The Maotu Temple is directly attached to the Black Wind Village.

The upper-level beings at the core of the Immortal Mansion basically knew about this matter, but no one dared to speak out because of the power of the master. The current Heifeng Village is like a gangster den in the Immortal Mansion. Not only is it powerful, it is also not very reasonable. On the face of it, no one wants to mess with him at all. Most ascetic families keep a respectful distance, feeling that this new force cannot last long.

But the Usagi family doesn't care.

For them, the more prestigious Heifeng Village is, the better. The ancestors of their family were eroded to the age of 'nine thousand years'. Although they are not dead yet, they can be regarded as rebels. As a result, their family fell out of the Twelve Saints, and now all that is left is an empty name.

"Brother, are we joining the Law Enforcement Hall now?"

Along the way, a few little guys came back to their senses, and instead their faces were full of excitement. They did not expect that things would go so smoothly. As soon as we arrived at the core area, we met the noble man.

"I always thought Brother Tianluo was bragging, but I didn't expect that my uncle actually knew the big shots in the Law Enforcement Hall. I heard the woman who spoke earlier was called the Hall Master by the people around me. Couldn't she be the Master of the Law Enforcement Hall?"

"It should be the deputy palace master. I heard from my father that the palace masters are all powerful men at the level of Immortal Lord."

"Immortal Lord!!"

"The deputy palace master is at least a true immortal, even more powerful than the guards in Fang City."

"Nonsense, don't even look at where this place is..."

A few people were muttering something that I hadn't heard along the way.

They thought their voices were very low, but they didn't know that the people present were all highly cultivated people, so the content of what they said was naturally heard clearly. Regarding the content of their discussion, the escorts had strange expressions on their faces after hearing it.

True fairy?

Aren't they all?

"Just stay here, others can go back."

After a group of people walked to the Maotu Temple, a person walked out. This person is the "Misfortune", the head of the Maotu family. Six thousand years have passed, and "Misfortune" has become more powerful. In the eyes of these ordinary law enforcement hall monks below, he is as unfathomable as the vast ocean.


The escorting monk immediately lowered his head, said goodbye, and then retreated.

"You guys come in with me."

Huo's eyes swept across Zhang Tianluo and others, and finally his eyes fixed on Zhang Tianluo. When he saw this young man, a strange smile appeared on his face, but it quickly disappeared.

The few teenagers did not notice the difference, and followed happily one by one, and began to look forward to the days in the future when they would return home in fine clothes and shock their parents' jaws.

"I will definitely cultivate into a true immortal, put an end to the chaos in the mirage, and end this chaotic era."

Zhang Tianluo glanced at the inner hall and swore secretly in his heart.

A strange energy flashed across him, like some kind of pull
  "The original will."

On the third floor of the Immortal Mansion, Wu Chong, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes, and the deep starlight flashed in his eyes.

He thought of the delusional monsters that had lost control in the water mansion before, and also thought of the ancient man with mysterious origins and the 'reincarnation' he talked about.

‘Two-way attraction. ’

As it becomes stronger, the distance from Taichu's will will also become closer. This time it was the delusion monster that was affected, but what about next time? Only the ancient ones can resist the erosion of the will of the beginning. Does this mean that in some areas, they are weaker than the ancient ones?

strength? realm? Or xinxing?
  For a moment, Wu Chong fell into thinking, and the massive information in his mind began to be sorted and summarized.

Along the way to practice, he has mastered more and more power, and it has become more and more complex. During this process, he has refined his own power several times, but as his cultivation level increases, new powers will soon join in, causing his refined power to become mixed again.

Although the strength has become stronger, complex problems have appeared again.

"The greatest characteristic of the ancients is that they firmly believe in their own 'Tao'. Except for themselves, everything outside is wrong."    "What about me? What do I insist on?"


Wu Chong thought of his roots. In the world of Immortal Mansion, the 'Wrong Way' has also been suppressed, and it is difficult to fully recover. It is more like a subtle energy attached to Wu Chong's body, helping him turn some impossible cultivation logic into reality.

It can be said that ‘delusion’ has always been there, and has always been ‘delusion’.

Feeling the power of the Sea of ​​Chaos slowly resurrecting in the body, and the power of the Immortal Palace and the mirage power that he mastered after arriving here.

Three forces intertwined like three colors.


Wu Chong looked at the data on the panel, and slowly all the powers he had learned before, from the beginning of martial arts to the current immortal way, were clearly recorded on it. If you look at it in detail, it can almost be compared to the One-Step Immortal Martial Encyclopedia.

Such a massive amount of practice memories, if superimposed on a person, can turn that person into a lunatic in an instant.

But Wu Chong has already adapted to it.

He looked at the martial arts he had learned, starting from the wood splitting he first learned, to the three-corpse-killing technique he learned not long ago. Under his arrangement, these powers were lit up bit by bit like lamps, illuminating his entire sea of ​​consciousness. The Black Wind Village in the world of consciousness also emerged. Over there in the Immortal Mansion, this is his dojo.

"These are not the foundation. He avoids your prosperity above and keeps sinking."

The feeling of the mental world emerges.

What you think in your mind becomes concrete. This is the world of mind.

In the world of mind and body, Wu Chong saw the supernatural powers he created, with three heads and eight arms, sowing the beans and forming an army, including the path of immortal cultivation that he created later, refining Qi and building foundations. Different from the scattered forces above, starting from here , all his powers have a new name, called Fairy Spirit Qi. This was a brand new power that he had integrated at that time, and the source of this power was ‘Wrong Way’!
  But this kind of purity didn't last long, after reaching the ultimate gate.

There was new strength in his body.

The power of Immortal Palace and the power of mirage are at the same level as Wudao.

The three forces constitute the three talents. The forces that were once scattered like lights are excluded from the three forces, like fireflies wandering outside the outside world. Although they no longer have much effect on Wu Chong now, they are still a part of his growth.

We cannot deny them just because we are weak.

Denying the past is not an option.

If he really did that, he would no longer be himself, but someone else.

"So, delusion is my foundation. I want to use it as a foundation to accommodate hundreds of rivers. No matter how powerful the power of the Immortal Palace and the power of the mirage are, they can only be vassals. The three corpses chopped out from this foundation are They are the real three corpses.”

Wu Chong's pupils flickered, and a large number of secret techniques were reintegrated.

If anyone from the outside world sees him now, they will definitely find that his figure has become a little hazy.

There is no way to accurately distinguish between reality and delusion.

After a long time, the strange vision on Wu Chong disappeared. Although his strength had not changed much, he felt that his state of mind was firmer than ever. Now even if Taichu's will appears again, he can still slap it with a big mouth and tell the other party.

‘Your path of primordial will has gone astray, my immortal way is the orthodox one! ’

"Today, I have completely achieved what I want to cultivate. It would be too petty to call it the Immortal Method or the Three Corpses Method in a general way. From today on, let's call it One Qi Transforming Three Purities!"

Wu Chong closed his eyes, and one of the three air masses behind him suddenly changed.

A vision actually appeared.

"I did this Dao Ancestor!"

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