Wu Chong followed the black clay figure through the boundary wall and came to an open area.

A familiar feeling came over him. He seemed to have seen this scene before.

In the world of mind!

In the empty dark area, the infinite space with no visible edges, it seems that there is a powerful being who has lowered his will.


The figure leading the way stopped and looked at the empty space above with awe.

It was dark and empty.


Wu Chong looked around and did not see the so-called tower owner.

The figure leading the way acted as if he had not heard anything and continued to stand in front with his head lowered, his face full of awe. This made Wu Chong react instantly. The tower master might have really arrived, but he couldn't see it.

After thinking of this, he instantly changed his vision, and the power of his mind escaped.

Sure enough, this time he saw a figure.

A pitch-black figure that looked like a collection of elements stood in front. This person's figure was always fluctuating, like a fluid, very irregular.

Is this the tower owner?

It doesn't look like anything special.

Wu Chong tried to sense it, but the feedback information was only nothingness.

This means that the real tower owner is not here. What he sees is just the will of the tower owner. The reason why he appears in human form is because the 'Tower Master' he recognizes is in human form. Perhaps in the eyes of the person leading the way, the tower owner had another image.

"too early."

A voice appeared in Wu Chong's mind.

Before Wu Chong could react, the scene in front of him suddenly became distorted, and his consciousness seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, instantly exploding into countless pieces.

Xianfu finally encountered an enemy.

In the 800th year after integrating into the seventh level, a bubble-like demonic civilization appeared in this area. This is a completely different world from the Immortal Dao system of Black Wind Village. What makes people even more desperate is that this civilization is stronger than Immortal Mansion.

After more than fifty years of war, the Immortal Mansion was defeated.

Because an ancient person appeared in the opposite civilization.

The Demonic Civilization swallowed up the Immortal Mansion, and brought the entire Immortal Mansion into the Demonic World, and began to move with them.

"Where did the boss go?"

Among the ruins, a group of immortal monks looked at the empty secret room in front of them with blank faces.

Zhao was seriously injured.

Most of the remaining monks from Black Wind Village were seriously injured, and even Lian Xing was seriously injured and fell into a coma. Not to mention the others, several familiar faces to Wu Chong have disappeared. Now they are defeated by the demonic civilization and are hiding everywhere like bereaved dogs.

All of them, the original core members of the Immortal Mansion, were on the wanted list and became wanted criminals in the demonic world.

Originally, they wanted to invite the boss to reverse the situation at the last moment, but they didn't expect that the boss disappeared.

He disappeared silently, and no one knew where he went.

There was another loud noise in the distance.

It was the powerful men from the demonic world who were chasing them. The other party seemed to be fishing too, and they were not going to be killed all at once.

"Let's go! Only if you survive can you have a chance to make a comeback."

Zhu said in a deep voice.

Under his leadership, this group of defeated soldiers began to retreat and slowly went underground. Ghost Anaconda also put in a lot of effort. With the help of the Great Immortal Lord of the Four Realms, everyone in Black Wind Village successfully escaped several sieges. During the escape process, they continued to recuperate and slowly sent messages to the disappeared leader. .

Ten years later.

The world of magic has become orthodox. The Immortal Path founded by Wu Chong was labeled as a leftist path, and the remaining monks in Heifeng Village also became a cult organization, with everyone shouting and beating them like a rat crossing the street.

Wanxianmen has long been adapted to this kind of war to annex the world.

The Wanxian Sect is the mainstream force in the demonic world. They have been wandering around, devouring weak civilizations to strengthen themselves. The biggest support behind them is the ancient man who lives in seclusion. The new version of the immortal formation arranged by Wu Chong was broken by this ancient man.

After the Immortal World was annihilated, the Demonic World passed through several civilizations. Like the Immortal World, these civilizations were swallowed up by the Demonic World and became tributaries of this civilization.

".I, Huang Shamen, have suffered a great loss and must obtain more eternal spiritual stones to make up for it."

A man wearing a yellow robe sat on the seat and spoke about the contributions of his subordinate Huang Shamen in the merger war.

"How many people from your Huangshamen have died? The Lanyue Pavilion is about to be wiped out!"

A female cultivator opposite immediately spoke to refute.

"Iron Sword City wants three thousand eternal spirit stones."

"It's a joke. You asked for three thousand coins as soon as you opened your mouth. Do the rest of us drink the northwest wind?!"

A group of monks from a demonic civilization were making a quarrel.

"Shut up!"

Looking at the noisy people below, the Demon Lord sitting above him looked impatient and shouted angrily.

The powerful aura spread out in all directions, overwhelming the entire audience with him as the center, causing several quarreling leaders to suddenly fall silent. Demonic patterns emerged, and a mountain-like force suppressed these people on their seats, unable to speak anymore.

"We are still seven short of the one hundred civilizations required by the Demon God. Before the mission is completed, anyone who dares to talk about interests will have his head cut off."

The cold voice of the Demon Lord swept across the entire place.

Under the suppression of the icy aura, thick frost formed on the ground.

Only then did the group of people below realize that the demon lord in front of them was not a kind person. He would really kill people if he was provoked.


When the Demon Lord dispersed his momentum, all the leaders immediately bowed their heads and admitted their mistake.

"Apart from the civilization annexation plan, how is the extermination of the remnants going?" The Demon Lord's eyes fell on the head of Lan Yue Pavilion.

Lan Yue Pavilion has always been responsible for this matter.

In addition to devouring regional land, the most important thing for civilizational annexation is to control people's hearts and rewrite their perceptions. The previous annexation process can be solved by force, but the later process of containing people's hearts is troublesome.

"All seven mechanical civilizations have been wiped out, and there are still three cultivation civilizations that are still finishing."

The master of Lanyue Pavilion responded.

"Not resolved yet?"

"Those three cultivation civilizations all have demon lord-level experts. When our high-level monks pass by, they run away immediately. The low-level monks are no match for them." When it comes to these remnant forces, the master of Lan Yue Pavilion also said Very headache.

"Especially the remnants of the Immortal Mansion Civilization are very difficult to deal with. And I found that they have been sending out signals. I suspect that this civilization has a stronger back-up plan."

"Don't worry about any backhand! As long as the devil is here, no one in this world can be his opponent."

The Demon Lord directly interrupted these nonsense.

"I only give you three months. Within three months, these rats must be eradicated!"


Sensing the evil aura on the demon lord's body, the master of Lan Yue Pavilion immediately lowered his head and agreed. (End of chapter)

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