Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 710: The Manifestation of Divinity

Chapter 710: The Manifestation of Divinity
Wang Ming and the imperial guards were walking on the street. They looked at the ambushes around them which seemed very obvious to them and were mentally prepared. As a group of battle-hardened warriors, they were too sensitive to these ambushes and spotted them almost at first sight.

These ambushes could not cause any harm to them at all. With Wang Ming's presence, even the armored firepower in those buildings could not cause any harm to them. Wang Ming's psychic power could easily protect everyone.

"Can't wait any longer? I thought they would put us closer."

Wang Ming looked at the flames of the gunfire, he raised his hand to stop time, the shells in the air were suspended in the air, the lasers were also distorted, the human soldiers looked at this strange scene, they looked at the distorted lasers and the shells stopped in the air, their hearts were filled with fear, they had never seen this kind of psychic, they had never thought that psychics had this ability, the psychics they had seen before, at most had the ability to create relics from afar or summon thunder, but what about the psychics they saw now?

He raised his hand slightly, and then all the attacks stopped in front of him. The shells floated in the air in front of him, and the lasers were distorted in front of him. His psychic power was like that of a god. This was a psychic power that humans in this world had never seen before. Rays of golden light sprinkled on the faces of those human soldiers. They saw the golden giant, and then they noticed the huge halo behind his head.

Moreover, they had a feeling in their hearts that this god-like giant seemed to be forgiving their sins. As long as they laid down their weapons, they could get his forgiveness. Their sins would be forgiven by this giant in golden armor, by this human god. The soft golden light was the most beautiful light they had ever seen in their lives.

They had never seen such a bright and beautiful light. The light was not dazzling to them but extremely soft and warm. Gradually, everyone began to put down their weapons. They did not want to fight against the gods in their hearts, but this did not have much effect on those extreme ones among them, although they also felt the softness of the golden light and the idea of ​​laying down their weapons.

To them, the golden giant was just an alien, and the alien was using his psychic power to make them surrender. As human warriors of this world, they would never surrender to the psychic power of this alien.

"Kill it, don't be affected by its psychic power! It's not a human god! It's just a damn alien, kill it!"

An officer roared angrily, then he raised the laser pistol in his hand and aimed at a soldier beside him who had laid down his weapon. Facing this soldier who had lost the will to fight, he did not hesitate at all, as if this guy was not his comrade-in-arms who he had been with day and night, but a damn traitor.

A scorching laser shot out from the muzzle of the laser gun, which instantly penetrated the defensive position that did not react at all at this distance, and then immediately evaporated the head of the soldier who was not wearing a helmet. But when the soldier's head was evaporated, almost all the soldiers looked at the officer. As for the officer, his eyes were full of hatred. Just now, the truth of this world suddenly appeared in their minds.

After learning the truth, they realized that they had been deceived and their faith completely collapsed. After their faith collapsed, the officer had the honor of becoming their punching bag. These guys did not use their weapons, but quickly controlled the officer and vented their anger by beating and kicking him.

"My Lord, did you use your psychic powers to control them?"

An imperial guard looked at Wang Ming. He found it incomprehensible what Wang Ming had just done. He was not one of the imperial guards from the Great Crusade era, but a new generation of imperial guards in the Ten Thousand Man Regiment. He had seen the great Majesty, but he had not seen the years when His Majesty walked among the mortals. That was why he asked Wang Ming this question. He believed that Wang Ming used psychic power to control those humans.

"No, I just let them see the truth."

Wang Ming looked at the imperial guards around him, explained to them, and then walked directly towards the soldiers. The soldiers finally beat the extreme officer to death. The officer never figured out why he was betrayed. He always believed that everything he believed in was real, and that the education he received was real. He always thought that he was fighting against aliens, but in fact, his enemies have always been humans.

When Wang Ming walked towards the soldiers, they did not choose to fire at him, nor did they pick up their weapons. They just watched the golden giant walking towards them quietly, as if waiting for a god to descend.

"Children, I am human, and you are also human. I am here to help the world return to human civilization, not to fight an unintentional civil war. We are all human, and our enemies are the great enemies in the starry sky, those aliens and heretics. We should not let bloody sacrifices happen to our own kind. You have been deceived, and I will uncover the deceptions you have suffered and show you the real galaxy and the real world."

Wang Ming looked at those humans and spoke to them. It seemed that his words did not need the medium of air to spread. His words directly acted on everyone's mind. Everyone could clearly hear all the words he said, as if it was the will of a god, allowing all humans who heard him to know the meaning.

They were deceived, they were deceived by the rulers of this world. They were not the only human civilization in this galaxy, and other human civilizations were not the so-called aliens disguised as humans. They were all human beings, all of the same kind and blood relatives. They fought against their blood relatives from the starry sky in a meaningless civil war. All human wars are civil wars, and they are only consuming individuals of the human species.

"I will bring this world back to the stars. I will let the people of this world once again witness the greatness of humanity. I will let them return to human civilization. Humanity will rise, and humanity will once again be great among the galaxy."

