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Chapter 78 The Loyal Night Lord

Chapter 78 The Loyal Night Lord

Xu Feng led the traversers to search for 4 hours. They searched the entire area, and even searched several other areas by the way, but they still couldn't find the midnight lord.

"Where did you go?" Xu Feng said to himself while looking at the various intricate metal pipes on the dome of the lower nest, holding a cultist who had just been eliminated.

The cultist in his hand hadn't been killed yet, struggling constantly in his hand.

Just when they were at a loss, a figure suddenly walked out of the dark shadows.

When Xu Feng saw this figure, he instantly threw out the cultist who was still struggling in his hands. After being thrown out, the unlucky cultist hit the wall of a building and died immediately. .

That figure was the Night Lord they had been searching for. He was wearing Terminator power armor. Xu Feng and the traversers looked at the Night Lord and instantly raised their bolt guns.

But they didn't open fire immediately, because the midnight lord raised his hands, indicating that he didn't want to fight with the traversers. The midnight lord observed in the dark for a long time, and he confirmed that these space warriors were loyal to the empire. Warrior, just came out from the darkness.

"Loyal brothers, which legion are you from?"

The Midnight Lord asked Xu Feng, who was clearly the leader, and his voice carried a sense of vicissitudes of history.

He has been lost in the subspace for too long, and he does not recognize the painting and style of these space warrior power armors.

Xu Feng was stunned for a moment, he looked at the lightning pattern on the chest of the ancient power armor of the midnight lord, combined with his question, he felt that the midnight lord was very much like a Latino veteran of the Great Crusade.

"No. 20 First Legion, "Star Traveler"." Xu Feng looked at the Midnight Lord and said.

No.20 First Legion "Star Traveler", this title was made up by Xu Feng on the spot.

"No. 20 Legion?" The Night Lord felt puzzled when he heard Xu Feng's words. He didn't remember that there was a No. 20 Legion in the empire, and the style of the power armor of the Astartes brothers, he Haven't seen it at all either.

"Are you a Terran veteran?" Xu Feng asked the Midnight Lord this time, and Xu Feng felt that the Midnight Lord was not a Chaos Space Marine.

Because Xu Feng didn't see anything related to Chaos on the Terminator Power Armor of the Midnight Lord.

"Yes, I am the Midnight Lord of Terran origin." The midnight lord nodded and replied to Xu Feng. He knew that Xu Feng knew that he was of Terran origin. After all, he had such a big chest. Lightning Eagle.

"What's the situation in the empire now? Has the great rebellion been suppressed?" The Midnight Lord suddenly asked Xu Feng eagerly.

"What the hell? What era are you from? The Great Rebellion has been over for 1 years!" Xu Feng confirmed his previous guess after hearing what the Night Lord said.

This midnight lord is a midnight lord from the era of the Great Crusade, and he is also a Terran veteran. Through the previous dialogue and massacre of Chaos cultists, he might be a loyal midnight lord.

"It's been 1 years? I've been in the subspace for 1 years!" Hearing Xu Feng's words, the midnight lord felt bad. Change of time.

In the end, through constant communication with this midnight lord, Xu Feng learned the story of this midnight lord in the era of the Great Crusade.

The name of this Midnight Lord is Roses Bynes, a loyal faction of the Midnight Lord, and he used to be Conrad Koz's personal guard. As for why he came from the subspace 1 years later, that is another matter a story now.

When the Great Rebellion broke out, as a psychic, Roses Bynes already knew everything that was about to happen through a prophecy. As a Terran veteran, he went to help other loyalists after the Great Rebellion broke out. Legion.

Later, Konrad Koz was killed by the Assassins. As the genetic heir of Konrad Koz, he also felt huge emotional fluctuations because of the death of his genetic father. This kind of mood swing directly caused his spiritual power to lose control , let him enter the subspace.

He stayed in the subspace for a long time, and it was not until the last few days that he finally returned to the real universe from the subspace, and after returning from the subspace, he also found that his psychic power had become stronger than before.

The place where he came out of the subspace happened to be the lower nest of Sisyphus' hive capital. Rosesbynes saw those cultists who worshiped chaos, so he used his own method to clean up these traitors.

Rosesbainis was taken away from the nest by Xu Feng, and someone brought him to Wang Ming, who was fighting the Necrons.

At the Imperial position in the Stone Wastes, Rozeth Bynes was brought before a Primarch he had never seen before.

After Wang Ming's sustainable flickering, Wang Ming successfully pulled the loyal Midnight Lord, Roses Bynes, into the "Star Traveler" army.

In fact, apart from the "Star Traverser" legion, there is nowhere else to go for Rosesbynes. No one will accept an Astartes of a rebellious legion, and if he is discovered by the Tribunal, he will be tried for heresy The endless pursuit of the family, unless he goes to "Death Watch" to hide for decades.

Wang Ming valued the psychic ability of Roses Bynes. You must know that the entire "Star Traverser" traverser has no psychic ability. Now that a great psychic mage has finally come, how could Wang Ming let it go? Woolen cloth.

After fooling Rosesbynes into the "Star Traverser", Wang Ming gave him a piece of power armor similar to those of the traversers. After all, this era is still wearing the power armor of the Midnight Lords Legion to wander around the world of the empire. It is a serious act of murder.

In addition, Wang Ming also gave Roses Bynes the title of chief think tank of the legion. After all, he is the only psychic in the entire "Star Traveler" legion now.

After that, Roses Bynes also joined in the deadlock with the Necrons.

(End of this chapter)

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