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Chapter 697 Perfect, "Perfect"

Chapter 697 Perfect, "Perfect"

The fleet of the Sons of Phoenix passed through the defense system of this galaxy. The defense system of this galaxy was a product left over from the previous Renaissance Expedition. Its defense performance was so outstanding that the cultists in this world could only summon Chaos Astartes and Demons to this world through sacrifice. The Chaos fleet could no longer run rampant in the current Empire's territory as before.

Within the empire's territory, the Renaissance Expedition left behind a large number of void defense systems that are operating in every galaxy. Over the past few hundred years of the Renaissance Expedition, the Renaissance Expedition fleet has deployed these void defense systems wherever it goes. These void defense systems have completely formed a huge void defense network within the empire's territory, making it difficult for the Chaos Fleet to move within the current empire's territory, and a large number of Chaos Fleets can only retreat back to the Eye of Terror.

But when they retreated back to the Eye of Terror, they were suddenly horrified to find that the once destroyed Cadia had once again stood tall in this star field. This reborn planet had inherited its former mission, and any Chaos fleet passing through Cadia would be warmly welcomed by Cadia, which caused those Chaos fleets to lose a lot of troops and fleets.

But they don't have any choice, either retreat to the Eye of Terror, or continue to fight against the countless humans in the galaxy. It's obvious what to do, that is, retreat to the Eye of Terror. Now, all the humans in this galaxy seem to be on stimulants, from civilians to those star soldiers, they seem to have lost their fear of the once chaotic enemy.

On some worlds, the civilians in the hive cities even dared to rush onto the battlefield with their civilian weapons when the New Territories Army was exchanging fire with the Chaos forces. In their eyes, those Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Cultists showed no fear at all, as if the evil gods in the warp had corrupted all of these people. The state of these guys was even exactly the same as that of the fanatics among the Chaos Cultists.

This made the Chaos forces in the entire galaxy feel very strange. Whenever they descended on a world, it would become a catastrophe for that world. The mortals in this world were either afraid of them or completely corrupted by their destructive power. Why did the mortals in the Empire world dare to do this now? Why?

Just when a large number of Chaos Space Marines in the galaxy were feeling confused, a Chaos Space Marine gang suddenly found a video recording from an Imperial world. Through the various sacrifices and prophecies of this Chaos Space Marine gang, they have basically concluded that the main reason why the mortals on those Imperial worlds in the galaxy have become like this is because of the things in this video recording.

While this Chaos Space Marine band that believed in the Lord of Change was playing this video, the accident suddenly occurred on their ship. As the sound in the video entered the sound array system of the entire ship, the entire Chaos warship was covered by a strange force, which seemed to be repelled by the Chaos force. Many cultists died on the spot after hearing the sound.

After hearing these voices, the cultists tried every possible way to cut their heads off, as if they had seen something terrible after hearing those voices. The Chaos Interstellar Warriors were not feeling well either. After hearing these voices, they felt uncomfortable all over, and the Chaos Blessings in their bodies seemed to be getting out of control.

Originally, those tentacles or limbs that they could control at will, actually began to move on their own after hearing those sounds. It was even as if they had launched the attack themselves, as if those things were just living creatures living in their bodies, and not limbs of their bodies. Some tentacles stretched directly towards the heads of those Chaos Space Marines, intending to strangle their necks and suffocate them to death.

These actions had absolutely no effect on the Chaos Space Marines. They were no longer human beings and did not need to breathe when necessary. But after these tentacles tightened their necks, they suddenly felt a sense of suffocation that they had not felt for many years. They also realized one thing, that is, there was definitely something dirty in the video. Yes, for Chaos Space Marines, the things in the video were definitely dirty.

As the words in the video became more and more passionate, and some Chaos Space Marines saw the images in the video directly, everything began to get out of control. The entire ship was filled with painful howls and the sounds of various weapons firing. And those mortal cultists, their chaotic and twisted thoughts seemed to have returned to the state of normal humans.

Looking at his twisted body, the first solution he thought of was to escape this painful fate by death, which resulted in the death of 80% of the cultists on this Chaos battleship. However, the chaos did not last long. When the chaos on this Chaos battleship reached its climax, the Chaos Lord of this Chaos interstellar war gang risked his life to destroy the video.

After destroying the video, the situation on the Chaos battleship returned to normal, the demons began to crawl out from those corners again, and the cultists began to immerse themselves in their twisted thoughts again. The bodies of those Chaos Space Marines also returned to normal. After that, the Chaos Information Warriors discussed the matter of the videotape for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion that that thing was too weird and was definitely something made by the false emperor on the Golden Throne.

Having talked about the current situation of Chaos Space Marines in the galaxy, let us now see how the Sons of Phoenix entered this battlefield. Orbital airdrops are always one of the fastest means for Space Marines to enter the battlefield. A large number of orbital airdrops were launched in the Sons of Phoenix's fleet, and a large number of meteors fell from the sky and entered the atmosphere of this world.

On top of one of these "meteors", Fulgrim was quietly waiting for the airdrop pod to land with the flaming blade in his hand. Previously, he was on Holy Terra and did not participate in the meeting between his father and his brothers, because before the meeting began, his father assigned him a task, which was to face his sins face to face.