Wang Ming looked at the silent human soldiers. He had made them see the truth clearly. The human soldiers who knew the truth believed Wang Ming's words. After all, when the god they imagined really came to them, they hated the deception they had suffered. They had been fighting with their fellow human beings, not with the aliens they imagined. This was a lie, a very extreme lie, and a completely intolerable lie. Anger, pain, and hatred appeared in the hearts of all the human soldiers at this moment. They looked at the golden giant in front of them.

They want revenge for the deception they have suffered, they want to repent, they want justice for their fellow human beings who died at their hands, but when they come to their senses, they find that those fellow human beings died at their hands.

Regret and anger made their bodies tremble now, and some people could hardly suppress their emotions. At this moment, Wang Ming's words came into their minds again, like the light of a lighthouse in the dark ocean, guiding them on their already gloomy path.

"You are not wrong. All your actions in this lie are based on the fact that your enemies are aliens. You have proved your loyalty to humanity, and there is nothing wrong with that. The real mistakes are made by the liars in this world. They use lies to make you fight against your own blood relatives and treat your compatriots as you would treat aliens. Go and reclaim this world under human civilization. Let these damned insects die, and guide those human compatriots who are still in lies to return to human civilization. You will be pardoned after this world returns to human civilization. Everything you do is meaningful."

Wang Ming's words suddenly made the soldiers' eyes light up. They still had a chance to atone for their sins, to cleanse themselves of their sins, to reclaim this world for the sake of human civilization, to stop the meaningless bloodshed and sacrifice of the human beings in this world, and to stop this meaningless war!


All the human soldiers seemed to have seen their commander. They gave Wang Ming a standard military salute and then went directly to various areas of the city. He wanted to end this war, to end this meaningless war.

Looking at the human soldiers who were leaving, Wang Ming suddenly felt as if he had some divine reaction. He actually had no idea about what he had just said, and he didn't actually want to use psychic power to make all those humans surrender to him. His original idea was just to let these humans see the truth of this world, hoping to reduce some unnecessary conflicts, but the reactions of these humans made him seem to understand the purpose of the big halo behind his head.

This thing is a manifestation of faith and a manifestation of divinity. All humans who see him will involuntarily feel his gentleness and friendliness, and will involuntarily think that he is a very great existence. This has been experienced in the Emperor. It is because of the Emperor's personal charm that it is not too outrageous that he can be regarded as a god by humans.

"Alas, I still have only a limited understanding of this thing... But it's not a big deal. If I want to end this dark galaxy, I have to go through it after all."

Wang Ming looked at the human soldiers who were leaving. He turned around and waved to the imperial guards, then headed to other areas of the city. On the battlefield of this planet, Wang Ming actually did not need to take action himself most of the time, unless he was facing the most extreme extremists in the world. Most of the other human soldiers had given up all their desire to fight the moment they saw him because of the huge halo behind his head, and were then directly convinced by Wang Ming's words and joined the army to recover the world.

Wang Ming now feels that what he needs is not his own military force, but equipment that can allow him to quickly travel to various locations in the city. Only in this way can he dispel the lies of this world to the humans in this world and let the world return to human civilization.

Just as Wang Ming continued to travel to various areas of the city, suddenly, he saw a track appear in the sky. It was the track produced by some kind of chemical propulsion when a rocket was launched. He also saw the rocket. He looked at the thing. With his original vision, he could clearly see the logo on it. When he saw the terrible logo on it, he suddenly changed his previous relaxed mentality.

Because the symbol on that thing is not something else, but the symbol of nuclear weapons representing death and destruction. That thing is a nuclear bomb. As for the equivalent, the nuclear weapon that can be used on this city must have a considerable equivalent. Moreover, once this thing is detonated in the mortal world, the damage caused will definitely not be small. The so-called high-level officials in this world have already despaired, and even brought out this kind of thing that will cause mutual destruction.

But that doesn't make sense! Wang clearly had his pet kill all the high-ranking officials in this world, so who launched the nuclear bomb?
However, now it is no longer a question of who launched the nuclear bomb, but a question of how to quickly resolve the nuclear bomb. Even the Primarch cannot withstand the pressure and temperature at the center of a nuclear weapon explosion. Even if he himself does not die, those imperial guards will die, as well as the mortal auxiliary forces fighting in the entire city, and the humans of this city.

"Hurry up and protect the humans in this world. Try to find the nuclear protection facilities in this world. If that doesn't work, try to find a place like a subway or an underground parking lot. I will try my best to prevent the explosion of the nuclear bomb!"

Wang Ming looked at the imperial guards around him. After he quickly said this to them, he used his spiritual power to lift himself in the air, and then rushed towards the nuclear bomb. This nuclear bomb must not be detonated, not for the sake of those mortal auxiliary troops or for the human beings in this world. A large number of humans must not be allowed to die under this nuclear bomb.

"Hahaha! Die, all of you! This world is hopeless! Aliens have already invaded most of the cities in this world, die! We can't let the human world be taken over by aliens!"

And just when Wang Ming went to stop the nuclear bomb from detonating, at the edge of the city, in a huge military facility that was being besieged by time travelers, an officer in the facility released the nuclear button in his hand amid the terrified eyes of other officers. He had completed the launch of the nuclear weapon, and the target of the nuclear weapon was the city they were in.

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