A familiar interface emerged, and the number of experience points stored below has exceeded nine digits.Wu Chong just took a quick glance and found the data he wanted on the panel.

Daluoxian (can be promoted)
Without saying a word, Wu Chong just went crazy in front of him.

The early, middle and late stages are all at the same level in Master Wu's house. You just need to use experience points to get up to it.

The withered and dried up strength in his body was restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The familiar world of perception resurfaces.

This time, he was like riding a rocket, rushing out of the secret room at an extremely fast speed, shaking the Zi District and even the entire Immortal Mansion.The pure white raindrops were still there, but this time they fell on him like drizzle and were immediately washed away. Another force replaced the Jueling Flower and held him up.

Touch that barrier again.

This time Wu Chong did not see that look again, but came into contact with many probing auras.

These auras are the Great Immortal Lord of the Immortal Mansion and the Great Dream Lord of the Mirage.

From these auras, Wu Chong sensed similar regular auras, each with one or several auras on it.Some sounds were faintly heard.

"Has another lucky person taken the elixir?"

"Whose child"

"The disgusting smell of immortality."

Some bold ones even approached him and wanted to communicate with him.But Wu Chong ignored these thoughts at all, and his perception continued to increase until the barrier was completely sealed and he could no longer move forward.

From this angle, he saw the ancient tower and abyss again.

The burning power of experience boiled within him.

He tried 'bumping' it.

But no response at all.

After trying several times without success, he began to observe his surroundings.

After arriving here, there was much less consciousness around me, and those consciousnesses that occasionally flashed through were all practicing hard on their own.It can be seen that even the existences of the Great Immortal Lord and the Great Dream Lord are only a few who can reach here.

The mottled light spots around him appeared again, and active unknown life forms were swimming around him.

Another dimension of life.

Wu Chong approached one of them and observed it carefully.

These light beings are like aggregations of elements, surrounded by a large number of free light points, and they are like marshmallows.

Perhaps sensing Wu Chong's observation, this unknown life form became distorted, and the elemental particles on the surface began to change colors.

red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple
The colors kept changing. Wu Chong in the front could still recognize it, but he couldn't understand it at the back.The particles around the light group life turned into an unknown color, which is a color that does not exist in human cognition.The changes are still going on, and all the colors behind are unknown to the light group life in this state.

Untouchable, unperceivable, unobservable.

It can only be 'seen' in this special state.

Following the scattered particles, Wu Chong's gaze slowly turned forward.Farther away, there are countless light groups of life swimming around.

Like a school of fish in the ocean, there is no end in sight.

"Disordered belt?"

Wu Chong's perception was pushed to its limit, but he still couldn't detect what was at the end.He tried to fly a certain distance, but he seemed to have lost the concept of direction in this place, and he could not get there even after flying for a long time.His consciousness still stayed in place, and there were still those unchanging layers of life around him.This familiar sense of blankness reminded him of the feeling of ascending out of the Great World of the First Demon when he was in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

This is also a disordered zone.

He tried to reach out his hand, hardened rules emerging on his fingertips.The next moment, the surrounding area began to freeze, and the life forms of the light group swimming nearby were frozen in front of them after touching the power. Although they were still swimming, they no longer changed positions.Like a bug trapped in amber.

"Able to swim in the disordered zone, is it possible that these light group life forms can create directions?"

He stretched out his hand and grabbed a life of light that was hardened by him.

The life of the light group is soft, like rubber life.The colors on the surface are still changing constantly, and the hardening rules can only temporarily freeze their actions, but will not affect their instincts.

Through the surface color layer, Wu Chong discovered that there were no internal organs in the body of the light group life.

Rather, it is a twisted rhombus crystal.

He tried to touch the crystal, but as soon as he touched the crystal, the life of the light group in his hand collapsed.The energy of the crystal was integrated into his consciousness along with his perception.The next moment, the scene around him became distorted, and his position rotated in an incredible way.

Up, down, left, right, front, back, unknown.
Finally, a direction that had never appeared before appeared in his perception, and he found that he could move. Although the direction was a bit confusing, he could indeed move.

"Does this thing really have directional rules in its body?"

Wu Chong was full of surprise, and then he looked at the countless light groups of life around him, and his heart suddenly became hot.If the bodies of these light group beings are all full of rule crystals, then after eating these things, will he be able to master thousands of rules directly and get it right in one step?

So he reached out again and grabbed a light group of life with hardened rules.

Like the previous one, the core of this light group's life is also a rhombus crystal.He touched the core as usual.

The same directional rules were incorporated, giving him a deeper understanding of 'front'.

Still the direction.

Unwilling to do so, Wu Chong reached out to capture it again.

This time it's 'after'.

Then there's 'left'.
After a hundred times, Wu Chong completely mastered the direction rules.Like the Sea of ​​Chaos, it can 'create' directions according to its own will.

"Only direction rules?"

Wu Chong stopped. He discovered that the crystals in the light group's life body only had directions. After understanding the rules of direction, this thing had no value to him.

He once again set his sights on the ancient tower in the distance.

He tried to create the concept of 'forward' and sensed instant movement, but unfortunately the barrier above still hindered him.Although we got a lot closer, we still couldn't enter the ancient tower.

After getting close to a certain distance, Wu Chong discovered the difference.

Looking at the ancient pagoda standing quietly from a distance, it was only after getting closer that I discovered that it was actually 'alive'.

The tower body is constantly hitting the abyss next to it.

Tower and Abyss fighting?
Wu Chong looked over and found that every impact on the ancient pagoda would cause a wave of ripples.The abyss next to it is also like a living jellyfish, releasing some invisible energy and wrapping the ancient tower in the opposite direction.One of the two is a frontal attack, and the other is a flexible package.


I don’t know how many times this kind of collision has happened. (End of chapter)

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