Chapter 69 Assassination
"What's wrong with this Tau person? He looks different from other Tau people." A traverser walked on the battlefield where the battle had ended, and he suddenly found a different Tau person.

"This is the Tau Alliance Army, look at these five fingers." Another traverser beside him lifted the corpse on the ground, which was dressed in Tau Empire soldier equipment, and pointed to the five fingers of the corpse.

The Tau Empire troops on Diana have been dealt with, and then they will go to the ground of Mers to solve the rotten battle that has become a mess on it.

In the upper nest of the Melstanatos Hive Capital, in the Governor's Mansion, Thomas Peckhardt looked at himself haggard in the mirror, and thought of the Emperor's Son who was about to arrive at the Governor's Mansion, so he couldn't help tidying up his clothes.

He had previously communicated with the captain of the "Imperial Truth" Leandro Ferreira. Through the communication with this battleship, Thomas Pekhart knew that he had previously thought that he was the commander of the Space Marine Chapter. The real identity of Wang Ming.

Wang Ming is not the Chapter Master that Thomas Peckhardt thinks, but the God's Son of the Emperor, the great Primarch, and now the great "Lord Protector" of the Empire.

On the tarmac of the Governor's Mansion, the personal guards of the Planetary Governor had already stood neatly on it, forming the most solemn formation Thomas Pekhart could think of to welcome the coming Emperor's Son of God.

A huge transport plane slowly landed on it, the door of the transport plane opened slowly, and Wang Ming and a mortal auxiliary officer came down.

When Wang Ming got off the transport plane, he saw Governor Thomas Peckhardt who had been waiting here for a long time. The slightly haggard man saw Wang Ming get off the transport plane and immediately walked towards Wang Ming.

"The great Primarch, the God's Son of the Emperor, the great gene "Guardian Protector", Thomas Peckhardt, the Governor of the Planet of Mers, swears allegiance to you, and Mers has never betrayed the glory of the Emperor, Mers Everything about Mers belongs to the God Emperor, and Mers never forgot the God Emperor's instructions under the darkness."

Thomas Peckhardt walked up to Wang Ming and knelt down on one knee, swearing allegiance to Wang Ming with the eagle salute.

"Thomas Pekhart, servant of the Emperor, arise, for the Emperor knows all that you have done."

Wang Ming looked at the planetary governor who knelt down to him and said, wondering if his current prefixes are too many?

The title "Godchild of the Emperor" might have offended Guilliman and Fulgrim if they had heard it.

They cannot accept this title, because this title emphasizes all the time that the current empire has deviated from the beautiful vision planned by the emperor for mankind in their hearts, and has become what the betrayer Lorgar most hoped to become.

But for Wang Ming, a time traveler, he still likes this title. After all, this title can help him deal with the nobles and dignitaries of the empire more conveniently.

When Thomas Peckhardt heard Wang Ming's words, the excitement in his heart was beyond words, because he thought that Wang Ming's words just now affirmed his loyalty to the God Emperor.

Thomas Pekhart stood up, looking at the imposing figure of the Emperor God's Child, and only now did he notice that beside the great Primarch stood a mortal soldier in armor.

"Jose? Is that you?" When Thomas Pekhart saw the familiar face of the soldier, he couldn't help calling out his name.

"Yes, it's me, Commander Peckhardt." The soldier also replied to Thomas Peckhardt, and both of them recognized each other.

"Jose, friend?" Wang Ming looked at the two people who said their names to each other, and asked Jose curiously.

Because of José's previous service experience in the Star Militia Army and his active role in conscription in Terra's Nest, Wang Ming's attention was attracted.

When Wang Ming looked at the profile of this ex-star boundary army veteran, he directly appointed this ruthless man who had served in the star boundary army for 28 years as the commander of the "Star Traveler" mortal auxiliary primarch pro-guard force .

This Primarch Guard was created by Wang Ming in order to better shorten the distance between the mortal auxiliary army and the traversers. In fact, Wang Ming never thought of letting others protect him. The ability to destroy is still there.

"The great Primarch, Thomas was my commander when I was serving in the Astra Militarum." Jose heard Wang Ming's curious question, and hurriedly said to Wang Ming.

"Oh." Wang Ming nodded upon hearing Jose's explanation.


Suddenly, just as Wang Ming nodded, a bullet fired from nowhere, actually pierced Wang Ming's head directly, and Wang Ming's brain tissue and blood were scattered all over the ground in an instant.

The whole process was so sudden that Wang Ming didn't even know that he had been hit, even the defensive force field on his power armor was strangely unresponsive.

The moment Wang Ming fell, before everyone could react, a soldier of Thomas Peckhardt's personal guard on the tarmac rushed towards the fallen Wang Ming. Holding a strangely shaped dagger.

Jose, who was still beside Wang Ming, was the first to react. He watched the soldier rushing towards Wang Ming with a strange short knife, and quickly drew out the laser pistol on his waist and fired at the soldier.

But the moment the beam of the laser pistol hit the soldier, it was suddenly blocked by a strange blue barrier.

"This is a psyker." Jose looked at the barrier on the soldier's body. He had seen this scene among the members of the psionic combat team in the regiment when he served in the Astral Army.

Just when Jose was about to fire the second shot, a blue psychic lightning sent him flying.

Thanks to the protection of the individual power armor on his body, otherwise the psychic lightning would directly turn him into a mass of ashes, but the power armor on his body was also shattered by the attack of the psychic lightning, and the breastplate had been melted for a while. chunks.

Without Jose's interference, the soldier quickly rushed to the side of Wang Ming who fell to the ground, raised the strange short knife in his hand, and stabbed at Wang Ming's neck that was exposed outside the power armor.

At the moment when the strange dagger pierced Wang Ming's neck, a strange purple smoke gushed out from the blade of the dagger, and the strange purple smoke followed the dagger into the blade in Wang Ming's neck and went towards Wang Ming's body.

The moment the smoke penetrated into Wang Ming's body, a joyous laughter appeared in the ears of everyone present.

That laughter was like a child who was ecstatic to finally get the toy he wanted for a long time. The owner who could hear that voice should now be filled with endless joy and joy.

(End of this chapter)

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