Chapter 1065: Confused

After dealing with matters in the Sand Dog Country, Wu Chong went to the remaining six countries.

With his current strength, the whole process was just like going through the motions. The princes and nobles of these six countries were also very aware of current affairs, and they all rushed to express that they would help him spread the immortal way and spread the glory of the great 'Supreme Dream Lord'.

In the process, Wu Chong also discovered some details of the spread of 'immortal way'.

Just as Gu Xuan Immortal Lord expected, his immortal way spreads faster and is more easily accepted on the Mirage side.The backlash suffered by those who changed cultivators was also very small, but the mortality rate still existed.After all, the dream energy of the Mirage Sea is not the fairy energy of the Chaos Sea. There will still be conflicts when changing cultivation, but the mortality rate is indeed much lower than that of the Immortal Palace.

After completing the seven countries, Wu Chong went deep into the oasis.

He was ready to formally contact the dream master of Dune.When he was talking to Liujia Mengzhu before, he asked for information about the sand dunes and had some knowledge about it.

Unlike the swamp, the dreamers in the dune area are more primitive. Many of them are low-level dreamers who have lost their minds.The Golden Buddha Dream Lord who had fought with him was one of the Dune Dream Lords.

It can also be seen from this arrangement that Mirage, like Immortal Mansion, is divided into three levels.

The sand dunes are the outermost layer, bordering the Immortal Mansion.

The dreamers living here are not weak, but most of them have flaws.Most of them lack reason and have incomplete spirituality, and have been expelled by the stronger ones inside.

After entering the oasis, Wu Chong found that the scene inside was very different from the outside.

Looking from the outside of the oasis, inside is an area where green plants grow, full of vitality.But after walking in, I realized that all the scenes in the oasis were distorted.The plants were swaying like algae, and the air was filled with a large number of nightmare particles. The entire area was like a mirage projection, unreal.


Wu Chong reached out to pick up a stone and found that the stone kept shaking in his palm. After squeezing it with his hand, the stone turned from a real object into a false projection, penetrated his palm and fell down.

This scene made Wu Chong have a deeper impression of Mirage.

Here, many of the rules of the Immortal Mansion have lost their effect. It is more like a world twisted out of a dream, where absurdity and unreality can be seen everywhere.

"Hee hee hee"

A strange sound sounded in the distance. Following the sound, Wu Chong saw a jumping sea urchin, which bounced and bounced. The weird laughter was coming from this thing.Further away, he also saw a drunk starfish and a sponge holding hands.

"Strange place."

Walking here, Wu Chong clearly felt that the power of the Chaos Sea in his body became active.

After walking a few steps, Wu Chong met the sea urchin again.

Different from the last time, this time the expression on the sea urchin's face turned into anger.After seeing Wu Chong, he spit out a mouthful of flames without saying a word.

boom! !

Wu Chong raised his palm to block this energy.


This energy fluctuation turned out to be at the Dream Lord level.Wu Chong didn't expect that he would be so lucky. He met the dream master as soon as he entered the oasis, and he was also the kind of dream master who was not very clear-headed.The flames continued, and Wu Chong could accurately block them with his hands every time.It was nothing at first, but slowly I felt something was wrong.

When the flame touched the palm of his hand, it felt like a biting cold. The extremely cold temperature was affecting the blood in his body.

Cold fire?

The sea urchin over there changed again, his angry face turned into sadness, and he started crying to himself.

Wu rushed over and grabbed the steel needle on its head.

clap clap!

He lifted it up completely, grabbed it in front of him, and without saying a word, he slapped it with his bow left and right.The sea urchin who was still crying was suddenly stunned by these two slaps.The sad expression on his face paused briefly, then twisted and quickly switched to anger.But how could Wu Chong give it a chance? The hardening rules instantly acted on the sea urchin, forcibly 'hardening' his expression.

Clap clap clap! !
Before the sea urchin could figure out the situation, he was greeted by another meal of big-eared melon seeds.

After dozens of slaps on the face, the round body of the sea urchin was dented, and the sea urchin spikes on both sides were also slapped away, making it as smooth and tender as if it had been wrapped in starch.

The angry expression disappeared, and finally settled on fear.

"Sober now?"

Wu Chong mentioned the trapped sea urchin and asked kindly.

The sea urchin opposite nodded desperately, knowing that if it answered slowly, it would be slapped.

"That's good. Let me ask you a question. Do you know where there is a stone monument near here?"

Wu Chong stated his purpose.

He came here to take in resources, but the highest priority among these resources was the stone tablet mentioned by Liujia Dream Master.According to his guess, the stone tablets should be the same as the stone carvings at the core of the Immortal Mansion. They are ancient remnants. They contain the root power of this world and record many unknown secrets.

This kind of treasure must be protected by their Black Wind Village!
The slithering sea urchin shook his head desperately.

Its head, which was not very clear to begin with, was filled with fear, and it could not remember any stone tablets.

This scene made Master Wu's face instantly turn cold.

Sensing danger, the sea urchin immediately turned his head into a nod.

Regardless of whether you can remember it or not, save your life first.If it was whipped by the guy in front of it again, it felt like it might be gone immediately.

"lead the way."

Master Wu, who was good at pumping, nodded with satisfaction, and did not forget to pump again at the end.

The frightened sea urchin was released before it could figure out the situation, and it subconsciously wanted to run away.The body is more honest than thoughts, and the body has already moved away when the thoughts are first born.Ten consecutive flashes, with its dream master level strength, if he really wanted to escape, there would be few people within the oasis who could catch up with him.

After a few flashes, the sea urchin successfully got rid of the monster.

The slender spikes on his body stood up again, the expression of fear on his face began to switch, and anger resurfaced.

It wants to vent the anger it just received and let those lower creatures understand what the majesty of the Dream Lord is!

"I ran pretty fast. Is this the way you led me?"

The next moment, that desperate voice appeared beside him.It subconsciously turned its head and faced that nightmarish face.


In panic, its body twisted again, and this time it launched a hundred consecutive flashes.

The twisted figure constantly shuttles and changes, but the strange thing is that no matter how he dodges, he will eventually return to this person.Direction and distance lose their effect at this moment, and escape is completely impossible.The flash of escape also turned into jumping in place, which looked quite funny.

"Give you a chance, you are useless!"

The familiar big hand scratched the spike again.

The sea urchin dreamer who was originally unable to speak actually made a sound, and the cry was like 'whoever hears it will shed tears and whoever sees it will be sad'.

(End of this chapter)

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