Chapter 13 Internal Strength
The mountain road was muddy, and the four of them bumped and ran for a long time. They didn't dare to stop, and neither did Wu Chong. Dacheng's Eagle Claw Kungfu obviously couldn't solve the predicament in front of him. The threat was stronger than all the corpse monsters combined, and the crisis of death stimulated almost every pore of his body.

Damn it!Still too weak.

Wu Chong was not reconciled, the time he had been in this world was still too short, even though he had seized every minute to become stronger, it was still not enough to face this kind of monster, he still needed to become stronger.

"The Tomb of King An?"

Another thunderbolt passed by, and Wu Chong and the others saw a broken stone tablet at the intersection in front of them at the moment the light flickered.

Under the torrential rain, the stele was extremely clear, especially on a thunderstorm night.

"Why is there a cemetery here?"

"It doesn't matter, just keep going."

Compared to Wu Chong, An Lao and the three of them were even more unbearable. They didn't even know why they ran forward. It was just fear, and fear dominated their behavior.

This is the weak who lacks strength, compared to Wu Chong, who is much better.

Although they still feel threatened, they don't only have instinctive fear like them, and they can still think about countermeasures in their heads.

This King An didn't know which dynasty he belonged to. His cemetery may be in this mountain range, but because of the heavy rain, the soil on the surface collapsed, exposing the outer tomb.The majestic building complex is like a city. Although only a small part of the tomb is exposed, it can still be seen that the ancient tomb is huge.

"There's someone over there."

I don't know how long they ran, but Bahou at the front saw a group of people.

After discovering the crowd, their speed increased, and they caught up after a while.

After getting closer, Bahou and the others realized that this group of people was just another team when they went down the mountain before, with a group of more than 30 people. The leader was originally a small leader among the gang, but now he has become a handsome young people.This man was holding a green sword in his hand, with a cold expression on his face. In front of him lay several corpses. It was obvious that these people were all killed by this young man.

"Inner strength! He's the inner disciple who went down the mountain this time, the kind who has practiced inner strength."

The well-informed Mr. An recognized the identity of the young man at first sight.

"Another group is here? It doesn't matter, since it's here, let's follow behind."

The young man glanced at Wu Chong and the four of them, left a word and continued to walk forward. His purpose of coming here has not yet been achieved, so naturally he will not leave easily.

Old An and Bahou were visibly relieved.

A strong man with internal strength is undoubtedly the best backer right now.

Martial arts in this world are controlled by high-level people, and ordinary people have no access to advanced martial arts. People who have practiced internal skills are considered strong and powerful in the eyes of ordinary people.

In a large gang like the Tiehe Gang, there are only about 20 people who have actually practiced internal skills, and the elders and other high-level members are counted, and there will not be more than forty. Because of the difficulty in practicing internal strength.

You must know that there are more than five hundred inner disciples of the Tiehe Gang, five hundred to twenty, one can imagine how difficult it is to cultivate inner strength.

"Angkor, what shall we do?"

After having a master of internal skills in command, Daniel was no longer as scared as before, so he asked Wu Chong.

"Look for a chance to hide."

Wu Chong's eyelids twitched wildly. He already felt the danger. This time it was stronger than the previous few times. Compared with An Lao and the others' blind worship of internal kung fu masters, Wu Chong believed in his own strength even more. He didn't believe that such a young man would Even more powerful than his Dacheng Eagle Claw, even if he practiced the so-called internal strength.

"Hiding? Don't you follow them?"

Daniel didn't understand what Wu Chong was thinking.

For people living in this world, the weight of a master of internal strength is unimaginable. Even Daniel, who has always believed in Wu Chong, hesitated at this moment.

Wu Chong didn't bother to care what Daniel was thinking at all, the crisis of death was stimulating his nerves.

When passing a stone road, one plunged into the back of a stone statue next to it.

In this kind of ancient tombs, the stone statues are the most numerous, soldiers, guards, etc. are everywhere. After hiding in the stone statue, Wu Chong touched it lightly with his hand, and found that the stone statue was actually hollow, so he hid in without hesitation.


And at this moment, the young man who was walking in the front suddenly yelled.

Three black shadows rushed over amidst the night, at an extremely fast speed, and by the time he reacted, the head of the last person had been bitten by the black shadow, and there was a 'poof', and that person's head unexpectedly In this way, he was bitten by that black shadow.

"There is something!"

"My lord, help me."

Those who depended on the young people ran forward crying.

"It turned out to be a night demon."

The young man drew the sword at his waist, and a layer of blue gas diffused from the surface of the whole person, and the speed of the whole person instantly increased to the limit.Everyone only saw a flash of blue light, and then heard the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. Looking closely, one of the three black shadows that sneaked over had been cut off by the young man.

So fast!

Not only those present, but even Wu Chong who was hiding in the dark were shocked.No wonder Mr. An said that only internal strength can deal with this kind of monster. Not to mention anything else, the acceleration of internal strength alone is not comparable to hard work practiced horizontally.

"This is internal strength?"

Wu Chong squinted his eyes. As long as he gained internal strength and the experience bonus from the game panel, he could quickly become stronger.

Strengthen the inner strength to a great success in one breath!

Not to mention being invincible at that time, but it will definitely be much stronger than now, at least with the ability to protect itself.

With this speed, you can escape calmly even if you can't beat it, there is no danger at all.


The remaining two night monsters stopped. At this time, everyone could clearly see the appearance of this monster. It looked like an owl, with pitch-black hair on its upper body, and its lower body was suspended in the air like smoke.

"It's actually another type of mutant!"

The young man frowned, the two monsters were beyond his expectation.

Ordinary night monsters are mutated from black panthers, but not absolutely, there are also some other types, such as cats and dogs, and apes.These types of night ghosts are more terrifying than the panther type night ghosts.

Each one is very difficult to deal with, even those who practice internal skills can only play a threatening role to them.

The stronger night monsters can even ignore internal strength, and only higher-level internal strength and even true energy can harm them.But fortunately, the ones in front of me are not included in this list.

The remaining two monsters moved again.

This time the speed was even faster, the young man had no choice but to use his internal strength again, and forcibly blocked one, but the remaining one was not so easy to deal with, and in the blink of an eye, he killed all the people following the young man All the dead bodies have been washed out of their brains by this monster, and their bodies have become like dry wood.

(End of this chapter)

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