Chapter 25 Strange Youth
"When I escape, I will be the first to sell you."

Boss Ma got in from the stove, climbed into the chimney, looked back and saw no one was following, and couldn't help spitting.

Of course he knew that the first pathfinder was dangerous, but in that weird inn, where was it not dangerous?It's also dangerous, so it's better to take a gamble, and if you succeed, you can leave this ghost place.

"Still high."

Because the inn has a large amount of food, the stove is relatively large, and it is not too difficult to get up.

After climbing over the burning place, we reached the chimney. Boss Ma tried it and found that he could climb up.

He supported both sides of the chimney with both hands, and he climbed up with a push of his feet, and the black soot fell all over his body immediately.

Crawling and climbing Ma Boss felt something was wrong.

Calculating normally, his current distance should be close to the fourth floor. The inn only has two floors in total. Even if the chimney is higher, the third floor is almost the same.But now he has climbed to the distance of the fourth floor.Looking up, the chimney is still dark, and the exit in the distance is like the moon in the sky, no matter how you climb, you can't get close.

"I don't believe in evil anymore."

Boss Ma climbed about two floors forward, and at this height, he finally saw something different.

From a distance, it looks like a black bag.Boss Ma thought for a while, and crawled over with a little effort.

It was only after he climbed closer that the old horse felt that something was wrong. What kind of black bag was it?

The death of the corpse was terrible, the body was almost twisted into a ball, hiding in the chimney like a ball, the distorted face was facing the horse boss who climbed up from below.

"It seems to be blocked."

Boss Ma pushed and found that the corpse could not be pushed at all, and there seemed to be something behind it.

After spending most of his energy, Boss Ma decided to give up. He started to retreat, but he felt that something was wrong when he retreated.

Fourth floor, third floor, second floor, first floor. Underground?

Boss Ma trembled, and didn't dare to climb down any further. He looked down and saw that it was pitch black, just a chimney passage, and he couldn't see the bottom at all, which made Boss Ma panic immediately.

dong dong!

At this time, there was a strange knocking sound from outside the chimney, as if someone was knocking outside the chimney. Hearing the sound, Boss Ma hurriedly called for help.


Boss Ma yelled loudly, trying to embolden himself with his voice.

dong dong.

The voice slowly faded away, as if someone was testing the wall and wanted to rescue him.

"Help, there are people here!"

After listening for a while and feeling that there was nothing wrong, Boss Ma decided to ask for help. He slapped the chimney hard and shouted for help.

There was a pause in the knocking sound, as if he heard the voice of Ma Boss calling for help, and he walked back slowly. This made Ma Boss very happy, and he slapped the chimney even more vigorously, without noticing the fall on his body and hands. It's all soot.

Click, click!
The bricks of the chimney moved, and then someone pushed in from the outside, exposing a gap the size of a thumb.

"I'm here, please help me."

Boss Ma put his face close to the gap and looked out.

A completely rotten eyeball was pressed against the chimney, and after seeing Boss Ma, the eyeballs retreated, and the distorted face was reflected in, the resentful face stared at Boss Ma in the chimney through the gap.


After hearing Boss Ma's screams, Wu Chong led the people away decisively.

The path of the chimney seemed to be impassable. He was going to return to the front hall first. This kitchen must not be stayed, it was too weird.

"Wait, why are there so few people?"

As he was walking, Wu Chong suddenly felt that something was wrong, because his voice was much less, and when he stopped to look at it, his hair stood on end.

When I fled to the hall just now, there were still dozens of people, but in the blink of an eye, most of them were lost.

After flicking the torch over and counting carefully, I found that there were only six people left!

"Brother, what should we do? Have we run into a ghost!"

"Don't make noise, I'll think of a way."

"Thinking about it, thinking about it, everyone is dead, anyway, it's better to rush to the door, if it doesn't work, let's set it on fire! I don't believe it can't be burned."

The bandits surrounded by fear are no longer as obedient as before. The fourth bandit snatched the torch excitedly, and ran towards the door without looking back. The remaining bandits were also infected by this emotion. Followed the fourth child and rushed into the darkness.

"Aren't you two leaving?"

Wu Chong looked at Er Mazi and Flea Liu with some surprise. He thought that everyone would run away, but he didn't expect that there were still two left behind.This cottage is not a big village with a long history. When there is nothing to do on weekdays, everyone gathers together to do some business without money. If they are really in danger, they must do their own thing.

"Where can we go? If we could, we would have gone out before. It must be more dangerous to run around together at this time."

"Compared to the fourth master, you are better at the big master. If you really meet an enemy, it is definitely safer to follow you than to follow the fourth master."

These two people are not stupid, they are relatively calmer than those who are dominated by fear, Er Mazi used to be the boss, so his brain is naturally better than others.Flea Liu Lai Zhaizi used to be a thief, and he stole from rich families. It was his habit to calmly analyze and weigh the pros and cons.

"Let's take a break first."

Although the space has undergone some changes, the tables and chairs that should be in the main hall still exist. Wu Chong found a bench and sat on it. After running for a long time, his energy was exhausted.

"Just waiting here?"

The two who had planned to go with Wu Chong panicked when they saw him like this.

The master will not give up, will he?
Sitting and waiting to die is not a good choice no matter how you look at it!
Wu Chong didn't bother to pay attention to the changes between the two of them, he had completely given up trying to find his way in a panic.

In this case, it is better to be still than to move.

What should come will always come.

Instead of wasting energy by running around, it's better to recharge your batteries so that you can launch a fatal blow when the enemy appears.

bang! !
At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared, and the door in the darkness was kicked open.A man carrying a broad epee like a coffin board came in from the outside. The man frowned as soon as he entered the door. After taking two breaths through his nose, he showed disgust, and his eyes turned dark red.

"It's really bad luck, this world seems to be coming to an end!"

The man took off the heavy sword behind his back, and slowly untied the cloth belt wrapped around the heavy sword.

The young man who strayed into the inn was named Xu Zhou. He himself did not expect such unlucky luck. After driving for two days, he finally came across an inn. He planned to have something to eat and rest for a day, but he didn’t expect to find out as soon as he entered the door. That disgusting smell that makes people sick.

It's those damn pollutants again.

(End of this chapter)

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