Chapter 3 Troubled Times
In a flash and a half.

For half a month, Wu Chong cut firewood as before, the difference is that he cut firewood faster, and the firewood for a day was cut in half an hour, and the rest of the time was wandering around in the Iron River Gang, wanting to learn The difficulty of a martial art has exceeded his expectations. This world controls martial arts very strictly, and ordinary people can't touch it at all.Even within the Tiehe gang, martial arts are hard to learn. Ordinary disciples need at least two or three years of performance to have the opportunity to practice martial arts. Low-level gang members like Wu Chong who are worse than regular members basically have no chance to learn martial arts. People taught them martial arts.After striding for a while, he was sent out when he was able to deal with the rogues.

This result made Wu Chong very unwilling. In this world without superior martial arts, he is destined to become the bottom of the society, without a chance to stand up.

This morning, Wu Chong and Daniel went to collect the supplies for the gang as usual. In this regard, the gang is far better than the outside. There is a famine outside, and people in many places can’t even eat. If Wu Chong hadn't fallen into the Iron River Gang, he would have starved to death long ago.

The materials were distributed quickly, and it was Wu Chong and Daniu's turn after a while.

"What's going on? Why have the supplies been cut in half? Half a month has been cut three times. How do you let us live?"

Daniel suddenly grabbed the collar of the gang disciple who was distributing supplies, and roared angrily.

Since half a month ago, the atmosphere of the entire Iron River Gang has changed, and supplies have also begun to be controlled, which is not right no matter how you look at it.

"What are you yelling about? Don't just get the hell out! Don't get in the way of me here." The disciples who distributed the supplies were official disciples of the Tiehe Gang, the ones who could learn martial arts, and they couldn't be compared by a small guy like Da Niu. .

"What can you do with such a small amount of supplies! Are all the things sent to us by the gang corrupted by you bastards?!"

Daniel was stunned, and the nine cows couldn't hold back. Wu Chong gestured to the side several times, but he didn't see it, and directly confronted the disciple who distributed the supplies.

"go away."

The disciples who distributed the supplies were instantly annoyed. Their status in the gang was higher than these low-level gang members. Now that they are so offended by Daniel, how could they bear it? He raised his left hand and slammed his palm on It hit Daniel's chest, and the powerful force sent Daniel flying in an instant. After landing, he rolled several times without losing momentum before stopping.


After chopping off the bull, the disciple straightened his sleeves and continued to distribute supplies without even looking at it.

martial arts? !
Wu Chong's pupils shrank, secretly vigilant.

When he joined the gang, he had seen Nushi fighting against high-ranking members of the gang, but that level of martial arts was too far away for him to understand, and the martial arts of the person in front of him was what he could really feel thing.

Be sure to learn real martial arts!
There is no way to display things like Zamabu on the panel, as long as you give him a martial art, even the lowest level.
Ambition was soaring in Wu Chong's heart, but he hid it very well. After collecting his supplies, he quickly ran over to help Daniel, and picked up the supplies he had scattered aside.

"Brother, don't be reconciled. It is the order of the leader to halve the supplies. During this period of time, everyone's life is difficult, and Renren will pass."

"Yeah, the gang's supplies were robbed last month, and they haven't been recovered until now. If you can get the things, you're already burning incense. Don't ask too much."

A few older gang members couldn't bear to see it, and they left after a few words of comfort.

"How's the injury?"

Daniel vomited blood, this guy's physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people, such a heavy palm did not kill him, he recovered after spitting out two mouthfuls of blood.

"It really hurts. The strength of this dog day is really strong. I remember this palm. When I learn martial arts in the future, I will definitely hit him back." The bastard covered his chest and spat bloody Spit turned and left.

'It seems that the Tiehe Gang is not peaceful. The angry lion who came to challenge him when he first started was an omen.Without interest, that kind of master would never attack a gang for no reason, unless there is some interest that appeals to him.If my guess is true, the Iron River Gang's stable life may not last long. '

Wu Chong didn't know if this was a special case of the Tiehe Gang, or if the general environment of the whole world was like this.

But no matter which one it is, he needs to be strong himself, otherwise he will be precarious cannon fodder wherever he goes.

Thinking of this, Wu Chong felt a sense of urgency.

He is still too weak now, once he gets involved in a gang-level fight, he doesn't know how he died.But escaping from the Tiehe gang just like that won't work. With his current strength, he will definitely not survive for three days without the Tiehe gang. This is not the earth with a highly developed modern civilization. Mention, wolves and tigers and leopards are everywhere.

If you don't have the strength to stand by, you will die if you go out.

"In the final analysis, it's about strength. No, I must get a martial art as soon as possible."

With the existence of the game panel, the cycle of Wu Chong's martial arts training does not need to be as long as that of ordinary people. It takes five years for ordinary people to learn martial arts, ten years for small success, and 20 years for success. But Wu Chong here, This process is not necessary at all, as long as he has enough experience, he can reach Ascension in one go!


Wu Chong was chopping firewood in the yard as usual. After these days, Xu Daniu was also used to Wu Chong chopping firewood at night, and he was already snoring loudly. It's so good on weekdays, I went to bed early in the morning.Right now, the gang is in short supply of supplies, and there is only one meal a day, and many gang members have also canceled their training in order to reduce their own consumption.

When the ax goes down, the firewood will be separated automatically without any barrier, no matter what kind of firewood it is, the result will be the same.After this period of time, Wu Chong's firewood chopping has long been strengthened to perfection. During the day, other disciples need several people to chop firewood, but he can finish it with one hand.

It's not an option to get mixed up like this, it really can't...

Wu Chong stopped the ax in his hand, looked towards the place where the gang kept books, his eyes flickered, and an idea popped up in his mind.He was not from this world, so naturally he would not be bound by the rules and regulations of this world. With the game board in hand, all he needed was a starting point.

"Find them all for me! That bastard is injured and can't run very far."

Just when Wu Chong was thinking about whether to go to Zangshu Pavilion to steal martial arts secret books, a burst of chaotic voices came from outside.Through the crack of the door, I vaguely saw a group of people holding torches searching for something from house to house with shining steel knives.

People from the Deacon Hall?
Wu Chong put down the ax in his hand, intending to go over to have a look.But before he reached the door, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Open the door, open the door, open the door!"

There are two disciples, Wu Chong and Daniu, who sleep in the firewood room. The condition is not good, but it is better than that of Datongpu.

"What happened?"

Wu Chong went over to open the door, and the people outside the house were vicious. The leader ignored Wu Chong and waved at the people behind.

"Search for me!"

People from behind rushed in one after another, and soon there was a sound of chickens flying and dogs jumping in the room, followed by the roar of Daniel.


The person who came back shook his head at the leader.

"Next place."

The leader didn't delay, and took people directly to the next firewood room.

(End of this chapter)

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