A huge black python shuttled through the mountains and forests. This black python was emitting rich black gas. These are the 'eternal gases'. This is a python that lives on the seventh level. If thrown into the world of Immortal Mansion, it will be at least a level one monster.

But at this moment, the giant python seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, running away crazily.

All the places he crawled along the way were taken out of a long ravine. The trees and rocks were like weeds in front of this giant python, breaking into pieces when hit.

After climbing several mountain peaks, the giant python slowed down a lot. Just as he was about to stop and take a breath, he suddenly felt the sky darken.

Then I saw a big hand that covered the sky and grabbed it from the clouds.

Together with the giant python and the mountain below, it was taken out from the forest. The pain-stricken giant python struggled desperately, trying to resist and escape, but its resistance was as weak as an ant in front of this giant hand and had no effect.

The giant python was caught off the ground and began to rise infinitely.

Finally, as he passed through the clouds, he saw an exaggeratedly huge humanoid monster.

A monster with three heads and eight arms.

"This little loach runs pretty fast."

The humanoid monster lowered its head. In the desperate eyes of the giant python, the demonic evil face next to it seemed to open its mouth and swallowed it in one bite. A ray of heat flowed into the stomach, and the three-headed and eight-armed monster showed some dissatisfaction on its face. It seemed that it disliked the giant python for being too 'skinny' and had no meat.

This monster with three heads and eight arms is none other than Wu Chong.

The experience points on the panel are all added to the body shape, which is the only place where he can add points now.

Under Zhang Tianluo's pull, the seal between the seventh level of the Immortal Mansion and other worlds was completely opened, and a large number of seventh level monsters fell to the surface.

Now the gap between the sixth floor and the seventh floor in front of the Immortal Mansion has been completely disrupted.

All the immortal formations and mirage intervals are like paper in the face of this kind of sky-falling impact, and they will shatter at the first touch.

After Wu Chong withstood the first round of white light impact, he arrived at this place.

Primitive wild mountains.

Now he only does one thing - eat!

For Wu Chong, who owns the panel, the seventh floor of the Immortal Mansion is full of resources, and anything he eats can increase his strength. He ate all the way, and his body size increased from a dozen meters tall at the beginning to the exaggerated state now. In this area, he basically has no enemies.

The edge of the mirage.

This was originally an area of ​​​​the sea. With the smashing of the seventh floor, the entire area was smashed to pieces, leaving only a small area intact.

The deepest sea mansion.

Two weirdos, one black and one white, were sitting in the main hall of Haifu. This was originally a place where singers danced, but now it was cleared. The two weirdos made a fire here. Black-red flames burned on the spiritual material, and dragon meat was skewered on the shelf above. Under the firelight, the aroma of oil overflowed, and the smell filled the entire hall.

A circle of strong men from the sea area knelt tremblingly around, and even the Dream Master knelt below. The dragon girl of the first level of Dream Lord was pouring wine for these two weirdos.

There were some who were not convinced at first.

The Dragon King, who resisted the most fiercely, is still roasting on the shelf.

The weird man in white stretched out his hand and tore off a piece of meat, put it in his mouth and chewed it, oil dripping from his fangs onto the ground.

"It's been so many years since I've been back, I've forgotten the smell of meat."

"The will of Taichu has gone crazy. Counting the time, eternity is almost here."

The weirdo in black was also eating, but his behavior was much more elegant than that of the weirdo in white.

They are all put into the mouth one by one and eaten.

"This bullshit eternity has been gestating for so long, and it's finally starting to catch on."

The weirdo in white bit the bone, spit it on the edge, stretched out his little finger to pick his lower teeth, and continued.

"I spent so much effort and risked my life to dig out a passage, but in the end I couldn't even touch the fur of 'eternity'. Now it's better, I jumped out by myself. If I had known this, why would I bother?"

"That's why it's worth chasing by so many people." The weirdo in black has finished eating.

He reached out and touched the ground, and a circle of black light escaped.

The Black Fish Dream Lord kneeling below looked horrified, but before he could react, his body was compressed into a ball by a circle of strange energy, and he flew to the side of the weird man in black.

I saw the weird man in black open his mouth and eat the Black Fish Dream Lord like a jelly bean.

"The quality of the meat is still so good."

The weird man in black showed a slightly dissatisfied expression on his face, as if he was dissatisfied with the poor meat quality of the Black Fish Dream Master.

"This is the dream master!!"

The Dream Demon kneeling below finally couldn't help but went crazy. The Green Shrimp Dream Master stood up angrily and pointed at the two weirdos, one black and one white.

"Forget about eating, you still insult him!! I don't care where you are strong, but I can tell you clearly that this is the sea! When my Holy Lord returns, you two will be the Great Dream Masters of the Five Realms. Don't even think about it."

Haiyu is the most proud force among the three major regions of Mirage.

It is also the most intact force.

Many young dream demons who grew up in the sea have never encountered this kind of bullying. First, there was an inexplicable change in the world, and then the sea opened up. Two strange black and white monsters appeared and roasted the Dragon King in front of them.

"Five Realms?"

"Still a dream master?"

The black and white weirdo seemed amused by these words.

"Are these levels of weaklings still so clearly divided?"

After saying that, among the desperate eyes of all the sea dreamers, he reached out and crushed the green shrimp dreamer who jumped out to speak into a ball and ate it.

"It tastes much better than the black fish just now."

The sound of chewing echoed in the space, turning everyone's anger into a basin of cold water, leaving only fear.

The smashed fairy mansion area.

After the panic, all order collapsed.

In this environment, Zhao stood up from the ruins. This is the area where the Law Enforcement Hall was once located. Zhao and Zhu were separated before the war. When the headmaster came out of seclusion, he was still in the core area discussing with the Mi Xinlian family the issue of training resources for the members of Black Wind Village.

After that, I heard that the head of the family was summoning all the brothers, preparing to avenge the brothers who died in the swamp area.

After hearing the news, Zhao Ziran was ready to return as soon as possible, but before he could rush over, the great changes began.

The sky is falling.

All the core members of Black Wind Village have disappeared.

He was left behind!

"Deputy Palace Master, what should we do?"

Among the ruins, several Law Enforcement Hall disciples who had survived like Zhao were surrounding him with frightened faces, not knowing what to do next.

"Save people first."

Zhao took a deep breath, suppressed his confusion, and began to gather the surviving brothers.

These people are relatively peripheral members, but they are also part of the Black Wind Village. As the sworn brothers of the big head, Zhao feels the need to protect these people.

Perhaps seeing the movement here, other survivors after the disaster also subconsciously gathered around.

In the process, more and more people gathered here, and in the end, the ruins of the Law Enforcement Hall could no longer accommodate them.

With no other choice, Zhao had no choice but to assign people out and start rearranging their living places according to the rules of the Law Enforcement Hall. Zhao paid special attention to this process and found that not as many people died as he thought. This 'heavenly disaster' seemed to be targeted.

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