The Rat Lord narrowed his eyes, and he also felt something was wrong.But the breath underfoot doesn't lie.

"Something's wrong with this guy."


The last layer of skin was completely rotted away, and it fell to the ground and turned into a puddle of mud.

Pfft! !
A hand suddenly appeared, and the Rat Lord, who had not yet recovered, felt a chill in his chest, and then was pierced by a hand.The blood-stained palm penetrated from behind, and you could even see the blood dripping from it.

Blood dripped, and layers of twisted power spread from his palms, turning his body into a sponge, preventing recovery.

He turned around subconsciously, with an expression of disbelief still on his face.

I am dead?
"No? I think there's nothing wrong with it."

A voice sounded behind Mouse Lord. From a distance, it looked like two people were greeting each other.Watching this scene, the Niu Zun and Snake Zun next to them subconsciously stepped back, and their aura was also mobilized to the peak.Although they looked down on the Rat Lord, he was still a strong man on the same level as them. But now he died so inexplicably, which made them feel a little unreal.

Wu Chong's figure in the back has completely become substantial.

He didn't use any means. He just took out the human skin that Zhu Hezhao had used to pretend to be him when he was in the Law Enforcement Hall. He didn't expect the effect to be so good.

"You bitch!"

The Rat Lord roared angrily and tried to fight back, but before he could move, the hand that penetrated his chest suddenly turned into a monster with a big mouth.

The mouth full of fangs followed his wound and ate it in one bite.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the power collapsed.

Most of the power that the Rat Lord gained from sacrificing his entire clan was eaten up by this monster.Not only that, the monster quickly split apart after eating his flesh and blood.A group of ferocious delusion monsters split from Mouth's body, and twenty or thirty of them gathered in the blink of an eye.

These monsters were like wild beasts, surrounding the Rat Lord and eating him to pieces.

Circles of materialized dream demon energy rippled out, and the people standing far away could only hear the sound of chewing flesh and blood.

At this time, Wu Chong's true identity slowly emerged.

After obtaining the Maotu family's vision, he was able to mobilize some of the power of the stars on the other side of the Chaos Sea.Now that I have eaten the Rat Lord, my strength has further increased.

The 32 delusion monsters, after superimposing their source power, turned into this kind of monster that only knows how to 'eat'.A large amount of black smoke gathered around him, like a great demon, exuding a desperate aura.

These black smoke are not real smoke, but the leakage of the star power in his body.

It's just because the world here can't bear it yet, so this scene occurs.

"This is Ming Zun?!"

Being sheltered by Wu Chong's power, Hui Hui and several elders of the Maotu clan were trembling, and they felt as if their outlook on life was shattered.They have seen many Dream Masters, but this is the first time they have seen such a strange one.They now feel like little white rabbits who have fallen into a wolf's den. The enemies coming from outside are very dangerous, and the nursing home they have invited is even more dangerous.

Over there, Zhu and Zhao were also frightened.

It was also the first time for them to see their eldest brother in this form.

Kuangji and Kuangsha, who were fighting against them, immediately felt that something was wrong, because they actually felt the threat of death.

'Is this still the lost dog we drove out? '

'Bloody rats lied to us! '

Sensing the danger, the two men immediately abandoned their opponents and turned around to escape.But as soon as they started to move, their surroundings became confused. After escaping, instead of moving away, they rushed directly to Wu Chong's side in an incomprehensible way.

"You're here, why don't you stay for a simple meal? If word spreads, others will think that I have forgotten my hometown, and even ignored the villagers."

As he spoke, Wu Chong's body expanded strangely.

The revival of the star and the gnawing of the delusion monster made him feel a faint sense of rejection.This is the characteristic of the Immortal Mansion area. Unexpectedly, even through the body of Ming, there is no way to block the 6000 years of time and space.But now that they have taken action, they naturally have no intention of leaving any trace behind.

Suppressing the discomfort, Wu Chong opened his mouth and bit down Kuangsha and Kuangji who were running away crazily.

These two guys are not weak in strength, but at this moment all the power in their bodies seems to have been cut off, and they can only watch themselves shrinking little by little, and finally being swallowed by the huge mouth full of black smoke. "ah"

With two screams, the two helping hands invited by the Rat Lord disappeared completely.

The simple meal is considered finished.

More than 30 delusion monsters spread out, further expanding the black smoke area.Within Wu Chong's body, the Maotu family's thoughts were running crazily, causing the immortal formation outside that wanted to explode but could not find its target to flash continuously.

"What kind of monster is this!?"

Snake Lord and Ox Lord were already frightened by the sight in front of them.

The two of them are also experienced masters, the pinnacle existence of the Great Immortal Lord level.Even if they were the Great Dream Lord of Mirage, they had dealt with many of them, but the Wu Chong in front of them gave them the impression that he was a completely different kind of life form.

A monster never seen before!

"Is this the fucking law enforcement master of our Immortal Mansion?!"

Has that monkey been kicked in the head by a donkey?What about the induction of the Source Level Immortal Lord?This kind of monster dares to be the master of the Immortal Palace. Is this because he is afraid that the other party will not eat enough?
The most important thing is that now the two of them have robbed this monster.

It went right in the face.

There's not even a bit of room for buffering.

"Old Niu, can you push me?"

"Top it? Show me your special bitch for me." Niu Zun interrupted Snake Zun's words directly.

He is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, but that also depends on the person he is with.If a monster like this goes up to you, wouldn't it make the other party eat another beef?From the death of the Rat Lord to the two Mirage Dream Lords being eaten, they didn't understand the logic of the entire process, and why even the rules controlled by the Rat were chewed up.

The dark smoke and the twinkling stars behind gave them an unreal feeling.It was as if this power had long existed in another world, and now it was just summoned.

"I have long felt that this thing is destined for me."

After eating three enemies, Wu Chong waved his hand and directly took down the sky-shielding cloth of the Rat Lord.

He fell in love with it when he first saw it. Now that the Rat Lord is gone, the treasure cannot be wasted.

After Wu Chong finished collecting the treasures, his eyes fell on the remaining Niu Zun and Snake Zun.

The reason why he finally dealt with these two guys was because they were difficult to deal with.Unlike the Rat Lord, the Ox Lord and the Snake Lord are not much less powerful than him. With the delusion monster still being suppressed by the Immortal Mansion, it would be a little troublesome for him to kill them.

But fortunately, the sky-shading cloth was also obtained.

Counting Lord Rabbit's porcelain bottle, he had already snatched two treasures from the Twelve Holy Hands.


Snake Lord and Ox Lord felt chills in their hearts.

It's useless to beg for mercy at this point, it's better to die and beg for life.Now that the sky-shielding cloth has been removed, the two of them have a chance to escape.

Ding! !

Snake Lord's speed was very strange, and he appeared behind Wu Chong before his voice disappeared.

The dagger stained with snake fang poison accurately stabbed Wu Chong's neck.After one blow, there was a continuous flash, and the afterimage kept passing by, and more than 300 knives were stabbed in the blink of an eye.

But the more he chopped down Snake Lord, the more desperate he became.

The skin on the guy in front of me is abnormally hard. According to his current attack strength, it would take at least three thousand knives to pierce this skin!

Snake Lord, who was about to turn towards Stinging Eyes, suddenly trembled.

Danger! !
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