Chapter 1159 Clues

Grasping the Great Emperor all the way, they soon arrived at their forbidden place.

The people here had obviously received the news a long time ago. They opened fire as soon as they arrived, and some even used rockets.

It's just that attacks of this level were ignored by Wu Chong. He just slightly changed the time he stood and kept his body at the same time as yesterday to solve the problem.

The emperor who was being carried turned pale with fright.

He knew that it must be the old guys in the parliament who gave the order to take action.

In the face of such a great temptation as the 'Immortal', he, the great emperor, is not incapable of sacrifice. It's a pity that these people, like myself, underestimated the immortal.

Wu Chong had no interest in paying attention to these ants, and carried the Great Emperor all the way into the restricted area.

In his eyes, the ten-meter-thick city wall outside was just air, and he penetrated directly through it.

"Can't all these powers hurt you? Are immortals... so strong?!"

The great emperor, who was being carried away, had already accepted his fate.

He began to wonder if civilization was heading in the wrong direction. If the outside world was like this, what was the point of technology?

"It's not that your power can't hurt me, it's just that you don't have enough power."

As he spoke, Wu Chong poured a little spiritual power into the great emperor's body, causing his vision to suddenly become different.

Under the shared senses, the world he saw was no longer the starry sky, but a desolate and dilapidated world, with an endless grand canyon outside. There are two pillars standing on the edge of the canyon

Maybe not the pillars.

The great emperor looked up along the pillar with dull eyes.

With the blessing of the power of the human skin clone, he successfully saw the existence of Wu Chong's true form.

The image of the body, which was bigger than the stars in the universe, with three heads and eight arms was directly imprinted in his mind, making him almost mentally collapsed.

"With this level of strength, you can penetrate anything. If you can't do it, it only means that your level of strength is not enough."

Wu Chong has already carried the Great Emperor to the deepest place.

The attacks along the way failed to work, and these soldiers no longer dared to attack at will, but just followed him closely.

"Please let go of His Majesty the Emperor and don't let the conflict escalate further..."

"Violence cannot solve problems, only win-win cooperation can last forever."

"Immortal Lord, we are willing to be your followers and build your kingdom of God on earth."

Some people who had received the order kept shouting in his ears, asking him to let go of the emperor. There are also representatives of some forces who want to cooperate with him, and there are even some extreme lunatics who want to worship him and form a sect.

Wu Chong ignored these noisy sounds.

Everyone’s world is different, and the things they see and pursue are also different.

It doesn’t matter whether you pursue and worship them, or whether you hate and fear them.

It doesn't matter to Wu Chong, just like people don't care what ants think.

After passing through a wall again, it suddenly became quiet. There are very few people who can enter here, and they will not face the harassment of so many people like before.

"Is this the real world?"

The Great Emperor has come to his senses. He is indeed a life that stands at the pinnacle of civilization. This mentality alone surpasses most lives.

"Not necessarily, this is just the world I can see at this level."

Wu Chong took back the power 'lent' to the great emperor.

I believe that with this ‘eye-opening’, the other party will cooperate a lot.

The vision in the Great Emperor's eyes slowly receded, and was once again covered by the illuminated infinite starry sky. The three-headed and eight-armed giant disappeared, and so did the Gray Waste Canyon. There was still a vast starry sky outside, and the stars with no end in sight were moving according to established rules.

"Can I become an immortal?"

A trace of desire flashed in the Emperor's eyes, and his mentality had completely changed now.

After seeing the ‘real world’, how many people are willing to return to the fish tank as pets?

"Yes, under the Immortal Way, all living beings are equal."

Wu Chong glanced at this person and led him through the sealing layer to the final level. This is where iris and fingerprint are needed to unlock. At the beginning, Wu Chong didn't want to borrow the power of the body, but now that he has borrowed it, there are not so many restrictions.

The so-called seal is just an ordinary wall after borrowing its power. “Let me open the door for you.”

The great emperor was about to show up immediately.

"no need."

Wu Chong left him and went straight through.

The emperor was shocked when he saw this scene. Since the other party had such means, why did he bring him here?

‘Is it to grant me immortality? ’

Such a vision made the emperor immediately excited.

At this time, the guards outside also followed in.

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

A group of guards ran in with nervous faces, and many began to secretly look for the 'kidnapper' who kidnapped the great emperor, until their eyes fixed on the sealed door at the back.

This is the door with the highest authority of human civilization.

Only the Great Emperor has the authority to open it. Now that the kidnapper has disappeared, he may have entered it.

Does this mean that the great emperor has reached cooperation with that immortal?

"Everyone, please step back. Don't disturb the immortal."

The great emperor sat down at the door, looking loyal.

"The one inside."

The group of people looked at each other, and an official representing the parliament said hesitantly.

"I told you to stand down."

The emperor's face suddenly turned cold. He remembered the scene when the soldiers shot him mercilessly when he came here before. If it weren't for the protection of the immortal's power, he would be dead by now.

‘When I gain the power of an immortal, none of those old guys will be able to survive. ’

Suppressing the emotions in his heart, the Emperor simply sat down on the ground at the door.

He knew the time had come to change his destiny.

He was able to climb from an ordinary person to the position of great emperor step by step because of his eyesight. When it was time to gamble, he would never hesitate at all.

Seeing the Great Emperor blocking the door, the others did not dare to move rashly, so they had no choice but to stay where they were and began to secretly contact the people behind them to ask what to do next.

Wu Chong paid no attention to the disputes and developments outside.

After entering here, he saw at a glance the vast sea of ​​books arranged in rows. As a complete civilization that has been inherited for six thousand years, this country has very complete records. From the earliest six thousand years ago, people began to look up at the stars.

In these historical documents, several major changes in heaven and earth were recorded.

Many are recorded in the form of myths. However, with Wu Chong's strength and vision, it is not difficult to distinguish myth from reality.

Walking to the center of the bookshelf, Wu Chong stretched out his hands.

The books on all the bookshelves flickered, and dense light spots flew out from the books, integrating into his body like moths to a flame. Soon, he found the content he needed from these light spots. .

"Five thousand years ago, the sky collapsed, and a god came to the world to save the world with a sky-repairing stone."

With a thought, the book recording the relevant content fell into his hands. Opening the book, he saw a star map drawn by ancient people. Wu Chong, who had read the knowledge of the entire civilization, naturally easily recognized the information drawn on the star map.

‘The Big Dipper, the King Star Domain. ’

Outside the barrier, Wu Chong's body immediately read the desired information.

Taking the human civilization at our feet as the base point, we made some calculations and quickly found the corresponding direction.

Due west!

(End of this chapter)

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