At that time, Fulgrim said that he wanted to kill Fulgrim directly, but the Emperor denied his statement. He told Fulgrim that he could not kill Fulgrim, but he could banish it. His mission was to kill Fulgrim once and banish it back to the warp. Fulgrim did not understand this mission very well. He did not understand why the Emperor did not let him and Wang Ming kill Fulgrim directly? Why did the Emperor let him kill Fulgrim himself once?

Facing Fulgrim's question, the Emperor did not give him too many answers. He just explained his current situation and the current situation of the demon Fulgrim. As for why he was asked to kill the demon Fulgrim himself, the Emperor said so.

"When you kill it, you will know everything."

This was the last sentence the Emperor gave Fulgrim before he left. In the process of going to this world, Fulgrim had been pondering the meaning of this sentence. When he killed the demon Fulgrim, he would know everything. What was everything? What was it?
Fulgrim couldn't figure this out. Even with the wisdom of the Primarch, he couldn't guess the Emperor's thoughts. But he had been with Wang Ming for quite a long time. During the time he had been with Wang Ming, he had seen the Emperor's various inappropriate behaviors with those time travelers. He had also communicated with Wang Ming about the things Wang Ming had experienced, the things he had been cheated by the Emperor. So now Fulgrim was a little worried. His body was not as durable as Wang Ming's. He didn't have Wang Ming's immortality. He still wanted to continue to kill those great enemies for the Empire. The Emperor's treatment of him shouldn't be as wild as Wang Ming's, right?

Now, except for Leman Russ, who is a carefree person himself, the other Primarchs who have stayed with Wang Ming for a long time have been more or less affected by Wang Ming's eccentric thinking. Although Wang Ming looks very serious most of the time, even a little too serious, but in some non-battlefield situations, Wang Ming's attitude towards life as a former mortal is revealed. Although he is calm, he is still quite noisy, relative to the Primarchs.

As a young man of only a few hundred years old, it is impossible for him to have the same calm attitude towards various things as those Primarchs who have experienced countless years of battles and various things. From the time when he watched the duel with the mortal auxiliaries on the Sun Fortress before, he knew that he could even get along well with mortals.

When Fulgrim thought of this, he shook his head and threw out the previous thoughts. He couldn't escape like his brother Wang Ming. He had too many sins. He needed to wash away his sins and atone for all the mistakes he had made.

Now, this is his chance to atone for his sins. He doesn't need to think too much. He should swing the blade in his hand and chop off the enemy's head. This is what he should think about now and what he must do.


As he felt the airdrop pod landing, Fulgrim immediately stood up and opened the door of the airdrop pod. He knew that he had arrived at his destination, and that the demon Fulgrim was now waiting for him in this area, waiting for his sharp blade to chop off its head!

At the same time, on the battlefield in this area, an Astartes covered with various wounds was looking at the twisted monster in front of him and forcibly supporting his body. The transformation surgery of the new Astartes had been popularized to the Star Sword Regiment, strengthening the muscles and organs to support his body. He wanted to raise the sword in his hand, but he could no longer do this.

The demon Fulgrim's swordsmanship was very elegant. He gracefully cut open all the joints of the Astartes' body, making it very difficult for the Astartes to move. However, the Astartes still did not stop resisting. He was still struggling to stand up, to pick up his power sword again, to fight again and kill the twisted monster in front of him.

But he was unable to do this. Even standing up was very difficult. It was like the flesh having been shaved off the bones. He could only struggle continuously.

"Your struggle is meaningless."

The demon Fulgrim smiled as he looked at the Astartes in front of him. It had a twisted smile on its face as it watched the Astartes struggling, which made it feel very happy. After watching for a long time, the demon Fulgrim seemed to be tired of watching. It raised the blade in its hand, ready to swing at the Astartes in front of it who had lost any ability to resist.

Just as its blade was about to fall, a blade suddenly blocked its attack and pushed its body away from the Astartes.

The demon Fulgrim was suddenly intrigued by this, he looked at the person in front of him, and then suddenly laughed, his mouth corners split like a snake, he saw another self, an "imperfect" self, he immediately recognized the identity of that guy, his clone, a clumsy imitation, he was the most perfect existence, and the one in front of him was just an imperfect imitation carved out of his appearance.

"Traitor, your opponent is me."

Fulgrim swung the flaming blade in his hand into a sword flower, and then pointed the blade at the demon Fulgrim in front of him like a gentleman dueling in the ancient Terra era. Elegant and perfect, these two words seemed to be the most suitable to describe Fulgrim's appearance now, but what? In the eyes of the demon Fulgrim, the movements of the clone in front of it were so clumsy and ugly, not as perfect as it was at all.

"You are just a poor imitation. You are like a piece of carved stone in front of me, while I am a statue made of gold and marble. My clone, am I right?"

After seeing Fulgrim's actions, the demon Fulgrim did not choose to attack immediately. Instead, it looked at Fulgrim as if it was observing an object and spoke to him.

(End of this chapter)

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