The power dispersed, and in an instant a black shadow suddenly flew out from Yu Lin's shadow.

The jet-black body twisted in a circle in the air, and then exploded with countless steel thorns.The already dilapidated secret room was on the verge of collapse under these steel thorns. The core fairy nodes belonging to the Zhenzi area were also damaged, and even the large formation outside was shaking.


Gu Xuan Immortal Lord quickly raised his hand. Because he had to take care of other people, he could only defend himself first.He condensed a layer of light curtain as quickly as possible, protecting the thirty experimental subjects that he had finally trained.

If this round fails, I don’t know how long it will take to succeed next time.

dong dong dong! !

A series of dense muffled sounds.

The temporary defense put up by the Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord kept shaking under the impact of these black steel needles, as if it would explode in the next second.

"Some patience."

The twisted black mud in the air quickly changed and reorganized, condensing into a two-meter-tall bull-headed monster in an incredible way.

As soon as this person appeared, the entire secret room was covered in black smoke, and the aura of the mirage filled the entire space like sulfur, making everyone's faces show painful expressions.

"It's a dream demon!!"

"This level is a dream master level monster! Run!!"

At the door, the guard who had just arrived touched the black smoke and couldn't help but scream.

They originally wanted to show off in front of the new leader, but they encountered this level of trouble as soon as they came over.Faced with life and death and performance, they decisively chose the former.They all ran away like shit, no longer caring about flattering.

Inside the secret room.

Guxuan Immortal Lord looked at the black mud-like bull-headed Dream Lord in front of him, and his figure moved.

The surrounding dark steel needles were crushed.

In this moment, the surrounding scene has completely changed.The secret room turned into a dark swamp, and the more than 30 experimental subjects he protected and the two Yulin brothers also disappeared.

"Dream Lord World?"

Looking at the changing scene, Gu Xuan Immortal Lord looked around.

The surrounding area was deserted, with wild grass swaying in the cold wind. Underfoot, the black mud of the swamp was constantly rising, and a pungent smell filled the entire area.

"I'm very surprised. I didn't provoke you, why did you come all the way to trouble me?"

Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord stood in the void and asked.

Being able to open up the dream master's world and pull him in, this level is not ordinary even among the dream masters.

"If you are willing to give me the prescription of Yuan Dan, I will turn around and leave."

Until now, the two companions have not come over, and the Bull-headed Dream Master couldn't help but cursed secretly in his heart.It's just that now that it's time, he can only force himself. Dream Master has an innate advantage when fighting against ordinary immortals.Although the Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord is strong, it is still no problem to hold him back for a short period of time. When the two companions gather together, the final decision can be made.

"Yuandan Danfang? That's it."

Gu Xuanxian Zun was relieved.

"It's a pity that I don't have this thing either. You must have been deceived."

The bull-headed dream master didn't speak anymore. His figure melted and turned into black mud again.

The next moment, all the swamp black mud on the ground surged up, and an exaggeratedly huge bull-headed monster emerged from below. Its huge palms opened from bottom to top, as if to crush the Ancient Xuan Immortal into mud.

In mid-air, the ancient Xuan Immortal is hunting in his robes.

A large number of immortal texts appeared around him.

His unique arrangement method "Alchemy King Sutra" emerged, and a huge alchemy furnace loomed in the void.The hot air waves distorted the area around him, and the golden fairy texts rotated like barriers. The stench in the air was actually burned away by the hot air, and a faint fragrance of elixir appeared.

boom! !The giant hand hit the alchemy furnace hard.

The two forces collided, and the huge black hand of mud was like brittle slag, exploding before it even touched anyone.

Gu Xuan Immortal Lord, who succeeded with one blow, raised his hand.

Point your finger downwards.

A golden immortal inscription with the word 'burn' circulated on his fingertips, and in the blink of an eye it transformed into a pill, which shot directly into the black mud like a beam of light.

The huge bull-headed monster below only had time to open its hand, and the palm was pierced by the 'elixir'.

After the elixir was blasted into the black mud, the elixir glowed and then exploded.

The whole earth followed with a muffled sound.

The space of the bull-headed dream master's dream master was shaken, and cracks appeared in the corners.He himself felt uncomfortable and rolled to the side. His figure broke away from the black mud and condensed into shape again.He looked at Gu Xuan Immortal not far away with blood surging.

'Why are you so strong? ! '

He really wants to scold Wanfa Immortal Lord now. Is this what you said is better than you?
Opposite me, Gu Xuan raised his hand again.

The dark red 'elixir' appeared again next to the illusory elixir furnace.Only this time, there were more than 20. Seeing this scene, the Bull-headed Dream Lord roared,
A bull-headed shadow once again emerged from the black mud below, and the thick poisonous swamp fog eroded towards it.

It's just that his swamp poisonous mist was quickly refined into alchemy energy after entering the range of the alchemy furnace. The so-called poison could not even touch the corners of the opponent's clothes.Instead, the bull-headed phantom he summoned was blown up again.

It was a frustrating confrontation, but it only took three or five moves to defeat the Bull-headed Dream Master's temper.

The dream master's space finally couldn't bear the pressure and exploded.

Instead, the two of them did not return to the secret room space outside. A familiar street in the Immortal Mansion appeared below.Behind the Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord, the huge Alchemy Palace building emerged.

Immortal Lord’s legal domain!

This time it was summoned by Gu Xuan Immortal Lord.

Watching this scene, Niutou Mengzhu broke into a cold sweat, and he suddenly felt that he had been a little rash.

Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord is stronger than expected, and he is worthy of being the master of the core main hall of the Immortal Mansion.


I can't beat it alone.

"What the hell are you two doing? If you don't come here, I won't be able to stand it anymore."

The irritable Bull-headed Dream Lord pulled off the jade pendant from his waist and shouted inside.

This thing was given to them by the master of the Material Palace, which allows the three of them to communicate across regions.When he came here, Niutou Mengzhu thought that Wanfa Immortal Lord was making a fuss out of a molehill, but now it seems that this is simply a life-saving straw.

Just two companions come over.

He can make a comeback!
'Can fight back! '

Looking at the Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord who was gathering strength again on the opposite side, the Bull-headed Dream Master's eyes were bloodshot, and he was constantly hinting at himself in his heart.This is the middle level area. As long as the Ancient Xuan Immortal Lord is eliminated, the rest can be swept away.There was also the assistant named Wu Tietou, who was caught together.

The tauren is honest, and even at this juncture, he has not forgotten the instructions of the Immortal Lord of All Laws.

No wonder Wanfa Immortal Lord is such a cunning person, so he always chooses to cooperate with him.

"Who are you looking for?"

There was feedback from the Jade Pendant.

It's just that the sound is very unfamiliar.

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