Chapter 10 The Immortal Elder Rumor
"Brother Kun, I've been to this place before. It's called Yanziling. There's an abandoned mountain temple just ahead." After walking for a while, I guess we've arrived at a familiar terrain. A member of An Kun's team named Bahou The way people recognize.

"Then go to the mountain temple. It's safer to have a place to rest at night than to stay in the wilderness."

An Kun heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and the rest would be easy after finding the familiar road. How could those martial arts masters who come and go be familiar with the terrain?Those people follow the official way, and they follow the mouse way.The reason why Wu Chong and Daniu followed An Kun was because they were well prepared.

"Angkor, what shall we do?"

Daniel is a bachelor and has no family. After Wu Chong mentioned Tianchi City where Wu's family is located, he planned to follow him to make a living. Although it is not as comfortable as a gang outside the city, it is better than wandering around the world.

"Follow them and separate after escaping from the range of the Iron River Gang."

I don't know why, instead of feeling safe all the way, Wu Chong felt more and more dangerous, as if a pair of invisible eyes were watching them indifferently from an unknown corner. This feeling made Wu Chong more cautious, He was observing every step he took, looking for the invisible crisis.

After another cup of tea, the group finally saw the mountain temple that Bahou was talking about.

I don't know how long no one has been to this place. It is dilapidated, the paper on the windows is rotten, the cold wind whizzes, and the dilapidated door panels creak, as if they are about to fall down at any moment.

"There is finally a place to stay."

By this time it was already dark.

The group of people did not choose to travel overnight. It was very dangerous in the dark in the mountains, not to mention wolves, tigers and leopards, and it would be fatal if they could not be seen, such as mountain spirits!After chatting with Daniel for so many days, Wu Chong already knew that in addition to martial arts, there are monsters and ghosts in this world. It is precisely because of the existence of these things that the living environment of human beings is so harsh. That's why he's so transcendent.

"As long as there is a house, demons and ghosts will not dare to come in. Although this mountain temple is a little broken, it is still safe in general."

An Kun took off his shoes and baked on the fire grill next to the house.

"Mr. An has seen ghosts and ghosts?" Wu Chong walked over and sat down next to An Kun, asking.

"Who are you, kid?!"

"Xiao Nuo!"

A younger brother who followed An Kun was unhappy, but An Kun stopped him with a good temper.

"I saw it once when I was young, and that time almost cost me my life." Mr. An was very talkative, and he didn't put on airs, but chatted with Wu Chong.

"Can you elaborate?"

Although I have heard Daniel mention it many times, Wu Chong, who traveled from the earth, does not particularly believe it. He suspects that people in this world have a poor understanding of science and have distorted some superstitious phenomena.

"It's just a painted skin monster, covered in human skin and mixed in the crowd, killing people one by one. By the time the fairy found out, the monster had already eaten more than 20 people." An Lao said very simply, but never From just a few words, one can infer how thrilling the process was. According to An Kun's description, he basically ran for his life the whole time, and he didn't even know how he survived in the end.


Immortal cultivator?There are still some people whose martial arts are beyond ordinary understanding.

Wu Chong thought in his heart.

"Has Mr. An seen the painted skin monster's body?"

Daniel next to him asked, Mr. An's description was very vague, and there was no real description about that thing from beginning to end.

"Yes, I have seen the corpse of that thing after being beaten to death by the fairy chief. It looks a bit like a lynx."

Old An nodded.

"Then why is it safe for us to hide in the house." When Mr. An was speaking, other people surrounded him, and one of the two men and two women couldn't help asking.

"I also heard from the elder fairy who killed the painted skin monster that places with houses represent popularity. For those things, houses are like territories, guarded by invisible forces."

"Old An, is the fairy you're talking about a fairy?"

"I don't know, maybe."

"Then do we worship the immortal head as our teacher? I heard that the master of the book said that the immortal head will accept disciples in our ordinary world."

"Impossible, immortal elders are another kind of life." Speaking of this, Mr. An was slightly lost. It was obvious that he had a similar dream when he was young, but it failed later.

As soon as the topic was opened, the group of people chatted in a hurry. Most of them were asked by other people, and Mr. An was answering. As the No. [-] person, it's no wonder that Bahou and his group followed him wholeheartedly. Even Xu Daniu, who was following Wu Chong, couldn't help asking a few questions.

Wu Chong was listening most of the time.

After he came to this world, he basically stayed with the Tiehe Gang, and he didn't have a special understanding of this world. An Lao's knowledge and knowledge undoubtedly gave him a deeper understanding of this world.

There is extraordinary power in this world.

It's just that that kind of power is not cultivated, but inborn. Ordinary people will always be ordinary people. There is no such thing as self-cultivation. The only thing ordinary people can practice is martial arts!And even if the martial arts are practiced to the peak, that is, the legendary broken, they are still not the opponent of the immortal, because the life level is different, how is it different, An Lao can't say why.

This kind of answer made Wu Chong very dissatisfied.

He thought, he must meet the so-called 'immortal elder' when he has the opportunity.

The chatting time passed quickly, and the cold air hit after late at night.

The dilapidated mountain temple gradually quieted down. Everyone was tired after escaping for a day, and they fell asleep in a daze when they were tired.After adding more firewood every day, the bonfire became much weaker. In his sleep, Daniel turned over and muttered.Wu Chong also fell asleep. The Eagle Claw Kung Fu he practiced was just a horizontal kung fu, and it couldn't help him maintain his peak energy like the internal kung fu.

After an unknown amount of time, the fire was slowly extinguished. Wu Chong, who was sleeping against the wall, shivered and woke up from the cold.


In a haze, Wu Chong saw a black figure flashing past the window, and the icy chill rushed, and he woke up instantly.In Kanshan Temple, the thirteen people who were still intact before going to bed, I don’t know when there are only ten left, including him, there are only eleven!
Two less!

A chill hit my heart, and the cold feeling I felt when I ran for my life hit my heart again.


A thunderbolt streaked across the sky, illuminating the inside of the mountain temple, and then the big raindrops scattered, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a curtain of rain all over the sky.

The heavy rain has blocked the mountain, and now even if you want to go, you can't get away.

(End of this chapter)

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