would not, at least not be as extreme as the gods of the subspace. His thinking is still that of a human, but he has stolen the power of the subspace.

Although this plan has a certain degree of feasibility, there are huge problems in its implementation. Among them, the issues concerning the warp and soul are very difficult to resolve. The connection between their souls and the warp, as well as the influence of the warp on their souls are very difficult problems to resolve. For example, Wang Ming today, as a Primarch, has humans who believe in him on countless worlds in the Empire.

But these beliefs are of no use to Wang Ming, at least he did not feel any influence. Other Primarchs would develop a certain divinity under the various beliefs of countless humans. This divinity might be something they could not discover, or it might be something they could discover. The connection between the Primarchs and the Warp was very large, including Wang Ming. The essence of the Warp they mastered was actually something the Emperor traded with Space, certain technologies or means used to create the Primarchs.

However, Wang Ming's subspace characteristics are very limited. He can use powerful psychic power, he can also use his own subspace essence, he can even feel a very small connection between himself and the subspace, but what? His soul projection in the subspace is still very difficult to be affected. There have been several successful influences before, and that was when the Chaos Evil God personally came down and affected his soul.

Moreover, these influences are not too serious due to the characteristics of the traversal person's soul and the protection of the emperor. This matter still needs to be considered in the long run. Although the traversal person's soul is special, if it is really let go, there may be a huge chaos. After all, once it is related to the subspace, the whole thing will become very bad.

After Wang Ming calmed down, he immediately picked up his weapon. Appropriate relaxation could allow him to work better and think better about how to solve the matter. Wang Ming's relaxation was to kill those demons on the battlefield.

Just as Wang Ming was about to go to the battlefield to kill those demons, information from several other battlefields suddenly arrived on his data board. The fighting had stopped in most places on Terra, and his brothers had already recaptured and cleaned up all those places. All that was left was for the national religion personnel and some traversal troops to carry out some purification.

At present, the Palace Front has received support from other fronts, and those Chaos creatures have begun to retreat on a large scale. The Battle of Terra is coming to an end, but Wang Ming still feels that something is wrong. Will Abaddon give up so easily? Even if this may be a decision made by him after weighing the pros and cons, this guy always finds something to prove that he has won every battle.

This guy is definitely up to something, but what is it?

Wang Ming thought about it for about half a minute, and suddenly he remembered a world in the solar system that was as important as Holy Terra, Mars. This red planet was actually as important to the Human Empire as Holy Terra. It was the birthplace of the Mechanicus and the most sacred place of the Mechanicus. And there were not only those mechanical gear boys on it, but also the fragments of the Void Dragon were sealed on Mars.

"Evacuated from Holy Terra, but the battle on Mars is still going on. In other words, Abaddon's next plan is Mars. Why... Wait, Dark Mechanicus!"

Wang Ming suddenly realized something. He was too focused on those demon primarchs, Abaddon and the demons. He overlooked an existence that was just as threatening as them, the Dark Mechanicus. These guys were simply inhuman and possessed powerful technology, as well as those terrifying Titan Legions. According to the intelligence sent back by the Thirteenth Regiment, they were currently fighting them on Mars.

In other words, seeing that the war situation on Terra was getting worse and worse, Abaddon wanted to transfer all of Holy Terra's troops to Mars, or at least part of them to support Mars. His purpose might be to seize the technological creations on Mars, or something else. At least he definitely did not give up on the battlefield on Mars.

At least the situation on Mars is getting more and more fierce now. The Dark Mechanicus are pulling out all the Titan Legions as if they were free. At the same time, the monsters that appeared on the Holy Terra battlefield are also rampant on Mars. There are also those demons. Due to their own characteristics, these things can fight in the terrible environment of Mars. They are also one of the main enemies on the Martian battlefield now.

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