Immortal, My Desperate Journey at 40k

Chapter 714 The dust has settled

Chapter 714 The dust has settled
"It's all part of a plan, it's all part of a plan, a great plan."

The man smiled. He had no fear of the attack of the 21st Legion. To him, he was the executor and witness of the Lord of Change's plan. As a witness, he would never die. He would see his world back in his hands, and he would see tens of millions of people submitting to him.

To it, humans are no longer its own kind, but a consumable existence, a sacrifice to the great Lord of Change, and a sacrifice begging for mercy on the altar.

"Five seconds, the gate will be breached in five seconds, the base will be lost in one minute, and everyone in the base will be killed in one and a half minutes. It's so interesting, predicting the future so clearly is so interesting, hahahaha... Compared to that damn guy, I am definitely more powerful than ever. Praise the great Lord of Change!! "

The man sat on his chair, looking at the joy in his mind, he was so happy that he wanted to sing a song. The pleasure of playing everything in the palm of his hand was too pleasurable, which made him happier than the upcoming demon ascension ceremony.

Just as he was immersed in his own extremely happy moment, the door of the conference room suddenly exploded, which made the man show an extremely puzzled expression. This was different from his prediction. Why? Why is this happening?
"TNND, prophecy huh? Escape huh? Ascend to the devil huh? I've lived for thousands of years, and you, a young man of hundreds of years old, are trying to kill me? Do you really think you're that smart?"

Just after the conference room was breached, Rengar suddenly rushed into the conference room. As an immortal, he was not worried about any danger at all. After rushing into the conference room, he grabbed the man and then threw dozens of big bi-dots with psychic power into his face. He had just used psychic power to predict the situation, but he didn't expect that there was such a thing in this underground base.

This thing is a cultist blessed by Tzeentch, and this ghost thing is plotting against them. Its plan is to escape after the troops of the 21st Legion attack the base, and then activate the self-destruction program and the sacrificial array in the base. At that time, all the troops of the 21st Legion and the humans in this base will be sacrificed, thus opening the way for its ascension to demonism.

But with his own experience and after asking a certain existence, after learning of its plan, Rengar went straight to the meeting room and caught this smart-aleck thing. Although this ghost thing's calculations were good, how could it possibly compare to Rengar, this thousand-year-old fox?

"It turns out to be a Tzeentch cultist. In this case, the problem is much simpler. My lord, thank you for your help."

Rengar looked at the man who was knocked unconscious by dozens of his psychic swords. He turned to look at the two Sisters of Silence behind him. To psychics, Sisters of Silence were very deadly. Some psychics couldn't even see those high-level Sisters of Silence. As the most powerful among the Untouchables, they were professional psychic killers.

The Sisters of Silence looked at Rengar, nodded to him, and then dragged out the man who was like a dead dog in Rengar's hand. The moment the two Sisters of Silence touched the man, the man suddenly howled in fear. He suddenly found that the psychic power in his body was suppressed. The psychic power that he could use freely seemed to solidify into a pool of stagnant water at this moment. No matter how he drove the psychic power, he could not be controlled by it.

It could no longer feel the spiritual energy in its body, nor could it feel the supreme existence. It felt that the blessing of the Lord of Change had drifted away from it. This was something it could not accept at all, and it almost collapsed. However, no one cared whether this cultist had a psychological collapse. Soon, the cult in this world was immediately cleared out, and all things related to the power of chaos were completely cleared out by the Imperial Guards and the Sisters of Silence. They were professionals in doing this kind of thing.

Moreover, they handled this kind of thing very quickly, which surprised Wang Ming. Then Wang Ming came up with the idea of ​​letting the time travelers communicate and learn from the Imperial Guards, and learn their excellent tactics.

However, this idea was completely abandoned by Wang Ming when a royal guard and a time traveler cooperated with each other, because Wang Ming helplessly discovered that even the new Astartes today could not keep up with the terrifying speed of the royal guards. They were simply too fast. It can only be said that they are worthy of being the perfect humans in the eyes of the emperor.

After resolving the influence of all the cults on this design, the recovery plan was carried out in full swing. The stubborn defenders in the strongholds were captured, and the defenders in the fortresses surrendered. The lies of this world were also debunked by the unremitting efforts of the missionaries. The humans in this world finally understood that they are not the only orthodox humans in the galaxy. There are so many humans in the galaxy that the genes of all humans cannot be judged by the genetic sequencing standards of one world.

They accepted these blood relatives from the stars and set out on the journey of re-entering the galaxy.

"At present, the area is 15 days away from finishing work. Most of the factories are expected to be built within 15 days, and the transformation of this large industrial area will also be completed within 15 days."

Inside a huge transport ship, a man in the uniform of the Human Federation was reporting the situation to Wang Ming. Facing a genetic Primarch, a being believed to be a god, there was no fear or uneasiness in his eyes, because to the humans in this world, Wang Ming's existence could be a belief or a complete human being. It was a very practical belief. If it was useful, then believe in it; if it was useless, forget it.

