"This pill can be worth ten level nine immortals!"

After speaking, Gu Xuan Immortal Venerable told the results of his experiment.

If he can really match the 'ten ninth-level immortals', then Wu Chong can really pretend to be a newly promoted tenth-level immortal.Not to mention the sixth and seventh floors, there are still opportunities to wander around on the second and third floors.

"Let me try."

Wu Chong picked up the elixir and swallowed it in one gulp.

The fiery red pill was quickly digested in the body, and then a little warmth dissipated. Wu Chong clearly felt that the number of immortal texts he mastered had increased a little.The pill that can make him feel progress even in this realm is indeed useful.

His apparent strength has increased a lot after the pills have been digested, and his aura is already very close to that of the Ancient Xuan Immortal.

"Somewhat effective."

Wu Chong made a simple comment.

"Would you like to try it?"

Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord looked at Wu Chong, the ambition in his eyes became active.What he said to try was to go to the second floor.It is equivalent to the second level of the corresponding mirage. For most people in the Immortal Palace, the lower world is a place that they will never touch in their lifetime.

The Shouyuan problem has been solved, and it’s time to take a step further.

He didn't want to be like those immortals in history who practiced all their lives and turned into a handful of loess when they reached the end.Paving the way for future generations?There may have been similar thoughts in the past, but now, Gu Xuan Immortal Lord feels that he can also take a seat in the Great Immortal Lord's position.

Regarding his positioning, Gu Xuan Immortal Master has been clear since he came into contact with Wu Chong's 'immortal' system.

He wants to be the second boss!


Wu Chong nodded in agreement.

The two quickly walked to the innermost secret room of the Alchemy Palace.

The closer to the inside, the denser the number of immortal texts around. After walking here, even Wu Chong felt the pressure. The densely packed immortal texts around him were like a nest, almost in substance, covering the ground.

After walking for a while, a stone wall like a water curtain appeared in front.Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord walked over, bit his finger and pressed it.

There was flow inside the stone wall.

This is the node of the Xianwen Formation in the core area!

Just like the nodes of the Immortal Wen Formation in Duizi District, the nodes of the Immortal Wen Formation in the core area are even more secretive.Where every node is located, there is the main hall of an immortal mansion.This is also the reason why the order of the Immortal Palace is based on the master of the main hall.Because they control the lifeblood of the Immortal Mansion Formation.

After passing through the stone wall, the two walked all the way to the innermost position.

There is a small circular room of about five square meters, with ancient patterns painted on the floor and walls.

On the pattern, some strange bird-headed men kneel in front of a mountain, worshiping devoutly.

There was a brilliant glow on the mountain, and there seemed to be a figure sitting on it.

"This is the Eternal Immortal Picture."

Gu Xuanxianzun introduced.

This is the first time even Wu Chong has come to this place, because entering here requires consuming the heart and blood of the Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord. Before, he was about to expire and did not dare to open it at all.Now after switching to Wu Chong's 'Immortal Way', the situation has improved a lot.

Eternal Immortal Picture?

Wu Chong stopped and stood on the side looking at the strange content on the image.

There are not many pictures.

There are 33 pictures in total.

Pictures one to ten tell the story of the birth of the bird-headed man and the changes in civilization, while the next twenty pictures tell the story of totem sacrifice.The object of the sacrifice is the 'man' on the mountain. Most of the contents are about bird-headed people making sacrifices. The sacrifices are held rain or shine. The gifts for the sacrifices are also different, including spiritual fruits, livestock, and even living people.

But no matter how they offered sacrifices, the man on the mountain didn't respond.He just sat there, never changing, and didn't pay attention to the creatures that were offering sacrifices to him.The content is a bit incomprehensible, but the overall core is centered around sacrifices, making people unable to help but become curious about the 'people' on the mountain.

"Have you ever seen this kind of bird-headed man?" Wu Chong suddenly asked.

This pattern that is engraved on the core formation nodes of the Immortal Mansion is definitely not drawn blindly.

"No, there is no such creature in Immortal Mansion at all."

Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord shook his head.

When he first came into contact with it, he also investigated it and found that there were no similar creatures in the fairy civilization.Not only in the Immortal Mansion civilization, but also in the Mirage Sea, he had contacted and learned about it, but there was no such bird-headed man.

“Do other nodes also have patterns?”

Wu Chong tapped it gently with his hand and found that after his finger touched it, a trace of light golden light would bounce out of the pattern.These streams of light are protecting these patterns.

In other words, there is no possibility of external modification and destruction of these patterns from the day they are drawn.

What he saw now were the most original ancient pictures!
"They are all there. I have been to the nodes of the Law Enforcement Hall, the Front Hall and the Material Hall. They all have similar patterns and the content is the same as mine. The difference is that the main body of the sacrifice is not a bird-headed man, but a dog-headed man and a horse. People and cat people.”

Seeing Wu Chong's interest, Gu Xuanxianzun said a few more words.

When his longevity was about to run out, he had thought about exploring the secrets of these carvings. After all, the 'people' on the paintings were too worthy of attention.

Reminiscent of the eternal legend of the lower levels of the Immortal Mansion, how could they, the Immortal Lords, not investigate.

It's a pity that after a round of searching, nothing useful was found, and hundreds of years of time were wasted.

Dogs, horses and cats?
Wu Chong didn't think of an answer for a while.

They are all scenes of monsters offering sacrifices to people. Does it mean that before the Immortal Mansion, this land was once ruled by monsters?
"Let's go. We'll study this picture later if we have a chance. Let's go down and test it out first. Otherwise, we'll have to wait until tomorrow if we miss the time."

Guxuan Immortal Lord has now reached the node.

There is a time limit for opening the node area, and it will be excluded after the time has elapsed.

The opening leading to the second level of the Immortal Mansion is the node of the Immortal Wen Formation.

Just like the plan of the Immortal Mansion, the Immortal Wen Formation runs through the entire Immortal Mansion, spreading up from below, and the entrance to each level is a node.This node of the Alchemy Palace happens to be controlled by the Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord, so he can enter easily. Otherwise, if Wu Chong wants to sneak into the second level of the Immortal Mansion, he will have to kill at least a tenth-level Immortal Lord.


Wu Chong didn't delay any longer.

He has been dormant in the Immortal Mansion for so long just to get clues about eternity.

He has basically understood the surface of the Immortal Mansion, and the rest is the lower level.

After Gu Xuan Immortal Master activated the formation, the immortal texts under their feet immediately became active, and the texts on the ground jumped up and down like boiling water droplets.Distortions appeared throughout the circular chamber.A large number of immortal texts are stretched up and down and twisted left and right.

The world they perceived was just like their fantasy, with abnormal changes.

'It's sinking! '

Wu Chong was stunned.

Although the person is still standing in the secret room, he has already felt the movement of his position.This movement is at the level of rules, just like it was in the Sea of ​​Chaos.The person is still in the same place, but the position rules have been modified. One step to the left is the abyss, and one step to the right is the top of the mountain.

Things that are not consistent with common sense will become reasonable under the modification of the rules!

A normal Immortal Mansion monk would never notice this, and even the Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord would not feel the problem.

But Wu Chong was different. He came from the Sea of ​​Chaos.

Before coming here, he didn't know how many times he had revised similar rules.Under the constant state of Da Luo, he easily noticed the difference. (End of chapter)

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