"Have you really been promoted to Immortal Lord?"

Just after finishing alchemy and going out, Wu Chong met the deputy master of the Danhuo Palace.This guy seemed to have made a special trip to wait for him here. He looked up and down for a while before speaking.

"It turns out to be Deputy Hall Master Cai." Wu Chong bowed his hand.

He is now also at the Immortal Lord level. After his strength reaches the same level as the Deputy Palace Master, many false etiquette will no longer be so particular.What's more, he was busy preparing to meet with the shadow in the evening. This kind of little guy who couldn't even remember his full name could only get rid of him with a few words.

"It's good to be promoted to Immortal Lord."

Deputy Palace Master Cai didn't seem to notice the alienation in Wu Chong's tone, and eagerly pulled him into his secret room.

"I have a pill recipe here, which can only be refined by an immortal-level alchemist."

After a few drinks, Deputy Palace Master Cai went straight to the topic.

"A pill that can only be made by an immortal-level alchemist?" Wu Chong became slightly interested.

"Bliss Pill!"

Deputy Palace Master Cai lowered his voice and glanced around before saying the name of the elixir.

Bliss Pill?
The name of this elixir doesn't sound very serious.

"It's not a good pill, is it?"

Wu Chong was ready to refuse.

There is no substantial friendship between him and Deputy Palace Master Cai. It is easy to be deceived by the things that are delivered to the door at this time.Wuyou had already reminded him of this before. Benefits and risks coexist!So far, the problem of worry-free has not been completely solved.

But when he was working with Wuyou, he didn't expect that he could stay in the Immortal Mansion for so long. All he could think about was a one-shot deal.

"It really has nothing to do with practice, but it is definitely a great elixir."

While speaking, Deputy Palace Master Cai took out a vermilion elixir.

This elixir is about the size of a longan, and its surface is covered in syrup like a jelly bean. There is nothing special about it.But when Wu Chong saw the elixir, his eyes jumped because he sensed a clear mirage aura from the elixir.But when he looked over again, the mirage aura above it disappeared again, which was very strange.

"This Bliss Pill is an enjoyable elixir. Not only does it not improve your cultivation level after you eat it, it is also a little bit toxic. If you take too much, your cultivation level will regress." Deputy Palace Master Cai stroked his beard with a smile. Explain to Wu Chong.


Wu Chong glanced at Deputy Palace Master Cai and waited for him to explain the reason.

For a cultivator, the most important thing is one's own cultivation. If you eat a pill that will not only not increase your cultivation, but will actually poison your body, what's the use of refining it?

"This elixir is comfortable to eat."

While speaking, Deputy Palace Master Cai picked up the elixir and drank the red elixir.

The moment the elixir entered the mouth, a wisp of gray energy escaped from Deputy Palace Master Cai's nasal cavity. This time Wu Chong saw it very clearly.Deputy Palace Master Cai ignored these. After taking the elixir, he entered a strange state. All the cultivation levels in his body flowed strangely, and the expression on his face was that of crying for a while. laugh.

Suck pills?

A word suddenly popped up in Wu Chong's mind.

After about half a quarter of an hour, the strange fluctuations in Deputy Palace Master Cai's body gradually faded away, and the power flowing in his body slowly calmed down.

He opened his eyes, with a look of aftertaste still on his face.

Seeing that Wu Chong was still sitting across from him, he seemed to remember something and took out two red pills from his arms and gestured to Wu Chong.

"Would you like to try it? It's very happy."

Wu Chong looked at him with a smile, showing no intention of taking the pill.

"That's right. You are still young. You have just become an Immortal and you still have hope for the future."

Deputy Palace Master Cai took the elixir back, and then sighed as if he recalled something.

"The Bliss Pill was invented by Mr. Fang, a five-star alchemist. You can rest assured about the safety of the pill." "Will anyone really want this kind of pill after it is refined?"

"The reason why the Paradise Pill is called this is because after taking this pill, you will experience an unforgettable life. In it, you can get happiness that is unimaginable from the outside world. This kind of experience cannot be bought in the immortal mansion. "Yes." Deputy Palace Master Cai introduced.

"The biggest annual income of the Alchemy Palace is the sale of Paradise Pills."

Wu Chong's eyes flickered and he said nothing.

"If it weren't for the extremely difficult process of refining this kind of elixir, I wouldn't have invited you here. In fact, it's not just you. Alchemists above the immortal level in Danhuo Palace will be invited when they are promoted." Deputy Palace Master Cai once again extended an invitation to Wu Chong.

"Forget it, I don't lack spiritual stones."

Wu Chong weighed a little and chose to refuse.

If it were to take the big head, he would definitely be willing to do it, but it was not so easy to say for the tool alchemist.Despite the glamorous presentation presented here by Deputy Palace Master Cai, there must be many hidden pits behind the scenes that he has not explained.It's okay if this kind of thing doesn't go wrong. If there is a problem, they, the alchemists who stand up to the public, will definitely be the first to be liquidated.

"That's right, you have just broken through to the Immortal Lord, and you have not experienced many things yet. When you reach my age, your cultivation base has not improved at all, and your way to promotion has been completely blocked, you will know that this kind of pill The medicine is good."

When Deputy Palace Master Cai saw Wu Chong's expression, he stopped trying to persuade him.

He put away the elixirs on the table and left a contact information for Wu Chong.

"If you regret it, you can come to me at any time."

After Deputy Hall Master Cai left, Wu Chong turned his attention to the piece of paper on the table.

There is a mark in the shape of a lotus on it.

This should be the force behind Deputy Palace Master Cai.

'Lotus Organization?What a mess! '

After Wu Chong glanced at it, he crushed the note into powder.

The appearance of Deputy Hall Master Cai gave him a deeper understanding of the corruption in the Immortal Mansion.This kind of elixir, which is similar to drugs, is legal and compliant. As long as they can earn spiritual stones, these people will do it without any bottom line.

Zhenzi area, outer layer.

Since the fall of the Dui Zi District, the boundary between the Immortal Mansion and the outer layer has become increasingly blurred.

Among the gray sand dunes, the carriage shook the travelers.

Through the gray sand and fog, one could see the hazy white light inside the carriage, as well as the crisp ringing of the bells hanging on the four corners of the carriage from time to time.

I don’t know how long they walked, but the carriage passed through the boundary of Zhenzi District and entered the Mirage area.

It takes half a day to walk.

The deeper you go, the thinner the spiritual energy becomes, and the corresponding nightmare energy becomes richer.Tide-like incubus energy surged over, and the walking carriage made a creaking sound. The wooden horse pulling the carriage stopped suddenly, and its joints seemed to be stuck by something.

With a 'crash', the sand dispersed, and a half-demon with a face full of malignant sores emerged from the sand and flipped onto the carriage.

The next moment, the surrounding sand rolled rapidly, and figures one after another flew out of the sand, surrounding the carriage.

These people are all polluters expelled from the Immortal Mansion. Some were passively expelled, while others actively took refuge.After experiencing the erosion of the dream demon's energy, those who survived adapted to the life here and became sand pirates.

The losers were thrown into the sea of ​​sand and became part of the desert.

"Despicable Xianfu people, hand over all valuable things."

After the first half-demon climbed onto the carriage, he pulled out his scimitar and opened the curtain of the carriage.

The carriage was empty.

There is only one stone with an eye-catching mark carved on it.

a lotus flower.

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