Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 689 The Devil in the Eyes of the Devil

Chapter 689 The Devil in the Eyes of the Devil

Golden light fell on the ground. Wang Ming looked at the body of Abaddon in front of him. Looking at this Chaos Warmaster who had finally been killed after thousands of years, he did not feel any happiness or excitement in his heart. He just killed his enemy. Although killing this enemy would be of great help to the empire, he knew that the enemies he had to face were actually not only these Chaos Space Marines who traveled between the real universe and the subspace, but also those Chaos Evil Gods who he would never be able to, no, at least not now.

As long as his plan succeeds, it will no longer be a fantasy to eliminate all the Chaos Evil Gods. However, this plan has many obstacles and great risks, and still requires long-term preparation.

Wang Ming took a last look at Abaddon, who had been burned to ashes by the golden flames. He put away the Eternity in his hand, waved to the think tanks in the distance, and finally walked into a subspace portal.

It is time for this galaxy to undergo real change. The Renaissance Crusade is only the beginning, and the Second Great Crusade will begin from Holy Terra. Humanity will re-establish its identity as the master of the galaxy, and all heretics and aliens will once again fear the word human.

In the wilderness of Mars, on a destroyed Chaos Titan, Xiao Changqing and the traversers were looking at the rising sun in the distance. They were checking their weapons. Beside them, groups of Skitarii passed through the body of the destroyed Chaos Titan and rushed towards the Dark Mechanicus Skitarii in the distance. There were still Titans advancing towards this battlefield in the distance, but now on Mars, the Empire's Titan troops were in the majority.

The Titan troops on Mars have now begun to retreat to the second line. After all, they have suffered too much loss. Now, the main force on the battlefield of Mars is the Titan troops of the 21st Legion. Although a large number of Titans and Titan Captains were lost in the battle of Holy Terra, the replenishment speed of the 21st Legion is also very fast.

Although the replenishment speed of Titan captains is not that fast, the replenishment speed of Titan losses is still very fast, and the 21st Legion has also secretly trained a group of Titan captains among the legions here. This kind of thing will never be discovered by the Mechanicus, so their registered identities are also Mechanicus personnel on the fleet, but most of them are still the descendants of those mortal auxiliary forces.

After all, only these loyal descendants can get the greatest resources from the fleet. These Titan captains who are still in school were also pulled to the battlefield for internship in this battle. Sometimes actual combat can allow them to gain more growth and experience than those simulation trainings. Anyway, as long as they don't die, there will be countless Titans for them to use. The 21st Legion is not short of Titans. As long as there are losses, they will immediately replenish a batch of Titans from the production line. If it comes to a war of attrition, the Titan Legions of the Dark Mechanicus of Chaos are no match for the 21st Legion.

It is obvious that the Dark Mechanicus is now completely furious. They have now moved out all of their Emperor-class Titans. These local-class Titans are now fighting with those Wrath of the Emperor-class Titans on the battlefield. According to the combat effectiveness of those Emperor-class Titans of the Dark Mechanicus, they are completely incomparable with those Wrath of the Emperor-class Titans.

After all, the weapons carried on the Wrath of the Emperor-class Titans are all experimental weapons developed by the First Engineer Regiment of the 21st Legion. The Wrath of the Emperor-class Titans are completely works of art of the First Engineer Regiment. In the 21st Legion, no Wrath of the Emperor-class Titans have exactly the same weapon and equipment configurations. Each legion's Wrath of the Emperor-class Titans have their own characteristics.

Moreover, the weapon configurations and defense systems of the God-Emperor's Wrath-class Titans, the Star-class Titans, and the Protector-class Titans are all updated in real time according to the development route of the First Engineer Corps. As long as the First Engineer Corps has experimented with some equipment and has confirmed that it can be used, its safety can be guaranteed, and its power is greater than previous weapons, then these weapons will be equipped to the Titan Corps as soon as possible.

Wang Ming never skimps on weapons and equipment for his army. It would be foolish of him to play tactics with others when he can crush them with equipment. I can crush you to death with equipment, so why should I bother playing tactics with you?
And now, the tactical style of the 21st Legion has been fully demonstrated in this battle. Their Titans are completely synonymous with world destroyers on the battlefield. The various weapons they carry fully demonstrate the characteristics of "big is beautiful". If these Titans open fire at full speed on the battlefield, those Titans of the Dark Mechanicus on the opposite side will not even have the ability to fight back.

And those demons who dare to attack these Titans will also feel the horror of the short-range defense systems installed on these Titans. Various miniature laser point defense systems are installed in various parts of the Titans, almost covering every corner of the Titans. In addition, a large number of intelligent robots (combat iron men) are deployed to defend some places that may be missed. Even if those big demons are lucky enough to get close to the Titans, they will be instantly targeted by the Titans' various point defense systems.

Even if they are really lucky enough to enter the interior of Titan, what awaits them are not the Titan Guards as they remember, but the fighting iron men among Titan and the traversers who act with Titan.

Of course, these Titans have also been destroyed. Nothing is invincible on the battlefield. With the cooperation of the Chaos Titan Legion and those demons and big demons, many Imperial Titans have also been destroyed on the battlefield. However, as soon as these Titans lose their combat effectiveness, the traversers who follow those Titans will immediately protect the Titan captain and then quickly take the entire Titan crew away from the battlefield.