"Well, Karlsto, your report is perfect, and the data you compiled is also perfect. You are the one who led the management and planning of this industrial zone, so I believe you are also capable of continuing to manage this industrial zone."

Wang Ming looked at the man beside him who was wearing the uniform of the Human Federation officer. He was an official in this world and had been inspected by the fleet before taking up his post. For a man who was only in his 30s, his talent was very outstanding. He was the leader of all the construction plans in the huge industrial zone under their feet. For such a young and capable talent, Wang Ming did not mind him continuing to hold an important position in this world. For these talents in this world, they should be used. They should not be buried because of the things that happened in this world. Of course, these talents in important positions will be inspected layer by layer to avoid causing great damage or causing some extreme situations.

After taking Wang Ming to visit an entire industrial area, the transport team went to a newly established military base in this world. Compared with the previous military base in this world, this military base was more like a combat base for second-line troops like the armed police. This military base now finally looked like a real militarized facility.

The military base was shaped like a gigantic metal pyramid, and on the outer wall of the pyramid, huge turrets were constantly rotating. They were macro cannons made by combining the technology of this world with the technology of the empire. The orbital defense system of this world was very weak. It could withstand some small fleets, but if it were replaced by a real imperial fleet, the orbital defense facilities of this world would be completely useless.

Therefore, the orbital defense system of this world has also been included as part of the military reform. After all, this world is on the dark edge of the galaxy, and it is very fortunate that not many aliens have paid attention to it for a long time. But now this world has gathered a large number of imperial warships, and when entering this galaxy, the curvature engines used by those warships also distorted some of the space in this galaxy. This is a very obvious sign of civilization, and unknown threats must be guarded against.

Those huge orbital defense turrets were constantly operating, pointing to the sky for calibration from time to time, and below the pyramid-shaped fortress, phalanxes of soldiers were advancing steadily. For the troops of this world, the military reform of this world was actually a good thing. Compared to a real army, the army of this world before was more like the private soldiers raised by large enterprises that Wang Ming had seen in a federal remnant world.

However, their fighting will is stronger than those private soldiers. The fighting will of those private soldiers is at most for their own wages and the lives of their families, but the fighting will of the soldiers in this world is truly for humanity. They have always thought that they are the last remnants of the Human Federation, although this has caused a meaningless civil war in this world.

But it also allowed Wang Ming to see the will of the soldiers in this world. Now, the lies in this world have been exposed, but these soldiers are still proud of their human identity. They are still fighting for humanity, and this has not changed.

As the transport ship slowly landed in front of the pyramid-shaped fortress, Wang Ming also got off the transport ship with his honor guard, the Star Guards. When Wang Ming just got off the transport ship, an officer who had been waiting here early immediately came up. After walking in front of Wang Ming, he immediately saluted Wang Ming, then stretched out his hand, ready to shake hands with Wang Ming.

Wang Ming looked at the actions of the officer in front of him, and he also raised his hand. The huge palm directly wrapped the officer's forearm. Then Wang Ming also symbolically swung his arm slightly. If he swung too much, he might probably lift the officer up or tear him apart.

"Captain Wang Ming, you don't have to worry about hurting me. I'm a colonel in the biological enhancement force, and my body is very tough."

The officer looked at Wang Ming's slight movement, he smiled and said to Wang Ming that the humans in this world did not actually have much awe for Wang Ming, the Primarch, the Protector of the Empire, the second God of mankind. They were more in awe and respect for him. They admired Wang Ming for being able to carry out such the greatest expedition for mankind and for the contributions he had made to mankind.

Compared with those in the empire, the humans in this world have a more normal view of Wang Ming. They do not worship Wang Ming as a god, nor do they regard Wang Ming as a statue to be feared.

"Of course I know, Colonel Li, I'm just worried about bringing you up."

Wang Ming looked at the officer in front of him, and he smiled and joked at him. He really liked communicating with other people in this world, because in this world, he could feel that he was still a normal human being, not a god to be worshipped and believed.

"Thanks for your military reform. Now, our army has been greatly improved. Previously, the politicians in this world were unwilling to provide us with too many weapons and equipment, nor were they willing to expand our army. Your military reform has solved these two things that made us most dissatisfied. Now, our world has finally returned to human civilization, and we also hope to do something for the human empire."

Colonel Li heard it and laughed at Wang Ming's joke, and then they began to talk about work. The army of this world has also been greatly improved due to the military reform. Now, all the officers in this world have been replaced. The officers that were once arranged by politicians in the army have all been replaced with truly capable people.

When these officers came to power, they also actively participated in the military reform. The armies in this world have even begun to yearn to follow the fleet to conquer the stars.

"Of course, we will take some troops from this world with us when we leave. However, these troops will need to pass some reviews and exams. After all, an army fighting among the stars needs strong strength."

Wang Ming looked at Colonel Li and answered the questions that the colonel was concerned about. But just as he was answering the colonel, his personal terminal suddenly rang. When Wang Ming opened his personal terminal to check, a piece of news that surprised him appeared in front of him. The two federal fleets that were originally thought to have disappeared now appeared in this galaxy, and the two red giant stars that were like ghosts disappeared suddenly.

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