Chapter 304 Yo!Found?
Royal Palace.

Resplendent buildings, empty halls.

There are neat vermilion pillars in the hall, each pillar is surrounded by a gold-plated dragon carving, and the position of the mouth is exactly where the torch is placed.The dim yellow flames above flickered, looking particularly eerie.

The royal patriarch Yang Wenyuan led Wu Chong into the main hall.

Because Qi Huang had confessed.

After Wu Chong, the most wanted criminal on the list, is caught, he must be brought over for him to have a look.

This ruthless person who single-handedly shattered his heaven-defying plan, Qihuang would never let him die easily.

Stepping on the dark red carpet and walking forward, there is no sound under my feet.The line of sight extends to the very end, where there is a three-meter-high step, and a golden dragon chair is placed directly above it.

"Veteran Yang Wenyuan, pay homage to Your Majesty."

Yang Wenyuan, who was walking in front, stopped and bowed to the empty dragon chair above.

'Wu Chong', who was controlled by his strength, looked around without any fear, as if he was 'stepping on the spot'.

The surrounding flames swayed strangely, and a gust of dark wind blew in from the outside, turned into a vortex and swirled in the hall, and finally stopped on the dragon chair.The dark wind dissipated, and Qihuang, who was dressed in a black and gold dragon robe, appeared above.

This way of appearing on the stage is very similar to the old devil in the story, not royal at all.

"Gu once thought about what a lunatic who dares to take the lead in destroying Gu's plan looks like, now it seems."

Qihuang ignored Yang Wenyuan, who was saluting below, but turned his attention to Wu Chong.

"Big disappointment."

Although he was smiling, everyone could sense the hatred in his words.

It was Wu Chong who took the lead in breaking his formation, making him lie on the bed for such a long time like a dead man.As strong as this despair was at the time, the hatred is as strong now.

"You emperor doesn't look very good, why don't you move your butt and I'll help you sit for a few days?"

'Wu Chong' had a mocking look on his face.

He is just a tool, and death threats may work for others, but he is no different from Xiao Yu.When have you ever seen a scarecrow afraid of death? The essence of the substitute is a dead body covered in human skin, and Li Nei has long since died.It's so urgent, he doesn't mind performing a 'death before death'!

Hearing Wu Chong's words, Yang Wenyuan next to him couldn't help shouting angrily.

"You madman didn't even kneel when you saw Tian Yan, who gave you the guts!" After speaking, Yang Wenyuan's power undisguisedly acted on Wu Chong, trying to force him to kneel down for Qi Huang.

A sneer flashed in the eyes of 'Wu Chong', but he really fell down, but he just lay down by himself.The strength of the stand-in is like this, and it must not be able to withstand the explosion of the old man Yang Wenyuan. Instead of being embarrassed later, it is better to take the initiative.

"Get up!"

Yang Wenyuan's seven orifices were filled with smoke, but before he finished speaking, he found that there was an extra person beside him at some point.Qihuang came down from above.


Yang Wenyuan's heart shuddered, and he quickly bowed and retreated.

A huge force spread out from Qihuang's hands, forcibly grabbed 'Wu Chong' who was lying on the ground.Holding his neck with one hand, he said slowly.

"who are you?"

The voice is sharp and furious.

Not at all the calmness of the previous victory.

"Yo! Found it?"

'Wu Chong' had a mocking look on his face.Although he was strangled, he looked like a normal person.

Qihuang's face was gloomy. He just glanced at him with the sight given to him by the giant monster, and suddenly found that there was no 'flame' on the guy in front of him.

That is to say, the guy standing in front of him alive and kicking is not a living person, but a dead body.


A ray of flame emerged from Qihuang's palm, and 'Wu Chong' who was pinched by it was instantly eroded by the flame.

These fires seemed to have spirituality. After eroding away, they penetrated into Wu Chong's ears, nose, mouth and eyes, and quickly burned his body inside.Only a piece of weird human skin was left floating in his hand.


Sensing the struggle from the human skin in his hands, a smile appeared on Qihuang's face.

"What is this!"

Yang Wenyuan was shocked, he obviously caught a big living person, how could he become a piece of skin in a blink of an eye.If there is only one skin left, how can he survive.

"It's much more interesting than the other two thieves, and it's worthy of Gu's expectations for him."

Qihuang looked at the human skin in his hand, and wanted to study it carefully, but he didn't expect this human skin to burn on its own after losing its support, and soon turned into a pool of black ash and fell to the ground.

At this moment, a strong aura enveloped him without any disguise.The entire palace sensed the other party's arrival.After completely breaking the seal, Su Daoyu is one of the strongest people in the world, just his aura says it all.

True Martial Arts Su Daoyu!

A look of fear flashed in the eyes of several strong men guarding the palace, and they flew up to meet them, wanting to negotiate.


Su Daoyu's eyes swept over, and the violent force pressed down.No matter how fast these strong men from the palace flew up, how miserable they would be when they fell down.

Stepping on the ruins, Su Daoyu was surrounded by the corpses of powerful palace men.

As the core of Daqi, there is no shortage of dead men here. Since Su Daoyu broke into the palace, these emotionless machines began to surround and kill her.It's just that for Su Daoyu now, all these people are not enough for her to kill alone.

Now her mood is getting more and more irritable, bloody luster flashes from her eyes from time to time, and blood drips from a long sword.

Gradually, there are fewer and fewer enemies.

If she killed a lot, no one would dare to stop her.

Sweeping his gaze, he used his memory to find a direction and head towards the location of the Golden Luan Hall.

Inside the hall.

Qihuang and Yang Wenyuan felt that domineering aura at the same time.

Here comes the woman.

"It's a trouble after all, you find someone to lure her to the imperial garden." Qihuang frowned.

Throwing away the dust in his hands, he turned and walked towards the inner courtyard.

His current avatar is not Su Daoyu's opponent, if he meets it, he will be beaten to death by that crazy woman in all likelihood.It's easy to get to the Royal Garden. If the main body can't beat it, there are giant monsters to help.

"Also, this lunatic must be caught today. According to the addresses above, send someone to search!"

A note flew out from inside and landed in Yang Wenyuan's hand.

There are a total of five places recorded above, and these five places were all sensed by Qihuang with the power of the giant monster just now.


Yang Wenyuan took the note and glanced at it, and crushed it casually after noting the location.Then he turned his head to look in the direction of the main entrance of the palace, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

Without slowing down, he changed to the opposite direction and left the palace.

There is no need to have the same knowledge as this crazy woman.

A thought flashed in Yang Zonglao's mind.
(End of this chapter)

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