It turns out that this is where the black cocoon comes from.

Wu Chong understood instantly.

The black cocoon was closed, and Wu Chong felt a powerful aura being sent in. This should be the bone bird in the black cocoon before, the enemy that Eternal has found for their 'nourishment'. It's a pity that Wu Chong didn't follow their routine at all. As soon as the breath appeared, the delusion monster around him pounced on it and swallowed it up.

In this process, the changes brought about by the upgrade are finally over.

Wu Chong moved his body and clearly felt that the energy in his body became stronger. The eternal energy gathered in the body also changed.

He stepped forward and tore open the black cocoon in front of him with one hand. However, when he walked outside again, the scene changed.

In front of you is a world composed of black, white and gray.

The sky is white, the clouds, the sun and the moon are gray, and the ground and the plants underfoot are dark. This monotonous color continues to the end of the world, which is completely different from the wasteland that supported the black cocoon before.

The wind blew.

Wu Chong subconsciously stretched out his hand, and found that his palm actually caught some tiny particles. Looking closely, he found that these particles turned out to be tiny "wind" characters.

The wind in this place is actually driven by ‘words’!

"What kind of place is this?"

Wu Chong restrained his aura and returned to his human form.

He stepped on the black soil under his feet and walked forward for some distance.

There was a pure black plant in front with a gray fruit on it. He walked over and reached out to pick the fruit. It turned out that this thing was actually spliced ​​together with words. If you look at it with phaseless perception, you can see the densely packed small characters inside the fruit. But if the phaseless level of perception is dissipated, the inside of the fruit will turn into normal pulp.

Wu Chong looked into the distance and saw a group of big gray and white roosters pecking at the fruit.

"Is this the deeper eternal region?"

Wu Chong looked at the big rooster in front of him and felt that this guy looked familiar for some reason.

He thought of the big night demon cock from the Twenty-Eight Prefectures. Is there any connection between the two?

But before he could observe further, a bigger rooster suddenly walked across the sky. A big rooster more than ten meters high walked across the black soil, lowering his head and pecking at the ground from time to time. The places he pecked, whether they were plants or similar species, were all broken into words, turning into black particle energy that gathered upwards.

Wu Chong saw this and followed the big rooster, which was more than ten meters tall.

With such a large body, he is definitely not the ants below. Maybe he can understand the operating logic of this place and lead him to find the 'eternal air' that belongs here.

Not long after walking, the field in front suddenly opened up.

Here, Wu Chong saw more big cocks. This place is like an enlarged version of a chicken farm, with big roosters more than ten meters high everywhere.

Wu Chong jumped on the back of a big rooster and looked farther away.

There are no boundaries.

There is no way to count the number of these big roosters.

"Where did you come from? Why are you so small?" Suddenly a voice appeared in Wu Chong's mind. He followed the sound and found that there was a man in his twenties standing beside the chicken farm. The giant of rice. This giant was dressed in farmer's clothes and had a straw hat on his head. He looked like a farmer who had just finished his farm work.

"Are you looking for something to eat?"

The giant leaned down as he spoke. After the close contact, Wu Chong sensed a powerful aura from the giant.

The sixth realm is complete!

It is indeed a place where eternal existence exists, and there are really many strong people.

With a thought in Wu Chong's mind, his compressed body instantly returned to normal, becoming more than twenty meters tall like the other party.

"Huh? How did you do it? It turned out to be as big and small as you wanted." The farmer's face was full of curiosity.

"You get smaller when you are hungry, and you grow up when you are full." Wu Chong made up a random reason.

"I see."

This farmer seemed to have no brain, but he actually believed it.

"This is my field. Although I don't know why you are here, I still hope you can leave. Of course, if you are willing to be my tenant, that is another matter." The farmer said with kindness. .



"You mean this is your field?"

Wu Chong pointed at the densely packed giant cocks over there and asked.

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

Bang! ! !

The moment Wu Chong turned around, the farmer who was talking to him a second ago took a hoe. The perfect level of power was gathered at the top of the hoe, and he smashed it on Wu Chong's head, knocking his head off. It was smashed.

After smashing his head, the farmer quickly stepped forward, skillfully took out a sharp knife and prepared to deal with the aftermath.

I don’t know how many times I have done this skillful move.

"Finally, new feed has been delivered to my door. This time, it's chopped a little bit. That's not right."

As soon as the sharp knife fell, the farmer's expression changed.

When the sharp knife touched the headless corpse, there was no sound of flesh being penetrated. Instead, it was as if it had fallen into a swamp and it was instantly entangled. Looking at the headless corpse on the ground that he smashed, he didn't know when it melted. The dark color spread along his arms like a virus and eroded into his body.

With a "tear" sound, the farmer's left shoulder was torn open, and a three-headed and eight-armed statue came out from that position, followed closely by several monsters with ferocious faces.

I saw one of the monsters open its mouth and take a bite at the farmer's waist.

Black blood spattered everywhere, and severe pain spread throughout his body. What was even more exaggerated was that the area where he was injured was infected by black, and his existence began to disappear.

"What kind of monster is this?!"

Phew! !

With another bite, the farmer's body exploded, and a brand new body grew out of the farmer's exploded corpse.

The color of the skin faded and the clothes grew on their own.

With the prudence of Master Wu, he was on guard at the first sight of the farmer. The 'person' who was crushed to death by the hoe was just a piece of skin he drew temporarily.

"It's so crispy, it's like a chicken even after a long time."

After eating and digesting, Wu Chong Wu Chong instantly understood the nature of the farmer. He was the strongest big rooster in this area, and he was also a strong man who came in to seek eternity.

After absorbing the dissipated eternal energy, the newly upgraded aura has advanced a lot again.

According to his current estimation, he is definitely in the late stage of the Sixth Realm Great Immortal. His strength has also reached the peak of the formless realm. The accumulation of tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years does not exist here in Wu Chong. It can be eaten in one word.

After eating it, the opponent is converted into 'eternal energy', which is then added back to oneself in the form of experience points.

In just a few days, he took thousands of years of other people's accumulation and made it his own.

The next step is the source of disaster.

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