Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 694 Human “God”

Chapter 694 Human “God”

"How many years have you been holding on here?"

Hu Jin looked at the officer beside him. This so-called officer was actually just a child of seventeen or eighteen years old. Almost all the soldiers in the first huge planetary defense system command center were children. It was rare to see middle-aged or elderly people here, but there were still some. However, most of them were performing guard work.

This situation is normal. For the humans in this facility, they prefer to leave those safe jobs to those young people. After all, the old people in this world are willing to let themselves do these dangerous jobs. After all, the population in this huge orbital defense system command center is limited. Everyone knows the importance of maintaining genetic diversity. Increasing young blood will make this closed facility more vibrant to ensure the operation of this facility. This is the survival purpose of this facility after the war.

"Comrade Colonel, we have been holding out here for nearly 20,000 years. If it weren't for your arrival, we would not have been able to hold out any longer."

The young officer looked at Hu Jin and told him how long they had been holding on. He addressed Hu Jin as a colonel because he was also a regiment commander, the commander of the troops in this facility. In his opinion, the rank of a regiment commander was at least a colonel, so he addressed Hu Jin like that. He didn't know that in the time traveler's army, there were no military ranks, only positions.

"Well, it's been nearly 20,000 years. It's okay. Now that we are here, we will definitely restore vitality to your world. You will live under the blue sky and white clouds again. You don't have to continue here..."

Hu Jin looked at those children who were somewhat malnourished. The survival system in the command center of the planetary defense system could ensure that they continued to live, but the nutrients and trace elements that the human body lacked could not be supplemented by the life-support systems in this facility. Therefore, most of the children born in this facility were malnourished, but this malnutrition could only be regarded as a forced sacrifice. Now, the human fleet has returned to this world, and all the people in this world will live again under the blue sky and white clouds with their help, and will no longer have to endure the pain of hunger and cold.

After some communication, the time travelers successfully took control of the planetary defense system command center. The command of this planetary defense system command center has been transferred to the hands of the entrepreneurs. For the federal soldiers who have held on to this world for thousands of years, Wang Ming also delivered a batch of supplies to them as soon as the communication was restored.

During these nearly 20,000 years, they have held on in this closed environment, in the loneliness of the stars and without any external help. They have never forgotten their responsibilities and their identities. They are unable to communicate with their fellow creatures in the wilderness. They can only watch their relatives in this world slowly turn into a group of technological barbarians.

Some of them had despaired because of this incident. There was no more human voice in the stars, and the human beings in this world began to degenerate. But after despair? They still remembered their mission. Their mission was to protect the sky of this world. They spent nearly 20,000 years to fulfill their mission. Now, they finally have time to breathe. They will continue their work, but the nature of this work will change from perseverance to a peaceful life.

They will no longer wonder whether they should give birth to their children because of food shortages, whether they should abandon the elderly because of medicine shortages, or whether they will die at their jobs because of food or medicine shortages.

After the traversers took control of the planetary defense system command center, they immediately ended the orbital defense of this world. The moment the orbital defense of this world was lifted, the fleet began scanning the planet and immediately established the communication system of this world, returning to the information age. The traversers finally knew their position in this world, and also knew the existence of humans in this world.

During this period of time, Wang Ming also went to this world in person. What attracted him was the largest battlefield in this world. Although it was called a battlefield, it was actually just a tribal fight. However, the number of people there still reached several thousand. Thousands of humans and thousands of aliens were fighting with their simple weapons on that vast plain, and on that battlefield, a huge and simple flesh and blood creature was constantly killing humans.

The traces of Chaos creation on that thing are too obvious. There are Chaos Eight-pointed Stars all over it, and all kinds of blasphemous symbols are also carved on its body. Moreover, its manufacturing method is obviously very simple. It uses the corpses of humans and aliens to form a simple flesh and blood monster. This thing is simply a killer when facing humans who don't have many hot weapons, but if they are facing regular imperial troops.

Even without the imperial troops, the security forces in the command center of this world's orbital defense system can easily deal with this thing. This thing can only be somewhat useful in the era of cold weapons, but the humans fighting against this thing still show their weakness. They use the weapons they picked up to fight against this obvious chaotic creation. Behind them is their tribe, a large tribe with a population of tens of thousands.

They were unwilling to let their loved ones become food for the aliens, so everyone tried their best. However, in front of this chaotic creature, these humans with simple weapons could not stop the aliens' offensive at all.

This is why Wang Ming went to this area, because he didn't want to see these tens of thousands of humans die under the butcher knife of the aliens. At the same time, he was very interested in the psychic technology of the aliens. This is a relatively primitive way of using psychic energy, even primitive enough to be like those civilizations that discovered psychic energy for the first time. This alien race was obviously easily corrupted by the Chaos Evil God or the subspace in the process of using psychic energy. They all had some traces of chaos, but Wang Ming didn't see which Chaos Evil God they believed in, but this didn't prevent Wang Ming from killing these guys.

