The world is spreading.

A nameless little world.

Xu Yan, the new generation sword god, held a long sword and looked at the charred corpses, feeling confused in his heart. He had been dormant for more than twenty years, and finally completed his revenge under the guidance of the 'Devil'. When he finally stabbed the sword into the enemy's chest, what he brought was not the pleasure of revenge, but an unprecedented emptiness.

"The blood feud between the thirteen members of the Xujiazhuang family has finally been avenged. Dad, mother, and uncle, you can rest in peace."

Xu Yan murmured to himself.

He struggled to recall the beginning of his revenge and the relatives who were crucial to his life. But no matter how he recalled this moment, the appearances of those relatives became blurry, and there were even many people whom he couldn't even name.

Too much time has passed and he can no longer remember those people clearly.

There was a layer of fog surrounding his parents in his memory, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see clearly.

"This is the power of hatred, it will lose your true heart."

"It starts from delusion and ends from delusion."

A voice sounded in Xu Yan's heart. Xu Yan's heart was completely unmoved by this. He was able to counterattack from a poor boy to become a swordsman and kill the leader of the first gang in the martial arts world. He relied on the guidance of the 'devil' in his body.

A hazy shadow walked out of Xu Yan's body.

"Mr. Wu, are you leaving?"

Xu Yan was shocked. Over the years, he had become accustomed to the company of "Old Wu". He originally thought that "Old Wu" would accompany him throughout his life, but he did not expect that he would choose to leave.

“Just getting back to where I belong.”

'Mr. Wu' turned back and looked at the child. After more than twenty years of companionship, he watched the child grow from immature to cold-blooded, and gradually grew up to where he is now. In this small world in front of him, he has reached the pinnacle and become the strongest person.

But this kind of strength is doomed to loneliness.

His 'hate' has been killed by him, and the people who are still around him are more afraid of him than in awe.

Everyone is afraid of him.


Xu Yan actually wanted to ask if he could take him away with him. But the words changed again when he spoke.

He couldn't let go of this piece of his hometown, and he couldn't let go of the beautiful shadow that haunted him.

"A place of despair and a source of disaster."

The body of 'Old Wu' began to turn into light, and his body turned into bits of dust and scattered, leaving only his voice still echoing.

"All the troubles in the world are caused by 'delusions'. When delusions come together, disasters will arise on their own."

"Endless delusion..."

Xu Yan subconsciously said this sentence. As he said this sentence, the whole world seemed to be connected with an unknown existence. In the dark, he seemed to see that figure, a figure that was as despairing as an abyss.

The same situation occurs in countless similar worlds.

The fragments of delusions and monsters that were sent out by Wu Chong in the past returned one after another after completing their missions.

Some of them became the golden fingers of the protagonists, and some became the accomplices of the devil to slaughter the world. But whether he is evil, good or bad, when he finally leaves, he will leave a mark on this world.


The bottom layer of the Eternal Holy Mountain.

The area eroded by the forgotten black tide is getting larger and larger, and nearly half of the underlying contaminated land has been eroded. The newly born pollutants all have imprints similar to 'Wrong Way' in their bodies. These new generation pollutants begin to devour old pollutants on a large scale.

With the changing of generations, this inexplicable "blackness" has further spread.

From a high level, the corner of the 'Eternal Sacred Mountain' held by five disaster-level powerhouses turned pitch black at some point.

Broken World area. The demon corpse stood on the first floor of the completed fairy mansion, sensing the changes in its body.

He knew that the main body had woken up, and he also cut out the third corpse, 'Zizai'.

This feeling of getting stronger all the time made the aura on his body become deeper and deeper. Now he rarely enters the world. It's just that it's suspended outside the Immortal Mansion, just like the five great disaster-level powerhouses holding the sacred mountain.

The aura on his body affects the progress of the surrounding world. Under the erosion of this aura, other civilizations have been eliminated. The immortal way spread by Heifeng Village became the 'only one'. This was not something Wu Chong did on his own initiative, but because he stood here.

The existence of demon corpses is the biggest source of pollution.

He will naturally reject all forces that have nothing to do with him, whether it is the immortal text of the Immortal Mansion or the pollution system of the Mirage. Even the later Demon Lord Civilization cannot resist this erosion. Not only the merged world of Immortal Mansion, but also the space around the seventh floor was also affected by him.

A circle appeared in an area of ​​three million kilometers centered on him, just like the original black volcano.

It's just that the 'circle' created by the demon corpse is even more exaggerated than the original black volcano.

Within this 'circle', Wu Chong is the omnipotent Supreme.

Everything in the entire world is under his control. From time to destiny.

If he wanted to, a single thought could change the world. You can even let time go backwards, the river flows in the opposite direction, and the practitioners practice in the opposite direction. Because the common sense and rules within the 'circle' were also written by him.

"I am the source, the source of disaster, the source of delusion."

Sensing the changes in the body, the demon corpse's eyes kept flashing. These cultivation experiences will be uploaded to the main body simultaneously. When the main body wakes up, all the knowledge will be inherited, and then it can reach a higher level in one step. There will not be any gaps in practice in between.

"Spread, gather, and then...eternity."

So many worlds were connected to him, which also made the Black Wind Village Dojo in Wu Chong's body more and more perfect, and the stars in the sky truly came to life one by one.

Each star represents a world.

Stars are big and small, and so is the world.

This division of the starry sky is completely different from the current concept of everything on the seventh level being in one realm.

One hundred thousand years pass by in a blink of an eye.

For those who have reached a certain level of life, time really doesn’t mean much anymore. Although they will also age and die, this aging has nothing to do with death. It is just limited by the nature of life and natural decay.

Just like flowers blooming and falling.

It's just a process.

The color at the bottom of the Eternal Holy Mountain has completely changed. All the newly born pollutants behind it have the word "delusion" in their minds. They have the understanding of "delusion", and they will have delusions and desires. This is an emotion that no pollutant has ever had before.

dong dong! !

The sound of heartbeats was heard, and time in the entire space briefly stopped. All the pollutants stopped and looked spontaneously towards the deepest black wasteland.

There is a desire within them.

They are eager to obtain the power inside, but what's more, they are afraid. The fear engraved at the beginning of their lives prevents them from getting close to it.

As the heartbeat accelerated, the darkness surged faster and faster.

When it reaches a certain limit, the sound suddenly stops, and the world seems to have been pressed on the pause button.

The body in black robes came out of the darkness.

With his awakening.

All the power of the three corpses returned, forming three cultivation flowers of different colors behind him.

"The so-called "three flowers on top, immune to all calamities" probably refers to my current state."

Wu Chong stopped, his eyes penetrated the restrictions on Eternal Body, and looked at the two beings at the top of the mountain. (End of chapter)

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