Chapter 21 The Daily Life of Bandits

Character: Wu Chong.

Power: 31.2
Internal force: 0
Primordial Spirit: 0.1
Skills: splitting wood (consummation), eagle claw skill (consummation).

Cultivation method: the second level of Aoki Kung Fu!
Experience Points: 9.6%
Life brief introduction: The leader of Juyi Village, a powerful bandit leader, met a free night demon three months later and died unexpectedly.After death, the soul is included in the database and resurrected after 8 years.

The character panel in the game is brought up.

This time, the life profile that hadn't appeared several times appeared again.

Just like when the Iron River Gang was at the beginning, the appearance of this thing meant that his life was in crisis.It was not much better than the last time he was hacked to death with knives, but this time he was gnawed by a wandering night monster.

This world is indeed a big pit.

Danger is everywhere!

If it wasn't for the game panel, Wu Chong's fate would have been eaten by the wandering night monster along with the other bandits in the cottage.This kind of thing is not uncommon in this world. Basically, people die every day in this world. You can see a lot. In fact, the number of people who die in a month is divided into the whole world. It is not as good as a war in the ordinary human world.

"It doesn't matter how many people die, the important thing is that I am among the dead!"

Wu Chong put the iron shirt sent by Er Mazi into his palm.

With his current strength, it is very fast to practice this kind of cheats again.

After half an hour.

The words 'Iron cloth shirt (unintroduced)' appeared on the game panel.


With a thought, the data on the panel was in a trance. 'Iron cloth shirt (unintroduced)' has become 'Iron cloth shirt (Xiaocheng)'.

Along with a crackling sound on his body, his originally burly body swelled a little again, and his skin turned into a bronze color, exuding the color of gold and iron.The ability to resist blows has obviously doubled several times.


The experience value consumed by this kind of external work of iron cloth shirt is not much.Added to Xiaocheng, it consumes 3%, and now there are 6.6%.

With Wu Chong's will, the experience value decreased by 5% again, leaving only 1.6%.

Sitting cross-legged, the surface of Wu Chong's skin seemed to come alive, with blue veins swimming under the skin, like a python, the color of the surface of the skin changed again, the previous bronze color faded, but turned a little whiter, looking a bit like It's silver.

It became 'Iron cloth shirt (Dacheng).

The data has changed again.

It took a while for Wu Chong to adapt to this change.

He casually grabbed a dagger beside him and slapped it down.

When the sharp blade hit the palm, there was a sound of gold and iron clashing, and the blade was smashed.But Wu Chong's palm didn't even leave a mark.

With this method, it is absolutely possible to pretend to be a ghost in the Republic of China.

"My current strength should have reached the third rank."

After adapting to his own strength, Wu Chong roughly judged in his heart.

His strength is very different from that of warriors in this world. It is basically not enough to put other people's normal grades on him, because others practice step by step.Just like Angry Lion Wang Tong, he accumulates internal energy to improve his strength, so his grade is easy to judge.But Wu Chong is different. Apart from Qingmu Kung Fu, he also has several foreign kung fu. Any of these kung fu can only be achieved by other people in half a lifetime. Therefore, when they are combined together, his strength cannot be judged by common sense. up.

However, it is not difficult to estimate the whole.

When he was in the martial arts school before, he took the initiative to fight against the old gymnast.The opponent is a fourth-rank master, and with all his strength, he can draw with him who has not trained in iron shirts.If you are fighting for your life, it should be four or six, Wu Chong is six, and the old owner is four.But that was him before he practiced the iron cloth shirt. If the current Wu Chong kills the old pavilion owner, there shouldn't be any problems.

From this point of view, the martial arts in this world still have something.

It's just that things like Ye Yao are too weird, so they suppress the power of martial arts.

"The experience points for completing the upgrade are not enough."

After familiarizing himself with the changes in his body, Wu Chong did not continue to practice.

Silent all night.

In the following days, Wu Chong would go out to practice with these bandits every day.

Martial arts really suppressed this group of guys, and now the group of bandits looked at him as if they were gods in the sky, and they were convinced from the bottom of their hearts.

Wu Chong had nowhere to go for the time being, so he stayed in this cottage.

By the way, let the people under him spread out, and slowly inquire about the news of the 'Xianchang'.

this day.

Wu Chong, who was practicing Aoki Kungfu, heard voices from outside.

"Master, we found that fat pig."

Er Mazi went up the mountain and reported quickly.

"Found it? Then go and have a look, and find out who it is who dares to steal the business from our Juyi Village."

Wu Chong was already on his way out, and he hadn't heard any news about the 'Xian Chang', so he was about to turn into a real bandit.

Now when I heard something happened, I suddenly became energetic.

The two quickly descended the mountain and headed towards the scene of the incident.

What Er Mazi reported was not a big deal.Just half a month ago, a member of the mountain, with the help of the nearby Viper Gang, snatched a business from their Juyi Village.Hearing that a big order was robbed, the people in Juyi Village were very dissatisfied.

At that time, a brother in Juyi Village went to make a theory, but he didn't expect to be beaten by the Viper Gang.

Everyone is a flea-level force, and this conflict has been escalated.

In the past half month, the two factions fought several times, but they couldn't please each other. It wasn't until three days ago that Wu Chong, the big boss, went down the mountain with nothing to do, and finally settled the matter.

The way to settle it is also very simple, that is, he settled the Viper Gang.

With Wu Chong's current strength, no flea-level force could withstand his slap.

After solving the Viper Gang, it is natural to find the outsider who caused the conflict in the first place to settle accounts.This guy can also hide. After hearing the wind, he ran a long way, and was blocked by people from Juyi Village until today.

"The good man spares his life, the good man spares his life, this is all a misunderstanding."

When the two arrived, the fat member was being beaten.

The beating is called a miserable one.

"The master is here."

Someone in the crowd spoke out.

A group of people dispersed, seeing this scene, the fat man rushed over as if seeing a savior, trying to hug Wu Chong's leg.It's just that before the person got close, he was kicked away by Er Mazi next to him.

"Fatty man, you dare to take advantage of anything, because of your crap, more than a dozen brothers died in our Juyi Village!"

Er Mazi impatiently made another kick.

"I lose money, I lose money."

The fat man said.

Lose money?

Er Mazi stopped and looked at Wu Chong beside him.

If it was Er Mazi, he might agree, after all, the life of a bandit is worthless.In the bandit business, people with their heads tied to their waistbands would die if they died.But Wu Chong didn't care about money. He just made a lot of money by killing the Viper Gang a while ago, so he doesn't care about it now.

"Third brother, come here, take off this fat pig's clothes, and then hang it on a tree at the entrance of the village with a rope!"

Wu Chong greeted him.

The brothers under him quickly hung Wang Yuanwai up, and the rest of the brothers also robbed Wang Yuanwai of all the money he had brought. Except for the belongings, Wang Yuanwai's followers were all tied up by the roadside like zongzi.

"Hang it here and tell those who don't obey the rules that this area is our Juyi Village."


Amidst the wailing from outside the fat man, the bandits became more aggressive.

At this moment, a person in the distance ran towards his direction, rolling and crawling.

"The head of the family, the head of the house is not good!"

Flea Liu, the windbreaker in the stockade, is clever, but his skills are a little poor, and his main job on weekdays is to guard the house.

(End of this chapter)

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