In the 21st Legion, these Titan pilots are more precious than the Titans. After all, it takes too much time to train a Titan pilot, but the production of a Titan can indeed be mass-produced in the 21st Legion, so these Titan pilots are very precious resources. Today, the front battlefield has become a battlefield dominated by the Empire under various fire suppression. The actions of the Dark Mechanicus are about to be stopped by the Empire, and they have completely lost control of the Mars battlefield. They have now begun to be divided and encircled by the Imperial forces. The same is true for the Chaos forces on the planet. They have lost Abaddon's command, and Perturabo's command cannot completely save them from this battlefield.

And they also received a piece of news, a news that they had lost the Chaos Warmaster, which made a large number of Chaos troops lose confidence in the battle. The Chaos Warmaster had been killed by the Imperial side, and now they no longer had the confidence to continue fighting. Under the various sieges of the Imperial forces, they no longer had any combat capability in the capital galaxy of the human empire. They did not have the complete logistical support system of the Imperial forces.

Now, the weapons and ammunition they got in the war have all been used up, and the only thing left is the blessings of the Chaos Gods. What use are these things in front of the troops of the Empire? Several Chaos Space Marines have begun crazy sacrifice rituals, turning their mortal cultists into monsters and sacrificing them in large numbers to the Chaos Gods.

They attempted to use these cultists who had turned into monsters to perform their own demon exaltation rituals, transforming themselves into the immortal demon prince. However, how could the demon exaltation rituals be so easy? The possibility of transforming into a demon prince was very slim. After all, becoming a demon prince did not necessarily require sacrifices or anything like that. The most important thing was whether the evil god was happy or not.

For example, the large group of Chaos Space Marines who believe in Khorne now do not have any ascended demons, because Khorne is already angry about their actions in fighting against the Imperial forces. In the eyes of Khorne, these Chaos Space Marines are simply a group of cowards. Even if they chop off the heads of more Chaos cultists, they will not be chosen by Khorne to become Daemon Princes.

The situation of several other Chaos-believing Space Marine warbands was better. At least under their unremitting sacrifices, several Demon Princes appeared among them. However, these Demon Princes committed suicide as soon as they became Demon Princes. They felt that everything in this battle had failed. Although it was impossible for them to waste time on their companions, those Chaos Space Marines who turned into Tzeentch Demon Princes seemed to feel what was happening, and they committed suicide much faster than other Demon Princes.

As for the escape speed of these Tzeentch Daemon Princes, those Chaos Space Marines who had already ascended to Demons felt puzzled. Although most of the Daemon Princes chose to escape directly, there were still some who chose to stay and fight with their comrades. In their cognition, they were now immortal Daemon Princes, and even if they died in the real universe, they would reshape their bodies in the Warp, and it would be okay for them to help their companions on this desperate battlefield.

But what they don't know is that Wang Ming has already started a targeted cleanup plan for the demons on Mars, and this targeted cleanup plan is to enchant all the traversal troops. Now the most important thing Wang Ming needs to do is to enchant these troops.

This enchantment is very simple, which is to use golden flames to coat all the traversers with a layer of film, just like painting chess pieces, but these things will be consumed, so Wang Ming can only use the aircraft now, jumping back and forth between the positions of the troops that have entered the combat positions. He is now completely in the mentality of painting those chess pieces before crossing. When he was painting those chess pieces before crossing, he sat there for a whole day. Now, it doesn't take much time to add a buff to his troops.

Thanks to Wang Ming's unremitting efforts, a large number of troops gained the power to completely kill the demons, and thus an army like a devil's fire appeared on Mars. They were covered in golden flames, and the weapons in their hands were also burning with golden flames, and even the ammunition they fired was burning with golden flames. If they did not know that their identity was the 21st Legion, some Inquisitors who were secretly observing the battlefield would really think that these Astartes were actually the legendary Cursed Legion.

After this army entered the battlefield, the things they did caused the demon army to begin a large-scale retreat. Yes, a retreat. The demons had a natural fear of those golden flames. They were afraid of being burned by those golden flames and then completely killed. So a large number of demons in the demon army began to commit suicide and escape. At least now running away is better than being completely killed by those people.

However, there are still some outliers among them, such as the demons of Khorne. Although they also feel the fear beyond their essence, as Khorne demons they will never run away. They choose to fight those strange Astartes head-on. The result of this choice is that a large number of Khorne demons were wiped out. At the last moment of their death, they finally felt like a human being.

It was a pain like being on fire, it was so painful that they had never felt such pain before, as if at that moment they were no longer the demons in the Supreme Heaven, but the humans in the real universe who had been killed by them.

Now, the situation on the Mars rover is exactly like this. There is no time to mourn for the dead demons. What has rushed to the battlefield now are the 21st Legion, the demons of the empire, the magic army of the God-Emperor. They are covered in golden flames and use the weapons burning with golden flames in their hands to completely clean up the demons from the human world. The demons wailed under their swords, and some demons even chose to commit suicide when they saw them.

Now, the feeling they bring to those demons is just like the feeling those demons once brought to humans. They are a group of humans, but also a group of demons in the eyes of demons.

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