"The Ancient One."

This was not the first time Wu Chong had heard of these people.

Whether in Immortal Mansion or Mirage, there are always people mentioning these guys. They are like shadows, existing in all corners of this world. As long as there are major events, you can basically find the shadow of these guys.

After confirming that there was no danger, Wu Chong walked to the place where the dark monster disappeared.

After the white smoke dissipated, some dust was left on the ground.

"Come out one."

Wu Chong thought, and the greed monster came out of his body. This delusion monster is a relatively obedient guy. After the incident just now, there are not many monsters left in his hand. There are only about thirty in total, and the loss ratio is nearly seven levels. This is the result that he discovered relatively early. , if it were any later, all the delusional monsters he created would probably come back again.

"Try it."

Wu Chong picked up the dust on the ground with his index finger and brought it to the greedy monster's mouth.

The translucent tongue twisted around and almost licked the skin off the hand.

"What did you see?"

Wu Chong patted the greedy monster on the head and asked.

The Greedy Monster shook his head, licked his mouth with his big tongue, and then his eyes began to turn white, and some garbled words came out of his mouth, which even he couldn't hear clearly.


Wu Chong was a little disappointed after the greed monster was dispersed, but it was also expected.

The Greed Monster after being reset by him is equivalent to the tentacles he stretched out. Now even his tentacles can't read the information. It's no wonder that the old guy left so casually, not afraid of being tracked down by him.

"It's not all a gain. At least I know the Will of the Beginning and the Ancient One." Wu Chong thought of his newly joined 'big brother' Gui An.

This eldest brother seems to have had an encounter with an ancient being named 'Qi'. Judging from his original words, this ancient being came from the Ultimate Gate just like them. I didn't pay much attention to it before, so I'll just go over and find out more about it together.

After packing his things, Wu Chong walked out of Shuifu.

The gate of the Water Palace was automatically closed when he left, and the restrictions that he had torn apart before were automatically repaired. After all, it is something arranged by the guardian of the sea area, and it still has basic repair functions.

The black mist surged, and Wu Chong's figure instantly twisted and dissipated, returning to the Black Wind Village on the surface.

"Big boss!"

"Big brother."

Zhao and Gu Xuanxianzun, who were discussing post-war matters in the Juyi Hall, quickly stood up.

They have slowly adapted to the master's mysterious methods.

"Where's the ghost anaconda?"

Wu Chong sat on the first seat, scanned the people in the hall, and asked.

"Master Anaconda? He was still here before. He should have just gone out now. I will call him back." Chen Guan, who was squatting at the door, immediately became energetic when he heard the voice.

It would be difficult for those of them who joined Heifeng Village later to mix with the people from the Alchemy Hall and the Law Enforcement Hall in front. Not to mention the Mirage Swamp Faction formed by Rokko Dream Master, everyone is not the same type of person, and there is no topic to talk about. All the Chaos Sea monks who were taken in by Ghost Anaconda, including Chen Guan, are now standing at the outermost edge of the hall and are considered to be the fringe forces of Black Wind Village.

Soon, the ghost anaconda came back.

After seeing Wu Chong on the high seat, he immediately lowered his head respectfully and said hello.

"Big boss."

He could still let go of this attitude. He had already seen Wu Chong's methods on the battlefield before. It is normal for him to bow to the strong. Just like Chen Guan and others, calling him Lord Anaconda is a kind of recognition in itself.

"Tell me about the Ancient One."

Wu Chong waved his hand, and the voices in the hall suddenly became quiet, and everyone's eyes focused on Ghost Anaconda.

"Ancient one? Have they contacted you?" Ghost Anaconda's pupils shrank slightly and he subconsciously asked.

"I just met him, and his methods are a bit weird."

Wu Chong nodded, and then briefly told what he had experienced on the third level of the Immortal Mansion.

This process made everyone in the hall hold their breath, and Zhu and Zhao even opened their mouths to speak.

"The Ancients are a collective term. They are... special."

Ghost Anaconda thought for a moment and summed up a word.


"Each of these people are very strong, have their own worldview, and are not affected by the outside world. They almost never stick together. Every ancient person believes that the world in their own eyes is right and is the only 'right way'. In a conventional sense, they are just a bunch of lunatics. Very strong lunatics!"

When Ghost Anaconda said this, one of the two fellows sitting in the corner suddenly spoke.

"If this is the Ancient One, I have seen one before."

It was Huang who spoke.

The strength of Huang and Gu is basically at the bottom of the current Heifeng Village. If it were not for the blessing of being a fellow villager, both of them would have to sit outside the door.

"When we first arrived in this world, we met a strange man who called himself 'Ji' and said that the colors on our bodies were correct, so he helped us once. Gu and I were able to escape the harvest of the mirage , thanks to his reminder.”

The two brothers did wander around the outskirts of the Immortal Mansion for a long time before joining the Black Wind Village.

Living a precarious life, not to mention his strength, he was just a homeless man.

Today the Immortal Mansion is hunting, tomorrow the Mirage is chasing them.

That is to say, I was lucky enough to be accepted by the boss, otherwise I would still be hanging out with the semi-polluted Kuhaha.


"It's color. 'Ji' once told us that the colors in this world are all wrong. He is working hard to correct this mistake."

"How to fix it?"

When talking about the Ancient One, everyone in the hall became interested.

For people like them, the Ancient One can be said to be a very mysterious existence. I had only heard rumors before, and the name I heard most often was 'Qi', but now I actually heard the name of another ancient being, 'Ji', from Huang's mouth.

"Gu and I followed him for a short distance. On that stretch of road, we watched him paint the flowers on the ground into stripes and change the mountains into shit yellow. People passing by, whether they were immortals or mirages, , all painted dark green by him.”

When talking about this paragraph, the expressions of both people were a little unnatural.

It is estimated that the two of them were also corrected by the 'ancient one' at that time.

"and after?"

"Later on, Gu and I left him, and he didn't stop us. It seemed that he just did it casually to save us." Recalling the incident about the ancient man again, the two of them were still a little frightened. They may have been 'corrected' at that time. , it left quite a shadow in my heart.

"The same goes for 'Qi'. Unlike the 'Ji' they call us, 'Qi' believes that our world is false and a dream. Everything he does is to wake himself up from the dream. "

Ghost Anaconda also added at the right time.

The ancient person he came into contact with was 'Qi'. Compared to others, he had been in contact with the ancient person for the longest time, and he understood the characteristics of this group of people better.

Normally, they are no different from ordinary people, but once it comes to something they insist on, no one can persuade them.

Paranoia to the extreme, everyone except yourself is wrong.

This is the most obvious characteristic of the ancient ones. (End of chapter)

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