A huge Thunder Eagle gunship carried Wang Ming to the sky above the battlefield. Wang Ming opened the hatch of the Thunder Eagle gunship. He looked at the groups of humans and aliens below that were like ants, and jumped directly from the Thunder Eagle gunship. He did not choose to free fall directly, but used his psychic power to make himself walk down as if he was walking on the void.

For these humans who are still in the tribal era, if they want to establish a certain connection with them, at least a friendly connection, they must demonstrate strong strength. After all, humans in the primitive era also attach great importance to these things. At the same time, missionary work in this world also requires some preparation. In this universe, believing in the Emperor is the safest choice for humans in this desperate galaxy.

After all, only the Emperor can protect human souls in this universe, preventing their souls from falling into the waves of the subspace and being devoured by demons after death. Therefore, the importance of missionary work is still very important. In a universe with gods, it is the best choice for souls to be protected by a human god.

The appearance of Wang Ming made everyone on the battlefield stop what they were doing. They looked at the huge golden figure slowly walking down from the sky, as if they saw a god coming. After seeing Wang Ming's face clearly, some humans even shouted that the human god had come, and then kept bowing to Wang Ming.

What about those aliens? After seeing Wang Ming's appearance, they were all stunned. After seeing Wang Ming's face clearly, they all roared in fear. Most of the beings of this race are psychics. They do not believe in the Chaos Evil God, but they believe in Chaos as a big collective. Their beliefs are similar to what Lorgar created. They think Chaos is a big whole and directly believe in the concept of Chaos.

As a reward for their belief in Chaos, the souls of their entire race have been corrupted by the influence of the Warp. They have obtained the psychic power in the Warp, but the price is also very huge. Almost all alien tribes in this world have frequent cases of demonic possession, and the way they deal with these possessed companions is also very interesting.

They think that the distorted existence of their faith has descended upon this world with the help of these alien bodies. They think that these aliens possessed by demons will lead them to become more powerful so as to obtain more human slaves and meat. It is a very primitive belief and also a very distorted belief. These are the aliens in this world. They even regard being possessed by demons as an honor. They don't know that the demons will devour their souls the moment they are possessed.

"I am the protector of mankind, the protector of the human empire, the son of the Lord of Mankind. You aliens will all be reduced to ashes under the wrath of the Lord of Mankind."

Wang Ming looked at the aliens howling in fear on the ground. He used the power of psychic energy to convey these words in the hearts of all creatures. These words made the humans in this world who were still in the primitive tribal era extremely excited, and also made the aliens in the primitive tribal era feel extremely terrified. Some aliens even wailed and started to run away.

However, these fleeing aliens were torn into pieces by an invisible force the moment they fled, and these aliens that were torn into pieces made those aliens that had not had time to escape feel even more terrified. However, some of them still had some resistance spirit. They raised the simple guns in their hands and fired directly at Wang Ming in the sky. However, these aliens were torn into pieces by an invisible psychic force the moment they opened fire, and the bullets flying towards Wang Ming were directly wiped out by an invisible force.

Those aliens were like they were facing a real god. They kept firing into the sky with their simple weapons, but the "god" in the sky did not react at all to their firepower, which made them feel extremely terrified, because that "god" was a human god, and the existence they believed in had never descended into this world. This made some aliens with unsteady faith doubt their own beliefs.

The power emitted by Wang Ming that made the power in their bodies feel uncomfortable also made them certain that Wang Ming was a human god. After all, they and humans were in an irreconcilable feud. The power of human gods suppressed the power in their bodies, which was normal in their cognition.

While the aliens continued to fire at Wang Ming in the sky, the humans seemed to be enraged by this incident. They rushed directly into the crowd of aliens with their swords and guns in their hands, and started a huge killing spree against these aliens who had been frightened by Wang Ming. The battles in the cold weapon era were always cruel and bloody. Some aliens tried to resist, and their stronger physical fitness allowed them to easily knock down several humans.

But just when they wanted to kill these humans, more humans rushed in front of them, pressed them to the ground and chopped them into pieces. While these humans were fighting these aliens, Wang Ming also checked the souls of these humans. There were no signs of chaos pollution in the souls of these humans, at least most of them did not. Only some humans whose combat power was obviously inferior to that of normal humans still had some signs of chaos pollution.

As for these humans with traces of chaos pollution on their bodies, Wang Ming had no choice but to clean them up completely. After all, if the chaos pollution was not dealt with, it would very likely become a huge trouble at an unexpected time. Although the world might have been stable in this state for tens of thousands of years, now that the human empire had arrived here, the world would return to the human collective. The first step in returning to the human collective was to completely eradicate the chaos pollution in this world.

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