Chapter 73 Cleanup Plan
In the past few days, in the lower nest of Thanatos Hive Capital, under the fierce battle between the green skins led by Hu Jin and the gene stealer cult, the entire lower nest is like setting off firecrackers during the New Year, with gunshots and explosions and the sound of the green skin boy. The sound of "waaaagh!" filled the whole nest during these few days.

"Kids! Keep going! Use your slasher to kill all these bugs! waaaagh!!"

On a pile of corpses of gene stealers and green-skinned boys, Hu Jin carried a headless dead body of a gene-stealer and yelled at the green-skinned boys who were fighting with the gene-stealers all around.

During the fighting in the past few days, nearly 10 Greenskin Boys died. The corpses of Greenskin Boys, Gene Stealers and cultists almost filled the entire neighborhood of the Lower Nest.

Hu Jin's current state is very bad. His left hand has been torn apart by a gene stealer, the power armor on his body is already torn, and the Belisarius furnace in his body has also been activated several times.

He can continue to fight now, it is completely supported by his willpower. If he dies, he can only be resurrected by Wang Ming's side, and the remaining green skin boys will be leaderless because of his death, and it will not be effective at all. Continue fighting the Genestealer cult.

In the past few days, Hu Jin and the traversers of the second group were also surprised by their willpower. They never thought about how strong their willpower could be. This made them think about what Wang Ming told them before. The introduction of system conscription function.

Conscription function, in the 40K desperate universe, only fellows from the earth can be trusted. The "conscription" function will select qualified "fellows" to join your legion to fight for mankind.

This is the introduction of the conscription function of the system that Wang Ming told them at that time. At that time, the traversers had some discussions on this function. After all, the big guys were pulled here by this function.

At that time, the traversers had two ideas about the conscription function. One was the original function of the system, but there was a very big loophole in this idea. If this function came with the system, why would there be a function of selecting those who meet the requirements? Woolen cloth?

You know, the original artificial intelligence of the system was blown up by Tzeentch at that time.

There is another explanation, that is, this function was added by the emperor. This explanation is very likely, and it also explains why there is the function of selecting those who meet the conditions.

This also explains why the willpower of Hu Jin and the traversers is so strong. When the emperor chooses these traversers, he will choose those who have an incomparable sense of identity with the human race, have a sense of responsibility for the human race, and have strong willpower. Very powerful human.

This kind of willpower was something they didn't feel before they crossed, it only existed in their subconscious mind, and the emperor could see the willpower that existed in their subconscious mind
These willpowers come from their subconsciousness, their sense of identity with the human race, and their sense of responsibility, which they themselves do not know.

The traversers did not regard themselves as players in those game novels, but as a warrior who traveled to this desperate universe and worked for the emperor to protect mankind.

They may have the feeling that they are players in those game novels when they just time travel.

But when they met those human beings living in this desperate universe in this universe, they completely abandoned this idea.

Especially the traversers of the First Regiment and the First Engineer Regiment. When they fought against Nurgle's tears in Ultramar, they saw that mortals in this desperate universe were tortured by those disgusting subspace gods.

At that time, they felt a deep sense of powerlessness in the face of the subspace gods. When they just crossed, they still thought that they would have the ability of infinite resurrection to fight the bayonet with the evil gods.

But when they really faced the great power of the evil god, they realized how naive and ridiculous their idea was, and they couldn't really face the great power of the evil god.

Even if the evil gods couldn't kill them, the torture and manipulation of the human race by the evil gods stimulated their sense of responsibility that they didn't know about all the time.

They watched all living beings in the empire being tortured and played by evil gods in this desperate universe, but they couldn't really help them, which made them hate those evil gods of the subspace extremely.

Hu Jin on the pile of corpses threw the gene stealer's body out, and used his remaining right hand to pick up the power sword stuck in the gene stealer's body beside him.

"For the Emperor, for humanity."

Holding the power sword, Hu Jin muttered to himself, this sentence seemed to be said to himself, and it seemed to be said to the lord of mankind on the golden throne.

He raised his power sword and pointed at those gene stealers that seemed to be endless. The decomposition force field of the power sword made a "crackling" explosion in the air.

"For the emperor!" Hu Jin held up his power sword and led the second group of traversers and the remaining 20 greenskins to charge against the Tyranid gene stealers who threatened mankind.

Hu Jin didn't blindly lead the green boys to fight the gene-stealer cult in the lower nest.

Their battle plan was almost complete, and they had destroyed most of the air circulation in the lower hive over the course of a few days.

At that time, the traversers will release virus weapons and biochemical weapons from the middle nest to the lower nest to clean up all the gene stealer cultists in the lower nest.

The Genestealers might not be killed by these weapons, but the Genestealer Cultists definitely would, even if they were Tyranid hybrids.

The power of those weapons can only be tolerated by gene stealers, the patriarchs of gene stealer cults, and some powerful gene stealer infected creatures.

After the attack of virus weapons and biochemical weapons is over, the traversers will work with the mortal auxiliary army to clean up the living gene stealers in the nest.

Including those green skins who regard Hu Jin as the boss, all the heresies and aliens in Mers will be eliminated, and everything that threatens human beings will no longer appear in Mers.

When Hu Jin and the traversers of the second group died under the sharp claws of the gene stealers, they were resurrected beside Wang Ming, who was already at the front line of Zhongchao.

Wang Ming looked at the time traveler who was revived beside him now, and gave the order to release virus weapons and biochemical weapons to the time traveler and the mortal auxiliary army who were already at the entrance of each nesting passage.

A large number of virus weapons and biochemical weapons are thrown into the lower nest. These weapons will flood the entire lower nest within a few days. The lower nest without its independent air circulation system will be turned into a biological forbidden area by these weapons.

These weapons will kill the gene-stealer cultists in the lower nest, and those greenskins who are still fighting with the gene-stealer cult in the lower nest, and then, under the action of the neutralizing substance added in advance, they will become Harmless.

(End of this chapter)

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