Chapter 23 The Weird Inn

Now that he knew the danger, Wu Chong would naturally not be reckless again.Grabbing the big knife on the table casually, he became alert.

He doesn't know sword skills, but he has enough strength.

At that time, no matter what crooked ways you do, he will deliver it with one knife!

"Third and fourth, go to the kitchen and find something to eat, let's go together."

Wu Chong originally wanted to send two people in to find food, but after a second of thought, he decided to act together. They are running for their lives now, and it is not in line with Wu Chong's temperament to be alone. After thinking about it, it is appropriate to act together.

Crunch, crunch.

A group of people stopped at the door of the kitchen. The dilapidated kitchen door dangled back and forth, looking in disrepair.

"Ash is everywhere, and I don't know how long no one has been here."

Er Mazi squatted down and checked, and found that the kitchen door was covered with dust, and it was roughly estimated that no one had come in or out for three months.

"How is it possible? I watched that old man walk in." Flea Liu couldn't help but said.

Not only Flea Liu, but also other bandits saw it.

Wu Chong himself watched the old shopkeeper walk in with his own eyes!
But when such a big living person walks in, there is not even a single footprint at the door. How is this possible?This is just ancient times, I haven't heard of the lightness kung fu of stepping on the sand without a trace, and besides, the old shopkeeper didn't look like that kind of master.

"Did you hit a ghost?"

I don't know who murmured a word among the crowd, and everyone around trembled when he said a word.

"What kind of bird ghost, I have never seen it since I was so old, if it is a ghost, you let him come out and show me."

The stupid big man came up again, and kicked the kitchen away with a "bang" kick in the past.

This guy's brain is lacking, and his mental development is not very perfect, but his physique is very strong, and he is also good at fighting, so he can get along well in the cottage. In another place, this guy has already been tricked died.

"As long as it's not a night demon, I'm not afraid of grandpa!"

The big fool shouted loudly.

Wu Chong and the others looked in through the broken door.

I saw that the kitchen was covered with dust, and the pot was not opened, as if no one had been here for a long time.

Wu Chong and the others saw this scene with cold hands and feet, and the scene in front of them didn't look like someone had been there, but before all of them clearly watched the old shopkeeper walk in, it is impossible for all of them to be dazzled at the same time.


Wu Chong turned around decisively, ready to leave.

It's okay to explore the reason or something, that's what the hero of the horror movie did.

His current identity is a 'hero', the kind who drinks a lot and eats meat in a big bowl. The scene of this kind of horror movie does not belong to his set.

The other bandits behind them also reacted and hurriedly followed, even the stupid one was a little scared.

Just when the silly man was about to leave with the crowd, a hand suddenly stretched out from the kitchen behind, grabbed his throat, and dragged him in without a sound during the whole process.

"What's wrong, why haven't you reached the door after walking for a long time?"

A bandit murmured that the inn was not very big. Entering from the gate was the main hall, which was filled with tables and chairs.

Going further inside is the corridor, and the kitchen is at the end of the corridor, which is not too far away, but they have walked for a long time since they came out, and they still haven't seen the door.

"Where's the silly dog?"

Everyone stopped, looked back, and found that there was indeed one person missing in the team, and the silly dog ​​who had yelled the loudest before disappeared out of thin air without even making a sound.

A big living person, just gone!

"Brother, there is something evil in this place!"

The third child couldn't help talking.

This guy used to be Er Mazi's right-hand man. After Wu Chong came to power, he became a loyal dog's leg.

"Could it be a night demon?"

Mentioning the Night Demon, everyone panicked.

The scene in front of me doesn't look like a low-level night monster can be arranged. Except for the powerful night monster, other behaviors are no different from wild beasts.

"If there is no way, just smash one!"

Wu Chong picked up the big knife neatly, turned around and slashed towards the wall.

With his current strength, this kind of ancient wooden wall can definitely punch a hole with a single blow.

Bang! !

It didn't work out as expected, the wall wasn't damaged at all, but his arm was so numb from the shock that he almost couldn't even hold the knife.The bandits next to him didn't believe in evil, so they also knocked a few times, but the results were similar.

In an ordinary inn, the wall seems to have turned into steel, and even the traces cannot be left when the knife and ax are cut on it.

It seems that nine times out of ten it is an evil!
"This wall is harder than patterned steel, and it doesn't even look like a mark!"

This result made everyone uneasy, and even Wu Chong became a little nervous. He has lived two lives, but this is the first time he has encountered this scene.

dong dong dong.
At this moment, there was a knocking sound on the second floor, as if someone was knocking on the door outside.

"Go up and have a look, maybe it's a silly dog!"

Anyway, I can't get out, so instead of waiting here, it's better to go over and have a look.

Sitting and waiting to die is definitely not good. They have driven for a day and have not eaten until now. Waiting is just wasting their energy for nothing.

A group of bandits came to the second floor cautiously.

Strange to say, as long as this inn does not go out, it is normal to go upstairs or other places, and it is no different from ordinary inns.

"It came from the third house on the left. It looks like there is someone inside."

Flea Liu was the first to explore the way. This kid was originally a copycat scout, and he was the best at exploring the way.When everyone approached, they found that there was indeed a human-shaped projection on the door. The person was holding a stick in his hand and was hitting something non-stop. The sound he heard before was coming from here.

"It's good to have someone!"

Everyone is afraid of Ye Yao, so people don't care. After all, they are doing business without money, so they still have some courage. The third child stepped forward and just kicked his leg.

The door opened.

It's just that the imaginary person didn't show up.

The room was still empty, with a bed, tables, chairs and benches, and a burned out oil lamp on it, nothing else.

The house had not been visited for a long time, and the floor was covered with dust.

Wu Chong didn't enter the room, but took the torch and stretched it in. The fire shone into the room, and the shadow danced along with it, which was weird and scary.

"I clearly saw someone"

"To shut up!"

Wu Chong had a gloomy face. Discussing this topic at this time will only spread fear, and will not help in escaping from this place.

After thinking about it, Wu Chong simply walked in with a torch.

At the same time, he filled his body's vital points with internal strength, and the iron cloth shirt also started to function.

(End of this chapter)

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